The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement

50% of Americans pay taxes! 50% do not. What percentage of Canadians pay taxes?We have generational welfare. Do ewe have generational welfare? How many illegal aliens dew ewe have to provide for out of your hard earned money? Key word illegal?

Let's examine how these statistics are used by Republicans to prove the ignorance and gullibility of Republican voter:

1. 50% of Americans don't pay taxes. First off Willow, this statement is a flat out lie. ALL Americans and all people living and working in the USA pay sales taxes, gas taxes, liquor taxes, property taxes, excise taxes, user fees, road tolls, social security taxes, and withholding. 50% of Americans don''t pay federal income taxes, but even minimum wage workers pay 15% SS taxes and withholding taxes.
Yes well, stupid. We all pay sales taxes gas taxes, liquor taxes etc etc etc in addition 50% of us pay federal taxes. Ya got it now you dumbassed Canadian?
In Canada, 78% of Canadians pay income taxes. That's because Canadians have a $14 minimum wage. Our overall wages are similar but it's much cheaper to live in Canada. In large part because our education and health care systems are not only better, and more efficient, good governance means they are run whole hell of a lot cheaper than all of your "for profit" systems which cut wages to the bone to give maximum profits to shareholders.your education system doesn’t seem to have worked for you.

50% of Americans don't pay federal income tax because they don't make enough money to pay federal income tax. This means that in the richest nation on each, the federal government is issuing "earned income credits" to 22 million families making less than $42,000 per year. That 50% of Americans don't pay income taxes is an indictment of the systemic income inequity in the USA.

You look at the fact the 50% of Americans are not paying federal income taxes as an idictment of those who are getting a "free ride". I look at at 22 million working families receiving federal assistance as an indictment of the low wages for hourly rated employees across the board in the USA, and the corporations who have worked to flatten costs and raise profits and expenses at the expense of front line workers, since Reagan stopped raising the minimum wage in 1981. That’s because you are a dumbassed Canadian.

Wages, as a percentage of costs, are at the same levels as the Guilded Age.

2. Do Canadians have generational welfare? Yes. Our generational welfare is white and native. Especially native. There are a lot of reasons for native welfare and white people in Canada own all of them. Google Residential Schools to know why.

3. Illegals are a red herring. See paragraph #1, in my answer to question #1. Everyone living in America pays taxes. Illegals pay 15% withholding taxes and yet they can't claim earned income credits or other income supports. Their 15% is a gift to the federal government. bullshit!

Why have Republicans so strongly resisted immigration reform or clamping down on companies employing illegals ever since Reagan gave 5 million amnesty? Republicans have been giving cover to their use and abuse of illegal immigrants to line their own pockets, by claiming Democrats are for "santuary cities" and "open borders", which is bullshit.

Illegals are CONTRIBUTING to your economy. They contribute to GDP, they contribute to taxes at ALL levels of government, and because they don't qualify for so many government programs, all of their contributions are at low cost to the government. More bullshit! Want us to send them to your country to contribute dumbass?


Republicans won't change until they're bludgeoned into change. They have to run out of the white racist vote before they even BEGIN to change. Too many of those bastards are still alive. In about 8 years or so. You'll see them start crying. That's when it'll become more obvious that whites aren't going to be the majority in the future. Until such time their racism and racist policies will kkkuntinue as it has been.
Not to worry... you're in a distant Third Place... we don't particularly need the advice of folks suffering from Demographics Envy... :D
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

View attachment 336540

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.

If they're establishment righties I wouldn't rust em as far as I could throw em

Would they pass agryper sniff test


He supports Trump. If 4% more blacks vote for Trump than did in 2016 you're toast. Simple math

And this is where you show that all you want is to get enough blacks to give trump a second term. If you get 20 percent of the black vote, it means 80 percent can't stand trump. But you are way off when you say all you need is just 4 percent more.

That's how Trump got the nomination with 15% of the Republican vote. With 17 candidates, nobody else got more. 85% of Republicans didn't want him, but he won the nomination with far less than half the vote going in. Then the alt-right and nazis started turning out for him while Republicans stayed home in the later stages and here were are.

