The Russia-Ukraine Conflict Can Only be Settled Through Negotiation

The Russian blitzkrieg on Kiev failed. Crimea is vulnerable, and the four oblasts are under assault.

Yep, Putin is winning.
It's not worth Americans fighting for, that's for sure. When are we going to learn to stay out of European conflicts? Many of our ancestors left that continent and the UK to get away from that nonsense.

"Enforcing international" what? International law? We have our own dadgum laws that are going unenforced, like the law that says that it is a crime to shoot up children every weekend, even in Chicago. If you're concerned threats to territorial integrity, look no further than our own southern border.

I get Ukraine's desire to fight when invaded. I get that Zelensky has an ego just like Puting does and doesn't want to compromise. But neither Putin nor Zelensky are out dying, and they're not getting letters notifying them that their sons and daughters are dying.

Zelensky can compromise or he can continue to bask in the adoration of American politicians and soak up money from the American taxpayer while his country is a slow-motion train wreck. He's making his choice very clear.
Americans are not fighting in Ukraine and US aid to Ukraine is not affecting domestic problems, and there is absolutely no rational basis for calling the war in Ukraine the result of giant egos.
By percentage, the USA is spending no where near what others in NATO are spending. Overall the USA is of course spending more....but our economy dwarfs everyone else's. However, because of the USA'S ability to form coalitions and alliances Russia is screwed. The WHOLE WORLD is literally aligned against Putin.
Yet he s still calling the plays.
AND if you had been paying attention to anything I've said....
You would understand that there's not going to be a decisive military action that will end this war. Biden is not going to force Putin to do anything....never had that illusion. Or at least he shouldn't have it. Because that's not how wars end or stay ended. (WW2 was a fluke)
I don't see this war ending until there is a regime change in Russia.
I see no way for that to hapoen other tham Putin dying of natural causes. At which point someone Just as bad - but healthier -likely takes over.
No, he didn't, he went and is still conducting the same strategy that won him his previous war. Rube.
Wake up and smell the borscht. Putin's logistics only supplied his troops the ammunition and fuel for 15 days. That's why the Ukraines had such devastating early encounters. Why Ukraine farmers used their tractors to pull Russian tanks that were abandoned when they ran out of fuel, to be used by the Ukraine army.

How? Not by Ukrainian hands. Anything else leads to nuclear war. How stupid are you people? Nobody wins that conflict.

Wrong. The Ukraine (=the borderland) will win, Belarus will win, Russia will win - but the high traitor Lukashenko lost and Putin and this criminal gang will lose. The "system Putin" will die - with or without Putin.

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The Russian blitzkrieg on Kiev failed. Crimea is vulnerable, and the four oblasts are under assault.

Yep, Putin is winning.

Only to make this clear: "Blitzkrieg" is a British word - not a German word.

And although I have absolutelly not any concrete idea about what to do in such a war - I think a continous pressure against the Russians and "needle attacks" - including Partisan strategies - while the same time to try to minimize the own risks is the very best what the Ukrainians are able to do in the current situation. Slowly but inexorable they will make out of a proud Russian military racing machine a flat wheeler - also with the help of the corruption in Russia herselve. And not to forget: The Ukraine has friends - Russia has no friends any longer.
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The negotiation cannot be successful if it is Ukraine insisting on nothing less that a return to the pre-invasion border. Not if they stick to that, and anything else is a deal killer. That would mean more killing of thousands of Ukrainians and and Russians.

Sure, pre-existing borders should be Zelensky's opening position. But Zelensky and his cheerleaders in the U.S. need to face the fact that Putin will never accept a humiliating defeat. Why should he? He's not dying in this war, and niether are any of his loved ones. Only fear of a counter-invation of Russia by the U.S. and NATO that would lead to Putin's own death will force him to accept that kind of defeat.

NATO is unlikely to commit troops to defend a non-member. If they were going to to that, they would have done so already. If the U.S. decides to act alone, he has little reason to fear the Newly Woke U.S. Army. Sending crying t-girls to fight the Russian army would be tantamout to lining them up against the wall and shooting them.

We need a president who can carrot and stick both sides to the table and give each side face-saving ways out of this. The only way to do that with large egos like Putin's and Zelensky's if for someone with an even larger ego to lead the talks.

You are neighbors to thugs. They occupy part of your land. Building a fence and shed on your land and declare it theirs. Would you accept that?
You are neighbors to thugs. They occupy part of your land. Building a fence and shed on your land and declare it theirs. Would you accept that?
A nation is not an individual. Very poor analogy. Russia and Ukraine are dictatorships locked in a struggle over borders, and territory. It is a war in which thousands are dying, including children. Anyone with any humanity wants that to be stopped, even at the price of abandoning an absolutist position based on fairness.

I'm not saying that Ukraine will have to give all of its territory to Russia.

But Ukraine will be faced with a choice if a strong leader of the United States sits them down to negotiate. They can give up something to throw Putin a bone and give him a face-saving way to stop killing Ukrainians, or they can watch more Ukrainians die in a doomed-to-failure attempt to drive Russia home empty-handed.

When I say "Ukraine," I mean that it is Zelensky who will be faced with that choice. Sadly, I believe that Zelensky will choose the second option, so long as he is being adored by Americans on both sides of the isle who do not know the difference between private property and national boundaries.
A nation is not an individual. Very poor analogy. Russia and Ukraine are dictatorships locked in a struggle over borders, and territory. It is a war in which thousands are dying, including children. Anyone with any humanity wants that to be stopped, even at the price of abandoning an absolutist position based on fairness.

