The Russians, Wikileaks, Clinton &....Where Are Trump's Emails?

Trump has already annonced he'd leave NATO allies hanging if he felt like it. Putin sees an opportunity to crack NATO apart.

Reagan, do you see what has become of your party?
Yeah, even though the whole point of NATO is a treaty for mutual protection.

I think he doesn't like the United Nations either.
Am I missing something? A wine commercial plugged in the middle of the thread?


Do you need some cheese to go with that whine?


^^ Well it isn't "whining" now. They've got a warrant out for Trump's ties to Russia I guess..

Why didn't they hack Trump and put his emails out there?....If the media were really in the bag for Hillary, then NBC would have released all the tapes from the Apprentice. You think Trump only revealed his true self once on a hot mic?.....Russians have engaged in criminal activities to help Trump.....Red state districts are back to their old tricks, suppressing the black vote....How is this rigged in Hillary's favor?

Exactly. If the Russians are involved in tampering with our election via wikileaks, and ZERO emails were leaked on Trump, that means Trump and the Russians are possibly in bed in collusion to tamper with an American election. And in the old days, they used to string people up by their neckties for lesser offenses. That's treason.
If it's true, that the Russians are interfering with our election, I could venture a guess as to why. Look, it's no secret the Russians are muscling up with the Chinese, Iran and even their crazy little baiting acting-out puppet N. Korea. What these allies would LOVE would be for Trump to win this election.

Donald Trump is so easily manipulated, so easily bought with gushing adoration and ego-stroking that he would be like putty in their hands. The US would be in grave, grave danger. It would be all Congress could do to manage that situation daily threatening national security... Do the Russians want in the Oval Office hardened bitch like Hillary? Not so much.

So, whenever I hear about the latest outrageous Wikileak, I think "hmmmmmm.....".

Gotta ask yourselves this: With all the leaked emails, where are Trump's? :eusa_whistle: Is it that he never has ever sent or received any damning emails? You know, his "locker room talk"? Considering what he openly says in public..

:eusa_think: ....Yeah. Bingo.


Like anyone with half a brain does.

Think about it. Clinton, the DNC and Podesta are friggin rich as hell and:

1. They don't hire good security people to protect their emails.

2. They fall for a decade old phishing scheme.

Are these morons going to share the nuke codes by smoke signals as well?

Good God people

^^ Nope. Adept hackers can unwind anything. And over the years you think Trump with his loose mouth and diarrhea Twittering was careful and cagey about his emails, in complete contrast to his usual MO? THINK. Trump would be the least likely of the two to use successful encrypting.

Nobody's buying it. Now it's time to scour Trump's server.
^^ I know right? How could anyone in Trump's camp have missed that the public is suspicious about a COMPLETE VACUUM of mention of Trump's emails, even when he's admitted ties to Russia AND he's admitted not paying a dime in federal taxes for years?? At his income? That alone should've been a warrant to search his emails.

And he's been audited and they found nothing.

I see you don't address the basis of my post though.

Rich folks have ways of securing their communications. Especially those of high importance, yet I don't seeing you bashing Clinton, the DNC or Podesta for doing such.

So you're voting for idiots.

Be my guest.
^^ Then you won't object to a public display of the audit of Trump's taxes for say, the last 10 years or so? Right? :popcorn:

trump used a SECURED server.
Well then let's get that warrant and force Trump to hand over his emails one way or the other. Right? I mean, that's what they did to Hillary...
Yeah, even though the whole point of NATO is a treaty for mutual protection.

I think he doesn't like the United Nations either.

That's right in line with Russia who also doesn't like the UN. Only where it serves them to whip up anti-American sentiments in other countries that would be our allies. Trump and the Russians think quite a bit alike. And of course his wife is from a quasi-Russian country and speaks Russian...and worked here illegally....etc....

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