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The Right wants to keep this country the way it is and hate change. They live in the 19th century

I'm still working at a business I started 45 years ago and I'm 70 years old, I have made half my money in my lifetime in the stock market and admittedly I hardly ever had to work my tail off to get what I needed , I did well enough to create a few jobs and make people happy other then myself. What you have is non stop total nonsense bull shit but your in good company because that is the only way your hate party could even exist.

Why is it all these anti-capitalist liberals on here all seem to have the same kind of story as you? I don't think I've ever seen a regular blue collar Democrat on USMB. All the liberals here are doing financially great, retired, have their own business, or work from the comfort of their home. Strange how that is.....

Could be that regular blue collar democrats quickly realize that they are held in contempt by their "fellow" democrats.

And leave.
There you go again doesn't contribute , just the old I hate you and your wrong. The powerful voice of a right wing hater.
I looked at thie garbage wanted to know where you found this crap , Now I know every right wing hack place in the country, most being hate sights and like the examiner blind regressive sights
That's "sites" not "sights" you damn Regressive.
Importing the world's poor and expanding poverty is not doing this country any good. It's destructive.
But it's what built this country.

But I agree with you. My way we would only import who we want. Doctors and scientists and people with money.

The only ones who want all the poor people are corporations. Supply and demand. They'll tell us "we" need the help. I don't.
Not quite right, every study I have looked at and the facts say that Immigrants have always been a net gain for this country and to prove their study, they created the richest country in the world , didn't they.
It's always good for business to have a huge pool of poor immigrants willing to work harder for less.

And we need more workers to buy more stuff and pay taxes to pay for social security.

Think about how great cheap labor is for capitalism. A person making minimum wage works 40 hours a week and after all their bills they have nothing left over. They put the money right back into the economy

Cheap immigrant labor is only good for Capitalism in the context of a long standing "free trade" policy that puts American manufacturers and businesses in direct competition with factories that pay Third World Labor rates.
Still not contributing , The powerful voice from the hate party. may I quote you" I hate you and your wrong" but I'm not going to tell you why.
"The Right wants to keep this country the way it is"


In fact, conservatives hate the country the way it is today; they want to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with – an America that was far from ‘ideal,’ particularly for African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, gay Americans, and women.

Says the man with the Bill of RIghts as his avatar.
Nope not this time either , just some ugly remark , nothing to back it up but he still hates everyone.
The biggest thing I have noticed this scandal-plagued election year for Democrats is they have been overwhelmingly accusing Republicans of doing things....that THEY are doing, to distract people from the FACT they are doing it.

This OP is another fine example:

'The GOP wants to keep things the same."
- Yeah, that's why Trump is out there telling blacks he wants to help them, is offering them help, and declaring, "You KNOW what you're going to get with Hillary - NOTHING NEW....so why not take a chance for better?!'

The fact is the DNC, just exposed by their own words in their own emails as a bunch of racists, have not done anything for blacks since LBJ convinced blacks to trade their votes for free stuff. One Civil Rights passed, thanks to the GOP, the power they had just acquired, the progress they were making, the momentum they had...all just STOPPED!

Blacks have not made true progress in 50+ years since putting their trust in Democrats! 5-+ YEARS! Oh, they've been given more FOOD STAMPS, more WELFARE, more FREE STUFF ('OBAMA-PHONES'), but they haven't been given opportunities, given help to become more independent, opportunities to progress and improve and prosper.

Black unemployment is twice that of whites, the 1st Black President abandoned his people by not offering 1 SINGLE program to improve the plight / status of blacks, and he has focused more and put more effort into bringing illegals and 'refugees' into the country, getting THEM hooked up with free housing, getting THEM hooked up with jobs, getting THEM...hooked up. The blacks are not the DNC's favorite minorities anymore...

The fact is the Liberals already know that they HAVE the black vote so they don't have to do hardly anything else to keep it. They can throw them a few scraps (while laughing at them and mocking them in their private emails), keep them divided, and focus on bringing in millions more poor immigrants to get addicted to govt handouts in exchange for their new, fresh votes.

