The Russia-Ukraine Conflict Can Only be Settled Through Negotiation

According to who? Certainly not Moscow. You have been fed a continuous line of bullshit from day one. The map tells a far more truthful story.
A year of pain, destruction and bloodshed, with hundreds of thousands killed and millions more displaced from their homes. But it wasn't supposed to be like this. According to research by the think tank RUSI, when Vladimir Putin began his invasion, he expected to take control of Ukraine within ten days.
You have not really understood this war at all. Or the main players. The USA is not a main player in this war. Sure it hogs all the media spotlight....but it's not a principal in the backing of Ukraine. It's a facilitator for NATO....nothing more.
For not being a main player, we're spending a lot of money and hardware helping one side. Biden may be lied into sending troops eventually. I'd be fine with Trump just keeping us out of it, but I think he can also be a peacemaker.

Not gonna hold my breath wsiting for him to get the Nobel, though.
Poland is a whole other story. They want a pound of Russian flesh. They want their territories back from western Belarus. Moldova wants their land back as well and dissidents tossed out.

And any reward of Ukranian land being awarded to Russia is going to encourage more Russian expansion through military action. And that rewarding of Russia is only going to incite Moldova, Poland, Finland and others to begin their own war with Russia.
Let them get started whenever they like. Just leave my money and my son's and granddaughters out of it.
Russia needs a complete exit from ALL Ukrainian lands including Crimea. There will be no peace otherwise.
I'm not saying this because I am a Zelinski fan or side with Ukraine....but because of the realities of the situation. Water, mining, and people....those are the things being fought over.
That's how wars go.
The only successful negotiations are going to be over children kidnapped by Russia and the amount of reparations Russia is going to pay and the fortifications of the border complete with troop counts and etc. Anything else is going to be a disaster and unsuccessful.
Is Russia going to go along with that voluntarily or is Biden going to force them?
According to who? Certainly not Moscow. You have been fed a continuous line of bullshit from day one. The map tells a far more truthful story.

Putin’s Plan B was a blitzkrieg. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began on Feb. 24, 2022, with massive shelling deep inside Ukrainian territory that was likely aimed at instilling fear and awe in Ukraine’s leaders and population. Putin probably expected Ukrainians to become demoralized and flee if they were able to.

Russian documents seized by Ukrainian troops on March 2 suggest that the military phase of the invasion was expected to be completed within 15 days of its start. Planning and supplies didn’t extend beyond this time frame.

A year of pain, destruction and bloodshed, with hundreds of thousands killed and millions more displaced from their homes. But it wasn't supposed to be like this. According to research by the think tank RUSI, when Vladimir Putin began his invasion, he expected to take control of Ukraine within ten days.
He did not understand that the American hackware would re-route his northern drive on Kiev back the way it came.

What a failure.
A year of pain, destruction and bloodshed, with hundreds of thousands killed and millions more displaced from their homes. But it wasn't supposed to be like this. According to research by the think tank RUSI, when Vladimir Putin began his invasion, he expected to take control of Ukraine within ten days.
RUSI? No wonder you are so clueless. Bye.
For not being a main player, we're spending a lot of money and hardware helping one side. Biden may be lied into sending troops eventually. I'd be fine with Trump just keeping us out of it, but I think he can also be a peacemaker.

Not gonna hold my breath wsiting for him to get the Nobel, though.

Let them get started whenever they like. Just leave my money and my son's and granddaughters out of it.

That's how wars go.

Is Russia going to go along with that voluntarily or is Biden going to force them?
Right, and the Afghan government will hold off the Taliban, the Wagner protest was supposed to topple Putin, blah, blah, blah. You folks will believe anything except what is plainly displayed on every map.
Meaning that more people will die....simply because one man can't allow any deflation of his ego!

The reason why Zelensky won't negotiate away his country is some of the same reasons why Russia went for a complete invasion and annexation 500+ days ago.

Fresh Water for Crimea is all up to Ukraine.
Mining in Eastern Ukraine provides over 50% of Ukrainians GDP.
Shipping in the black sea is completely controlled by Crimean ports. Meaning that Ukraine won't have any as long as Russia controls Crimea. (Turkey doesn't care who ships what so long as they get their fees)
The water and mining are best managed by trade in a relatively free market among peaceful countries.