But a lot of people who held their noses and voted for him in 2016, would vote for a tree stump over Trump in 2020. And black people, who largely sat out 2016 when he said "What do you have to lose" are sure as hell going to make sure he's gone in 2020, as will production workers, women, and anyone who lost a loved one to this virus.

From the outside looking in, it appears that Trump knows he's toast, and it's just a matter of how much money he can stuff in his pockets on the way out the door. Hence the firing of all of the IG's. They're the only top level watchdog function he hasn't shut down, or mired in the courts.

Trump is using the court system to avoid Congressional oversight in the same way that he used them as a businessman to bilk his subtrades. He's trying to shut them down until they run out of money or patience and either go away, or he can find some way of staying in office. That's when he offers 5 cents on the dollar and laughs in your face.

...... and all Hillary had to NOT do was shit the bed with working men in one of WI, MI, PA, or OH. Just one.
No one is screaming racism at everything that moves.
I don't race bait.

That's exactly what they do to Owens. She is an Uncle Tom.

That's why 75 percent of the asians in this country are democrats and you are an outlier on the fringe.

Candace Owens panders to the racist element in the republican party by repeating the same message they believe about blacks. So she is an uncle tom.

Clarence Thomas is anothet black raxcist promote because he satys what they wanttohear.

We wish to see the Republican Party return to its roots as the Party of Lincoln]
- and shortly after you declare Lincoln was racist too.

It's pretty simple. Her denigration of blacks as a black person by repeating white racist beliefs about blacks. Her denial of racism especially after she was awarded a settlement because she faced racial harassment.

The new black conservative movement does not deny racism, nor does it denigrate blacks. They recognize the issues in the black community and the impact of racism on the black community instead of adopting the white racist belief of we have a victim mentality and that racism has nothing to do with our struggle, but that we have done it to ourselves.

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act.

Racists do control the republican party and it is not racist to make that comment.

And that was a fraction of the thread.

All you have been doing is race bating and calling others racist. That you deny it when it is all over the posts right here is rather asinine. You certainly like the term 'uncle tom' and have no problem declaring half the nations political members as controlled by racism followed by declaring others are gas lighting. The hypocrisy abounds.

He supports Trump. If 4% more blacks vote for Trump than did in 2016 you're toast. Simple math

And this is where you show that all you want is to get enough blacks to give trump a second term. If you get 20 percent of the black vote, it means 80 percent can't stand trump. But you are way off when you say all you need is just 4 percent more.

That's how Trump got the nomination with 15% of the Republican vote. With 17 candidates, nobody else got more. 85% of Republicans didn't want him, but he won the nomination with far less than half the vote going in. Then the alt-right and nazis started turning out for him while Republicans stayed home in the later stages and here were are.

But a lot of people who held their noses and voted for him in 2016, would vote for a tree stump over Trump in 2020. And black people, who largely sat out 2016 when he said "What do you have to lose" are sure as hell going to make sure he's gone in 2020, as will production workers, women, and anyone who lost a loved one to this virus.

From the outside looking in, it appears that Trump knows he's toast, and it's just a matter of how much money he can stuff in his pockets on the way out the door. Hence the firing of all of the IG's. They're the only top level watchdog function he hasn't shut down, or mired in the courts.

Trump is using the court system to avoid Congressional oversight in the same way that he used them as a businessman to bilk his subtrades. He's trying to shut them down until they run out of money or patience and either go away, or he can find some way of staying in office. That's when he offers 5 cents on the dollar and laughs in your face.

You're wrong. They will NOT vote for Hillary, it will NOT be Biden (who would be destroyed anyway)

They voted FOR Hillary BEFORE Trump killed 100,000 Americans and cratered the economy. How quickly they forget this is only an electoral college election. The more Americans die, the more likely they are to vote for ANYONE other than Trump, because the nation will not survive for more years of a Trump Regime Unbound by any Constitutional or Judicial oversight or restraint. Trump has already declared his power absolute, "greater than that of a King", and that he's God Chosen One. How do you think he'll behave if the voters re-elect him.

