The Right to Believe What One Wants

"Science is absolutely clear about the distinction between male and female, yet your side promotes this sort of sick sexual perversion, and even forces it on young innocent children"

What a stupid argument. As if any person, transgender or otherwise, thinks that allowing a person to identify as a new gender changes their chromosomal makeup. Go ahead, keep embarrassing yourself with your stupid argument. And continue to scratch your head in ignorant disbelief as it is laughed out of the arena of reason every single time. Of course, you will blame the "godless", because, hey, it can't be that your arguments are stupid and impotent, right?

Well, there we have it. For all the empty lip service that your side pays to “facts, science, and critical thinking”, one doesn't need to dig very deep to see that you don't mean it at all, that you regard genuine science as “religious nuttery” when it conflicts with your sick sexual fetishes and your desire to force these fetishes on children.

Modern LIbEralism has truly degenerated into a mental and moral disease.
That is so stupid. we allow people to identify as they wish, because the well being of a person is more important than what their genetics dictate. This is the winning argument. And subscribing to it is a moral, ethical choice. All you have done is abdicate any moral or ethical thinking, basically turning yourself into an unthinking lump of organic matter. Like a sea sponge. good for you.

Stop being a liar. You do not oppose it because of genetics, you oppose it because of your own neurosis and superstition. period. But, you know how stupid it would sound to admit it, and how utterly weak you argument is, so you employ these idiot tactics of trying to discredit others. Better check the scoreboard, my little fossil... you're losing "bigly". And, being completely unable to admit the weakness of your own position, you try to blame all the "liberal bullies". That is some serious crybaby shit, my friend.
How? Please be specific. What activities is the government "forcing" children to participate in?

Here's just one example, out of many that have occurred recently.

Transgender reveal in kindergarten class leaves parents feeling "betrayed" - CBS News
Soooo...a teacher taught tolerance of people who are Transgender, and this somehow forced the children to....what? Be transgender? You know, I find it interesting that the teacher praised the tolerance, understanding, and maturity of the children in her class. It seems that the children are more tolerant than actual adults. Not only did you fail to make your case, but you exposed the intolerance of those who hold your position.
I want to be clear about something. Many Christians, and Muslims think that atheists want to deny them the right to believe what they they wish, and to have personal opinion. This is absolutely not true.

You have every right to believe that the grass is green because, every morning the Little Green Grass Fairy comes out and paints each blade with her tiny, little Green Grass Brush. No one has any right to tell you that you are not entitled to that opinion.

However, I also have every right, understanding science, chlorophyll, light, and the mechanisms of the eye, and how all of that affects colour, to think that you are an absolute fucking moron.

You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.

Just sayin'.
We also have the right to point and laugh at people like you who think anyone is using government to enshrine anything.

You also have the right to turn a blind eye to your nonsense, but I doubt you will.
"We also have the right to point and laugh at people like you who think anyone is using government to enshrine anything. "

Correct, you absolutely have the right to say false things and embarrass yourself. In fact, I encourage you to do so. Please, step out into the light and let us examine your nonsense.

Meanwhile, lawsuits rage as nutty religious voodoo shamans try to force their magical tenets to be taught alongside science in public schools. Lawsuits over state-sponsored religious displays rage across the country. Meanwhile, lawsuits rage as people try to claim "religious exemption" from existing laws. So yes, it would be quite a sight for you to step into the light and inform us that none of this exists. We could all have a nice laugh at your expense.
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I submit that what you call "indoctrination" by the Public Education System is teaching facts, science, and critical thinking. How does your indoctrinating your children to accept the existence of something for which there is no objective evidence teach any of these things?

By “facts, science, and critical thinking”, you mean bullshit like this?

Parents furious over school’s plan to teach gender spectrum, fluidity
What is it about the concept of gender fluidity that offends you so, specifically?
How? Please be specific. What activities is the government "forcing" children to participate in?

Here's just one example, out of many that have occurred recently.

Transgender reveal in kindergarten class leaves parents feeling "betrayed" - CBS News
Pointing out the rarity of such examples only undermines your own argument. Also, it would be fairly easy to outnumber your examples 5 to 1 with examples of religious nutballs tryint [sic] to force the teaching of their nuttery in science classrooms, which would also turn your own argument back on you 5-fold. Maybe this is not the tack you want to take...?

