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The Russia Hoax--Clinton Schema to Clear Hillary and Frame Donald Trump?

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Right Wing non-science fiction?
Only if your mind is nailed shut, hm? You naughty boy.
Who asked for help from the Russians?
Did you read the book or review the interviews? That could help you with your question, doll. :)
Who had a vested interest in asking for and receiving help from the Russians?
This is not a trial by idiots, doll. Your party is banking on your own self-imposed ignorance, like one of the persons above who posts inanities, but doesn't have the courage to read the book to verify or disqualify. That's how the DNC controls people. First they lie about their opponent. Then they provide 10 liars to vouch for the first lie. Then they vilify anyone who questions them and go as far as having their children vilify their target's children at school for added misery on top of being lied about. When and if they win, they bankrupt the government in celebration of their "win" weakening the treasury of the United States of America from providing for the common defense. That in and of itself leads to enemies of the country committing atrocities against this nation, time and again. Right now, criminally invasive immigrants are flooding the school system and causing schools to have to quadruple their funding one way or another. They wind up having to pass laws to steal peoples' inheritances, farms, real estate, and pass death taxes that are way over the top, cause farm families to have to sell their properties at a loss to bigger and bigger businesses. It's bringing a feudal system into a free country. In order to make people forget what a feudal system is, the DNC has to take people's eye off the freedoms they have so that they can remove all the freedom they can in order to create a serfdom while they willfully and idly squander tax money on luxury vacations to Puerto Rico and other ports o' call for themselves.

And the leftists dream on rather than following up on the truth of the matter, which might just expose the lies they started off telling in the first place to gain extraordinary benefits for themselves at the loss of the nation's freedoms, property, and good will. All because you democrats do absolutely nothing to check up on the truth or lies your party feeds you with constantly, creating a separate and alternative universe in which you punish the very people who bring home the bacon to the country.

Your best defense against lies is to look things up in the dictionary when you are unacquainted with a term. In the case of the charge of collusion, you need a specific type of dictionary: a legal dictionary. Other informal sources miss the mark due to common misusage of the term by -- yep, the DNC disinformation specialists who lie to win you and lie to hold you.
you need more than a wall of fallacious text if you aren't in my vicinity.
Who asked for help from the Russians?
Did you read the book or review the interviews? That could help you with your question, doll. :)
Who had a vested interest in asking for and receiving help from the Russians?

Dude, the CLINTONS, lol...ā€¦...to the tune of 25 to 63 million reasons. Read the Solomon piece why don't you! It is the crux of Republicans spin on the collusion. It will if nothing else; inform you, and in the process, may learn something.

Remember...ā€¦ā€¦...to debate an issue, you must be aware of BOTH sides of the argument. The John Solomon piece is free, not a book, and will lay out for you exactly what the other side thinks and why!
There was no collusion. Collusion is a term that applies to financial impropriety. "Collusion is a non-competitive clandestine or sometimes illegal agreement between rivals that attempts to disrupt the market's equilibrium."

It was a stupid charge to make and it is still going around because people on the left don't want to face it, they have been lied to by their own party, their own television DNC shills that they love to listen to and eat popcorn. That's because they misunderstand language definitions and assume the media they love, sponsored by their DNC leadership are telling the truth. There isn't a whit of truth in the annoying misuse of the party to charge collusion against an innocent President of the United States.

Naughty, naughty, naughty!

The crime is conspiracy, not collusion. Oh yeah, then there's all the obstruction of justice.

Trump Keeps Saying ā€œNo Collusionā€ Because He Doesnā€™t Understand Collusion

Rocah: Well yeah, Iā€™ve been saying this actually since he first started tweeting. I think first of all, Trump has no idea what the conspiracy law means and how it works. So when he says, Itā€™s a witch hunt, no collusion, what he was actually saying is, I had no phone calls. I had no meetings. I didnā€™t do this. And I think he may actually believe that as long as he didnā€™t do that, and this is common. I mean, we should point out this is common amongst criminals.

