The right wing Christian are not Christians at all.

But God kills no one in the New Testament, but allows his son to be killed. Other than that there's not much blood. So, the Old Testament Christians pretty much ignore it.

The Zionist variety of right wing Christians are not Christians at all. Their theology is satanic and they have blood lust.

As for killing in the NT, Jesus tells of God's vengeance upon the Jews (the children of Satan), for murdering Jesus, in which they will be horribly massacred in a great tribulation, worse than anything the world had never seen before. And, Jesus also introduced the modern concept of Hell, an after-life of eternal torment, if Jesus is to be taken literally, such as the story of the rich Jew thrown into agonizing fire.

I think you are confusing two different things.

Christians who believe in the Jews regathering in the land of Israel, and slaughtering the enemies of the Jews.... believe that because that is what the Bible predicted, and it happened.

I don't *WANT* anyone to be slaughtered. If it were up to me, I would want everyone to come to repentance, and follow the Lord, in peace and love.

But the Bible says..... this is going to happen. And it has happened. The Jews did go back to their ancient land. They have returned to a pure form of Hebrew. They have fought against all of their enemies on every side, and won.

Try and think of this another way......

Let's say I know someone who is an alcoholic, and is beating his wife. I could say this guy is going to get worse, start missing work, end up divorced, and wrecking his entire life.

Then when it happens, everyone would scream at me "You hate marriages and support destroying families!".... no. I don't *want* that to happen. It's simply what is going to happen.

In fact a real life example, I had a lady friend who was living with her boyfriend for about 3 years. One day, I happen to ask when they intended to marry, and she responded that they were never going to marry. I happen to say that likely the relationship wouldn't last, and one day she would come home to an empty house. Because that is generally what happens if you don't get married, and just shack up.

Fast forward 18 months later, she came home one day, and the entire house was empty. He left no note, no reason, no indication of where he was going. He just left her, and found someone else (which she learned of later through social media). Thankfully she didn't remember our short conversation a year and a half before.

But would you say that I support broken hearts, ruined relationships and anger and bitterness between people? Simply because I called out what would happen if they didn't do relationships right? No. I didn't *want* them to fall apart. I just called it as I saw it.

My point is....

Most Christians I know, at least in the circles i run in, are not *wanting* there to be war and mass blood shed in the middle east. We just read the Bible. The Bible said for thousands of years, that the people of Israel would be regathered to that land. The Bible said for thousands of years, that they would be at war with those around them, and that they would win.

The Bible made it clear, these things would happen. And they did.... and are happening.

I don't want anyone over there to be killed. But that is what the Bible says is going to happen.
Who separated them from their land? God. God??

Why did he do that to them?

Was God punishing them for being ungodly for these thousand plus years before their return?

Well yes. If you read the book, he spells it all out.

At the very start, G-d made a promise to the children of Abraham. Which was effectively: If you follow me, I'll bring you to the land I pick out, and you will have it own it, and I will bless you.

If you turn away from me, and become evil, then I'll kick you out, and make Israel a wasteland.

Well... they turned away, and G-d brought judgement on them. Just like if your kid spits in your face, and starts intentionally destroying your house, there is going to be some amount of judgement.

And by the way, G-d warned the people of Israel dozens of times.... hey cut it out.... or judgement will come.

But even after you discipline your child, you don't stay angry at your kids forever. Eventually after you discipline them, you bring them back into good standing. You do not send them to their room for eternity.

Similarly, G-d said he would bring his people back. And he did.
In John 8:44, Jesus says Jews are children of the devil. Who do you say Jews are?

I think Jesus was talking about you.

After all, if you are going to make up stuff, and that's how debate works in your world, is you just make up stuff about people you don't know, then I can make up stuff about you.

By accusing me of making what I said up, you show you know neither the content nor character of the Bible. Now, try to show that you're not a total coward and answer my question, on context of what Jesus aid.

Yeah, thanks but you have disqualified yourself from me ever caring what you have to say. In fact, I'm going to solve this for both of us, by placing you on ignore permanently. I gave you chance to grow up, but you didn't, and doubled down on your stupidity. So, I don't need stupid people to talk to. Goodbye. I'll never see your posts, or even know you exist after this last post to you. I might suggest you mature quick, before you find yourself talking to no one on this forum. People use ignore function here often, when someone proves themselves unworthy of discussion.
Well... they turned away, and G-d brought judgement on them. ...
But even after you discipline your child, you don't stay angry at your kids forever. Eventually after you discipline them, you bring them back into good standing. You do not send them to their room for eternity.

Similarly, G-d said he would bring his people back. And he did.

You say they turned away, so God disciplined them. And, then you say God brought them back. So, implicitly you believe that Jews no longer have their back turned to God. But, you don't believe that.

Zionists = liars. Christian Zionists = stupid liars.
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