The rise of the religious Left


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Michael Moore: Christianity and socialism are the 'same thing

Who knew? Apparently Michael Moore does.

Filmmaker Michael Moore says being a Christian is the "same thing" as being a socialist.

Appearing on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews on Wednesday, the liberal activist, who says he voted for self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) for president in the Democratic primary, defended his decision to vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election. (Relevant portion begins around the 2:45 mark):

"You don't understand what's going to happen after 2016. These young people, these 18- to 35-year-olds — remember there's 3 million more 18-year-old voters every single year — so by the next election that's 12 million more of them," Moore said. "They favor socialism over capitalism."

Matthews interrupted, pointing out that "Hillary's not a socialist."

Moore responded: "Well, she's a Christian, so it's the same thing."

"It's all about making sure everyone has a seat at the table and the pie is divided so that everybody gets a slice," Moore added. "Isn't that what Christianity is? That's what she's about."

Pope Told Michael Moore That Capitalism Is a Sin?

Apparently Michael Moore visited the Pope where the Pope declared capitalism a "sin". Then the Pope encouraged him to go make more Left wing films.

Is this the beginning of the religious Left?
Well at least we can all agree now that socialism is more of a religion than political philosophy. Therefore, no amount of data, not even Venezuelans eating out of garbage cans, will sway their belief system.

Apparently it's now OK for church and state to be as one.
If christians actually believed the Bible they'd vote Democratic.

I believe that is what Moore is attempting to foster by doing such things and visiting the Pope about how evil capitalism is.

However, why is it that the Catholic Churches official position on abortion is that it is mass genocide while seemingly giving sermons on the evils of wall building and capitalism instead?

Perhaps it is the same reason the Catholic church was largely silent during the Holocaust.


“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler

If christians actually believed the Bible they'd vote Democratic.

I believe that is what Moore is attempting to foster by doing such things and visiting the Pope about how evil capitalism is.

However, why is it that the Catholic Churches official position on abortion is that it is mass genocide while seemingly giving sermons on the evils of wall building and capitalism instead?

Perhaps it is the same reason the Catholic church was largely silent during the Holocaust.


“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler
The Catholic church has existed long enough to have supported all sorts of things but the institution itself is socialist and accepts the label. The church is run as a collective that redistributes the considerable wealth it receives to the less fortunate.
Humanism is nothing new and is in no way incompatible with Christianity.

Let's be honest here, it is mostly associated with secularism.

Today, the Left talks about our "collective salvation", not eternal salvation. And guess what, the person to bring our salvation is always a mere mortal dressed up as a democrat.
If christians actually believed the Bible they'd vote Democratic.

I believe that is what Moore is attempting to foster by doing such things and visiting the Pope about how evil capitalism is.

However, why is it that the Catholic Churches official position on abortion is that it is mass genocide while seemingly giving sermons on the evils of wall building and capitalism instead?

Perhaps it is the same reason the Catholic church was largely silent during the Holocaust.


“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler
The Catholic church has existed long enough to have supported all sorts of things but the institution itself is socialist and accepts the label. The church is run as a collective that redistributes the considerable wealth it receives to the less fortunate.

The Catholic church is it's own mini state with governing body and army.

Christ said that his kingdom was not of this world nor could be, but Constantine adopted the fledgling religion to conquer with even though he himself did not convert, he still worshiped the pagan gods, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed.

No, Constantine set up a world bureaucracy that engaged in such evils as Inquisitions and Crusades, all in the name of Christ who warned us of such apostasy.
Michael Moore: Christianity and socialism are the 'same thing

Who knew? Apparently Michael Moore does.

Filmmaker Michael Moore says being a Christian is the "same thing" as being a socialist.

Appearing on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews on Wednesday, the liberal activist, who says he voted for self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) for president in the Democratic primary, defended his decision to vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election. (Relevant portion begins around the 2:45 mark):

"You don't understand what's going to happen after 2016. These young people, these 18- to 35-year-olds — remember there's 3 million more 18-year-old voters every single year — so by the next election that's 12 million more of them," Moore said. "They favor socialism over capitalism."

Matthews interrupted, pointing out that "Hillary's not a socialist."

Moore responded: "Well, she's a Christian, so it's the same thing."

