The RNC needs to pull ALL funding from the Trump campaign

And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

Per one of Trump's former friends Trump asked his military advisor 3 times why he couldn't use nukes as president.

As clearly he couldn't understand the first and second time.

We need to keep this man from even looking at pictures of the White House.
If true back it up.

Here's Manafort. The security briefings haven't even taken place.

"Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is denying a report that the Republican nominee repeatedly asked during a security briefing why he couldn't use nuclear weapons to solve the nation's problems.

On "Happening Now" today, Manafort said that is "absolutely not true."

"In fact, those security briefings haven’t started yet that they were supposedly referencing," Manafort told Jon Scott.

"The idea that he’s trying to understand where to use nuclear weapons, it just didn’t happen. I mean, I was in the meeting, it didn’t happen."

More at link:

Manafort: Report That Trump Asked Why U.S. Can't Use Nukes 'Absolutely Not True'
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

If Trump doesn't do well, then all the down ticket races are going to suffer as well. Do you actually believe that if a bunch of Republicans lose faith in Trump that they are still going to the polls to vote for Ryan?

Dream on.

Furthermore, a big chunk of the RNC budget comes from the Trump campaign.
I intend to as do many of my friends on both sides. You all need to exit your partisan bubbles once & awhile
You intend to what, pretend you're a Republican?
Is this where your expert detective skills shine and you pronounce for the 10th time that I'm a leftie?

Some of you are so fucking dumb you shouldn't be allowed to vote or breed. By the way fat ass, how's your go fund me page going? Still got a grand total of ZERO DOLLARS?

Fucking moron
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA
I don't know if he's getting any money from them, or how much, but that could conceivably be the threat if they try to get him to quit.

He could just blame the "rigged system" or whatever, which would satisfy his fans.
. controlled by a gag agreement. After all, we all know how Trump likes to headlock his adversaries with gag agreements that force them to only disclose glowing information about his Wonderful Persona! Just ask his ex wives...
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

If Trump doesn't do well, then all the down ticket races are going to suffer as well. Do you actually believe that if a bunch of Republicans lose faith in Trump that they are still going to the polls to vote for Ryan?

Dream on.

Furthermore, a big chunk of the RNC budget comes from the Trump campaign.
I intend to as do many of my friends on both sides. You all need to exit your partisan bubbles once & awhile
You intend to what, pretend you're a Republican?
Is this where your expert detective skills shine and you pronounce for the 10th time that I'm a leftie?

Some of you are so fucking dumb you shouldn't be allowed to vote or breed. By the way fat ass, how's your go fund me page going? Still got a grand total of ZERO DOLLARS?

Fucking moron

Right now you're on the same side as Hillary.
trump is a jerk,and his own worst enemy...what a choice....big mouthed ass with no tact or class or a person who is not well liked and has trust issues and may be the most tainted candidate ever....ill go with the guy i have gone with so far this Century.....Rufus T. Firefly....."if your for it,he is against it"....
Then you're supporting Hillary.
and i was told by a lefty that i was supporting trump....ill tell you the same thing i told him......i aint supporting neither of them....
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

If Trump doesn't do well, then all the down ticket races are going to suffer as well. Do you actually believe that if a bunch of Republicans lose faith in Trump that they are still going to the polls to vote for Ryan?

Dream on.

Furthermore, a big chunk of the RNC budget comes from the Trump campaign.
I intend to as do many of my friends on both sides. You all need to exit your partisan bubbles once & awhile
You intend to what, pretend you're a Republican?
Is this where your expert detective skills shine and you pronounce for the 10th time that I'm a leftie?

Some of you are so fucking dumb you shouldn't be allowed to vote or breed. By the way fat ass, how's your go fund me page going? Still got a grand total of ZERO DOLLARS?

Fucking moron are a liberal....'s a bitch....
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

If Trump doesn't do well, then all the down ticket races are going to suffer as well. Do you actually believe that if a bunch of Republicans lose faith in Trump that they are still going to the polls to vote for Ryan?

Dream on.

Furthermore, a big chunk of the RNC budget comes from the Trump campaign.
I intend to as do many of my friends on both sides. You all need to exit your partisan bubbles once & awhile
You intend to what, pretend you're a Republican?
Is this where your expert detective skills shine and you pronounce for the 10th time that I'm a leftie?

Some of you are so fucking dumb you shouldn't be allowed to vote or breed. By the way fat ass, how's your go fund me page going? Still got a grand total of ZERO DOLLARS?

Fucking moron

Right now you're on the same side as Hillary.
I'm not on any "side"

Based on your asinine logic if I refuse to buy a General Motors product I'm an anti American Jap lover despite never buying a Japanese vehicle. Blow it out of you ass
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

If Trump doesn't do well, then all the down ticket races are going to suffer as well. Do you actually believe that if a bunch of Republicans lose faith in Trump that they are still going to the polls to vote for Ryan?

Dream on.

Furthermore, a big chunk of the RNC budget comes from the Trump campaign.
I intend to as do many of my friends on both sides. You all need to exit your partisan bubbles once & awhile
You intend to what, pretend you're a Republican?
Is this where your expert detective skills shine and you pronounce for the 10th time that I'm a leftie?

Some of you are so fucking dumb you shouldn't be allowed to vote or breed. By the way fat ass, how's your go fund me page going? Still got a grand total of ZERO DOLLARS?

