The Romney challenge - name 3 things he hasn't flip flopped on. Good luck!

1) his religion
2) his wife
3) tax cuts

Tax cuts? I bet if you give me a library on his speeches I can find when he flipped on "tax cuts"!!

The key is to stay away from politics. Do that and the challenge is easy as pie!!
1) his religion
2) his wife
Neither of which have anything to do with his duties in office.
3) tax cuts
Actually he flip flopped on the payroll tax cut.

Romney’s Support of Payroll Tax Cut Extension Draws New ‘Flip Flop’ Accusations - ABC News

Speaking to conservative radio talk show host Michael Medved this afternoon, Romney was asked what his position is on extending the payroll tax cut. The deadline for doing so is just a few weeks away.

“Well, I would like to see the payroll tax cut extended because I know that working families are really feeling the pinch right now,” said Romney.

In October, Romney sounded different, they said. He was asked by Julianna Goldman of Bloomberg, “Would you be OK with seeing the payroll tax cut?”

“I don’t want temporary little Band-Aids. I want to fundamentally restructure America’s foundation economically,” Romney responded at the time.
I'm subscribing to this.

I am honestly curious as to issues he's stayed consistent on.
His name
His wife
His Religion!

What do I win??

Well, actually, you don't.

Because for most of his early life, he went by the name "Willard", which is actually his first name. Then that movie about the dude with the rats came out, and he started calling himself "Will". Then he started calling himself "Mitt" because that didn't sound retarded at all.
The Romney challenge - name 3 things he hasn't flip flopped on. Good luck!

1. Afghanistan
2. Immigration
3. Education

That's off the top of my head. If I'm wrong I'm sure you'll let me know and we can discuss it if that's the case.

Would you care to discuss Obama's flip flopping? Right- of course not because when your guy does the same thing it's a non-issue. I love the leftist hypocrisy......

Obama gay marriage quotes -

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure
-Sen. B. Hussein Obama 2006
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The Romney challenge - name 3 things he hasn't flip flopped on. Good luck!

1. Afghanistan
2. Immigration
3. Education

That's off the top of my head. If I'm wrong I'm sure you'll let me know and we can discuss it if that's the case.

Would you care to discuss Obama's flip flopping? Right- of course not because when your guy does the same thing it's a non-issue. I love the leftist hypocrisy......

Obama gay marriage quotes -

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure
-Sen. B. Hussein Obama 2006

Obama 2006 vs. Obama January 2011 vs. Obama April 2011 on the Debt Ceiling - ABC News

OP: What happened? Don't you like it when someone accepts your challenge?
The Romney challenge - name 3 things he hasn't flip flopped on. Good luck!

1. Afghanistan
2. Immigration
3. Education

That's off the top of my head. If I'm wrong I'm sure you'll let me know and we can discuss it if that's the case.

Would you care to discuss Obama's flip flopping? Right- of course not because when your guy does the same thing it's a non-issue. I love the leftist hypocrisy......

Obama gay marriage quotes -

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure
-Sen. B. Hussein Obama 2006

Obama 2006 vs. Obama January 2011 vs. Obama April 2011 on the Debt Ceiling - ABC News

OP: What happened? Don't you like it when someone accepts your challenge?

I thought the topic was Romney...

"But...but...but.... Obama!"
The Romney challenge - name 3 things he hasn't flip flopped on. Good luck!

1. Afghanistan
2. Immigration
3. Education

That's off the top of my head. If I'm wrong I'm sure you'll let me know and we can discuss it if that's the case.

Would you care to discuss Obama's flip flopping? Right- of course not because when your guy does the same thing it's a non-issue. I love the leftist hypocrisy......

Obama gay marriage quotes -

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure
-Sen. B. Hussein Obama 2006

Obama 2006 vs. Obama January 2011 vs. Obama April 2011 on the Debt Ceiling - ABC News

OP: What happened? Don't you like it when someone accepts your challenge?

You went off topic.

1. Romney has no trouble sending other men off to die for him. He just doesn't want that for himself or his sons.

2. Romney doesn't seem to mind having illegal immigrants working for him. Until of course it gets discovered that illegal immigrants are woking for him. But it's true..this is one issue he hasn't "flipped" on that I can see. He wants to keep people in a legal limbo so they can provide cheap labor..for people like Mitt.