I think this is a perfect example of where your twisted and defective ideology leads. Science is absolutely clear about the distinction between male and female, yet your side promotes this sort of sick sexual perversion, and even forces it on young innocent children, and then characterizes as “religious nutballs” those of us who object to this sexual abuse of children. This is what happens when we allow Godless, ignorant, foolish perverts to dictate what “truth” should be taught to children.
Gender isn't about genetics. Male, and female is quite different from "man" and "woman". The former is genetically determined, while the former is a matter of social construct. That is what all of you who are so offended by transgenderism, ad gender fluidity don't seem to comprehend. No one is suggesting that a person can alter their genetics, only the way in which they are perceived in society.
I want to be clear about something. Many Christians, and Muslims think that atheists want to deny them the right to believe what they they wish, and to have personal opinion. This is absolutely not true.

You have every right to believe that the grass is green because, every morning the Little Green Grass Fairy comes out and paints each blade with her tiny, little Green Grass Brush. No one has any right to tell you that you are not entitled to that opinion.

However, I also have every right, understanding science, chlorophyll, light, and the mechanisms of the eye, and how all of that affects colour, to think that you are an absolute fucking moron.

You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.

Just sayin'.
We also have the right to point and laugh at people like you who think anyone is using government to enshrine anything.

You also have the right to turn a blind eye to your nonsense, but I doubt you will.
"We also have the right to point and laugh at people like you who think anyone is using government to enshrine anything. "

Correct, you absolutely have the right to say false things and embarrass yourself. In fact, I encourage you to do so. Please, step out into the light and let us examine your nonsense.

Meanwhile, lawsuits rage as nutty religious voodoo shamans try to force their magical tenets to be taught alongside science in public schools. Lawsuits over state-sponsored religious vomit rage across the country. Meanwhile, lawsuits rage as people try to claim "religious exemption" from existing laws. So yes, it would be quite a sight for you to step into the light and inform us that none of this exists. We could all have a nice laugh at your expense.
Keep lying. have a nice day. *points and laughs*

I want to be clear about something. Many Christians, and Muslims think that atheists want to deny them the right to believe what they they wish, and to have personal opinion. This is absolutely not true.

You have every right to believe that the grass is green because, every morning the Little Green Grass Fairy comes out and paints each blade with her tiny, little Green Grass Brush. No one has any right to tell you that you are not entitled to that opinion.

However, I also have every right, understanding science, chlorophyll, light, and the mechanisms of the eye, and how all of that affects colour, to think that you are an absolute fucking moron.

You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.

Just sayin'.
We also have the right to point and laugh at people like you who think anyone is using government to enshrine anything.

You also have the right to turn a blind eye to your nonsense, but I doubt you will.
"We also have the right to point and laugh at people like you who think anyone is using government to enshrine anything. "

Correct, you absolutely have the right to say false things and embarrass yourself. In fact, I encourage you to do so. Please, step out into the light and let us examine your nonsense.

Meanwhile, lawsuits rage as nutty religious voodoo shamans try to force their magical tenets to be taught alongside science in public schools. Lawsuits over state-sponsored religious vomit rage across the country. Meanwhile, lawsuits rage as people try to claim "religious exemption" from existing laws. So yes, it would be quite a sight for you to step into the light and inform us that none of this exists. We could all have a nice laugh at your expense.
Keep lying. have a nice day. *points and laughs*

If only every religious nutball rolled over so easily...
I want to be clear about something. Many Christians, and Muslims think that atheists want to deny them the right to believe what they they wish, and to have personal opinion. This is absolutely not true.

You have every right to believe that the grass is green because, every morning the Little Green Grass Fairy comes out and paints each blade with her tiny, little Green Grass Brush. No one has any right to tell you that you are not entitled to that opinion.

However, I also have every right, understanding science, chlorophyll, light, and the mechanisms of the eye, and how all of that affects colour, to think that you are an absolute fucking moron.

You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.

Just sayin'.
We also have the right to point and laugh at people like you who think anyone is using government to enshrine anything.