I canā€™t tell you how many people, cooperators I met with, who thought they hadnā€™t done anything wrong because they hadnā€™t actually had face-to-face or phone-to-phone conversations or email contact with the other person whom they were charged in a conspiracy with. It took a while. It would take a while in those proffer sessions to explain to people. You donā€™t have to. Thatā€™s not how conspiracy law works. This is a widely used law that is very broad and you can actually join a conspiracy with someone you actually have never even met. Thatā€™s sort of the point of the law, right? Itā€™s to capture whether youā€™re working toward a common scheme. So I think Trump doesnā€™t understand that even if he didnā€™t know, letā€™s assume for a moment, every part of what was going on here: how they were going to throw the election, or when exactly that was going to happen. As long as he had some idea of the understanding of the broad purpose of what they were doing and he did something, anything material to sort of facilitate that in some way, that could put him in that conspiracy.​
Again, you need to look up Criminal Conspiracy in its legal dictionary. Did you know that the law says a person can contact people in a foreign country to find out about another person's activities in another country? Oh, that's right. You've been too busy beating up on me to have played the reviews of the book that goes to the heart of this matter.

None of the alleged evidence in the improper allegation has shown President Trump to be guilty of anything except sticking with the law, both with what it allows and with what it does not allow.

And just to show you I'm a reasonably good sport, here's information on Criminal Conspiracy:

Criminal conspiracy is defined as an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime or to perpetrate an illegal act. Conspiracy crimes that are federal can include conspiracy to engage in criminal activity such as money laundering, conspiracy to violate federal laws, or conspiracy to manufacture drugs or weapons.
I reiterate this truth that President Trump is innocent of these ridiculous charges leveled by Clinton chums and also chumps in Congress. In other words, yes, Senator Clinton lost the Presidential superbowl, and President Donald Trump won it. No, President Donald Trump did not break the law.

Ran across this book at Amazon and wondered if anyone has read this book, and do you think it is true or false?
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid and dishonest.
Project much?
To start with we know that the e-mails released by wikileaks were stolen by Russian Intel (GRU...Military Intel)

We now know that there was collusion between wikileaks and the Trump campaign that goes as far as Steve Bannon and "someone" above him in the campaign .That leaves only a few people

We know that Trump was in negotiations with the Russian government to get the biggest deal of his life done (Trump Moscow Tower...300 million) all the way through the 2016 election campaign

We know that Putin (as stated in the Helsinki Conference) admits that he favored Trump

We know that virtually everyone in the Trump campaign had meetings with high ranking Russians and lied about them to the public and Federal investigators

We know that the RNC Convention platform was changed from being pro-Ukraine to being Pro-Russia

We know that there was a meeting in the Trump Tower in which opposition research on Clinton was offered

We know that Trump crafted a statement lying about that meeting

We know that Trump has not initiated sanctions against Russia that were enacted into law by Congress after the Skripal poisoning

We know that Trump never said a word about the Russian mercenary attack on our forces in Syria

We know that Trump just eased sanctions on the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

We know that Trump has made a number of very puzzling statements that sound like Russian propaganda (Montenegrans being warlike people...the Soviet incursion in Afghanistan being caused by terrorism)

What we don't know (or can't yet prove)

Where those bizarre statements came from (virtually no one in Trump's cabinet would have fed him that)

Why those actions regarding sanctions occurred

Why the Platform was changed at the RNC Convention and by whom

Which upper campaign official (above Bannon) was colluding with Stone and wikileaks

DId Stone or the campaign officials know that the wikileaks stuff came from Russians

DId Assange and Wikileaks know that

Were leaked e-mails discussed at the Trump Tower meeting?
Because it's being led by one of the world's top criminals?
Yes, but only if Hillary were that leader. Trump is likely a criminal too, but no one exceeds Hillary on criminality.