I'm not saying that Ukraine will have to give all of its territory to Russia.

But Ukraine will be faced with a choice if a strong leader of the United States sits them down to negotiate. They can give up something to throw Putin a bone and give him a face-saving way to stop killing Ukrainians, or they can watch more Ukrainians die in a doomed-to-failure attempt to drive Russia home empty-handed.

When I say "Ukraine," I mean that it is Zelensky who will be faced with that choice. Sadly, I believe that Zelensky will choose the second option, so long as he is being adored by Americans on both sides of the isle who do not know the difference between private property and national boundaries.

Ukraine may, probably will, fall. But make no mistake. Russia wants it all. Every square centimeter of Ukraine.

It isn’t a bad analogy. It is a micro version of the macro we are talking about. An invasion is a robbery writ large. People using force to take something that is not theirs to take. Yes that is a little simplistic. But that is what is going on.

Armed thugs coming to take what isn’t theirs. It doesn’t matter if you are a kid in school where the bully wants your lunch money, or a leader of your people. Thugs taking what is yours sits wrong.

It is interesting that you want the President to sit them down and make them accept it. That’s happened in history. See Czechoslovakia. Britain and France gave it away to Germany. To get peace in our time.

Peace that was rather short lived.

As for suspending elections. It’s kind of hard to hold an organized election while bombs are falling in your cities. I can’t think of a single nation that has done that. Everyone has held off on elections until the war was over. In Britain, Churchill was voted out almost the minute the war was over.

It doesn’t matter if we are talking about your property line, the boundary of some criminal gangs territory, the borders between counties, or states. Nobody willingly gives up their territory, their land, without s fight.

Even here in the US states fought out where exactly the boundary was for years in court. Texas and Oklahoma have been to the Supreme Court more than once arguing about borders.

You and others argue that we have no business in this dispute. In other threads you lionize Rittenhouse. He was in another state from his. With a weapon he never should have had. Doing what nobody asked him to do. Yet he is a hero for standing up to thugs while Ukraine should be curb stomped by Russia because. Um. Something I’m sure.
Ukraine may, probably will, fall. But make no mistake. Russia wants it all. Every square centimeter of Ukraine.

It isn’t a bad analogy. It is a micro version of the macro we are talking about. An invasion is a robbery writ large. People using force to take something that is not theirs to take. Yes that is a little simplistic. But that is what is going on.

Armed thugs coming to take what isn’t theirs. It doesn’t matter if you are a kid in school where the bully wants your lunch money, or a leader of your people. Thugs taking what is yours sits wrong.

It is interesting that you want the President to sit them down and make them accept it. That’s happened in history. See Czechoslovakia. Britain and France gave it away to Germany. To get peace in our time.

Peace that was rather short lived.

As for suspending elections. It’s kind of hard to hold an organized election while bombs are falling in your cities. I can’t think of a single nation that has done that. Everyone has held off on elections until the war was over. In Britain, Churchill was voted out almost the minute the war was over.

It doesn’t matter if we are talking about your property line, the boundary of some criminal gangs territory, the borders between counties, or states. Nobody willingly gives up their territory, their land, without s fight.

Even here in the US states fought out where exactly the boundary was for years in court. Texas and Oklahoma have been to the Supreme Court more than once arguing about borders.

You and others argue that we have no business in this dispute. In other threads you lionize Rittenhouse. He was in another state from his. With a weapon he never should have had. Doing what nobody asked him to do. Yet he is a hero for standing up to thugs while Ukraine should be curb stomped by Russia because. Um. Something I’m sure.

Their only interest in Ukraine west of the Dnieper is that whoever is in charge STAY NEUTRAL and DO NOT JOIN NATO
They have guaranteed that Ukraine will join. If you beat my ass and tell me not to join the neighborhood watch. I can guarantee I would join. Wouldn’t you?

The Ukey Warmongers are just plain fucking nuts! They want to defend BlackRocks ability to take over Ukraine - to the death!

If you made an agreement with your neighbor that you wouldn't go within 10 feet of his property and then the WEF orders you to get within 5 feet. The neighbor asks you to leave, and instead you shoot his dog. Then the neighbor send 90,000 troops to your side of the border - and you feel justified?

The Ukey Warmongers are just plain fucking nuts! They want to defend BlackRocks ability to take over Ukraine - to the death!

If you made an agreement with your neighbor that you wouldn't go within 10 feet of his property and then the WEF orders you to get within 5 feet. The neighbor asks you to leave, and instead you shoot his dog. Then the neighbor send 90,000 troops to your side of the border - and you feel justified?


Oh FFS. This is all Russia’s fault. They lied for months that they were not going to invade. They called every World Leader who warned that Russia would invade liars. Russia lied about the invasion until they invaded. They then started lying about the reasons for the invasion.

You are victim blaming. Claiming that the woman was raped because just look how she was dressed. She was asking for it.
Oh FFS. This is all Russia’s fault. They lied for months that they were not going to invade. They called every World Leader who warned that Russia would invade liars. Russia lied about the invasion until they invaded. They then started lying about the reasons for the invasion.

You are victim blaming. Claiming that the woman was raped because just look how she was dressed. She was asking for it.

Fuck off. Just fuck off. You have NOTHING right there. NOTHING!

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