The Rising GOP Debate Strategy - Don't Debate

The Rising GOP Debate Strategy - Don't Debate​

If you want to avoid tough questions about your behaviors and positions in debates, just don't show up to debate. Then say the debate was unfair, as an excuse.
The Republicans have threatened not to debate in the Presidential debates.

The Rising DNC-Leftist Election Stategy - Fix the Debates then Blame the GOP when they Cry Unfair!

After the shameful joke that was the debates of 2020 where the sitting president wasn't allowed to talk or ask questions and whole debates were staged heavily against him where he was attacked throughout by rude and offensive questions while asking their own candidate softball questions won't work again, conservatives won't allow it, and now the left are shitting themselves because they know they only win elections with lies and cheating.
I dont think Biden’s senility will improve by November

nor will voters forget that Biden pledged to cause gas prices to go up
We both know the American voter only remembers about 30 days worth of stuff. Even the Afghanistan withdrawal less than a year ago is already a distant memory for the voters
We both know the American voter only remembers about 30 days worth of stuff. Even the Afghanistan withdrawal less than a year ago is already a distant memory for the voters
Thats unfortunately true

but voters are equally as inert when it comes to improving the image of a dottering old fool once they acquire that opinion also

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