Plus with Trump, the MSM is kicking his ass very day. With Hillary, they would be licking her ass very day, as they did with Big Ears.
Actually, he is not. Those who have ever owned a business know the importance of being true, honest, and fair in all transactions. Business people don't last if they do not perform in a decent, honest way, and perform honest deals consistently. That brings home the bacon in business and in human relations. Trump fits the honesty parameter in business. And, he expects the same from his staff.
in right wing fantasy; All you You say is always right.
I detect projection in your first phrase and confusion in the second part of your wannabe sentence attempting to marginalize a person who knows the difference. Poor little boy.
you need more than fallacy, to convince me.
All that I have done has been to present the truth, sir.
Dude, the CLINTONS, lol...ā€¦...to the tune of 25 to 63 million reasons. Read the Solomon piece why don't you! It is the crux of Republicans spin on the collusion. It will if nothing else; inform you, and in the process, may learn something.

Remember...ā€¦ā€¦...to debate an issue, you must be aware of BOTH sides of the argument. The John Solomon piece is free, not a book, and will lay out for you exactly what the other side thinks and why!
There was no collusion. Collusion is a term that applies to financial impropriety. "Collusion is a non-competitive clandestine or sometimes illegal agreement between rivals that attempts to disrupt the market's equilibrium."

It was a stupid charge to make and it is still going around because people on the left don't want to face it, they have been lied to by their own party, their own television DNC shills that they love to listen to and eat popcorn. That's because they misunderstand language definitions and assume the media they love, sponsored by their DNC leadership are telling the truth. There isn't a whit of truth in the annoying misuse of the party to charge collusion against an innocent President of the United States.

Naughty, naughty, naughty!

The crime is conspiracy, not collusion. Oh yeah, then there's all the obstruction of justice.

Trump Keeps Saying ā€œNo Collusionā€ Because He Doesnā€™t Understand Collusion

Rocah: Well yeah, Iā€™ve been saying this actually since he first started tweeting. I think first of all, Trump has no idea what the conspiracy law means and how it works. So when he says, Itā€™s a witch hunt, no collusion, what he was actually saying is, I had no phone calls. I had no meetings. I didnā€™t do this. And I think he may actually believe that as long as he didnā€™t do that, and this is common. I mean, we should point out this is common amongst criminals.

I canā€™t tell you how many people, cooperators I met with, who thought they hadnā€™t done anything wrong because they hadnā€™t actually had face-to-face or phone-to-phone conversations or email contact with the other person whom they were charged in a conspiracy with. It took a while. It would take a while in those proffer sessions to explain to people. You donā€™t have to. Thatā€™s not how conspiracy law works. This is a widely used law that is very broad and you can actually join a conspiracy with someone you actually have never even met. Thatā€™s sort of the point of the law, right? Itā€™s to capture whether youā€™re working toward a common scheme. So I think Trump doesnā€™t understand that even if he didnā€™t know, letā€™s assume for a moment, every part of what was going on here: how they were going to throw the election, or when exactly that was going to happen. As long as he had some idea of the understanding of the broad purpose of what they were doing and he did something, anything material to sort of facilitate that in some way, that could put him in that conspiracy.​

So then, we now have a CONSPIRACY, lol.

You are 100% correct...ā€¦.a conspiracy to go around the rules put in place, to INSURE that counter intelligence operations could NOT be started, without following a certain PROTOCOL!

That is where your house of cards is going to collapse, and more, and more is being reported about it.

You seem to HATE President Trump. Fine, I have no problem with that. But let me 1st person to tell you that---------->you will soon have a person you will hate 5 times as much, and that is going to be the new AG-)

Your side painted themselves in this corner, and now you have no paint thinner to get out, lol.

See what happened in Virginia? Wonder how that happened-)

Wait about a month after the AG is installed, and lets see what happens to Schiff, and he will be the 1st of at the very least, a handful of your most far Left benefactors, that are going to bite the proverbial, "political dust!"

Um...no. But it's nice you have a very active fantasy life. Try not to let it bleed over into real life.