Trump considers that public thinks its OK for him to sexually assault women because the public knew that about him and elected him anyway. Now that we know oh so much more about his character, temperment and competence, do you think that he'll view re-election as anything but a carte blanche for even worse behaviour?.

He supports Trump. If 4% more blacks vote for Trump than did in 2016 you're toast. Simple math

And this is where you show that all you want is to get enough blacks to give trump a second term. If you get 20 percent of the black vote, it means 80 percent can't stand trump. But you are way off when you say all you need is just 4 percent more.

That's how Trump got the nomination with 15% of the Republican vote. With 17 candidates, nobody else got more. 85% of Republicans didn't want him, but he won the nomination with far less than half the vote going in. Then the alt-right and nazis started turning out for him while Republicans stayed home in the later stages and here were are.

But a lot of people who held their noses and voted for him in 2016, would vote for a tree stump over Trump in 2020. And black people, who largely sat out 2016 when he said "What do you have to lose" are sure as hell going to make sure he's gone in 2020, as will production workers, women, and anyone who lost a loved one to this virus.

From the outside looking in, it appears that Trump knows he's toast, and it's just a matter of how much money he can stuff in his pockets on the way out the door. Hence the firing of all of the IG's. They're the only top level watchdog function he hasn't shut down, or mired in the courts.

Trump is using the court system to avoid Congressional oversight in the same way that he used them as a businessman to bilk his subtrades. He's trying to shut them down until they run out of money or patience and either go away, or he can find some way of staying in office. That's when he offers 5 cents on the dollar and laughs in your face.

You're wrong. They will NOT vote for Hillary, it will NOT be Biden (who would be destroyed anyway)

She is irrelevant. Foreigners opinion is worth as much as my dogs morning turd.

Every country in the world right now is doing better than the USA. The last world economic crash was CAUSED by Republican fiscal idiocy. This economic collapse is MUCH, MUCH worse in the USA than anywhere else in the world, because of wealth and pay inequity, lack of universal health care coverage, and a failure to plan or prepare a national coordinated testing and response program. You still don't have one and you're re-opening your country.

Hey, my country has less than half the rate of death and disease per capita that the US had, and we've been on the downside of the infection rate for two weeks now. My province has been on the downside for more than 3 weeks. 62% of our deaths have been in nursing home clusters, and 2/3rd of nursing homes deaths are in the "for profit" nursing homes, modelled after similar US chains. Many of these chains are operated by American companies. And people wonder why we have no interest in your "for profit" health care system.

Our nation is healthier, happier, and we live longer than you do. Our schools are better, and our population enjoys cradle to the grave income supports and opportunities for Canadians to succeed.

The problems with Americans is they think they've got the world by the ass, while they are owned, lock, stock and barrel by the corporations. Your government moved immediately to bail out their companies. Many of your people are still waiting for their cheques, while corporations have had two more bailouts. And the Senate is now refusing to send more money to the people or the states until Democrats remove consumer and workers' ability to sue businesses who take public health casually and allow the virus to spread on their premises.

While Americans are rushing to return to "normal", the rest of the world is acknowledging that henceforth, "normal" isn't what it used to be. Just like the AIDS epidemic introduced us to "safe sex", which is now a way of life for people who are not in a committed monogomous relationship, covid19 is introducing us to social distancing, and reminding us of the need to wash our hands, a lot. Local stores are cutting their hours of operation in order to clean and disinfect daily.

Only in the USA has the virus been politicized, with Donald Trump leading the most incompetent, expensive and wasteful and ineffective response to the epidemic in the world. Every other nation got their response and their infection rate under control within two months. We reduced the rate of infection, we tested and quarantined the sick, we did tracking on the infections where possible, and we crossed the line where more people have gotten better than are sick. Canada has 44,000 closed cases, 32,600 active ones.

