The RNC needs to pull ALL funding from the Trump campaign

People can bitch about Trump and Clinton from now until election day but it won't change the fact one of these assholes will be the next President. Sorry but that is just the reality at this point all you can do is try and survive the next four years of whichever asshole is elected.
If the RNC does that, the republican party will be dead forever. We will have a one party dictatorship forever more.
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

Per one of Trump's former friends Trump asked his military advisor 3 times why he couldn't use nukes as president.

As clearly he couldn't understand the first and second time.

We need to keep this man from even looking at pictures of the White House.
If true back it up.

Here's Manafort. The security briefings haven't even taken place.

"Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is denying a report that the Republican nominee repeatedly asked during a security briefing why he couldn't use nuclear weapons to solve the nation's problems.

On "Happening Now" today, Manafort said that is "absolutely not true."

"In fact, those security briefings haven’t started yet that they were supposedly referencing," Manafort told Jon Scott.

"The idea that he’s trying to understand where to use nuclear weapons, it just didn’t happen. I mean, I was in the meeting, it didn’t happen."

More at link:

Manafort: Report That Trump Asked Why U.S. Can't Use Nukes 'Absolutely Not True'
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

Per one of Trump's former friends Trump asked his military advisor 3 times why he couldn't use nukes as president.

As clearly he couldn't understand the first and second time.

We need to keep this man from even looking at pictures of the White House.
If true back it up.
It isn't true. It started out as a story about Trump getting his security briefing and asking the question about nukes. Then it was pointed out that the briefing hasn't actually started yet. This was the tweak that was supposed to make it believable.
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

You are oh so right about this. Even FOX News has him losing to her by 10 points.
Did I already mention that that poll is a FOX news poll??

And in the poll, she cleans his clock in categories where Republicans used to always be way ahead.

Trump is toxic for the entire GOP.

Given the choice between picking the Titanic or the Iceberg, in this case, I bet on the Iceberg.
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

Per one of Trump's former friends Trump asked his military advisor 3 times why he couldn't use nukes as president.

As clearly he couldn't understand the first and second time.

We need to keep this man from even looking at pictures of the White House.
If true back it up.

Here's Manafort. The security briefings haven't even taken place.

"Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is denying a report that the Republican nominee repeatedly asked during a security briefing why he couldn't use nuclear weapons to solve the nation's problems.

On "Happening Now" today, Manafort said that is "absolutely not true."

"In fact, those security briefings haven’t started yet that they were supposedly referencing," Manafort told Jon Scott.

"The idea that he’s trying to understand where to use nuclear weapons, it just didn’t happen. I mean, I was in the meeting, it didn’t happen."

More at link:

Manafort: Report That Trump Asked Why U.S. Can't Use Nukes 'Absolutely Not True'
We recall Trump saying 'he thought that nuclear weapons should be banned worldwide.' That was years ago in an old interview.
You know, last night on a news show, they had a clinical psychologist on, and they went over the signs of a person with a narcissistic personality disorder. There were like 20 items on the list.

Trump hit every single one of them.

Do you really want a thin skinned narcissist with his finger on the button?

most prominent politicians HIT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF
If I were a Trump supporter; what would bother me most isn’t the mis-steps. Every campaign has those. You can’t be in the white hot spotlight for any lengthy amount of time without making them. What would bother me is that you have a candidate that has pledge he will spend his own money:

"It's irrelevant," he said when asked by CNN's Jeremy Diamond outside the Iowa State Fair on how much he has spent so far on his campaign. "I make $400 million a year, so what difference does it make? What I want to do is make the country great."
Pressed again later in the afternoon if he would spend up to $1 billion, Trump was more definitive: “If necessary, I will spend it, yes."
Trump prepared to spend $1 billion on campaign "if I had to" -

Obviously, it’s necessary as HRC continues to define him.

There is a difference between losing and not suiting up for the match.

The school of thought, I keep hearing is that he will start after Labor day when it “counts”. Such a notion is ridiculous at best. For one thing, congressional, state, and local races are on the ballot too so there is only so much television air time you can buy that is not allocated for the Portmans and Rubios of the world. Also, once you’re defined as an unhinged lunatic; it’s hard to walk that back. So what you’re reduced to doing is filling the air with negative ads which, for Trump is his stock and trade. God knows, he’s good at it. What is different is that his opponent has had every negative story written about her one can imagine so being able to mine new gold with that already on the books is a difficult needle to thread.

What is more bizarre is that the Dems are running the same playbook they ran in 2012 and Drumpf criticized Romney for his campaign choices then.
Trump, with his ability to fly off the handle at every criticism that is made of him, would be a perfect member of USMB.

His skin is scrotum-thin.
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

If Trump doesn't do well, then all the down ticket races are going to suffer as well. Do you actually believe that if a bunch of Republicans lose faith in Trump that they are still going to the polls to vote for Ryan?

Dream on.

Furthermore, a big chunk of the RNC budget comes from the Trump campaign.
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

Per one of Trump's former friends Trump asked his military advisor 3 times why he couldn't use nukes as president.

As clearly he couldn't understand the first and second time.

We need to keep this man from even looking at pictures of the White House.

Manafort said that was a flat out lie. You have to be a complete idiot to believe that one.
He's an establishment whore. He was born gullible.
You know, last night on a news show, they had a clinical psychologist on, and they went over the signs of a person with a narcissistic personality disorder. There were like 20 items on the list.

Trump hit every single one of them.

Do you really want a thin skinned narcissist with his finger on the button?
Let me guess: the guy was a registered Democrat.
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

If Trump doesn't do well, then all the down ticket races are going to suffer as well. Do you actually believe that if a bunch of Republicans lose faith in Trump that they are still going to the polls to vote for Ryan?

Dream on.

Furthermore, a big chunk of the RNC budget comes from the Trump campaign.
I intend to as do many of my friends on both sides. You all need to exit your partisan bubbles once & awhile
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

Per one of Trump's former friends Trump asked his military advisor 3 times why he couldn't use nukes as president.

As clearly he couldn't understand the first and second time.

We need to keep this man from even looking at pictures of the White House.

Was it the friend of his uncle's 2nd cousin?
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

If Trump doesn't do well, then all the down ticket races are going to suffer as well. Do you actually believe that if a bunch of Republicans lose faith in Trump that they are still going to the polls to vote for Ryan?

Dream on.

Furthermore, a big chunk of the RNC budget comes from the Trump campaign.
I intend to as do many of my friends on both sides. You all need to exit your partisan bubbles once & awhile
You intend to what, pretend you're a Republican?
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA
I don't know if he's getting any money from them, or how much, but that could conceivably be the threat if they try to get him to quit.

He could just blame the "rigged system" or whatever, which would satisfy his fans.

If by "satisfy" you mean disillusion US completely, then yes.
trump is a jerk,and his own worst enemy...what a choice....big mouthed ass with no tact or class or a person who is not well liked and has trust issues and may be the most tainted candidate ever....ill go with the guy i have gone with so far this Century.....Rufus T. Firefly....."if your for it,he is against it"....
Then you're supporting Hillary.

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