Hehehehehehehehehe, your best defense was Sessions recusal, and Rosenstein running the show. All that is about to disappear.

But let me tell you...ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..your side is screwed. At the bare minimum, the Russian story is going to be proven false, but I believe it is going to get worse, much worse for your side than that.

And personally, I don't blame you. After singing the same song for a couple of years that kept your side in business, I to would be hesitant to quit singing it also-)

So, you're cheering the potential prospect of a new AG interfering in an ongoing investigation? Has history taught you nothing?

The "Russia story" has already been proven true. Russia interfered in our elections to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump. All that's left to find out is how much assistance the Russians got from Americans. Let's just sit back and wait for the conclusion of Mueller's investigation, shall we?
Yes, but only if Hillary were that leader. Trump is likely a criminal too, but no one exceeds Hillary on criminality.

Plus with Trump, the MSM is kicking his ass very day. With Hillary, they would be licking her ass very day, as they did with Big Ears.
Actually, he is not. Those who have ever owned a business know the importance of being true, honest, and fair in all transactions. Business people don't last if they do not perform in a decent, honest way, and perform honest deals consistently. That brings home the bacon in business and in human relations. Trump fits the honesty parameter in business. And, he expects the same from his staff.
in right wing fantasy; All you You say is always right.
I detect projection in your first phrase and confusion in the second part of your wannabe sentence attempting to marginalize a person who knows the difference. Poor little boy.
you need more than fallacy, to convince me.
All that I have done has been to present the truth, sir.
the right wing prefers literary fiction to literary fact.
Only if your mind is nailed shut, hm? You naughty boy.
Who asked for help from the Russians?
Did you read the book or review the interviews? That could help you with your question, doll. :)
Who had a vested interest in asking for and receiving help from the Russians?
This is not a trial by idiots, doll. Your party is banking on your own self-imposed ignorance, like one of the persons above who posts inanities, but doesn't have the courage to read the book to verify or disqualify. That's how the DNC controls people. First they lie about their opponent. Then they provide 10 liars to vouch for the first lie. Then they vilify anyone who questions them and go as far as having their children vilify their target's children at school for added misery on top of being lied about. When and if they win, they bankrupt the government in celebration of their "win" weakening the treasury of the United States of America from providing for the common defense. That in and of itself leads to enemies of the country committing atrocities against this nation, time and again. Right now, criminally invasive immigrants are flooding the school system and causing schools to have to quadruple their funding one way or another. They wind up having to pass laws to steal peoples' inheritances, farms, real estate, and pass death taxes that are way over the top, cause farm families to have to sell their properties at a loss to bigger and bigger businesses. It's bringing a feudal system into a free country. In order to make people forget what a feudal system is, the DNC has to take people's eye off the freedoms they have so that they can remove all the freedom they can in order to create a serfdom while they willfully and idly squander tax money on luxury vacations to Puerto Rico and other ports o' call for themselves.

And the leftists dream on rather than following up on the truth of the matter, which might just expose the lies they started off telling in the first place to gain extraordinary benefits for themselves at the loss of the nation's freedoms, property, and good will. All because you democrats do absolutely nothing to check up on the truth or lies your party feeds you with constantly, creating a separate and alternative universe in which you punish the very people who bring home the bacon to the country.

Your best defense against lies is to look things up in the dictionary when you are unacquainted with a term. In the case of the charge of collusion, you need a specific type of dictionary: a legal dictionary. Other informal sources miss the mark due to common misusage of the term by -- yep, the DNC disinformation specialists who lie to win you and lie to hold you.
you need more than a wall of fallacious text if you aren't in my vicinity.
quote: "you need more than a wall of fallacious text if you aren't in my vicinity."​

