The Rising GOP Debate Strategy - Don't Debate

Last I looked Walker was ahead in polls, but would GA actually elect a person with mental illness and instances of not grasping reality just to defeat a fairly progressive but intelligent person who is willing to talk and try to understand anyone's viewpoints?
Quite possibly. I'll be watching that one pretty closely. It's already bad news that they would even be close.

I'm working on coming to terms with the apparent fact that this country isn't what I thought it was.
Yeah, okay. You're as delusional as you are dishonest.

Biden and Trump were the only choices to run for president?
There were hundreds, if not thousands of other choices.

BETTER choices than those 2.

Not to mentions third party candidates.


Dont' accuse me of your sins.
You’re literally saying “high gas prices” are part of the Democrats platform which is retarded, so you get my point
Forgive me for ever defending Blue, but Pelosi actually said higher oil prices were no reason to drill more wells. And the progressives pushed Biden to issue fewer leases, and he actually did that until forced to back off

Well Trump's strategy was to claim the debates were "unfair" and biden had advance knowledge of questions, despite no evidence of that. And anyone who actually thought Trump should respond to the questions rather than engage in personal attacks was probably hostile to Trump. LOL

Whether Hershal Walker can duck Warnock in actual debates .... I dunno. Last I looked Walker was ahead in polls, but would GA actually elect a person with mental illness and instances of not grasping reality just to defeat a fairly progressive but intelligent person who is willing to talk and try to understand anyone's viewpoints?
and biden had advance knowledge

I thought the reference was about Hillary having advance knowledge, via a since removed CNN contributor.
Quite possibly. I'll be watching that one pretty closely. It's already bad news that they would even be close.

I'm working on coming to terms with the apparent fact that this country isn't what I thought it was.
Well Ga's pretty red. Trump's loss and the two senate losses were anomalies. Caused by Trump. I was sorry to see Hershal deciding to run. I'm not sure if I could vote in that one if I lived in Ga. I actually voted for the dem in Mississippi running against Cindy Hyde-Smith. But he was pretty far to the center, and she's an idiot.
I didn't think anyone actually WON that debate. Neither candidate moved on the fence voters to their side of the ledger which is really the only metric that matters.

I am not so sure. I agree it was pretty much a draw, but a draw helped Biden. The narrative was that Biden was weak and frail and then he stood toe to toe with Trump for the entire debate, which destroyed that narrative.
I thought the reference was about Hillary having advance knowledge, via a since removed CNN contributor.
I didn't have decoder ring for struth's message 44
Something drastically has to be changed. We have seen how debate mods have conspired with the DNC and gave them questions in advance, we saw the Committee literally simply cancel a scheduled debate and never make it up after the Dem got beat in the first

So something has to be done before the GOP should debate the demafasict

And Hillary didn't have advance knowledge either. This shit is all part of Trump's assault on truth.
I am not so sure. I agree it was pretty much a draw, but a draw helped Biden. The narrative was that Biden was weak and frail and then he stood toe to toe with Trump for the entire debate, which destroyed that narrative.
I wasn't sure Biden got a positive views for shutting down Trump in response to Trump's interruptions and failure to abide by rules. But he showed he understood the issues, and Trump did not even attempt to show that.

Trump appeals to those who support a one party state.
You almost gotta laugh that lefties have a guy in charge who can't put a sentence together even when it's written on a teleprompter but they reach out to criticize a black republican for not debating. Racist? Youbetcha.
I didn't have decoder ring for struth's message 44
Something drastically has to be changed. We have seen how debate mods have conspired with the DNC and gave them questions in advance, we saw the Committee literally simply cancel a scheduled debate and never make it up after the Dem got beat in the first

So something has to be done before the GOP should debate the demafasict

And Hillary didn't have advance knowledge either. This shit is all part of Trump's assault on truth.
And Hillary didn't have advance knowledge either.
And yet, what has the D Party done for the people?
To add, if Democrats are so solid, how come they are looking a tough fight to hold onto Capitol Hill? Further, they are all about the popular vote because NYC, LA, Chicago and just about all of the major cities are Democrats. Ironically, these cities are plagued by crime, homelessness, high costs, corruption and yet somehow this is all the fault of Republicans???
I am not so sure. I agree it was pretty much a draw, but a draw helped Biden. The narrative was that Biden was weak and frail and then he stood toe to toe with Trump for the entire debate, which destroyed that narrative.
Sure Biden proved he wasn’t a jello eating dementia patient, I’m not sure I’d call that a win. Trump isn’t some debate guru so it was a relatively low bar. Sadly it turns out the Joe Biden we saw on that stage isn’t Joe Biden in reality. He’s more jello eater than debater at this point.
Good OP. Dead on. Rather than stand up and face what theyve done or said the GOP wants to hide in the light and scurry out when the lights go out.

What a bunch of sissies.
It’s like none of you even bothered to read the article. They are skipping primary debates, not debates with the opposition party. Something many candidates both R and D do every election cycle. But I’m sure this time it means something….
Ever figure out how history proved you wrong about the Popular vote?

The US of A is over 200 years old. What you are talking about, the person losing the Popular Vote but winning the Presidency has happened 5 times.

In 200 years. 5 times. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Stop bullshitting with your crap about how it's not important.

The presidential elections of 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016 produced an Electoral College winner who did not receive the most votes in the general election.

EDIT: It happened in 1824 as well, that was the 5th...and this one was a technicality because the person received a "Plurality" of the votes, but not a "Majority" (> 50%)

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