The "RINO" Thread

Do we want the moral police or fiscal conservatives leading the party.
Boils down to that and nothing else.

The Plutocrats or the Theocrats?

Frankly, given that choice, which would general suck, I'd probably go with the Theocrats. At least their transactions aren't cynical and they care about something other than themselves.

Who gives a fuck who you would go with, blow job? You're a Democrat.

Well, no, I'm not.

But I can totally understand that you fail to comprehend the GOP is even losing its own with its awful policies...
As soon as the RNC picked Romney to be their candidate; I knew Obama would win the election.

What the Republicans need is a Reaganesque type of individual who is a real conservative.

And who is a true leader and flag bearer of conservative views and values. :cool:

As soon as I saw the inordinately high number of insanely and thoroughly egotistical and delusional Republican "contenders" I knew Obama would win.

A bruising and cruel primary was in the offing, while Obama and Axelrod snickered and enjoyed it in the background.

All those "contenders" should have gone in a large room, somewhere, toss dice, play elimination chess/scrabble/boxing match, draw cards, or choose any other legal method to arrive with ONE contender, thereby saving millions of dollars on primaries and untold electoral damage by screwing each other.

And as it turned out, THEMSELVES.

November 6th, 2012 might have turned out differently.

so, in other words, you could have won if we didn't know what the party stands for?
Miraculously, the "War on Women" (TM) just stopped within the last month and a half.

Yes, that usually happens in a war when one side gets it's ass beaten...

Why would it stop the minute a campaign was over unless it was a phony issue?

All the issues sort of stopped when the campaign is over... because the campaign is over.

For the next four years, abortion will be legal, churches will have to pay for their employees contraception, and rape will no longer be qualified with adjectives.

And if the GOP is smart, they'll drop these issues or at least modify how they approach them.

Obama didn't make Limbaugh call Sandra Fluke a slut. He didn't make Akin talk about "Legitimate Rape" or Murdouch talk about "Gift from God" rape. These idiots did this to themselves.
The Plutocrats or the Theocrats?

Frankly, given that choice, which would general suck, I'd probably go with the Theocrats. At least their transactions aren't cynical and they care about something other than themselves.

Who gives a fuck who you would go with, blow job? You're a Democrat.

Well, no, I'm not.

But I can totally understand that you fail to comprehend the GOP is even losing its own with its awful policies...

You're a republican? who did you vote for, blow job?
Gay marriage? Who cares as it affects no one?
Abortion? Laws never stopped it and women were never prosecuted when it was illegal.
Those 2 issues alone bring in another 5% gain.

You work on the assumption that that would help the GOP.

I know there are a lot of convervatives that vote on those two issues primarily.

You take those two out, and frankly, they might as well vote for the Democrat that won't try to kill off their good union job.

Having been part of goal line stances where it was first and goal from the one I never, ever give up.
At age 58, over 35 years after I faced first and goal at the one.

I can always tell when you are losing an argument is when you shoe-horn some lame sports analogy in.

Okay, let's try again.

There are people out there that ONLY vote GOP because of social issues. They don't care about the capital gains tax or the upper income tax, or Free Trade or Frank-Dodd because those issues either don't effect them or they aren't smart enough to realize what a negative effect these issues have on their lives.

Seriously, I've known union guys who voted REpublican not understanding why they are now in a "right to work" shop.

If the GOP openly abandoned the social issues instead of just pretending to care about them during elections and then ignoring them the rest of the time (which is, by the way, pretty much what they do), a lot of these folks might stop thinking about them and actuallly look at what the economic costs to them are of these positions.

You know, for the 90% of us who aren't business owners, and don't think they walk on water.

And this is where the GOP is in a trick bag. They can't win with these people and they can't win without them.
You invent excuses for the far right's role in the demise of the GOP. Americans generally despise Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and while like Ron Paul, they won't vote for any libertarian for president.

You guys simply don't county anymore.

Each of them were perfectly electable until the far right social values and libertarian crowds pulled the hate card.

You would think after America rejected them, and Obama should have been beat by a Howdie Doodie candidate, the far right of the GOP would catch on that their national power is eroding.

You guys don't count much anymore, Frank and Asterism, and if the country goes over the cliff fiscally, you will have nothing left to offer except come shovel snow from the public streets.

Neither of them were fiscally conservative.

Pulled the hate card? Libertarians?

You're off your fucking rocker. McCain lost because the Democrats had an overwhelmingly superior ground game. Romney lost because he didn't get the disaffected conservatives to vote for him and the GOP didn't do ANYTHING to attract new voters.

And you painting me as the "far right" is indicative of how tone deaf the GOP establishment is. It's all abstract to your type. I'm nowhere near the "far right" in voting nor in political pragmatism. I just didn't think McCain and Romney were worth the grief becoming an election day activist. Neither had anything but status quote milquetoast proposals.

But go ahead and invent your own narrative. We lost, but you're still manning your post on a sinking ship. I've decided to swim on my own - and that's worked out quite well for me so far.
I don't have to defend libertarian failure or its resulting hate.

That you voted for Romney is good. What is bad is that you can't keep your mouths shut and keep the hate you feel inside you.