Well, kiss my grits! I knew I was talkin' to the ding dong daddy from Dumbass. :D
Last edited:
Who asked for help from the Russians?
Did you read the book or review the interviews? That could help you with your question, doll. :)
Who had a vested interest in asking for and receiving help from the Russians?
This is not a trial by idiots, doll. Your party is banking on your own self-imposed ignorance, like one of the persons above who posts inanities, but doesn't have the courage to read the book to verify or disqualify. That's how the DNC controls people. First they lie about their opponent. Then they provide 10 liars to vouch for the first lie. Then they vilify anyone who questions them and go as far as having their children vilify their target's children at school for added misery on top of being lied about. When and if they win, they bankrupt the government in celebration of their "win" weakening the treasury of the United States of America from providing for the common defense. That in and of itself leads to enemies of the country committing atrocities against this nation, time and again. Right now, criminally invasive immigrants are flooding the school system and causing schools to have to quadruple their funding one way or another. They wind up having to pass laws to steal peoples' inheritances, farms, real estate, and pass death taxes that are way over the top, cause farm families to have to sell their properties at a loss to bigger and bigger businesses. It's bringing a feudal system into a free country. In order to make people forget what a feudal system is, the DNC has to take people's eye off the freedoms they have so that they can remove all the freedom they can in order to create a serfdom while they willfully and idly squander tax money on luxury vacations to Puerto Rico and other ports o' call for themselves.

And the leftists dream on rather than following up on the truth of the matter, which might just expose the lies they started off telling in the first place to gain extraordinary benefits for themselves at the loss of the nation's freedoms, property, and good will. All because you democrats do absolutely nothing to check up on the truth or lies your party feeds you with constantly, creating a separate and alternative universe in which you punish the very people who bring home the bacon to the country.

Your best defense against lies is to look things up in the dictionary when you are unacquainted with a term. In the case of the charge of collusion, you need a specific type of dictionary: a legal dictionary. Other informal sources miss the mark due to common misusage of the term by -- yep, the DNC disinformation specialists who lie to win you and lie to hold you.
you need more than a wall of fallacious text if you aren't in my vicinity.
quote: "you need more than a wall of fallacious text if you aren't in my vicinity."​

Well, kiss my grits! I knew I was talkin' to the ding dong daddy from Dumbass. :D
i think you really just need a full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work, to be Happier.
Did you read the book or review the interviews? That could help you with your question, doll. :)
Who had a vested interest in asking for and receiving help from the Russians?
This is not a trial by idiots, doll. Your party is banking on your own self-imposed ignorance, like one of the persons above who posts inanities, but doesn't have the courage to read the book to verify or disqualify. That's how the DNC controls people. First they lie about their opponent. Then they provide 10 liars to vouch for the first lie. Then they vilify anyone who questions them and go as far as having their children vilify their target's children at school for added misery on top of being lied about. When and if they win, they bankrupt the government in celebration of their "win" weakening the treasury of the United States of America from providing for the common defense. That in and of itself leads to enemies of the country committing atrocities against this nation, time and again. Right now, criminally invasive immigrants are flooding the school system and causing schools to have to quadruple their funding one way or another. They wind up having to pass laws to steal peoples' inheritances, farms, real estate, and pass death taxes that are way over the top, cause farm families to have to sell their properties at a loss to bigger and bigger businesses. It's bringing a feudal system into a free country. In order to make people forget what a feudal system is, the DNC has to take people's eye off the freedoms they have so that they can remove all the freedom they can in order to create a serfdom while they willfully and idly squander tax money on luxury vacations to Puerto Rico and other ports o' call for themselves.

And the leftists dream on rather than following up on the truth of the matter, which might just expose the lies they started off telling in the first place to gain extraordinary benefits for themselves at the loss of the nation's freedoms, property, and good will. All because you democrats do absolutely nothing to check up on the truth or lies your party feeds you with constantly, creating a separate and alternative universe in which you punish the very people who bring home the bacon to the country.

