The same idiots critical of BREXIT are now promoting CALEXIT

CalExit. Yeah right. That state is so depending on Federal funding, it wouldn't last two weeks.
A ballot measure is being crafted already for the 2018-2019 election cycle. But it won't just be California, it will be the entire west coast with Nevada and once the movement gains momentum, remember there are a number of red states that have already signaled they want out, then the entire east coast blue states will also want to join California.
Hawaii as well.

And we all know it's time. The union lasted a long time but all things end. Time to allow the red states to have the Confederacy back so they can create their own Theocratic Caliphate of phony Christianity. And the blue states can be rid of the never ending abortion bullshit, the red cups, the damn whining about plastic mangers. I mean we've babysat that part of the population long enough, it's time to let them go build a giant bunker around the red states and hide from the world.

It is real and let's all get behind it. I think we can agree everyone will be a lot happier.

Break it up!
California wants to be tagged with one eighth of the national debt and 7/8ths of the eminent domain cost of half their state. Sounds like anti-psychotics for the entire state is needed.

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