The Right’s Race Deafness

So do Black people want to be judged on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character now?
If you dont know what that phrase means you shouldnt repeat it in a way that displays you are ignorant of the meaning. Dont pretend I am not Black.
I thought the goal was to be deaf and blind to race?
I wish you inconsistent racists would make up your minds so us normal folks dont have to listen to your bullshit anymore.
Nope. The goal was always for you whites to stop being racist. Silly goal in my opinion since whites are genetically frightened when it comes to melinated people.
Again, the biggest beneficiaries of AA were WHITE WOMEN, not black men.

Minorities still suffer widespread discrimination, which is why Jamal Washington's resume gets thrown away while Emily Smith gets an interview.
I'm having to try to guess how many times I've refuted this :lame2: notion in this forum over the past 5 years. Well, it could be 20. Or it could be 50. Or 100. :rolleyes:

Can't believe I'm having to post this yet AGAIN. This dumb talking point continues to be used by affirmative action defenders, despite its obvious falsehood. It would not be a stretch at all to estimate that for every 1 woman helped by AA, 100 are damaged by it (wives, daughters, mothers, etc of discriminated-against white men)

As for minorities suffering discrimination, that IS a sizable stretch, when you consider that millions of minorities (who are shallow enough to accept affirmative action-as I will not), are BENEFICIARIES of that discrimination every day, in quite a number of ways.

This B.S......Again? You have never "refuted" anything. What you have done for "years" is to pull made up numbers out of your empty head, but never presented any credible source TO PROVE, that for "Every white female helped by AA, that 100 were hurt by it".

If white people in America were actually being impacted at that magnitude, AA would have been abolished years ago. Nationwide.

Just becsuse you imagine it to be true does not make it true.

Try taking your medication on time. It may help you with your delusions.
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There is no systematic racism.
Law enforcement isnt racist.
There are simply racists in their ranks. Huge difference.

See, that's the point. To "be deaf and blind to race" - implying not to be a racist - is not the same as, and does not require, being deaf and blind to racism, systemic racism in particular.
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No one needs to listen. No one is deaf. This is what happens when people get tired of saying shut up. I don't care. Give black thugs like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin sainthood if you want. Just shut up about it. Stop demanding attention. You aren't going to get it.

There will be no shutting up.
So do Black people want to be judged on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character now?

“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance (the Negro makes) -- the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

If you want to use what King says so badly start educating yourself like he says.
And, at the same time, some of it is having it constantly shoved in their face, constant accusations, constant assumptions, constantly having to defend themselves,
With only evidence to back it up.
Sometimes, sometimes not. The Regressive Left has so overused the term RACIST! that is has little meaning or impact at this point. They've reduced a terribly important word to an epithet, so now they've had to substitute WHITE NATIONALIST! for it.

We'll never have an "honest discussion about race" as long as both ends of the issue refuse to look in the mirror first.

Funny how only far right white extremists make his claim and you think it is true.
Again, the biggest beneficiaries of AA were WHITE WOMEN, not black men.

Minorities still suffer widespread discrimination, which is why Jamal Washington's resume gets thrown away while Emily Smith gets an interview.
I'm having to try to guess how many times I've refuted this :lame2: notion in this forum over the past 5 years. Well, it could be 20. Or it could be 50. Or 100. :rolleyes:

Can't believe I'm having to post this yet AGAIN. This dumb talking point continues to be used by affirmative action defenders, despite its obvious falsehood. It would not be a stretch at all to estimate that for every 1 woman helped by AA, 100 are damaged by it (wives, daughters, mothers, etc of discriminated-against white men)

As for minorities suffering discrimination, that IS a sizable stretch, when you consider that millions of minorities (who are shallow enough to accept affirmative action-as I will not), are BENEFICIARIES of that discrimination every day, in quite a number of ways.

You've refuted nothing. Your claims are based in lunacy and not support by fact.
This is supposed to be racist and somehow improper ? Pheeew! :rolleyes: This is a perfect example of liberalism as a mental disorder. So now we are supposed to conclude that there's something wrong with going out to lunch with a woman who one finds attractive ? HA HA. This is so nuts I can't even bring myself to conclude that I get the idea of the post.

Well, he was old enough to be her dad, so if he found her attractive, that was kind of sick..

secondly, um, yeah, someone works hard for your company for a decade, and moves on with her career, you recognize that because it's the decent thing to do...

Secondly, the term "African American" ,to describe black people, is incorrect. The correct term is "black". Please don't make that mistake again.

Um, sorry, guy... Black is this color... most African Americans are THIS COLOR so calling the "Black" isn't accurate.. Calling them African-American is because they were kidnapped from Africa.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

All four of my grandparents were born in Italy.
I don't consider myself Italian-American.

So? But there are Italians who do.
I thought the goal was to be deaf and blind to race?
I wish you inconsistent racists would make up your minds so us normal folks dont have to listen to your bullshit anymore.

Yes, that would be a goal.