3. Education? :lol:

Mitt Romney is moving from hard-right to center so fast it would be causing car-sickness if we weren’t already well-prepared with ample anti-nausea drugs for his inevitable “pivot.” Latest example: At the Washington Post, Greg Sargent brings us the news that Romney told reporters Monday morning he supports extending low interest rates on student loans.

This is a bit of a surprise, because it would seem to go against the position of the deficit-fixated Congressional GOP. As reported in Salon two weeks ago, in the summer of 2009 the Obama administration implemented several measures of a bill passed during the Bush administration aimed at helping students afford college. One of those measures lowered interest rates on federal student loans, but is set to expire on July 1st. In recent days, Obama has been making a big push to extend the low rates, while Republicans have complained about the cost of doing so.

Romney’s position also would seem to go against his own stance on federal education assistance. In March, he told a high school senior at a town hall that “it would be popular for me to stand up and say I’m going to give you government money to pay for your college, but I’m not going to promise that.”
Mitt’s student loan flip-flop -
The Romney challenge - name 3 things he hasn't flip flopped on. Good luck!

1. Afghanistan
2. Immigration
3. Education

That's off the top of my head. If I'm wrong I'm sure you'll let me know and we can discuss it if that's the case.

2. Immigration
ROMNEY: And I have indicated I would veto the DREAM Act if provisions included in that act to say that people who are here illegally, if they go to school here long enough, get a degree here that they can become permanent residents. I think that's a mistake. I think we have to follow the law and insist those who come here illegally, ultimately return home, apply, and get in line with everyone else.
Romney said the GOP must offer its own policies to woo Hispanics, including a "Republican DREAM Act," referring to the legislative proposal favored by Democrats that would offer illegal immigrants a limited path to citizenship, to give Hispanic voters a real choice between parties.
libertarian neocon: Romney Flip-Flops Again, This Time on Immigration

Would you care to discuss Obama's flip flopping?
The answer to that is in the thread title.
Last edited by a moderator:
The Romney challenge - name 3 things he hasn't flip flopped on. Good luck!

1. Afghanistan
2. Immigration
3. Education

That's off the top of my head. If I'm wrong I'm sure you'll let me know and we can discuss it if that's the case.

2. Immigration

Romney said the GOP must offer its own policies to woo Hispanics, including a "Republican DREAM Act," referring to the legislative proposal favored by Democrats that would offer illegal immigrants a limited path to citizenship, to give Hispanic voters a real choice between parties.
libertarian neocon: Romney Flip-Flops Again, This Time on Immigration

[ame=]Illegal Immigration: Mitt Romney Flip-Flops on Illegal Immigrants - - YouTube[/ame]

Would you care to discuss Obama's flip flopping?
The answer to that is in the thread title.

Stating you would veto one piece of legislation and proposing a different version of legislation is a flip flop? Of course you don't care to address Obozo's flip flopping......
1. Afghanistan
2. Immigration
3. Education

That's off the top of my head. If I'm wrong I'm sure you'll let me know and we can discuss it if that's the case.

2. Immigration

libertarian neocon: Romney Flip-Flops Again, This Time on Immigration

[ame=]Illegal Immigration: Mitt Romney Flip-Flops on Illegal Immigrants - - YouTube[/ame]

Would you care to discuss Obama's flip flopping?
The answer to that is in the thread title.

Stating you would veto one piece of legislation and proposing a different version of legislation is a flip flop? Of course you don't care to address Obozo's flip flopping......

No, you're right, its a "I would do pretty much the same thing, but it would be me doing it and not that Obama guy, so vote for me" Kinda like Afghanistan.
He's remained resolute in his Mormon faith.
He continues to support the Vietnam war.
He still believes canine convertibles are a safe mode of transport. :)
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Stating you would veto one piece of legislation and proposing a different version of legislation is a flip flop? Of course you don't care to address Obozo's flip flopping......

No, you're right, its a "I would do pretty much the same thing, but it would be me doing it and not that Obama guy, so vote for me" Kinda like Afghanistan.

Of course you don't care to address Obozo's flip flopping. :clap2:

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