Russian Tank Commanders and Ukrainian infantry platoon leaders are not helping those processes at all.
For not being a main player, we're spending a lot of money and hardware helping one side. Biden may be lied into sending troops eventually. I'd be fine with Trump just keeping us out of it, but I think he can also be a peacemaker.

Not gonna hold my breath wsiting for him to get the Nobel, though.

Let them get started whenever they like. Just leave my money and my son's and granddaughters out of it.

That's how wars go.

Is Russia going to go along with that voluntarily or is Biden going to force them?

By percentage, the USA is spending no where near what others in NATO are spending. Overall the USA is of course spending more....but our economy dwarfs everyone else's. However, because of the USA'S ability to form coalitions and alliances Russia is screwed. The WHOLE WORLD is literally aligned against Putin.

AND if you had been paying attention to anything I've said....
You would understand that there's not going to be a decisive military action that will end this war. Biden is not going to force Putin to do anything....never had that illusion. Or at least he shouldn't have it. Because that's not how wars end or stay ended. (WW2 was a fluke)

I don't see this war ending until there is a regime change in Russia.
The water and mining are best managed by trade in a relatively free market among peaceful countries.

Russian Tank Commanders and Ukrainian infantry platoon leaders are not helping those processes at all.

Gorbachev was correct in his assessment of the boundaries for Ukraine and why. Always has been.

Why Russia (Putin) of today refuses to acknowledge that is beyond my understanding.

Wars are usually never won by decisive military actions. WW2 was the one exception to this....but for whatever reason people keep looking for that ending.
Ukraine captured Russian war plans, which called for it to be over in 15 days.

So a week, 10 days, 15 days. Take your pick.
Sure they did. Did you believe the Afghan government would hold off the Taliban too? You folks are rubes, just look at the map. Why would you be dumb enough to believe anything this administration says? That goes double for those freeloader Eurotrash we unfortunately call NATO allies. Sad.
Sure they did. Did you believe the Afghan government would hold off the Taliban too? You folks are rubes, just look at the map. Why would you be dumb enough to believe anything this administration says? That goes double for those freeloader Eurotrash we unfortunately call NATO allies. Sad.
Between 9 May and 22 June 1940, a remarkable German assault on north-west Europe, known as the Battle of France, resulted in the capture and subjugation of not only France but three other countries – Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium.

Invasion of Poland, attack on Poland by Nazi Germany that marked the start of World War II. The invasion lasted from September 1 to October 5, 1939.
Sure they did. Did you believe the Afghan government would hold off the Taliban too? You folks are rubes, just look at the map. Why would you be dumb enough to believe anything this administration says? That goes double for those freeloader Eurotrash we unfortunately call NATO allies. Sad.

Operation Weserübung
On 9 April 1940, on the way to conquer Norway and secure iron-ore shipping activities at Narvik as part of Operation Weserübung, Nazi Germany launched an attack on Denmark by land, sea and air at 4:15 am. A total of 40,000 German troops were deployed, and the campaign was over after six hours – the shortest in history.
Between 9 May and 22 June 1940, a remarkable German assault on north-west Europe, known as the Battle of France, resulted in the capture and subjugation of not only France but three other countries – Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium.

Invasion of Poland, attack on Poland by Nazi Germany that marked the start of World War II. The invasion lasted from September 1 to October 5, 1939.
Germany lost that war. Putin on the other hand is the only involved leader who has won a war, yet we are supposed to believe he would abandon a proven strategy on the say so of some Limey drunk tank? You folks are funny.
Germany lost that war. Putin on the other hand is the only involved leader who has won a war, ...

Which is why I posted that Putin thought he could win the Ukraine war in just days or weeks.

But of course, how did that work out?
Which is why I posted that Putin thought he could win the Ukraine war in just days or weeks.

But of course, how did that work out?
No, he didn't, he went and is still conducting the same strategy that won him his previous war. Rube.
Sure, Russia can agree to leave the country they invaded and the Ukrainians can agree not to murder them as they leave

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