The rise of fascism, nationalism and populism today


Rights are typically limited when the conflict with another's rights or public safety. You think that is a bad idea?
You mean freedom is taken....a right is a right, not limited by anything.....

Sure it is. Your right to free speech stops short of invoking a riot for example. Your freedom of expression doesn't give you the right to punch me in the nose.
No, it doesn' do understand what a right is, don't you?

Yes. I do.
Do try again and tell us......since you were clueless the first time....

Rights (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
They already are.

And that is where we disagree. Please list the registration body of the Boston Bombers, Fl nightclub shooter, etc.

Terrorist groups are registered or listed as terrorist groups by the FBI, for example. If people are suspected of being associated with them, I'm sure records are maintained.

But they were not on it, hence they were not registered. But they did have something in common...Islam.

Hmmm....they also have guns in common.
Not the bombers or 9/11 hijackers.

Look at the huge amount of mass shooting deaths that occur. What do they have in common?
I think these are truly dangerous times for civil liberties and freedoms throughout the western world.

Then maybe dimocraps should try not pushing the average American to the edge.

They got Trump because -- They deserve him.

It really is just that simple.

Crying about it isn't going to do the least little bit of good. Changing the dimocrap scum party might. Giving Americans a choice between 'hard' right (it isn't but if it's your perception, what you think is real enough to you) and hard, communistic, authoritarian, Orwellian leftists would be nice.

But what does the dimocrap scum party do? They double down on stupid.

Trump is here to stay. Get used to it.

Or get gone

I intend to stay. It's MY country.

View attachment 101396

Sure. I'll support him just like you did Obama :)
You mean freedom is taken....a right is a right, not limited by anything.....

Sure it is. Your right to free speech stops short of invoking a riot for example. Your freedom of expression doesn't give you the right to punch me in the nose.
No, it doesn' do understand what a right is, don't you?

Yes. I do.
Do try again and tell us......since you were clueless the first time....

Rights (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Stanford.....coupled with this...

"There are two leading philosophical approaches to explaining which fundamental rights of conduct there are,"

Tells me you still don't have a fucking clue......
I think these are truly dangerous times for civil liberties and freedoms throughout the western world.

Then maybe dimocraps should try not pushing the average American to the edge.

They got Trump because -- They deserve him.

It really is just that simple.

Crying about it isn't going to do the least little bit of good. Changing the dimocrap scum party might. Giving Americans a choice between 'hard' right (it isn't but if it's your perception, what you think is real enough to you) and hard, communistic, authoritarian, Orwellian leftists would be nice.

But what does the dimocrap scum party do? They double down on stupid.

Trump is here to stay. Get used to it.

Or get gone

I intend to stay. It's MY country.

View attachment 101396

Sure. I'll support him just like you did Obama :)
Spoken like a true fascist liberal.....
Sure it is. Your right to free speech stops short of invoking a riot for example. Your freedom of expression doesn't give you the right to punch me in the nose.
No, it doesn' do understand what a right is, don't you?

Yes. I do.
Do try again and tell us......since you were clueless the first time....

Rights (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Stanford.....coupled with this...

"There are two leading philosophical approaches to explaining which fundamental rights of conduct there are,"

Tells me you still don't have a fucking clue......

So you're trying to claim that your right to something allows you to deprive others of their rights?
And that is where we disagree. Please list the registration body of the Boston Bombers, Fl nightclub shooter, etc.

Terrorist groups are registered or listed as terrorist groups by the FBI, for example. If people are suspected of being associated with them, I'm sure records are maintained.

But they were not on it, hence they were not registered. But they did have something in common...Islam.

Hmmm....they also have guns in common.
Not the bombers or 9/11 hijackers.

Look at the huge amount of mass shooting deaths that occur. What do they have in common?
No, it doesn' do understand what a right is, don't you?

Yes. I do.
Do try again and tell us......since you were clueless the first time....

Rights (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Stanford.....coupled with this...

"There are two leading philosophical approaches to explaining which fundamental rights of conduct there are,"

Tells me you still don't have a fucking clue......

So you're trying to claim that you're right to something allows you to deprive others of their rights?
Nope....keep trying though.....
I intend to stay. It's MY country.

True but now......

It's more mine than yours.

Just the way it is.

And here's something to depress you -- It's gonna get worse for you. Much worse. Much, much, much worse.

I'm good about these things.

Trump is going to have a filibuster-proof Senate in 2018 and enough State Legislatures to get any Constitutional Amendment through that we want to.

Think that's scary? Wait until you see what's in them.

You people asked for this. You got WAY too arrogant, way too condescending.

You told us too many times how 'superieiure' you are. How much better educated, how much better able to Rule you are (By the Grace of God -- Recited at every Coronation)

You may think of yourself as a humble, honest, hard-working, tax-paying goo American Citizen.