"It's all about making sure everyone has a seat at the table and the pie is divided so that everybody gets a slice," Moore added. "Isn't that what Christianity is? That's what she's about."

Pope Told Michael Moore That Capitalism Is a Sin?

Apparently Michael Moore visited the Pope where the Pope declared capitalism a "sin". Then the Pope encouraged him to go make more Left wing films.

Is this the beginning of the religious Left?

Jesus said "If you will be perfect, go and sell that you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven."

He did not say "If you will be perfect, take what your neighbor has, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven."

Jesus was no socialist. Communal with the Apostles perhaps, but no socialist.

The religious Left is more concerned with assisting social justice workers force confiscatory charity laws upon Americans and claiming a religious guise for socialism (much as Julius Streicher was assigned to do for Hitler) than they are concerned with spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The current Pope (and frankly many who came before) by both his personal philosophy and inaction against the evil that permeates it is battering the RCC, in my opinion. It is not a place where I would seek advice.
Michael Moore: Christianity and socialism are the 'same thing

Who knew? Apparently Michael Moore does.

Filmmaker Michael Moore says being a Christian is the "same thing" as being a socialist.

Appearing on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews on Wednesday, the liberal activist, who says he voted for self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) for president in the Democratic primary, defended his decision to vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election. (Relevant portion begins around the 2:45 mark):

"You don't understand what's going to happen after 2016. These young people, these 18- to 35-year-olds — remember there's 3 million more 18-year-old voters every single year — so by the next election that's 12 million more of them," Moore said. "They favor socialism over capitalism."

Matthews interrupted, pointing out that "Hillary's not a socialist."

Moore responded: "Well, she's a Christian, so it's the same thing."

"It's all about making sure everyone has a seat at the table and the pie is divided so that everybody gets a slice," Moore added. "Isn't that what Christianity is? That's what she's about."

Pope Told Michael Moore That Capitalism Is a Sin?

Apparently Michael Moore visited the Pope where the Pope declared capitalism a "sin". Then the Pope encouraged him to go make more Left wing films.

Is this the beginning of the religious Left?

No, it's the beginning of communism.
The argument that Christianity advocates socialism is well-founded in the Scriptures.

The PROBLEM is that the sharing of wealth among the early Christians, and the encouragement of same, applies essentially to the community itself.

That is to say, Socialism is fine when it is adopted voluntarily among a closed community of like-minded souls (convents, monasteries, religious fanatics in a commune). (Even so, we have many historical examples, like the Pilgrims, where it was tried and failed miserably, even within a closed community).

The problem with Socialism as GOVERNMENT POLICY is that the confiscation/redistribution of wealth amounts to THEFT when it is compulsory. And the results are inevitable and bad. The productive people cease being productive when they realize the full ramifications of the policy, and of course lazy people are fine. As "workers" said in the old Soviet Union, "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us."

You quickly reach a point where those who are productive get fed up, and find various ways to refuse to pay, then everybody else is fucked.
The argument that Christianity advocates socialism is well-founded in the Scriptures.

The PROBLEM is that the sharing of wealth among the early Christians, and the encouragement of same, applies essentially to the community itself.

That is to say, Socialism is fine when it is adopted voluntarily among a closed community of like-minded souls (convents, monasteries, religious fanatics in a commune). (Even so, we have many historical examples, like the Pilgrims, where it was tried and failed miserably, even within a closed community).

The problem with Socialism as GOVERNMENT POLICY is that the confiscation/redistribution of wealth amounts to THEFT when it is compulsory. And the results are inevitable and bad. The productive people cease being productive when they realize the full ramifications of the policy, and of course lazy people are fine. As "workers" said in the old Soviet Union, "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us."

You quickly reach a point where those who are productive get fed up, and find various ways to refuse to pay, then everybody else is fucked.

No it isn't.

Commies and nazis both replaced religious leaders with party scumbags, and declared the church supported tyranny.

Try again, scum.
If christians actually believed the Bible they'd vote Democratic.

I believe that is what Moore is attempting to foster by doing such things and visiting the Pope about how evil capitalism is.

However, why is it that the Catholic Churches official position on abortion is that it is mass genocide while seemingly giving sermons on the evils of wall building and capitalism instead?