So maybe you arrogant twats should be looking around at what other countries are doing because what you're doing sure isn't working for you.
Every country in the world right now is doing better than the USA.
I tire of this asinine lie repeated over and over again. Straight from Google with a 10 second search and a few of the nations outright lying removed. This does not even cover for the fact that the reporting of COVID deaths has not been normalized across nations making several of these artificially low. Header is Nation - confirmed - recovered - deaths all in per million. The UK, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands are ALL doing worse just to name a few in the first world. Most of the ones doing better are in the southern hemisphere.

United States4,636860275
United Kingdom3,755-534
Saudi Arabia1,93691011


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He supports Trump. If 4% more blacks vote for Trump than did in 2016 you're toast. Simple math

And this is where you show that all you want is to get enough blacks to give trump a second term. If you get 20 percent of the black vote, it means 80 percent can't stand trump. But you are way off when you say all you need is just 4 percent more.

That's how Trump got the nomination with 15% of the Republican vote. With 17 candidates, nobody else got more. 85% of Republicans didn't want him, but he won the nomination with far less than half the vote going in. Then the alt-right and nazis started turning out for him while Republicans stayed home in the later stages and here were are.

But a lot of people who held their noses and voted for him in 2016, would vote for a tree stump over Trump in 2020. And black people, who largely sat out 2016 when he said "What do you have to lose" are sure as hell going to make sure he's gone in 2020, as will production workers, women, and anyone who lost a loved one to this virus.

From the outside looking in, it appears that Trump knows he's toast, and it's just a matter of how much money he can stuff in his pockets on the way out the door. Hence the firing of all of the IG's. They're the only top level watchdog function he hasn't shut down, or mired in the courts.

Trump is using the court system to avoid Congressional oversight in the same way that he used them as a businessman to bilk his subtrades. He's trying to shut them down until they run out of money or patience and either go away, or he can find some way of staying in office. That's when he offers 5 cents on the dollar and laughs in your face.

You're wrong. They will NOT vote for Hillary, it will NOT be Biden (who would be destroyed anyway)

They voted FOR Hillary BEFORE Trump killed 100,000 Americans and cratered the economy. The more Americans die, the more likely they are to vote for ANYONE other than Trump, because the nation will not survive for more years of a Trump Regime Unbound by any Constitutional or Judicial oversight or restraint. Trump has already declared his power absolute, "greater than that of a King", and that he's God Chosen One. How do you think he'll behave if the voters re-elect him.

Trump considers that public thinks its OK for him to sexually assault women because the public knew that about him and elected him anyway. Now that we know oh so much more about his character, temperment and competence, do you think that he'll view re-election as anything but a carte blanche for even worse behaviour?.

You haven't a clue. American's will NOT elect Hillary, she is an evil bitch. Only the truly blind won't admit that. Rump is a malignant narcissist but you're ignoring the reality of the situation, you read nothing but Leftwing shit. Do you want to know the truth?
It's all a game. We;ll get whomever they decide we'll get.

That's over your head but never the less it's the truth.

You stupid dolt. HILLARY ISN'T RUNNING. No matter how much you wish she was.
  • Thanks
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He supports Trump. If 4% more blacks vote for Trump than did in 2016 you're toast. Simple math

And this is where you show that all you want is to get enough blacks to give trump a second term. If you get 20 percent of the black vote, it means 80 percent can't stand trump. But you are way off when you say all you need is just 4 percent more.

That's how Trump got the nomination with 15% of the Republican vote. With 17 candidates, nobody else got more. 85% of Republicans didn't want him, but he won the nomination with far less than half the vote going in. Then the alt-right and nazis started turning out for him while Republicans stayed home in the later stages and here were are.

But a lot of people who held their noses and voted for him in 2016, would vote for a tree stump over Trump in 2020. And black people, who largely sat out 2016 when he said "What do you have to lose" are sure as hell going to make sure he's gone in 2020, as will production workers, women, and anyone who lost a loved one to this virus.