But you vote dimocrap? You're not.

You live in a bubble. Try getting out once in a while.

Not being personal. I really do want to help you understand what just happened.

I know it's a shock but you ought to look into why you got so crushed by one of the weaker Candidates in a while
Fascism is loosely defined as a form of extreme “authoritarian nationalism” identified with Italy’s Mussolini. It’s principle attributes were an aggressive nationalism, a militarized society, a populist charismatic leader and prolific promises to cure every political and economic ill. It was particularly appealing to an economically depressed post-war society that had seen its way of life and culture turned upside down. Fascism promised action, not diplomacy, not nuance, even if it could not in reality deliver on those promises.

Mussolini was the “anti-establishment outsider” who became the voice of all those disillusioned with the government, the democratic process, and the economy. His rhetoric attracted the unemployed, the economically disenfranchised, veterans, and nationalists. In 1922, when Italy’s king called on Mussolini to form a government he had no idea what that entailed other than fulfilling a personal ambition for power.

In 1938, fascism took on distinctly racist/anti-semitic overtones when it began to collaborate with the Nazi’s. Italy passed it’s “Italian Racial Laws”. These laws codified what had previously been a campaign conducted in the media with the publication of the “Manifesto of Race” Manifesto of Race - Wikipedia This manifesto declared Italians to be of a superior race, and targeted other races as “inferior” - notably Jews and immigrants from Italy’s colonies. They were banned from marrying Italians, and from positions in banking, education, government and their property was confiscated.

Fascism, extreme nationalism and ideas of racial, ethnic, cultural or religious superiority are closely entertwined. Almost every country that has seen a rise in populist movements, such as fascism, has also seen a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment, legislation targeting specific racial, ethnic or religious groups and a rise in “justified” violence or special restrictions aimed at those groups.

World War 2 saw increased nationalistic fervor after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. American citizens of Japanese were first required to register. Then, their assets were frozen. Then they were ordered to “assembly points” and interned. Their property was confiscated. American citizens of Italian and German descent joined them. Is it so impossible for people to conceive of the fact that American citizens regardless of their ancestry are Americans first? Apparently it is.

We want to say “that was then, this is now”. That today is somehow different. But is it?

Look at the rise of populist rightwing movements across Europe and with the recent election of Donald Trump.

Geert Wilders, recently in the news again and with a very real chance of winning a government now with a coalition. What is the platform for his Party for Freedom?

They include the predictable anti-immigrant/Islam rhetoric, including completely banning an entire religion, closing all mosques and banning the Koran, the withdrawal of all residence permits granted to asylum seekers, and some rather obscurely defined planks such as:

Ban of overall Muslim expressions that are against the public order (defined how?)
Preventive incarceration of radical Muslims (determined how?).​

They also include populist promisies that likely can't be delivered upon:
The Netherlands will reclaim its independence. Therefore, we leave the EU.
Direct democracy: binding referendums, citizens have the power.
Deductible/excess in healthcare insurance is eliminated
Rents to be lowered
No more money for foreign aid, windmills, art, innovation, public broadcasters, etc.
Plenty extra funds for defense and police
Lower income taxes
50% reduction for vehicle ownership taxes​

Donald Trump campaigned on deporting immigrants and halting immigration, registries for Muslims, border security, tax cuts, bringing jobs back and increased defense. Supporters don’t rule out internment camps and banning entire religions. Mussolini attacked the leftwing media and attempted to close them down, a few managed to continue to operate under difficult conditions. We've heard Trump rail about the media and we've heard him propose legislation against them and creating his own media service.

I think these are truly dangerous times for civil liberties and freedoms throughout the western world.
Why should I be worried? Where is this at?
I intend to stay. It's MY country.

True but now......

It's more mine than yours.

Just the way it is.

And here's something to depress you -- It's gonna get worse for you. Much worse. Much, much, much worse.

I'm good about these things.

Trump is going to have a filibuster-proof Senate in 2018 and enough State Legislatures to get any Constitutional Amendment through that we want to.

Think that's scary? Wait until you see what's in them.

You people asked for this. YOu got WAY too arrogant, way too condescending.

You told us too many times how 'superiere' you are. How much better educated, how much better able to Rule you are (By the Grace of God -- Recited at every Coronation)

You may think of yourself as a humble, honest, hard-working, tax-paying goo American Citizen.

But you vote dimocrap? You're not.

You live in a bubble. Try getting out once in a while.

Not being personal. I really do want to help you understand what just happened.

I know it's a shock but you ought to look into why you got so crushed by one of the weaker Candidates in a while

OH Please. Cut the drama.

Someone wins. Someone loses. Let's see what happens in 2018 ;)
Obama backed the terrorists.....think Egypt and ISIL.....