You also have the right to turn a blind eye to your nonsense, but I doubt you will.
So, people are not trying to use the law to make abortion illegal? They didn't attempt to use the law to make same sex marriage illegal? Prostituion is not illegal? I could go on, and on. To claim that theists in this country do not attempt to enshrine their religion in our laws is either criminally naive, or a liar.
Soooo...a teacher taught tolerance of people who are Transgender, and this somehow forced the children to....what? Be transgender? You know, I find it interesting that the teacher praised the tolerance, understanding, and maturity of the children in her class. It seems that the children are more tolerant than actual adults. Not only did you fail to make your case, but you exposed the intolerance of those who hold your position.

As a matter of hard, undeniable, immutable scientific fact, a boy is not a girl, and a girl is not a boy, and one cannot become the other.

Even if you ignore the rather obvious perverted agenda behind all this bullshit, what remains is, at the very best, willfully teaching young children a falsehood, that a boy can become a girl. At the very least, this is an act of abject malfeasance, on the part of a teacher who is supposed to be teaching useful skills and knowledge instead teaching a blatant falsehood. This is diametrically opposed to the duties of this teacher,and the purpose of this school.

Of course, anyone who isn't blind can see the larger agenda behind this. Pedophilia is clearly on the queue of immoral perversions that the LBGpbiWTF bunch seek to normalize and legitimize, and teaching children perverted crap like this is an important step in grooming them to accept further abuses.

Where you earlier stated “We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.”, it can be clearly seen that it is you and your side that want to do exactly that.
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I submit that what you call "indoctrination" by the Public Education System is teaching facts, science, and critical thinking. How does your indoctrinating your children to accept the existence of something for which there is no objective evidence teach any of these things?

First off, realize no child of mine would ever see the inside of a Public School.

The facts taught in many of the classes in public schools these days are highly questionable. I say that as someone who is the child of two former educators and who went to public schools for 13 years. Even 25 years ago political correctness, social indoctrination and political brainwashing were the norms in many public schools. From what I see it's even worse today.
I want to be clear about something. Many Christians, and Muslims think that atheists want to deny them the right to believe what they they wish, and to have personal opinion. This is absolutely not true.

You have every right to believe that the grass is green because, every morning the Little Green Grass Fairy comes out and paints each blade with her tiny, little Green Grass Brush. No one has any right to tell you that you are not entitled to that opinion.

However, I also have every right, understanding science, chlorophyll, light, and the mechanisms of the eye, and how all of that affects colour, to think that you are an absolute fucking moron.

You see, it's not that atheists want to force theists to believe, or disbelieve anything. We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.

Just sayin'.
Nice proselytizing........... :eusa_whistle:
Proselytizing? You mean stating fact, and reason. Yes, your right. I thought I did state the case rather well. Thank you.
Call it what you want but by definition it's still proselytizing...... :thup:
Is it, now? As the term proselytising is the act converting or attempting to convert (someone) from one religion, to another, do tell, to what religion am I attempting to convert anyone?
we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.
If you don't see it you're willfully blind.
Not at all. I just wanted to see if you were stupid enough to call atheism a religion. You clearly are not. Toddle on back into your corner. You are dismissed.
I submit that what you call "indoctrination" by the Public Education System is teaching facts, science, and critical thinking. How does your indoctrinating your children to accept the existence of something for which there is no objective evidence teach any of these things?

First off, realize no child of mine would ever see the inside of a Public School.

The facts taught in many of the classes in public schools these days are highly questionable. I say that as someone who is the child of two former educators and who went to public schools for 13 years. Even 25 years ago political correctness, social indoctrination and political brainwashing were the norms in many public schools. From what I see it's even worse today.
As someone who also went to public schools, I rate your comments nonsensical, and I am proud to have my children in a public school. I am proud to be a part of the support structure surrounding these schools and the students in them.
I submit that what you call "indoctrination" by the Public Education System is teaching facts, science, and critical thinking. How does your indoctrinating your children to accept the existence of something for which there is no objective evidence teach any of these things?

First off, realize no child of mine would ever see the inside of a Public School.

The facts taught in many of the classes in public schools these days are highly questionable. I say that as someone who is the child of two former educators and who went to public schools for 13 years. Even 25 years ago political correctness, social indoctrination and political brainwashing were the norms in many public schools. From what I see it's even worse today.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, however irrational it may be.
Gender isn't about genetics. Male, and female is quite different from "man" and "woman". The former is genetically determined, while the former is a matter of social construct. That is what all of you who are so offended by transgenderism, ad gender fluidity don't seem to comprehend. No one is suggesting that a person can alter their genetics, only the way in which they are perceived in society.