From the outside looking in, it appears that Trump knows he's toast, and it's just a matter of how much money he can stuff in his pockets on the way out the door. Hence the firing of all of the IG's. They're the only top level watchdog function he hasn't shut down, or mired in the courts.

Trump is using the court system to avoid Congressional oversight in the same way that he used them as a businessman to bilk his subtrades. He's trying to shut them down until they run out of money or patience and either go away, or he can find some way of staying in office. That's when he offers 5 cents on the dollar and laughs in your face.

You're wrong. They will NOT vote for Hillary, it will NOT be Biden (who would be destroyed anyway)

She is irrelevant. Foreigners opinion is worth as much as my dogs morning turd.

She's right. If she was praising trump you be asking for her phone number.
Every country in the world right now is doing better than the USA.
I tire of this asinine lie repeated over and over again. Straight from Google with a 10 second search and a few of the nations outright lying removed. This does not even cover for the fact that the reporting of COVID deaths has not been normalized across nations making several of these artificially low. Header is Nation - confirmed - recovered - deaths all in per million. The UK, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands are ALL doing worse just to name a few in the first world. Most of the ones doing better are in the southern hemisphere.

United States4,636860275
United Kingdom3,755-534
Saudi Arabia1,93691011
Nah, we won't be going on deaths per million. 1 out of every 3 people who die of COVID19 on earth die in this country. We don't know how many have really died here. We have more infections than the next 5 countries combined. We are doing worse than everybody else.
No one is screaming racism at everything that moves.
I don't race bait.

That's exactly what they do to Owens. She is an Uncle Tom.

That's why 75 percent of the asians in this country are democrats and you are an outlier on the fringe.

Candace Owens panders to the racist element in the republican party by repeating the same message they believe about blacks. So she is an uncle tom.

Clarence Thomas is anothet black raxcist promote because he satys what they wanttohear.

We wish to see the Republican Party return to its roots as the Party of Lincoln]
- and shortly after you declare Lincoln was racist too.

It's pretty simple. Her denigration of blacks as a black person by repeating white racist beliefs about blacks. Her denial of racism especially after she was awarded a settlement because she faced racial harassment.

The new black conservative movement does not deny racism, nor does it denigrate blacks. They recognize the issues in the black community and the impact of racism on the black community instead of adopting the white racist belief of we have a victim mentality and that racism has nothing to do with our struggle, but that we have done it to ourselves.

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act.

Racists do control the republican party and it is not racist to make that comment.

And that was a fraction of the thread.

All you have been doing is race bating and calling others racist. That you deny it when it is all over the posts right here is rather asinine. You certainly like the term 'uncle tom' and have no problem declaring half the nations political members as controlled by racism followed by declaring others are gas lighting. The hypocrisy abounds.
No, I don't race bait. Whites such as yourself call anything that exposes white racism or opposes it race baiting.

Every country in the world right now is doing better than the USA.
I tire of this asinine lie repeated over and over again. Straight from Google with a 10 second search and a few of the nations outright lying removed. This does not even cover for the fact that the reporting of COVID deaths has not been normalized across nations making several of these artificially low. Header is Nation - confirmed - recovered - deaths all in per million. The UK, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands are ALL doing worse just to name a few in the first world. Most of the ones doing better are in the southern hemisphere.

United States4,636860275
United Kingdom3,755-534
Saudi Arabia1,93691011
Nah, we won't be going on deaths per million. 1 out of every 3 people who die of COVID19 on earth die in this country. We don't know how many have really died here. We have more infections than the next 5 countries combined. We are doing worse than everybody else.
So, not going to actually look at the real data.

Follow the science? I guess not.
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

View attachment 336540

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.

It's all good.. Opinions and voices welcome in MOST parties.. Who's not in favor of "up close conversation and discourse"... BESIDES the progressive wing of the Democrats that is.. <snicker>
Until now, Black Conservatives were expected to act like Uncle Toms, spouting Conservative blame the victim rhetoric.