And Ubercunt's "Gal Friday" (yeah.... Right) had serious connections to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Doesn't necessarily indict her but the connections are real and they are present

Obama-Clinton also funded Al Nusra and Hamas to help over throw Assad.
In fact, if you look at this Desperate Duo, what you will find is the shocking fact that Obama-Clinton are two of the largest funders-enablers of terrorism in the world, and they have done it with US Tax Dollars.
So what exactly are you saying NLT, that you agree with registering American citizens, confiscating their property, interning them indefinately?
Awesome...they should not be here unless they renounce islam. There are plenty of islamic countries the can relocate to.
I intend to stay. It's MY country.

True but now......

It's more mine than yours.

Just the way it is.

And here's something to depress you -- It's gonna get worse for you. Much worse. Much, much, much worse.

I'm good about these things.

Trump is going to have a filibuster-proof Senate in 2018 and enough State Legislatures to get any Constitutional Amendment through that we want to.

Think that's scary? Wait until you see what's in them.

You people asked for this. YOu got WAY too arrogant, way too condescending.

You told us too many times how 'superiere' you are. How much better educated, how much better able to Rule you are (By the Grace of God -- Recited at every Coronation)

You may think of yourself as a humble, honest, hard-working, tax-paying goo American Citizen.

But you vote dimocrap? You're not.

You live in a bubble. Try getting out once in a while.

Not being personal. I really do want to help you understand what just happened.

I know it's a shock but you ought to look into why you got so crushed by one of the weaker Candidates in a while

OH Please. Cut the drama.

Someone wins. Someone loses. Let's see what happens in 2018 ;)
Wow, you post that OP and you tell someone else to cut the drama?
I intend to stay. It's MY country.

True but now......

It's more mine than yours.

Just the way it is.

And here's something to depress you -- It's gonna get worse for you. Much worse. Much, much, much worse.

I'm good about these things.

Trump is going to have a filibuster-proof Senate in 2018 and enough State Legislatures to get any Constitutional Amendment through that we want to.

Think that's scary? Wait until you see what's in them.

You people asked for this. You got WAY too arrogant, way too condescending.

You told us too many times how 'superieiure' you are. How much better educated, how much better able to Rule you are (By the Grace of God -- Recited at every Coronation)

You may think of yourself as a humble, honest, hard-working, tax-paying goo American Citizen.

But you vote dimocrap? You're not.

You live in a bubble. Try getting out once in a while.

Not being personal. I really do want to help you understand what just happened.

I know it's a shock but you ought to look into why you got so crushed by one of the weaker Candidates in a while

So what are you actually proposing for constitutional amendments?
And that is where we disagree. Please list the registration body of the Boston Bombers, Fl nightclub shooter, etc.

Terrorist groups are registered or listed as terrorist groups by the FBI, for example. If people are suspected of being associated with them, I'm sure records are maintained.

But they were not on it, hence they were not registered. But they did have something in common...Islam.

Hmmm....they also have guns in common.
Not the bombers or 9/11 hijackers.

Look at the huge amount of mass shooting deaths that occur. What do they have in common?

Dead people. Made so by a terrorist.
Obama-Clinton also funded Al Nusra and Hamas to help over throw Assad.
In fact, if you look at this Desperate Duo, what you will find is the shocking fact that Obama-Clinton are two of the largest funders-enablers of terrorism in the world, and they have done it with US Tax Dollars.

Welcome to the USMB Politics Board

Gird yer loins
Terrorist groups are registered or listed as terrorist groups by the FBI, for example. If people are suspected of being associated with them, I'm sure records are maintained.

But they were not on it, hence they were not registered. But they did have something in common...Islam.

Hmmm....they also have guns in common.
Not the bombers or 9/11 hijackers.

Look at the huge amount of mass shooting deaths that occur. What do they have in common?

Dead people. Made so by a terrorist.

All mass shootings are conducted by terrorists?
I intend to stay. It's MY country.

True but now......

It's more mine than yours.

Just the way it is.

And here's something to depress you -- It's gonna get worse for you. Much worse. Much, much, much worse.

I'm good about these things.

Trump is going to have a filibuster-proof Senate in 2018 and enough State Legislatures to get any Constitutional Amendment through that we want to.

Think that's scary? Wait until you see what's in them.

You people asked for this. You got WAY too arrogant, way too condescending.

You told us too many times how 'superieiure' you are. How much better educated, how much better able to Rule you are (By the Grace of God -- Recited at every Coronation)

You may think of yourself as a humble, honest, hard-working, tax-paying goo American Citizen.

But you vote dimocrap? You're not.

You live in a bubble. Try getting out once in a while.

Not being personal. I really do want to help you understand what just happened.

I know it's a shock but you ought to look into why you got so crushed by one of the weaker Candidates in a while

So what are you actually proposing for constitutional amendments?
Nothing...Trump will be getting your Obamas pen and phone in 42 days.....

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