That statement is a complete rejection of any rational concept of “facts, science, and critical thinking” such as that to which you paid meaningless lip service earlier in this thread.

Male is not, and will never be, female. Female is not, and never will be male. That is hard science. Your rejection of it is madness and perversion, nothing more. And your defense of those who would teach this crap to children is overt evil.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, however irrational it may be.

Someone who defends “transgenderism” and “gender fluidity”, and who especially defends teaching this bullshit to young children, is in no position to call anyone else “irrational”.
Gender isn't about genetics. Male, and female is quite different from "man" and "woman". The former is genetically determined, while the former is a matter of social construct. That is what all of you who are so offended by transgenderism, ad gender fluidity don't seem to comprehend. No one is suggesting that a person can alter their genetics, only the way in which they are perceived in society.

That statement is a complete rejection of any rational concept of “facts, science, and critical thinking” such as that to which you paid meaningless lip service earlier in this thread.

Male is not, and will never be, female. Female is not, and never will be male. That is hard science. Your rejection of it is madness and perversion, nothing more. And your defense of those who would teach this crap to children is overt evil.
Who do you think you are fooling to pretend you "defer to science" on this matter? No, you reject this not because of any scientific basis, but because of your own superstitious beliefs and neuroses. Stop wasting everyone's time.
Soooo...a teacher taught tolerance of people who are Transgender, and this somehow forced the children to....what? Be transgender? You know, I find it interesting that the teacher praised the tolerance, understanding, and maturity of the children in her class. It seems that the children are more tolerant than actual adults. Not only did you fail to make your case, but you exposed the intolerance of those who hold your position.

As a matter of hard, undeniable, immutable scientific fact, a boy is not a girl, and a girl is not a boy, and one cannot become the other.
You are incorrect. As a matter of hard, undeniable, immutable fact a male, of any age, is not genetically female. "Boy", and "Girl" are social labels that we have mistakenly attempted to allow to supplant scientific terms.

Even if you ignore the rather obvious perverted agenda behind all this bullshit, what remains is, at the very best, willfully teaching young children a falsehood, that a boy can become a girl. At the very least, this is an act of abject malfeasance, on the part of a teacher who is supposed to be teaching useful skills and knowledge instead teaching a blatant falsehood. This is diametrically opposed to the duties of this teacher,and the purpose of this school.
There is nothing false about it. Simply because you do not understand the difference between scientific terms, and social labels, that would be your problem, not that of the education system.

Of course, anyone who isn't blind can see the larger agenda behind this. Pedophilkia is clearly on the queue of immoral perversions that the LBGpbiWTF bunch seek to normalize and legitimize, and teaching children perverted crap like this is an important step in grooming them to accept further abuses.

Where you earlier stated “We just want them to quit using the government to enshrine their mythologies in the laws of the land, and we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.”, it can be clearly seen that it is you and your side that want to do exactly that.
I'm going go assume that you meant paedophilia. Ignoring you irrational fear of paedophiles, even your argument betrays your concern. Normalising a behaviour is not "forcing it on" anyone. Teaching a child to accept the differences in other children is, in no way, forcing them to participate in those differences.
Nice proselytizing........... :eusa_whistle:
Proselytizing? You mean stating fact, and reason. Yes, your right. I thought I did state the case rather well. Thank you.
Call it what you want but by definition it's still proselytizing...... :thup:
Is it, now? As the term proselytising is the act converting or attempting to convert (someone) from one religion, to another, do tell, to what religion am I attempting to convert anyone?
we want them to quit indoctrinating young, impressionable children with their made-up bullshit.
If you don't see it you're willfully blind.
Not at all. I just wanted to see if you were stupid enough to call atheism a religion. You clearly are not. Toddle on back into your corner. You are dismissed.
If only you had that kind of power over yourself........ You certainly don't have it over me.......... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
As someone who also went to public schools, I rate your comments nonsensical, and I am proud to have my children in a public school. I am proud to be a part of the support structure surrounding these schools and the students in them.

If that works for you, fine. Just give me the same respect for choosing a very different path forany children I may have.

Don't worry, I'm fairly certain they won't cross paths with your kids anywhere.

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