Your best defense against lies is to look things up in the dictionary when you are unacquainted with a term. In the case of the charge of collusion, you need a specific type of dictionary: a legal dictionary. Other informal sources miss the mark due to common misusage of the term by -- yep, the DNC disinformation specialists who lie to win you and lie to hold you.
you need more than a wall of fallacious text if you aren't in my vicinity.
quote: "you need more than a wall of fallacious text if you aren't in my vicinity."​

Well, kiss my grits! I knew I was talkin' to the ding dong daddy from Dumbass. :D
i think you really just need a full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work, to be Happier.
I think you really just need to realize that President Trump after 2 and a half years, has just been cleared of every iota of blame in the Russia Hoax ad. See? It works like this: Hillary's team not only lost the election, they lost their case of lying their asses off about Trump when they knew he was innocent because they wanted to tie up the House and Senate, the Presidency, and even the Supreme Court (long live Brett Kavanaugh!!!!) Lies just don't pan out. It was FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS,

They were gonna beat President Trump, his staff, and his family down for over 2 years for something THE NINNYHAMMER ACCUSERS KNEW WAS A DAMN LIE.

Tucker Carlson reported the truth, after the Democrats held this nation hostage to their kettle-of-fish LIES for 751 days:

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I don't know how someone could write a serious book on an investigation that is still a black box of secrecy. Just to get it book length would mean it is mostly conjecture and fabrication.
I tend to think any ā€œinvestigationā€ by our criminal government, isnā€™t likely to expose the truth.
Seems after hearing the good news that President Trump is innocent of all charges of collusion with Russia, that you would realize your "criminal government" is not of President Trump. I would, however, direct your attention to the lying liars that held this country hostage for over two years with false witness, a tonnage of lies they knew weren't right, and their constant adding one more and one more and one more accusation each and every time he was of course cleared.

President Trump, was of course, cleared, because he did absolutely not commit a crime in any way shape or form except to stand up for the American people with each and every act he has done since taking office.

Ran across this book at Amazon and wondered if anyone has read this book, and do you think it is true or false?

The author is a highly respected lawyer and legal analyst. Well spoken as well.
That was my understanding, too, Tiny Dancer. I've known all along that President Trump was never guilty of betraying America to any foreign country. Being a business owner myself, I know exactly how important truthfulness and transparency are, that with seven million pages in laws for businesses in the USA, that it's easy to make an error, but that owning up to error and fixing the problem so that it never happens again is well-received by those in charge of the laws. President Trump demonstrates that he does that in his practice of fulfilling the obligations of his office which is why I never ventured away from his obedience to and never breaking any law he knows about. I am glad, even though it took two years to clear him, that he stayed with the program and never gave up. I know there are other people here who also feel as I do because they just know after years of experience in observing politics that there is a little thread that runs true in politicians dedicated to fulfilling their duties to the American people and going the extra mile to ensure that our veterans are taken care of. Hand over heart, I am proud of America today, and I'm proud of the executive branch in particular for staying the course to see that right is done.

So good to see you back at USMB. Freedombecki forgot her old password long ago, and has come back as beautress, and was gone long because I lost my husband 2 years ago and am just now getting my sea legs back in politics. :) It's all good.

Ran across this book at Amazon and wondered if anyone has read this book, and do you think it is true or false?

The author is a highly respected lawyer and legal analyst. Well spoken as well.
That was my understanding, too, Tiny Dancer. I've known all along that President Trump was never guilty of betraying America to any foreign country. Being a business owner myself, I know exactly how important truthfulness and transparency are, that with seven million pages in laws for businesses in the USA, that it's easy to make an error, but that owning up to error and fixing the problem so that it never happens again is well-received by those in charge of the laws. President Trump demonstrates that he does that in his practice of fulfilling the obligations of his office which is why I never ventured away from his obedience to and never breaking any law he knows about. I am glad, even though it took two years to clear him, that he stayed with the program and never gave up. I know there are other people here who also feel as I do because they just know after years of experience in observing politics that there is a little thread that runs true in politicians dedicated to fulfilling their duties to the American people and going the extra mile to ensure that our veterans are taken care of. Hand over heart, I am proud of America today, and I'm proud of the executive branch in particular for staying the course to see that right is done.