If the Republican Party really wants to attract blacks, they have to abandon their “plantation” rhetoric and stop their support of the Deplorables
Exactly. That's what blacks keep telling them and it is certainly what these black republicans are doing.

Wouldn't it make more sense to burn the Republican Party down and start over with a party which wasn't cobbled together on a foundation of racism? The Ronald Reagan coalition welcomed Dixiecrats and racists of all stripes because Reagan was smart enough that he couldn't win without them. He pitted rural whites against urban black, declaring ketchup a vegetable for school lunches and railed against inner city "welfare queens" popping out babies to increase their income.

Republicans have betrayed everything that conservatives stand for: expanding the size of government, not shrinking it; running huge, fiscally irresponsible deficits. Their fiscal policies have now crashed the economy during three of the last four times they've held the White House, and the Reagan tax code created the biggest transfer of wealth in world history - all of it upward.

The whole party is toxic to minorities, women, religious minorities and gays. Even mainstream Christians are poorly served by Republicans. If you're not a straight white male, Repubicans have nothing for you. Even worse, they'll see your membership as a validation of their toxic white male agenda.
You make sense and I think that the black conservatives could be the ones that burn down the current republican party.

How about fantasizing about blacks burning down BOTH "racist" parties.. That would really turn me on.,..

Even mainstream Christians are poorly served by Republicans.
Oh, I know. It's the Democrats who "serve" us all that court paperwork, and we would really be better off without it.
toxic white male agenda.
Is that a political agenda? Or is some lady "intoxicated" and trying to get in bed with a male of her preferred race?

Republicans simply don't have time for the sex games and service of process.
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

View attachment 336540

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.

I didn't read a word of this propaganda piece, because I already read it loud and clear.

The party of slavery, destruction of black families through welfare and excuses, thought-control, weakness, projection and victims roles have revealed their colors. Your party can't even hide it well, contradiction and failure has become their comfort zone.

Blacks are coming to light and it's awesome.

So your story is an attempt to disrupt and make excuses for your party's demise under the worst group of members in our history.
What are Republicans offering minorities?

Vote Republican because.....

Because although we're more charitable than Demonicrats we expect people to take responsibility regardless of race. The left prefers they feel victimized, throw them a bone on occasion, keep them in their place.
Republicans don't take personal responsibility for anything. Just using one example to support my statement, If you understood the concept of personal responsibility, you don't argue against reparations especially since you are paying native Americans for wrongs committed against them before any of them were born. One more, If you understood the concept of personal responsibility, you don't whine about affirmative action because you know that whites had a 2 century head start by denying others.

Wait, did you just say personal responsibility is equal to receiving rewards without effort? Is this a plea for free money IM2?
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

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The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.

If anyone wants an example of concern trolling, this is textbook.

He supports Trump. If 4% more blacks vote for Trump than did in 2016 you're toast. Simple math

And this is where you show that all you want is to get enough blacks to give trump a second term. If you get 20 percent of the black vote, it means 80 percent can't stand trump. But you are way off when you say all you need is just 4 percent more.

That's how Trump got the nomination with 15% of the Republican vote. With 17 candidates, nobody else got more. 85% of Republicans didn't want him, but he won the nomination with far less than half the vote going in. Then the alt-right and nazis started turning out for him while Republicans stayed home in the later stages and here were are.

But a lot of people who held their noses and voted for him in 2016, would vote for a tree stump over Trump in 2020. And black people, who largely sat out 2016 when he said "What do you have to lose" are sure as hell going to make sure he's gone in 2020, as will production workers, women, and anyone who lost a loved one to this virus.

From the outside looking in, it appears that Trump knows he's toast, and it's just a matter of how much money he can stuff in his pockets on the way out the door. Hence the firing of all of the IG's. They're the only top level watchdog function he hasn't shut down, or mired in the courts.

Trump is using the court system to avoid Congressional oversight in the same way that he used them as a businessman to bilk his subtrades. He's trying to shut them down until they run out of money or patience and either go away, or he can find some way of staying in office. That's when he offers 5 cents on the dollar and laughs in your face.