Fucking moron

Grampa you know deep down you're a closet leftist, but you will deny this and remember before you respond with your colorful response I am the one that wrote this to you and we both know what I am full of!!!
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

If Trump doesn't do well, then all the down ticket races are going to suffer as well. Do you actually believe that if a bunch of Republicans lose faith in Trump that they are still going to the polls to vote for Ryan?

Dream on.

Furthermore, a big chunk of the RNC budget comes from the Trump campaign.
I intend to as do many of my friends on both sides. You all need to exit your partisan bubbles once & awhile
You intend to what, pretend you're a Republican?
Is this where your expert detective skills shine and you pronounce for the 10th time that I'm a leftie?

Some of you are so fucking dumb you shouldn't be allowed to vote or breed. By the way fat ass, how's your go fund me page going? Still got a grand total of ZERO DOLLARS?

Fucking moron

Right now you're on the same side as Hillary.

You do realize there are some people that will not vote for nor will they vote for Hillary Clinton!?!

Now if you write that anyone that is not voting for Trump is voting for Hillary Clinton no matter if they vote for her or not will show the entire site what a fucktard you are, but seeing you are voting for the biggest fucktard ( Trump ) explain why you are one too!
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

If Trump doesn't do well, then all the down ticket races are going to suffer as well. Do you actually believe that if a bunch of Republicans lose faith in Trump that they are still going to the polls to vote for Ryan?

Dream on.

Furthermore, a big chunk of the RNC budget comes from the Trump campaign.
I intend to as do many of my friends on both sides. You all need to exit your partisan bubbles once & awhile
You intend to what, pretend you're a Republican?
Is this where your expert detective skills shine and you pronounce for the 10th time that I'm a leftie?

Some of you are so fucking dumb you shouldn't be allowed to vote or breed. By the way fat ass, how's your go fund me page going? Still got a grand total of ZERO DOLLARS?

Fucking moron

Grampa you know deep down you're a closet leftist, but you will deny this and remember before you respond with your colorful response I am the one that wrote this to you and we both know what I am full of!!!
If Trump doesn't do well, then all the down ticket races are going to suffer as well. Do you actually believe that if a bunch of Republicans lose faith in Trump that they are still going to the polls to vote for Ryan?

Dream on.

Furthermore, a big chunk of the RNC budget comes from the Trump campaign.
I intend to as do many of my friends on both sides. You all need to exit your partisan bubbles once & awhile
You intend to what, pretend you're a Republican?
Is this where your expert detective skills shine and you pronounce for the 10th time that I'm a leftie?

Some of you are so fucking dumb you shouldn't be allowed to vote or breed. By the way fat ass, how's your go fund me page going? Still got a grand total of ZERO DOLLARS?

Fucking moron

Right now you're on the same side as Hillary.
I'm not on any "side"

Based on your asinine logic if I refuse to buy a General Motors product I'm an anti American Jap lover despite never buying a Japanese vehicle. Blow it out of you ass

That's the problem, you're not on any side. Belgium played the same game during WW II. Look where it got them.
I intend to as do many of my friends on both sides. You all need to exit your partisan bubbles once & awhile
You intend to what, pretend you're a Republican?
Is this where your expert detective skills shine and you pronounce for the 10th time that I'm a leftie?

Some of you are so fucking dumb you shouldn't be allowed to vote or breed. By the way fat ass, how's your go fund me page going? Still got a grand total of ZERO DOLLARS?

Fucking moron

Right now you're on the same side as Hillary.
I'm not on any "side"

Based on your asinine logic if I refuse to buy a General Motors product I'm an anti American Jap lover despite never buying a Japanese vehicle. Blow it out of you ass

That's the problem, you're not on any side. Belgium played the same game during WW II. Look where it got them.
We're not Belgium and this isn't WWII

Chill......just chill. Trump is a successful businessman, a priven winner. He is using the media daily. Always in it, always on. He will do what is needed and try to clean-up DC if possible.

HRC wants to bring in 100s' thousands wild muslim killers. Another knifer today..... over in England. Trump wiil be OK. Trust me. If not, vote him out in 4 years. The media is the problem not the Donald. Look at his family.........

Finally......Bruce please remove the middle initial, it bugs me. What are u? A serial killer? 2nd request. Thanks.
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA
I don't know if he's getting any money from them, or how much, but that could conceivably be the threat if they try to get him to quit.

He could just blame the "rigged system" or whatever, which would satisfy his fans.
Fuck his fans. There's more at stake that the market value of Reynolds Wrap.
The problem is, his fans are so rabid, who knows what they would do?
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA


Just for my own information...

If it came down to it, Trump or Hillary?

I know I am asking who you hate most....

I would say Hillary is a Moderate Left candidate while Trump is.... I think a fascist... IMHO
Neither. I will write in NONE OF THE ABOVE. I will not be a compliant part of the fuck America plan

It's not to late to vote for me. I am a true outsider and haven't taken a dime from special interests. My bank accounts will prove it.
And put that money into the down ticket races.
The rest of us need to find a candidate (Not Hillary) and put our focus on that person. Trump is DOA

Vote Gary Johnson and then you can sleep well knowing you voted for someone that is not a mental midget fucktard...

If Gary Johnson wasn't the lesser of three evils I could support him. But I'm done voting for evil
You know, last night on a news show, they had a clinical psychologist on, and they went over the signs of a person with a narcissistic personality disorder. There were like 20 items on the list.

Trump hit every single one of them.

Do you really want a thin skinned narcissist with his finger on the button?
Who did you vote for in and 08 and 12?

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