For as long as it isn't reached, for as long as there is systematic racism defacing the nation in general, and law enforcement in particular, race will be and remain on the table as an issue that needs debate, and maybe a solution.

Most "normal folks", I trust, don't confuse the pervasive racism, and the resentments and hatred underpinning the White nationalist ideology, with that which motivates folks who take it upon themselves to point it out.
There is no systematic racism.
Law enforcement isnt racist.
There are simply racists in their ranks. Huge difference.

Wrong on all counts.
Conservatives do not need to agree with every criticism made by black Americans of law enforcement and our justice system, but they do need, at a bare minimum, to consider them. They need to acknowledge that they exist.

They need to listen.

The Right’s Race Deafness

Deafness? That's what this is?

I guess it's something to praise, breaking a lance for conservatives to listen to Black Americans' criticism of law enforcement. They absolutely should. And yet, that barely scratches the surface of the malaise, given that for many, for the overwhelming majority of conservatives these days, confirmation bias is the guiding light of their approach to reality, from "government is the problem" to climate science and racism, and pretty much everything in between. Whatever doesn't reinforce, re-confirm, and celebrate the creed is being dismissed out of hand.

And yes, some of that is also present on the left, and in the dwindling center, too. Just look at Mac finding, no matter the issue, the same ill wherever he looks.

The point, it seems to me, is lost to If it's mere deafness, speaking louder, writing in bigger letters, bringing up things countering the creed more often, should right things. It's pretty clear, though, neither will. For as long as conservatives (by their overwhelming majority) find personal and emotional security by aligning with, and subservience to, their creed, by finding soothing certainty and their primary identity in their creed, another approach is necessary. Darn if I knew what that approach could be, but shouting at them it clearly is not.

Agreed. It will take a change in mindset. But this is a mindset developed over more h 242 years, beginning when America was a British colony.
I thought the goal was to be deaf and blind to race?
I wish you inconsistent racists would make up your minds so us normal folks dont have to listen to your bullshit anymore.

Yes, that would be a goal.

For as long as it isn't reached, for as long as there is systematic racism defacing the nation in general, and law enforcement in particular, race will be and remain on the table as an issue that needs debate, and maybe a solution.

Most "normal folks", I trust, don't confuse the pervasive racism, and the resentments and hatred underpinning the White nationalist ideology, with that which motivates folks who take it upon themselves to point it out.
There is no systematic racism.
Law enforcement isnt racist.
There are simply racists in their ranks. Huge difference.

Wrong on all counts.
He got gunned down by the white cop for jaywalking don't ya know!
No, I don't know (think) that. And the reason I don't think that, is because I'm not an idiot. Brown got CONFRONTED for jaywalking.

He got SHOT because he was stupid enough to attack the cop (Darren Wilson)

He did not attack Wilson.
So do Black people want to be judged on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character now?
If you dont know what that phrase means you shouldnt repeat it in a way that displays you are ignorant of the meaning. Dont pretend I am not Black.

I know exactly what the phrase means do you?

No you don't. Whites like you only use it when we start pressing you about continuing white racism now. Whites who understand what it means don't use the phrase. That's why you should stop repeating it.
And, at the same time, some of it is having it constantly shoved in their face, constant accusations, constant assumptions, constantly having to defend themselves,
With only evidence to back it up.
Sometimes, sometimes not. The Regressive Left has so overused the term RACIST! that is has little meaning or impact at this point. They've reduced a terribly important word to an epithet, so now they've had to substitute WHITE NATIONALIST! for it.

We'll never have an "honest discussion about race" as long as both ends of the issue refuse to look in the mirror first.

Funny how only far right white extremists make his claim and you think it is true.
Huh? What claim?

That "claim" was that the constant screaming of RACISM has evidence to back it up.

I said "sometimes, sometimes not". Merely the honest and rational position.
This is supposed to be racist and somehow improper ? Pheeew! :rolleyes: This is a perfect example of liberalism as a mental disorder. So now we are supposed to conclude that there's something wrong with going out to lunch with a woman who one finds attractive ? HA HA. This is so nuts I can't even bring myself to conclude that I get the idea of the post.

Well, he was old enough to be her dad, so if he found her attractive, that was kind of sick..

secondly, um, yeah, someone works hard for your company for a decade, and moves on with her career, you recognize that because it's the decent thing to do...

Secondly, the term "African American" ,to describe black people, is incorrect. The correct term is "black". Please don't make that mistake again.

Um, sorry, guy... Black is this color... most African Americans are THIS COLOR so calling the "Black" isn't accurate.. Calling them African-American is because they were kidnapped from Africa.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

All four of my grandparents were born in Italy.
I don't consider myself Italian-American.

So? But there are Italians who do.

And I reject them, too.
So do Black people want to be judged on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character now?

“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance (the Negro makes) -- the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

If you want to use what King says so badly start educating yourself like he says.

martin luther king oprah winfrey dr nadine burke harris_02.jpg

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