AND YOU THINK THE DNC WANTS THINGS TO CHANGE? They haven't changed for blacks in 50+ years...but they keep holding on, believing, because their 'massahs' keep promising and keep handing out food and 'shiny-shinies'. Now they are being betrayed - the 'massah' has a NEW 'favorite slave' now - illegals from Mexico, from Samalia, Syria.... Blacks are being asked once again to sit in th4 back of the DNC bus to make room for the illegals and the 'refugees' up front.

Don't blame the GOP! It's not the GOP who is doing it to you.
Nothing more has to be said about your intelligence other than you support Trump. Love it, Trump is a Bigot and the old white man party is bigoted and you think they would do anything other then put more of them in jail, your a walking talking joke.

and again our Einstein here has nothing to contribute but his personal brand of hate.
Good grief! So much anger from the Communist Party which has been in power for 8 years.

I guess they fear the collapse of their hold over the People.

Like Carter before, they fear once Obama's gone the People will see economic growth and prosperity under Capitalism.
Good grief! So much anger from the Communist Party which has been in power for 8 years.

I guess they fear the collapse of their hold over the People.

Like Carter before, they fear once Obama's gone the People will see economic growth and prosperity under Capitalism.
Ok goody, right now I'm going to show you people how stupid you are, This clown has no clue what a communist, socialist or Marxist is. Ok Einstein Go to google ,google a trusted encyclopedia get the main tenets of Communism bring that back and tell us all why by those tenets how I'm a communist or my party or the president is a communist.By the way bring the sight address with you You people have nothing but bullshit and this will prove it. So what are you going to do disappear from the thread because your a idiot and all you will do by backing up your non stop bull shit , is everyone will know what a bullshiter you are.
Importing the world's poor and expanding poverty is not doing this country any good. It's destructive.
from the blind regressive who is only here because they let in the poor, the hypocrisy is amazing. as a choice i wish they had decided that when your family came up to the check in they would have chose at that time to lock the gate. then there would be one less hater populating the regressive party. Also I told you directly why poverty is being expanded. You want to find a way that it isn't because of you and your party. Sorry it is you and your party.

When the place is full you gotta close the gates, jackoff.
If the only concern is whether it's good for the country then the gates being closed right when your forefathers came to the gate would have been for the best as far as this country is concerned
This country wouldn't exist without them.
Conservatives want the Gilded Age back...

laissez faire capitalism, almost no environmental laws, or labor laws, or food/product safety laws, little or no workplace safety regulation, legal discrimination in hiring, no minimum wage, little or power for unions.

That's for starters.

That's for liberals.

Every time a conservative wants to see a limit put on things, you liberals come out with this poison air, poison food, 70 hour work weeks, dirty air nonsense. Oh yes, and a return of slavery in this country.

To you liberals, there should never be a limit on any of the things you want. Because if a liberal wants something, only the sky is the limit.

I think Americans are starting to see through this hysteria that you leftist put out. As you work gallantly to turn our country into a nation of freak shows, yes, we will be there to put up opposition.
I'm going to give you a little tip that you can live by, Demographics will put the hate party into the history book. You can't tell everyone who isn't white that they are shit and expect them to vote for you. And your problem is they are becoming the majority. People have two things to look at, one is no one will get ahead except the few that regressive tax law will allow to get ahead, people are realizing it, and I think that will get rid of this country number one enemy , the regressive party. Also it is totally clear that your party is with out a doubt a party of haters, I can prove it with one word--Trump. There will be another conservative party but they will have to put governing before their bigotry,homophobia,chauvinisms, Islam phobia and all the other things that regressive now are required to hate.
I was totally worried a year ago that you and your party would have destroyed this country and it's values before demographics killed you but I'm not concerned anymore , you will be buried in a short period of time. By the way the conservative party that will replace your hate party won't be able to use the name Republican because the name will be to poisoned by that time.
I'm going to give you a little tip that you can live by, Demographics will put the hate party into the history book. You can't tell everyone who isn't white that they are shit and expect them to vote for you. And your problem is they are becoming the majority. People have two things to look at, one is no one will get ahead except the few that regressive tax law will allow to get ahead, people are realizing it, and I think that will get rid of this country number one enemy , the regressive party. Also it is totally clear that your party is with out a doubt a party of haters, I can prove it with one word--Trump. There will be another conservative party but they will have to put governing before their bigotry,homophobia,chauvinisms, Islam phobia and all the other things that regressive now are required to hate.
I was totally worried a year ago that you and your party would have destroyed this country and it's values before demographics killed you but I'm not concerned anymore , you will be buried in a short period of time. By the way the conservative party that will replace your hate party won't be able to use the name Republican because the name will be to poisoned by that time.

