The Rising GOP Debate Strategy - Don't Debate

The US of A is over 200 years old. What you are talking about, the person losing the Popular Vote but winning the Presidency has happened 5 times.

In 200 years. 5 times. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Stop bullshitting with your crap about how it's not important.

The presidential elections of 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016 produced an Electoral College winner who did not receive the most votes in the general election.

Thanks for proving yourself wrong.

as stated before, the Pop vote doesn't win the WH, the EV does.
It’s like none of you even bothered to read the article. They are skipping primary debates, not debates with the opposition party. Something many candidates both R and D do every election cycle. But I’m sure this time it means something….
Trump was threatening to boycot the presidential debates.
The problem is, it could definitely work.
It would take a successful campaign based on the suspension of belief that elections are rigged and the D's want to end representative govt, and the only answer is to elect Trump or Trump's candidate.

I'm looking to see what happens in GA. If Walker debates Warnock, no matter how civil Warnock is, Walker will be exposed as ... perhaps not legally insane or incapable of managing his own finances but as someone who really doesn't understand basic economics, science, geopolitics, etc. It's not that he's stupid, but he literally has ten different personalities. And I thought the book Sybil that I read in the 1970s was all fake.
It's not really a debate when the moderators are biased and tipping the scales.
Well, this is interesting.

If you want to avoid tough questions about your behaviors and positions in debates, just don't show up to debate. Then say the debate was unfair, as an excuse.

The Republicans have threatened not to debate in the Presidential debates. Now Cawthorn and Walker are doing it. Who's next, do you suppose?

America's electoral process is being destroyed in real time. Right in front of us. A relatively small group of people who want to rip it all down are winning.

The RACIST DEMOCRAT PARTY really really hates Herschel Walker.

Walker thinks for himself. Walker disagrees with the Democrats.

Democrats do not believe Blacks have the right to disagree with Democrats.

And it is that issue that will really surface as the Black Left erupts and melts down as Herschel's lead keeps expanding in the polls...

Catching Herschel from behind..... BEST OF LUCK - sincerely, a lot of pro football players who tried and failed,...
It's not really a debate when the moderators are biased and tipping the scales.
Well when Trump has no intention of actually responding to the substance of questions, it's sort of reasonable to think moderators don't care for him as a debater. LOL

I'm having a hard time getting excited over any goper who seems to have a chance at winning the nomination. Guy's like Crenshaw seem to be sort of "entertainment" candidates like the Udalls of democrat days gone by. But I'll keep an open mind.
The RACIST DEMOCRAT PARTY really really hates Herschel Walker.

Walker thinks for himself. Walker disagrees with the Democrats.

Democrats do not believe Blacks have the right to disagree with Democrats.

And it is that issue that will really surface as the Black Left erupts and melts down as Herschel's lead keeps expanding in the polls...

Catching Herschel from behind..... BEST OF LUCK - sincerely, a lot of pro football players who tried and failed,...
How can there be apes if there's evolution? That's a reasonable question, don't you think. I mean it's perfectly reasonable.

I mean, seriously, this guy is less qualified to be a senator than "Coach" Tommy Tuberville. But people in Ga may well elect him.
Well when Trump has no intention of actually responding to the substance of questions, it's sort of reasonable to think moderators don't care for him as a debater.
Loaded questions are not particularly substantive. They're designed to harm the candidate being questioned.
When it became clear via the DNC email leak in 2016, that the debate mods, were colluding with the DNC to cheat in the became clear that they were undermining democracy and our election process....

The GOP should not be a party to that, not until it's fixed.
Trump was threatening to boycot the presidential debates.
He threatened to not go to a virtual debate if they had one if I recall correctly. I forget his reasoning behind that. Probably something about them feeding Biden the answers or something. But that's not what any of the articles are talking about, and none of the candidates from either side have declined to debate each other. A couple candidates have skipped primary debates (both Republicans and Democrats BTW) but that seems to happen every election cycle. I assume there is some calculus done regarding their attending a primary debate vs some other event. Primary debates also tend to pull candidates further to the right or left depending on their party affiliation because they have to speak to the base. If you are trying to be/stay more in the center a primary debate might not be a good look for you. I'm not saying that's necessarily what's happening here but I can see the logic behind it.
Either way a candidate regardless of party affiliation skipping a primary debate isn't all that big a deal. And it certainly doenst mean that the party as a whole doesn't want to debate the other side.
The GOP knows that losing huge states like CA and NY by landslides is irrelevant. Any vote above what's needed to win, means nothing.

So now they've learned (and you have to give them credit for this) that it's not how many votes you get, it's where and how you get them. Then add a little more control over the electoral/voting process, and the actual "will of the people" doesn't matter.

Who needs to debate now? They've figured this out, and they know they can get away with it.
The filthy Democrats have learned that if you manufacture fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts you can steal an election away from the American people.
They pretend that people don't know about the EV to deflect. No one is claiming otherwise, but that's the game.
But tex and fla ain't small. In fact, they're 2 and 3. And Ohio GA and NC are 7-9. And the smallest ten are pretty evenly split too. So this talk of the EV being necessary to protect small states is pretty much bullshit.
If they know about the EV, why do they go on and on about the Popular vote, which is secondary to electing a president?
It's not even's not relevant at all. No one has ever run for President attempting to win the popular vote...nobody campaigns that way

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