The "RINO" Thread

Obama barley even talked about the issues during the election. All he talked about was Bain Capital, taxes, and general class warfare.

Which was enough to get the job done.

Again, the mistake was the GOP's. When half the population is absolutely terrified of being downsized on the altar of greater profits, you don't nominate a guy who made his fortune downsizing people.

If you were hell-bent on nominating a businessman (even though they make sucky presidents- see also Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush) then you pick a guy who actually made his fortune inventing something cool.

Downsizing and corporate raiding are not cool.

It went beyond that for the GOP

They still are afraid to tell their crazies to STFU

Immigration, Womens issues, Gay rights, working poor......there is no limit to whom they will insult
It went beyond that for the GOP

They still are afraid to tell their crazies to STFU

Immigration, Womens issues, Gay rights, working poor......there is no limit to whom they will insult

But here's the thing. The GOP has won in the past being against these things.

A lot of hispanics don't see the illegals as kindred, and a lot of women look at the screeching feminist as something they don't relate to.

Unlike Reagan or a Bush, Romney couldn't make these positions palatable. Probably because as a moderate, he was uncomfortable with them.
My brother is a "conservative". We have decided to avoid discussing politics at family gatherings in order to keep things pleasant. He struggles with this, however.

Yesterday, my daughter.....who is his favoriite niece, was talking about a freind of hers who recently passed away after a half-year fight with cancer. She told him that she heard that we would probably find a cure for cancer before long.....expressing hope for the future.

Well, he exclaimed, " I hope not".

My daughter was rocked. She asked him why he felt that way. Her voice trembled.

He said that we don't have enough money to support our population as it is and we can't afford to have cancer cured.

Not sure things will ever be the same between them.

So now you attribute that view of your brother to every Conservative?

Who was chanting "Let him die, let him die"?
My brother is a "conservative". We have decided to avoid discussing politics at family gatherings in order to keep things pleasant. He struggles with this, however.

Yesterday, my daughter.....who is his favoriite niece, was talking about a freind of hers who recently passed away after a half-year fight with cancer. She told him that she heard that we would probably find a cure for cancer before long.....expressing hope for the future.

Well, he exclaimed, " I hope not".

My daughter was rocked. She asked him why he felt that way. Her voice trembled.

He said that we don't have enough money to support our population as it is and we can't afford to have cancer cured.

Not sure things will ever be the same between them.

So now you attribute that view of your brother to every Conservative?

Who was chanting "Let him die, let him die"?
Some dipshit in the audience, you fucking moron.
Women's rights are "wedge issues", that is "so emotional" of you, Si modo.

Miraculously, the "War on Women" (TM) just stopped within the last month and a half.

akins and mourdock lost... the GOP got it's butt kicked...

don't worry... i fully expect the next congress to start with more assaults on women's rights. maybe they'll try to absolve hospitals of liability for letting women die rather than giving life saving abortions again....
Such hysterics from you!


Wedge emotional.
How much did Romney spend and how much did Santorum spend?


If that is your idea of a conservative candidate then you don't have a prayer

Obama killed Romney by ridiculing him every time he spouted conservative dogma. 47%, party of the rich, anti immigration reform, anti women,anti gay, strict policy on abortion.....all were used to paint Romney as dangerous and out of touch. Romney surged in the polls after he swung to a moderate positiona and people started to see him as not so crazy

Really? 332 electorial votes.
My brother is a "conservative". We have decided to avoid discussing politics at family gatherings in order to keep things pleasant. He struggles with this, however.

Yesterday, my daughter.....who is his favoriite niece, was talking about a freind of hers who recently passed away after a half-year fight with cancer. She told him that she heard that we would probably find a cure for cancer before long.....expressing hope for the future.

Well, he exclaimed, " I hope not".

My daughter was rocked. She asked him why he felt that way. Her voice trembled.

He said that we don't have enough money to support our population as it is and we can't afford to have cancer cured.

Not sure things will ever be the same between them.

So now you attribute that view of your brother to every Conservative?

Who was chanting "Let him die, let him die"?


If that is your idea of a conservative candidate then you don't have a prayer

Obama killed Romney by ridiculing him every time he spouted conservative dogma. 47%, party of the rich, anti immigration reform, anti women,anti gay, strict policy on abortion.....all were used to paint Romney as dangerous and out of touch. Romney surged in the polls after he swung to a moderate positiona and people started to see him as not so crazy

Really? 332 electorial votes.

The point went over your head as well as rightwinger's.
I remember those freaks chanting that at Paul's presentation.

That turned me off to libertarianism forever. They will be the ones chanting for euthanasia by 2025 for resource allocation drains such as the mentally challenged, the elderly, the severely ill.

I have no doubt shooting will be part of the results of that.
I remember those freaks chanting that at Paul's presentation.

That turned me off to libertarianism forever. They will be the ones chanting for euthanasia by 2025 for resource allocation drains such as the mentally challenged, the elderly, the severely ill.

I have no doubt shooting will be part of the results of that.

You should really have yourself checked, there's something seriously fucking wrong with you
Heavens sake, Elvis, read Crusader Frank or Oddball or Paulie or Paulitician or that most toxic poster, Contumacious. The crowd chanting at Ron Paul's campaign appearance said it all anyone needs to know about libertarianism.
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No need for me to condemn them. Read them for yourself to get the feel of what they are about.
Miraculously, the "War on Women" (TM) just stopped within the last month and a half.

akins and mourdock lost... the GOP got it's butt kicked...

don't worry... i fully expect the next congress to start with more assaults on women's rights. maybe they'll try to absolve hospitals of liability for letting women die rather than giving life saving abortions again....
Such hysterics from you!


Wedge emotional.

hey.. if it's a wedge issue, then the people who put forth that legislation INTENDED to divide the country.

that isn't my fault. and i can promise i'd never vote for someone who would vote for that.

as for emotional, no... not particularly.

no where near where you are on guns. that seems to make your brain melt....
akins and mourdock lost... the GOP got it's butt kicked...

don't worry... i fully expect the next congress to start with more assaults on women's rights. maybe they'll try to absolve hospitals of liability for letting women die rather than giving life saving abortions again....
Such hysterics from you!


Wedge emotional.

hey.. if it's a wedge issue, then the people who put forth that legislation INTENDED to divide the country.

that isn't my fault. and i can promise i'd never vote for someone who would vote for that.

as for emotional, no... not particularly.

no where near where you are on guns. that seems to make your brain melt....
I don't buy your snake oil.

You had such rage about Michigan legislation concerning abortions and about Virginia's legislators for the same thing. Your rage was obviously "faux" because your trademarked "War on Women" is miraculously over.

Seriously....give us a bit of credit for recognizing lame transparency when we see it. You really ain't all THAT clever.

Now, what exactly do YOU think my views on guns and gun control laws are? Care to, or more precisely, dare to answer?
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