Perhaps it is the same reason the Catholic church was largely silent during the Holocaust.


“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler

Didn't the author of that quote also say (in 1926):

"The spirit of our National Socialist idea has to overpower the spirit of liberalism and false democracy if there is to be a third Reich at all! Deeply rooted in organic life, we have realized that the false belief in the equality of man is the deadly threat with which liberalism destroys people and nation, culture and morals. violating the deepest levels of our being!

We have to reject with fanatical zeal the frequent lie that people are basically equal and equal in regard to their influence in the state and their share of power! People are unequal, they are unequal from birth,......"

Gregor Strasser was a prominent Nazi propagandist in the formative days of the Nazi party. A World War I veteran active in post-war anti-Soviet paramilitary activities, he — along with Adolf Hitler — became one of the two most prominent voices for the party as it attempted to build a cohesive ideology and broad support across the various factions within a deeply divided Germany.

As it happens, Hitler was not a fan of Strasser’s ideas. While his efforts helped the Nazi’s with early electoral victories in the elections of 1928, his views became dangerously discordant with Hitler’s, and he was assassinated on Hitler’s orders in 1934:

FACT CHECK: Did Adolf Hitler Say That Nazis Are 'Mortal Enemies of the Present Capitalist Economic System'?
If christians actually believed the Bible they'd vote Democratic.

I believe that is what Moore is attempting to foster by doing such things and visiting the Pope about how evil capitalism is.

However, why is it that the Catholic Churches official position on abortion is that it is mass genocide while seemingly giving sermons on the evils of wall building and capitalism instead?

Perhaps it is the same reason the Catholic church was largely silent during the Holocaust.


“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler
The Catholic church has existed long enough to have supported all sorts of things but the institution itself is socialist and accepts the label. The church is run as a collective that redistributes the considerable wealth it receives to the less fortunate.

The Catholic church is it's own mini state with governing body and army.

Christ said that his kingdom was not of this world nor could be, but Constantine adopted the fledgling religion to conquer with even though he himself did not convert, he still worshiped the pagan gods, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed.

No, Constantine set up a world bureaucracy that engaged in such evils as Inquisitions and Crusades, all in the name of Christ who warned us of such apostasy.
It is perhaps a little unfair to hold the sins of the early church against it but I have done so myself in the past. I continue to feel it has been way to slow to address the priest molestation scandal but at least on the surface they operate primarily to serve the poor, sick and ignorant knowing that human suffering is a barrier to enlightenment and grace.
Michael Moore: Christianity and socialism are the 'same thing

Who knew? Apparently Michael Moore does.

Filmmaker Michael Moore says being a Christian is the "same thing" as being a socialist.

Appearing on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews on Wednesday, the liberal activist, who says he voted for self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) for president in the Democratic primary, defended his decision to vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election. (Relevant portion begins around the 2:45 mark):

"You don't understand what's going to happen after 2016. These young people, these 18- to 35-year-olds — remember there's 3 million more 18-year-old voters every single year — so by the next election that's 12 million more of them," Moore said. "They favor socialism over capitalism."

Matthews interrupted, pointing out that "Hillary's not a socialist."

Moore responded: "Well, she's a Christian, so it's the same thing."

"It's all about making sure everyone has a seat at the table and the pie is divided so that everybody gets a slice," Moore added. "Isn't that what Christianity is? That's what she's about."

Pope Told Michael Moore That Capitalism Is a Sin?

Apparently Michael Moore visited the Pope where the Pope declared capitalism a "sin". Then the Pope encouraged him to go make more Left wing films.

Is this the beginning of the religious Left?

Jesus said "If you will be perfect, go and sell that you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven."

He did not say "If you will be perfect, take what your neighbor has, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven."

Jesus was no socialist. Communal with the Apostles perhaps, but no socialist.

The religious Left is more concerned with assisting social justice workers force confiscatory charity laws upon Americans and claiming a religious guise for socialism (much as Julius Streicher was assigned to do for Hitler) than they are concerned with spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The current Pope (and frankly many who came before) by both his personal philosophy and inaction against the evil that permeates it is battering the RCC, in my opinion. It is not a place where I would seek advice.