You're wrong. They will NOT vote for Hillary, it will NOT be Biden (who would be destroyed anyway)

They voted FOR Hillary BEFORE Trump killed 100,000 Americans and cratered the economy. The more Americans die, the more likely they are to vote for ANYONE other than Trump, because the nation will not survive for more years of a Trump Regime Unbound by any Constitutional or Judicial oversight or restraint. Trump has already declared his power absolute, "greater than that of a King", and that he's God Chosen One. How do you think he'll behave if the voters re-elect him.

Trump considers that public thinks its OK for him to sexually assault women because the public knew that about him and elected him anyway. Now that we know oh so much more about his character, temperment and competence, do you think that he'll view re-election as anything but a carte blanche for even worse behaviour?.

You haven't a clue. American's will NOT elect Hillary, she is an evil bitch. Only the truly blind won't admit that. Rump is a malignant narcissist but you're ignoring the reality of the situation, you read nothing but Leftwing shit. Do you want to know the truth?
It's all a game. We;ll get whomever they decide we'll get.

That's over your head but never the less it's the truth.

You stupid dolt. HILLARY ISN'T RUNNING. No matter how much you wish she was.

Dumbass. Watch and see, Biden is done. Brokered Convention and Hillary gets it. I'll rub it in your face when it happens.

He supports Trump. If 4% more blacks vote for Trump than did in 2016 you're toast. Simple math

And this is where you show that all you want is to get enough blacks to give trump a second term. If you get 20 percent of the black vote, it means 80 percent can't stand trump. But you are way off when you say all you need is just 4 percent more.

That's how Trump got the nomination with 15% of the Republican vote. With 17 candidates, nobody else got more. 85% of Republicans didn't want him, but he won the nomination with far less than half the vote going in. Then the alt-right and nazis started turning out for him while Republicans stayed home in the later stages and here were are.

But a lot of people who held their noses and voted for him in 2016, would vote for a tree stump over Trump in 2020. And black people, who largely sat out 2016 when he said "What do you have to lose" are sure as hell going to make sure he's gone in 2020, as will production workers, women, and anyone who lost a loved one to this virus.

From the outside looking in, it appears that Trump knows he's toast, and it's just a matter of how much money he can stuff in his pockets on the way out the door. Hence the firing of all of the IG's. They're the only top level watchdog function he hasn't shut down, or mired in the courts.

Trump is using the court system to avoid Congressional oversight in the same way that he used them as a businessman to bilk his subtrades. He's trying to shut them down until they run out of money or patience and either go away, or he can find some way of staying in office. That's when he offers 5 cents on the dollar and laughs in your face.

You're wrong. They will NOT vote for Hillary, it will NOT be Biden (who would be destroyed anyway)

They voted FOR Hillary BEFORE Trump killed 100,000 Americans and cratered the economy. The more Americans die, the more likely they are to vote for ANYONE other than Trump, because the nation will not survive for more years of a Trump Regime Unbound by any Constitutional or Judicial oversight or restraint. Trump has already declared his power absolute, "greater than that of a King", and that he's God Chosen One. How do you think he'll behave if the voters re-elect him.

Trump considers that public thinks its OK for him to sexually assault women because the public knew that about him and elected him anyway. Now that we know oh so much more about his character, temperment and competence, do you think that he'll view re-election as anything but a carte blanche for even worse behaviour?.

You haven't a clue. American's will NOT elect Hillary, she is an evil bitch. Only the truly blind won't admit that. Rump is a malignant narcissist but you're ignoring the reality of the situation, you read nothing but Leftwing shit. Do you want to know the truth?
It's all a game. We;ll get whomever they decide we'll get.

That's over your head but never the less it's the truth.

You stupid dolt. HILLARY ISN'T RUNNING. No matter how much you wish she was.

Dumbass. Watch and see, Biden is done. Brokered Convention and Hillary gets it. I'll rub it in your face when it happens.

You cannot seriously believe this.

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