So good to see you back at USMB. Freedombecki forgot her old password long ago, and has come back as beautress, and was gone long because I lost my husband 2 years ago and am just now getting my sea legs back in politics. :) It's all good.

Oh dear. My sympathies on the loss off your husband. Wonderful to see you.

The "Russia story" has already been proven true. Russia interfered in our elections to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump. All that's left to find out is how much assistance the Russians got from Americans. Let's just sit back and wait for the conclusion of Mueller's investigation, shall we?

Seawytch, just curious have you ever been institutionalized or under the care of a psychiatric professional? If not, why not. :p No offense, anyone who bought into the Russia Hoax from the start was a dumbass, anyone who buys into it now is mentally fucking ill, in my professional opinion (I minored in psychology at UCONN)!
I don't know how someone could write a serious book on an investigation that is still a black box of secrecy. Just to get it book length would mean it is mostly conjecture and fabrication.
I tend to think any ā€œinvestigationā€ by our criminal government, isnā€™t likely to expose the truth.
Because it's being led by one of the world's top criminals?
Yes, but only if Hillary were that leader. Trump is likely a criminal too, but no one exceeds Hillary on criminality.

Plus with Trump, the MSM is kicking his ass very day. With Hillary, they would be licking her ass very day, as they did with Big Ears.
Actually, he is not. Those who have ever owned a business know the importance of being true, honest, and fair in all transactions. Business people don't last if they do not perform in a decent, honest way, and perform honest deals consistently. That brings home the bacon in business and in human relations. Trump fits the honesty parameter in business. And, he expects the same from his staff.
Actually, he is not. Those who have ever owned a business know the importance of being true, honest, and fair in all transactions. Business people don't last if they do not perform in a decent, honest way, and perform honest deals consistently. That brings home the bacon in business and in human relations. Trump fits the honesty parameter in business. And, he expects the same from his staff.

Wow...wow, wow, wow
There was no collusion. Collusion is a term that applies to financial impropriety. "Collusion is a non-competitive clandestine or sometimes illegal agreement between rivals that attempts to disrupt the market's equilibrium."

It was a stupid charge to make and it is still going around because people on the left don't want to face it, they have been lied to by their own party, their own television DNC shills that they love to listen to and eat popcorn. That's because they misunderstand language definitions and assume the media they love, sponsored by their DNC leadership are telling the truth. There isn't a whit of truth in the annoying misuse of the party to charge collusion against an innocent President of the United States.

Naughty, naughty, naughty!

The crime is conspiracy, not collusion. Oh yeah, then there's all the obstruction of justice.

Trump Keeps Saying ā€œNo Collusionā€ Because He Doesnā€™t Understand Collusion

Rocah: Well yeah, Iā€™ve been saying this actually since he first started tweeting. I think first of all, Trump has no idea what the conspiracy law means and how it works. So when he says, Itā€™s a witch hunt, no collusion, what he was actually saying is, I had no phone calls. I had no meetings. I didnā€™t do this. And I think he may actually believe that as long as he didnā€™t do that, and this is common. I mean, we should point out this is common amongst criminals.

I canā€™t tell you how many people, cooperators I met with, who thought they hadnā€™t done anything wrong because they hadnā€™t actually had face-to-face or phone-to-phone conversations or email contact with the other person whom they were charged in a conspiracy with. It took a while. It would take a while in those proffer sessions to explain to people. You donā€™t have to. Thatā€™s not how conspiracy law works. This is a widely used law that is very broad and you can actually join a conspiracy with someone you actually have never even met. Thatā€™s sort of the point of the law, right? Itā€™s to capture whether youā€™re working toward a common scheme. So I think Trump doesnā€™t understand that even if he didnā€™t know, letā€™s assume for a moment, every part of what was going on here: how they were going to throw the election, or when exactly that was going to happen. As long as he had some idea of the understanding of the broad purpose of what they were doing and he did something, anything material to sort of facilitate that in some way, that could put him in that conspiracy.​

So then, we now have a CONSPIRACY, lol.

