The Russians Did Not 'Hack The Election' - 1 of Debbie's 3 Pakistani IT Brothers Did!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Ya know how the DNC's E-Mails got hacked, causing Democrats and Snowflakes ... and Obama ... to claim THE RUSSIANS HACKED THE ELECTION?

Yeah, NO! It turns out 1 of the 3 Pakistani IT brothers Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and other Democrats hired to take care of House computers and who had illegal access to classified House documents/ files did. Turns out one also had access to Debbie's e-mails, Democrats' usernames, passwords, e-mails...which contained those e-mails that were hacked and leaked.

This is too damn funny and too good to be true, if it turns out to be the case:

"Imran Awan — the lead suspect in a criminal probe into breaches of House of Representatives information security systems — possessed the password to an iPad used by then-Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz when DNC emails were given to WikiLeaks

Wasserman Schultz resigned the DNC post in the wake of WikiLeaks posting damaging internal emails, blaming the scandal on hacking by Russians.

Imran and his family members, all of whom worked as IT professionals for members of Congress, were
banned from the House network Feb. 2, 2017, by the House Sergeant at Arms, but Wasserman Schultz has declined to fire him and circumvented the ban by having him “advise” her office."

So while the brothers were BANNED from the House, Debbie ignored / circumvented the BAN and had Imran - under investigation for illegal access to classified (and potential espionage) - come be her advisor anyway.

"WikiLeaks emails show that although Imran was employed by her taxpayer-funded House office, the Florida Democrat’s world — and iPad — mixed DNC, House and campaign business, and that Imran was on call for, and on a first-name basis with, top DNC staff.

Garret Bonosky, deputy director of the DNC, wrote in a May 4, 2016 email: “Amy — I will call you shortly. I have to get this ipad thing figured out. Need to make sure I have her username and password.” DNC Assistant to the Chair Amy Kroll responded: “I do not have access to her ipad password, but Imran does.”

Bonosky replied: “Just gave AK the cell phone for Imran.” Kroll responded: “Just spoke to Imran, call me whenever GB and I’ll update you.”

Debbie gave Imran access to the the IPad, the username/passwords, the e-mails....!

It could very well be that the RUSSIANS were not the ones who 'hacked the election' / facilitated the 'hacking of the election' - It could very well be that DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ IGNORED THE BAN ON IMRAN/THE BROTHERS, TOOK HIM ON AS AN ADVISOR ANYWAY, GAVE HM ACCESS TO ALL THE DNC'S PASSWORDS / EMAILS/ ETC, AND IMRAN AND DEBBIEARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE 'HACK AND RELEASE' OF DNC INFO.

Suspect In House IT Security Probe Also Had Access To DNC Emails
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My brother used to have an Afghan hound that could have been Debbie's twin brother. :lol:

Continuing to prove that the Democrat's vetting system SUCKS, here's some interesting information on the Awan trio the Democrats hired to work on House files:

1 Had a criminal Record

The family is connected to terrorists, taking money from them for their car sales business, money they never paid back.

They are currently being investigated as well for holding their mother hostage, threatening and controlling her while they spend their MISSING father's money. When police questioned them the brothers claimed their father died and left all the money to them...but can not produce a will and can not prove WHERE their father is.

And now THEY, not the Russians, might be the ones who 'hacked the election'...thanks to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz!

16 intel agencies say the Russians did hack and easyt says they did not.

It would be funny as hell, as lax as Democrats have proven to have been with classified documents / files, e-mails, etc... for the Democrats to have torpedoed THEMSELVES by DWS ignoring a BAN / Investigation / Criminal Records and giving access to everything to 1 of the 3 Pakistani spies / criminals!

This would be more than enough to prove their was NEVER any 'hacking the election' by Russians, NEVER any Russian anything, that it was all just a huge Democratic party / Obama LIE and that DWS was always to blame. An INSIDE JOB.

This can't be the case, though...Christmas is over. :p
It would be funny as hell, as lax as Democrats have proven to have been with classified documents / files, e-mails, etc... for the Democrats to have torpedoed THEMSELVES by DWS ignoring a BAN / Investigation / Criminal Records and giving access to everything to 1 of the 3 Pakistani spies / criminals!

This would be more than enough to prove their was NEVER any 'hacking the election' by Russians, NEVER any Russian anything, that it was all just a huge Democratic party / Obama LIE and that DWS was always to blame. An INSIDE JOB.

This can't be the case, though...Christmas is over. :p

For several months in a row Dems have been chewing such a swe-eeeet candy with the name "Russians hacked the election" and now you are telling them they can't keep chewing it any more???? You must be a terrible person, Easyt! :lol:
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So of all people to prove there was no Russian hacking of the election, it turns out Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and her Pakistani Spy are the ones to bring the DNC and Hillary down...

Information from the Malware on the server was tracked sending information back to Russia... EVERY intelligence agency said it was the Russians. EVERY person that has seen the evidence including Trump said it was the Russians... you say it wasn't. Who should I believe...hmmm...
1. Link to support your claim EVERYONE says it was Russians.

2. I posted a link a while back showing the malware was old malware of Soviet design that also happened to be on the internet that anyone could download and use.

3. Even if it wasn't Awan, DWS still ignored an investigation and the fact this potential spy was BANNED from the House due to potential espionage, giving him access to DNC e-mails, usernames, passwords, etc...