Even Al Capone had soup kitchens. It gave him an air of legitimacy. Then when someone mentions arresting him, they pause, but what about all the good things he does?

Politicians are notorious of this, such as Hillary's charity that was used to launder money.
If christians actually believed the Bible they'd vote Democratic.

I believe that is what Moore is attempting to foster by doing such things and visiting the Pope about how evil capitalism is.

However, why is it that the Catholic Churches official position on abortion is that it is mass genocide while seemingly giving sermons on the evils of wall building and capitalism instead?

Perhaps it is the same reason the Catholic church was largely silent during the Holocaust.


“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler
The Catholic church has existed long enough to have supported all sorts of things but the institution itself is socialist and accepts the label. The church is run as a collective that redistributes the considerable wealth it receives to the less fortunate.

The Catholic church is it's own mini state with governing body and army.

Christ said that his kingdom was not of this world nor could be, but Constantine adopted the fledgling religion to conquer with even though he himself did not convert, he still worshiped the pagan gods, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed.

No, Constantine set up a world bureaucracy that engaged in such evils as Inquisitions and Crusades, all in the name of Christ who warned us of such apostasy.
It is perhaps a little unfair to hold the sins of the early church against it but I have done so myself in the past. I continue to feel it has been way to slow to address the priest molestation scandal but at least on the surface they operate primarily to serve the poor, sick and ignorant knowing that human suffering is a barrier to enlightenment and grace.

There are no greater sins that I know of than an active genocide and molesting children

Try again.
The argument that Christianity advocates socialism is well-founded in the Scriptures.

The PROBLEM is that the sharing of wealth among the early Christians, and the encouragement of same, applies essentially to the community itself.

That is to say, Socialism is fine when it is adopted voluntarily among a closed community of like-minded souls (convents, monasteries, religious fanatics in a commune). (Even so, we have many historical examples, like the Pilgrims, where it was tried and failed miserably, even within a closed community).

The problem with Socialism as GOVERNMENT POLICY is that the confiscation/redistribution of wealth amounts to THEFT when it is compulsory. And the results are inevitable and bad. The productive people cease being productive when they realize the full ramifications of the policy, and of course lazy people are fine. As "workers" said in the old Soviet Union, "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us."

You quickly reach a point where those who are productive get fed up, and find various ways to refuse to pay, then everybody else is fucked.

Agreed. The Amish are a good example of this. They give their members the ability to leave of they so choose, and some do.

What holds it together is their faith.

Conversely, what holds secular socialism together is the barrel of a gun.
If christians actually believed the Bible they'd vote Democratic.

I believe that is what Moore is attempting to foster by doing such things and visiting the Pope about how evil capitalism is.

However, why is it that the Catholic Churches official position on abortion is that it is mass genocide while seemingly giving sermons on the evils of wall building and capitalism instead?

Perhaps it is the same reason the Catholic church was largely silent during the Holocaust.


“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler
The Catholic church has existed long enough to have supported all sorts of things but the institution itself is socialist and accepts the label. The church is run as a collective that redistributes the considerable wealth it receives to the less fortunate.

The Catholic church is it's own mini state with governing body and army.

Christ said that his kingdom was not of this world nor could be, but Constantine adopted the fledgling religion to conquer with even though he himself did not convert, he still worshiped the pagan gods, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed.

No, Constantine set up a world bureaucracy that engaged in such evils as Inquisitions and Crusades, all in the name of Christ who warned us of such apostasy.
It is perhaps a little unfair to hold the sins of the early church against it but I have done so myself in the past. I continue to feel it has been way to slow to address the priest molestation scandal but at least on the surface they operate primarily to serve the poor, sick and ignorant knowing that human suffering is a barrier to enlightenment and grace.

There are no greater sins that I know of than an active genocide and molesting children

Try again.
There is not a religious organization on the face of the earth that does not have blood on it's hands, that is why I have rejected all of them. Jesus was not much of a churchgoer. It seems he went around just being an example of how people should be. We practice true religion when we help each other, all the rest is just spiritual mumbo-jumbo.
I have long been amused that the party of God has the very most Darwinistic platforms they could possibly come up with regarding social issues. I would not surprise me to see more Christians move to the left, or at least the independent ranks.

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