You are 100% correct...ā€¦.a conspiracy to go around the rules put in place, to INSURE that counter intelligence operations could NOT be started, without following a certain PROTOCOL!

That is where your house of cards is going to collapse, and more, and more is being reported about it.

You seem to HATE President Trump. Fine, I have no problem with that. But let me 1st person to tell you that---------->you will soon have a person you will hate 5 times as much, and that is going to be the new AG-)

Your side painted themselves in this corner, and now you have no paint thinner to get out, lol.

See what happened in Virginia? Wonder how that happened-)

Wait about a month after the AG is installed, and lets see what happens to Schiff, and he will be the 1st of at the very least, a handful of your most far Left benefactors, that are going to bite the proverbial, "political dust!"

Um...no. But it's nice you have a very active fantasy life. Try not to let it bleed over into real life.

Hehehehehehehehehe, your best defense was Sessions recusal, and Rosenstein running the show. All that is about to disappear.

But let me tell you...ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..your side is screwed. At the bare minimum, the Russian story is going to be proven false, but I believe it is going to get worse, much worse for your side than that.

And personally, I don't blame you. After singing the same song for a couple of years that kept your side in business, I to would be hesitant to quit singing it also-)

So, you're cheering the potential prospect of a new AG interfering in an ongoing investigation? Has history taught you nothing?

The "Russia story" has already been proven true. Russia interfered in our elections to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump. All that's left to find out is how much assistance the Russians got from Americans. Let's just sit back and wait for the conclusion of Mueller's investigation, shall we?

I don't know how someone could write a serious book on an investigation that is still a black box of secrecy. Just to get it book length would mean it is mostly conjecture and fabrication.
I tend to think any ā€œinvestigationā€ by our criminal government, isnā€™t likely to expose the truth.
Because it's being led by one of the world's top criminals?
Yes, but only if Hillary were that leader. Trump is likely a criminal too, but no one exceeds Hillary on criminality.

Plus with Trump, the MSM is kicking his ass very day. With Hillary, they would be licking her ass very day, as they did with Big Ears.
Actually, he is not. Those who have ever owned a business know the importance of being true, honest, and fair in all transactions. Business people don't last if they do not perform in a decent, honest way, and perform honest deals consistently. That brings home the bacon in business and in human relations. Trump fits the honesty parameter in business. And, he expects the same from his staff.
Actually, he is not. Those who have ever owned a business know the importance of being true, honest, and fair in all transactions. Business people don't last if they do not perform in a decent, honest way, and perform honest deals consistently. That brings home the bacon in business and in human relations. Trump fits the honesty parameter in business. And, he expects the same from his staff.

Wow...wow, wow, wow

Well Sea, you aren't watching the news from CNN, MSNBC, or Fox today are ya, lol---------->

1. NO COLLUSION, let repeat that for you, NO COLLUSION, lol. Even the DEMOCRATS admit it, on the record. Now what Boseaphus-)

2. FBI COLLUDED with Hillary lawyers-)

3. Adam Schiff improperly met with Glen Simpson-)

4. 2...ā€¦.let me spell that for you, T-W-O FBI lawyers testified that the Woods procedure was not followed in the FISA warrants.

5. Democrats are distancing themselves from your collusion/delusion fantasy as it has been proven wishful thinking along with gaslighting, by YOUR SIDE.

6. And those Democrats who aren't distancing themselves, are attacking the special counsel, lololol.

7. Oh yes, lets also not forget the Socialist, GREEN NEW DEAL, and we thank you OAC for your tacit support of the Conservatives, lol!

And all that was released over the last 7 days, hehehehehehehehehehehehe. And, what do we see as this is all released along with the SOTU? Trump going over 50% approval, after all your and your friends hard work at gaslighting. Let me tell you, the dam has broken, and if you think it is bad now for your side, wait a while longer-)
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