Yes, I know libertarianism is seriously wrong.

Can you expand on that?

No, he can't. That's what you have to understand about Fakey: none of his positions are based on any kind of reasoning process. They are purely emotional grunts emanating from some primitive portion of his brain. Of course, there is no evidence that any part of Fakey's brain isn't primitive.
You invent excuses for the far right's role in the demise of the GOP. Americans generally despise Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and while like Ron Paul, they won't vote for any libertarian for president.
Your sentence should have read, "I generally despise"..........
But here's the thing. The GOP has won in the past being against these things.

A lot of hispanics don't see the illegals as kindred, and a lot of women look at the screeching feminist as something they don't relate to.

Unlike Reagan or a Bush, Romney couldn't make these positions palatable. Probably because as a moderate, he was uncomfortable with them.

Either that... Or over the last couple decades the world has changed it's position on various things. Evolution. You know.. Towards something better.

I don't necessarily think so.
Well I agree that it's not 'everything' that is wrong... But it'll certainly help bring in some votes of the more emotional voter than logical.

Not really a social conservative at this point in my life, but Romney didn't lose because of the social conservatives. He lost because most people saw he was offering more of the same slop on economics that got us into this mess.
I think that is a large part of it... Yes... He was stereotypical republican of the last couple decades. Which... It has been decided that isn't wanted.

The thing that absolutely killed him was the 47% comment.
It certainly didn't help. It just confirmed what was really already thought by the majority. Hard to argue the point after that.
Americans generally is correct. Crunch the numbers, Sunni Man.
You invent excuses for the far right's role in the demise of the GOP. Americans generally despise Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and while like Ron Paul, they won't vote for any libertarian for president.
Your sentence should have read, "I generally despise"..........
You work on the assumption that that would help the GOP.

I know there are a lot of convervatives that vote on those two issues primarily.

You take those two out, and frankly, they might as well vote for the Democrat that won't try to kill off their good union job.

Having been part of goal line stances where it was first and goal from the one I never, ever give up.
At age 58, over 35 years after I faced first and goal at the one.

I can always tell when you are losing an argument is when you shoe-horn some lame sports analogy in.

Okay, let's try again.

There are people out there that ONLY vote GOP because of social issues. They don't care about the capital gains tax or the upper income tax, or Free Trade or Frank-Dodd because those issues either don't effect them or they aren't smart enough to realize what a negative effect these issues have on their lives.

Seriously, I've known union guys who voted REpublican not understanding why they are now in a "right to work" shop.

If the GOP openly abandoned the social issues instead of just pretending to care about them during elections and then ignoring them the rest of the time (which is, by the way, pretty much what they do), a lot of these folks might stop thinking about them and actuallly look at what the economic costs to them are of these positions.

You know, for the 90% of us who aren't business owners, and don't think they walk on water.

And this is where the GOP is in a trick bag. They can't win with these people and they can't win without them.

And there are Democrats out there that ONLY vote Democrat because of social issues.
So what else is new?
Life is like football. You have to tackle your problems, block your fears and score your points when you get the opportunity.
We are now with our backs to the end zone in this country. It is 1st and goal against us at the one.
What do we do? Lay down like we have and allow the tax and spend fools that can not balance a check book just walk on in, raise taxes again and then proceed to raise spending the same amount as we always have because of fear?
NO, we stand up and fight them off, cut the massive waste in the budget and take possession of the ball after their 4 tries at fucking us once again.
Joe hates business owners as we do not work in his eyes.
If you are a business owner then... Well... Lets just say I think you are lying.

Edit: OH... You are damn near 60... I guess it is believable if unlikely.
You invent excuses for the far right's role in the demise of the GOP. Americans generally despise Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck..

I wouldn't use the word "despise", but I definitely agree that a pretty strong majority of Americans don't like these people, and that they're all a clear net negative for the GOP and for conservatism overall. Easily.

The hardline Right's absolute refusal to see this is yet another symptom of the cocoon it has created for itself, the same alternate reality that had them expecting a Romney blowout in November. They believe down to their core, for example, that the Democrats are "afraid" of Sarah Palin and that "most Americans" agree with Santorum on all of the social issues.

Weird thing is, I don't think there is anything that can talk them out of that cocoon. Nor do I know how in the hell the GOP is going to be able to marginalize them.

Frankie, I have been active in the GOP longer than you have been alive.

You libers having inflitrated the Party is the problem.
Gay marriage? Who cares as it affects no one?
Abortion? Laws never stopped it and women were never prosecuted when it was illegal.
Those 2 issues alone bring in another 5% gain.

And lose 40%...

This math is not going well.

no. it wouldn't lose any votes... because your right flank isn't ever voting dem

It has been losing votes.

Every election we put a moderate out there...we lose.

It's as simple as that.

Dole, McCain, Romney.

What is the definition of insanity?

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Huckabee or Thompson would have lost in 2008 and not one of the conservatives would have done as well as Romney. In fact, Akin and Mordouch did very badly. Cruz did well because Texas is solidly red until at least 2020 when the Hispanic vote will make it blue forever. That's a point the far right won't get: the demographics have changed against it.

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