Well stated.........In a decade or so,Texas will be either purple or blue given the rising Latino population in that state and, without Texas, the current GOP will never see the WH unless they undergo MAJOR changes in their attitudes and policies.
I know I have them in the corner when they go after my bad spelling. Weak!
Because you believe the right is "backward" and uneducated, you can't make such basic errors. Not when you tell us YOU are the educated and enlightened one. You damn Regressive.
10 planks of communism by Karl Marx

1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose.

Dr. Elliott’s Comment: This is where eminent domain comes into the picture, and even property taxes. Once you own your property outright by paying off your mortgage, you still don’t technically own it because the government could jack up property taxes so high that it makes it unaffordable to remain.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Dr. Elliott’s Comment: Marginal tax rates increasing as income goes up IS a graduated income tax. This is in opposition to a more fair tax like a national sales tax or flat tax where a person is not taxed at a higher rate the more income they earn.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

Dr. Elliott’s Comment: In the U.S. these can be seen as estate taxes (i.e. the death tax).

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

Dr. Elliott’s Comment: This is nothing more than government seizures, IRS property confiscation and the 1997 Crime/Terrorist bill which calls for the imprisonment of terrorists (not such a bad thing), but also for those who speak out against the government. Your LIFE is the most valuable property you have, but the government has the right to take it away because of things that you may say. Consider Senate Bill 3081, the “Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010,” co-sponsored by Sens. John McCain and Joe Lieberman. The following is actual text from the bill that explains what a belligerent may be and the reasons they can be detained without due process: “(A) The potential threat the individual poses for an attack on civilians or civilian facilities within the United States or upon United States citizens or United States civilian facilities abroad at the time of capture or when coming under the custody or control of the United States… (B) The potential threat the individual poses to United States military personnel or United States military facilities at the time of capture or when coming under the custody or control of the United States…. (C) The potential intelligence value of the individual… (D) Membership in al-Qaida or in a terrorist group affiliated with al-Qaida… (E) Such other matters as the president considers appropriate. . .” [THIS IS WHERE THERE IS A MAJOR, MAJOR PROBLEM] This is very subjective and could include a multitude of things – even just disagreements on policy!

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

Dr. Elliott’s Comment: This is an easy one. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the Federal Reserve, and now the government owns many of the country’s largest banks via bailout money. Government control of private industry is just a polite way of saying FASCISM!!!!

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state.

Dr. Elliott’s Comment: The FAA, FCC, and the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) are all government entities that propose to regulate how we travel and what is said. There is nothing particularly disturbing about this now, but what about in the future? Could the government shut down communication or transportation for various people groups? Yes, they could pretty much do whatever they want. There is no competition here. There is no free market private entity as a choice. I thought the government made monopolies illegal? Oh, that’s right they did, except for where they have a monopoly.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

Dr. Elliott’s Comment: Recent events have made this one very disturbing. On June 9, 2011 President Obama signed into law Executive Order 13575 in which the intent is to seize greater power over “food, fiber, and energy.” A great article explaining this was written by Raven Clabough and posted on the New American website.

8. Equal obligation of all to work and the establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

Dr. Elliott’s Comment: Because of high inflation and higher taxes our society has been thrust into a dual income family at the minimum. In many instances both husband and wife have multiple jobs.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

Dr. Elliott’s Comment: I am not qualified to answer this question, as I don’t really know of any combination of the two industries. In fact it seems what we have in this country is opposite as there seems to be a corralling of people into the urban areas. However, Executive Order 13575 mentioned in Plank 7 may be related to this.

10. Free education for all children in government schools and abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form – combination of education with industrial production, etc.
The biggest thing I have noticed this scandal-plagued election year for Democrats is they have been overwhelmingly accusing Republicans of doing things....that THEY are doing, to distract people from the FACT they are doing it.