How stupid and careless can 1 person, 1 party be in regards to protecting classified / information?! Any damage this guy did to the Democrats, they deserved.
Ya know how the DNC's E-Mails got hacked, causing Democrats and Snowflakes ... and Obama ... to claim THE RUSSIANS HACKED THE ELECTION?

Yeah, NO! It turns out 1 of the 3 Pakistani IT brothers Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and other Democrats hired to take care of House computers and who had illegal access to classified House documents/ files did. Turns out one also had access to Debbie's e-mails, Democrats' usernames, passwords, e-mails...which contained those e-mails that were hacked and leaked.

This is too damn funny and too good to be true, if it turns out to be the case:

"Imran Awan — the lead suspect in a criminal probe into breaches of House of Representatives information security systems — possessed the password to an iPad used by then-Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz when DNC emails were given to WikiLeaks

Wasserman Schultz resigned the DNC post in the wake of WikiLeaks posting damaging internal emails, blaming the scandal on hacking by Russians.

Imran and his family members, all of whom worked as IT professionals for members of Congress, were
banned from the House network Feb. 2, 2017, by the House Sergeant at Arms, but Wasserman Schultz has declined to fire him and circumvented the ban by having him “advise” her office."

So while the brothers were BANNED from the House, Debbie ignored / circumvented the BAN and had Imran - under investigation for illegal access to classified (and potential espionage) - come be her advisor anyway.

"WikiLeaks emails show that although Imran was employed by her taxpayer-funded House office, the Florida Democrat’s world — and iPad — mixed DNC, House and campaign business, and that Imran was on call for, and on a first-name basis with, top DNC staff.

Garret Bonosky, deputy director of the DNC, wrote in a May 4, 2016 email: “Amy — I will call you shortly. I have to get this ipad thing figured out. Need to make sure I have her username and password.” DNC Assistant to the Chair Amy Kroll responded: “I do not have access to her ipad password, but Imran does.”

Bonosky replied: “Just gave AK the cell phone for Imran.” Kroll responded: “Just spoke to Imran, call me whenever GB and I’ll update you.”

Debbie gave Imran access to the the IPad, the username/passwords, the e-mails....!

It could very well be that the RUSSIANS were not the ones who 'hacked the election' / facilitated the 'hacking of the election' - It could very well be that DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ IGNORED THE BAN ON IMRAN/THE BROTHERS, TOOK HIM ON AS AN ADVISOR ANYWAY, GAVE HM ACCESS TO ALL THE DNC'S PASSWORDS / EMAILS/ ETC, AND IMRAN AND DEBBIEARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE 'HACK AND RELEASE' OF DNC INFO.

Suspect In House IT Security Probe Also Had Access To DNC Emails

ROFL! This is a much more likely scenario than "the Russians hacked the election!" Too funny if it turns out to be true!
Ya know how the DNC's E-Mails got hacked, causing Democrats and Snowflakes ... and Obama ... to claim THE RUSSIANS HACKED THE ELECTION?

Yeah, NO! It turns out 1 of the 3 Pakistani IT brothers Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and other Democrats hired to take care of House computers and who had illegal access to classified House documents/ files did. Turns out one also had access to Debbie's e-mails, Democrats' usernames, passwords, e-mails...which contained those e-mails that were hacked and leaked.

This is too damn funny and too good to be true, if it turns out to be the case:

"Imran Awan — the lead suspect in a criminal probe into breaches of House of Representatives information security systems — possessed the password to an iPad used by then-Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz when DNC emails were given to WikiLeaks

Wasserman Schultz resigned the DNC post in the wake of WikiLeaks posting damaging internal emails, blaming the scandal on hacking by Russians.

Imran and his family members, all of whom worked as IT professionals for members of Congress, were
banned from the House network Feb. 2, 2017, by the House Sergeant at Arms, but Wasserman Schultz has declined to fire him and circumvented the ban by having him “advise” her office."

So while the brothers were BANNED from the House, Debbie ignored / circumvented the BAN and had Imran - under investigation for illegal access to classified (and potential espionage) - come be her advisor anyway.

"WikiLeaks emails show that although Imran was employed by her taxpayer-funded House office, the Florida Democrat’s world — and iPad — mixed DNC, House and campaign business, and that Imran was on call for, and on a first-name basis with, top DNC staff.

Garret Bonosky, deputy director of the DNC, wrote in a May 4, 2016 email: “Amy — I will call you shortly. I have to get this ipad thing figured out. Need to make sure I have her username and password.” DNC Assistant to the Chair Amy Kroll responded: “I do not have access to her ipad password, but Imran does.”

Bonosky replied: “Just gave AK the cell phone for Imran.” Kroll responded: “Just spoke to Imran, call me whenever GB and I’ll update you.”

Debbie gave Imran access to the the IPad, the username/passwords, the e-mails....!

It could very well be that the RUSSIANS were not the ones who 'hacked the election' / facilitated the 'hacking of the election' - It could very well be that DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ IGNORED THE BAN ON IMRAN/THE BROTHERS, TOOK HIM ON AS AN ADVISOR ANYWAY, GAVE HM ACCESS TO ALL THE DNC'S PASSWORDS / EMAILS/ ETC, AND IMRAN AND DEBBIEARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE 'HACK AND RELEASE' OF DNC INFO.

Suspect In House IT Security Probe Also Had Access To DNC Emails

ROFL! This is a much more likely scenario than "the Russians hacked the election!" Too funny if it turns out to be true!
and after all of this time,,,the rats cannot not provide photos/videos of the russians tampering with the ballots

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