This OP is another fine example:

'The GOP wants to keep things the same."
- Yeah, that's why Trump is out there telling blacks he wants to help them, is offering them help, and declaring, "You KNOW what you're going to get with Hillary - NOTHING NEW....so why not take a chance for better?!'

The fact is the DNC, just exposed by their own words in their own emails as a bunch of racists, have not done anything for blacks since LBJ convinced blacks to trade their votes for free stuff. One Civil Rights passed, thanks to the GOP, the power they had just acquired, the progress they were making, the momentum they had...all just STOPPED!

Blacks have not made true progress in 50+ years since putting their trust in Democrats! 5-+ YEARS! Oh, they've been given more FOOD STAMPS, more WELFARE, more FREE STUFF ('OBAMA-PHONES'), but they haven't been given opportunities, given help to become more independent, opportunities to progress and improve and prosper.

Black unemployment is twice that of whites, the 1st Black President abandoned his people by not offering 1 SINGLE program to improve the plight / status of blacks, and he has focused more and put more effort into bringing illegals and 'refugees' into the country, getting THEM hooked up with free housing, getting THEM hooked up with jobs, getting THEM...hooked up. The blacks are not the DNC's favorite minorities anymore...

The fact is the Liberals already know that they HAVE the black vote so they don't have to do hardly anything else to keep it. They can throw them a few scraps (while laughing at them and mocking them in their private emails), keep them divided, and focus on bringing in millions more poor immigrants to get addicted to govt handouts in exchange for their new, fresh votes.

AND YOU THINK THE DNC WANTS THINGS TO CHANGE? They haven't changed for blacks in 50+ years...but they keep holding on, believing, because their 'massahs' keep promising and keep handing out food and 'shiny-shinies'. Now they are being betrayed - the 'massah' has a NEW 'favorite slave' now - illegals from Mexico, from Samalia, Syria.... Blacks are being asked once again to sit in th4 back of the DNC bus to make room for the illegals and the 'refugees' up front.

Don't blame the GOP! It's not the GOP who is doing it to you.
Nothing more has to be said about your intelligence other than you support Trump. Love it, Trump is a Bigot and the old white man party is bigoted and you think they would do anything other then put more of them in jail, your a walking talking joke.
Look... another ignorant race monger making up shit. Useless trash. Dumb ass thinks Goldman Sachs has his best interest at heart. Stupid lazy liberal.
Well stated.........In a decade or so,Texas will be either purple or blue given the rising Latino population in that state and, without Texas, the current GOP will never see the WH unless they undergo MAJ
I fear you MAY be right.

You favor an INVASION from people who have NOTHING in common with OUR People. You cheer the destruction of America as Founded.

You know the only way you can achieve the destruction of the USA is from WITHIN. You need a flood of new Democrat dependents who will vote for the Santa Claus Party over the Freedom Party.

That is the main reason I'm voting for Trump. You want to frame the debate as "hate." The truth is, the HATE is your hatred of America. Your children and grandchildren will curse you for the country you left them.
I'm going to give you a little tip that you can live by, Demographics will put the hate party into the history book.

Right, we're the party of hate. You mean the same party Hil-Liar referred to as the basket of deplorable's?

The truth is starting to come out.
I fear you MAY be right.

You favor an INVASION from people who have NOTHING in common with OUR People. You cheer the destruction of America as Founded.

You know the only way you can achieve the destruction of the USA is from WITHIN. You need a flood of new Democrat dependents who will vote for the Santa Claus Party over the Freedom Party.

That is the main reason I'm voting for Trump. You want to frame the debate as "hate." The truth is, the HATE is your hatred of America. Your children and grandchildren will curse you for the country you left them.

Well, Lucifer.....the SAME fears were expressed about those German and Irish folks flooding from Europe, then the Italians in Louisiana, then the Puerto Ricans, then the Jamaicans, etc.

Change is inevitable and by the definition, CONservatives hate change and although I am an older white male, I accept that we will be in the minority in the demographics, but still accept the inevitable evolution without the kind of fear shown by your ilk because of your insecurities.
I looked at thie garbage wanted to know where you found this crap , Now I know every right wing hack place in the country, most being hate sights and like the examiner blind regressive sights

Hate sites? The Center for Immigration Studies is a Hate site? The Washington Examiner is a Hate site?

You didn't even click one link you liar.

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