The San Francisco BOS Declares The NRA a "Domestic Terrorist Group"

Once again dummy, learn to read. The El Paso shooter wrote in HIS OWN WORDS that this has ZERO to do with Trump.

Oh, I see, you are taking a racist at his word, then?

Doesn't matter who he shot, it has nothing to do with Trump or Republicans no matter how much you whine.

Yeah, it kind of does. Trump spent the last three years absolutely DEMONIZING Mexicans. Holy cow, we didn't even demonize Arabs this bad after the War on Terror. I think the last time we've seen this kind of demonization you'd have to back to McCarthyism or maybe the Japanese during WWII.

So... he demonizes Mexicans for three years, makes it easier for crazy people to get guns... and this happens? Really?
Palin had nothing to do with it. Even the NYT had to write a retraction after the investigation was revealed. The problem is the MSM lies to you sheep, and you take that ball and run with it even after it's proven a lie. The brainwashing on you leftists is down right frightening. Some of your fellow commies are still in this forum saying that Trump won because of Russia. Don't any of you leftists understand the term Power of Suggestion?

No issue at all. Palin targetted this woman and this nut shot her.

Trump told the other nut that Mexicans were evil, he shot a bunch of them.

You just better hope that no one starts sayign white trash truck drivers are evil, or you'd be in trouble.

One had nothing to do with the other, and anybody pro or con will admit that because they actually understand the case.

So how did this crosshairs thing become an issue? Because Democrats lied about it, that's how. And anything the Democrats lie about, their sheep just march in lockstep.

Now show me one hint of evidence that this guy reacted to that crosshairs ad that he never seen before. Just one reliable source Joe. Because even the most leftist sources admitted they were entirely wrong about their assumption.
Too bad for you the guy who shot Giffords was a DEMOCRAT who never heard of Palin and thus would not have heard anything she said. And again you show your complete ignorance of the El Paso shooter being a leftist who stated himself Trump had nothing to do with this. Like a good little lemming, your thick skull refuses to accept truth.

Okay, guy, I know it's your thing now to brand any "Shooter" a Democrat... without much evidence or cause.

Palin put a target on Gifford... and some nut shot her.

Yeah we know it's your thing to ignore the facts that paint 90% of these shooters as Democrat supporters. Ignorance over facts is your thing. Palin had NOTHING to do with Giffords getting shot. No amount of whining and lying and crying from you changes that.
One had nothing to do with the other, and anybody pro or con will admit that because they actually understand the case.

So how did this crosshairs thing become an issue? Because Democrats lied about it, that's how. And anything the Democrats lie about, their sheep just march in lockstep.


That's how it became an issue.
Yeah we know it's your thing to ignore the facts that paint 90% of these shooters as Democrat supporters.

What facts? Most of them are completely disengaged from politics... but the few who aren't are Republican Gun nuts.
Once again dummy, learn to read. The El Paso shooter wrote in HIS OWN WORDS that this has ZERO to do with Trump.

Oh, I see, you are taking a racist at his word, then?

Doesn't matter who he shot, it has nothing to do with Trump or Republicans no matter how much you whine.

Yeah, it kind of does. Trump spent the last three years absolutely DEMONIZING Mexicans. Holy cow, we didn't even demonize Arabs this bad after the War on Terror. I think the last time we've seen this kind of demonization you'd have to back to McCarthyism or maybe the Japanese during WWII.

So... he demonizes Mexicans for three years, makes it easier for crazy people to get guns... and this happens? Really?

No I don't take a racist like YOU at his word. Your word and opinion is worth less than what my dog left in the yard this morning. Your pathetic deflections to try to blame Trump for everything are just old now. Trump did not make it "easier for crazy people to get guns". You're just a pathetic liar who swallows everything your liberal masters tell you. Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and now this. Don't you get tired of having your total ignorance exposed?
Once again dummy, learn to read. The El Paso shooter wrote in HIS OWN WORDS that this has ZERO to do with Trump.

Oh, I see, you are taking a racist at his word, then?

Doesn't matter who he shot, it has nothing to do with Trump or Republicans no matter how much you whine.

Yeah, it kind of does. Trump spent the last three years absolutely DEMONIZING Mexicans. Holy cow, we didn't even demonize Arabs this bad after the War on Terror. I think the last time we've seen this kind of demonization you'd have to back to McCarthyism or maybe the Japanese during WWII.

So... he demonizes Mexicans for three years, makes it easier for crazy people to get guns... and this happens? Really?

Joe, it is absolutely despicable that you are such a lying sack of filth. What the fuck is wrong with you man.
Joe, it is absolutely despicable that you are such a lying sack of filth. What the fuck is wrong with you man.

Tired of dealing with religious nuts fucking up the country in the hope the one percent will impose theocracy for them?

Spoiler alert, they won't.
One had nothing to do with the other, and anybody pro or con will admit that because they actually understand the case.

So how did this crosshairs thing become an issue? Because Democrats lied about it, that's how. And anything the Democrats lie about, their sheep just march in lockstep.


That's how it became an issue.

Palin didn't target anybody. She ran a political ad and nothing more. The left (as they always do) try their hardest to associate publicized shootings with Republicans. In other words, they made it all up, just like a child does about space ships coming down to earth.

Again, find me one ounce of evidence that investigators found that associated Palin with the shooting. You can't find it because it never happened. He didn't even know who Palin was yet alone her television ads.

What you are doing is supporting a made-up story. How pathetic.
You mean like the baseball practice shooter?

Meh... you have to go back two years to find one...that says a lot.

Palin didn't target anybody. She ran a political ad and nothing more. The left (as they always do) try their hardest to associate publicized shootings with Republicans. In other words, they made it all up, just like a child does about space ships coming down to earth.

She put a target on Gifffords. Someone shot Giffords... Pretty clear case to me.
How about a few weeks in my own state? A Sanders/ Warren supporter documented.

Documented by who? A bunch of things found on a twitter account that may or may not have been his? Got to do better than that.

Meanwhile, El Paso did a very good job of documenting himself as a Trump nut.
How about a few weeks in my own state? A Sanders/ Warren supporter documented.

Documented by who? A bunch of things found on a twitter account that may or may not have been his? Got to do better than that.

Meanwhile, El Paso did a very good job of documenting himself as a Trump nut.

They used the same sources. And you really think that an investigation into a mass shooting would leave investigators in confusion as if that was his account or not? Let me ask: who would create an account in his name knowing the guy was going to kill a bunch of people?

Political affiliation with mass killers goes on both sides. But only this side is willing to admit that it's irrelevant since crazy people don't even know why they are on one side or the other.
They used the same sources. And you really think that an investigation into a mass shooting would leave investigators in confusion as if that was his account or not? Let me ask: who would create an account in his name knowing the guy was going to kill a bunch of people?

Who said it was created beforehand?

Political affiliation with mass killers goes on both sides. But only this side is willing to admit that it's irrelevant since crazy people don't even know why they are on one side or the other.

Well, no, only ONE side thinks that we should let any crazy person who want to have a gun should have one.
Who said it was created beforehand?

Oh, so now you think they can't call the social media company to find that out??? I'm only on Facebook, and even they post how long you've been on the service.

Well, no, only ONE side thinks that we should let any crazy person who want to have a gun should have one.

No, we think you don't disarm an entire country because of a few crazy people. Nor do we judge people before a crime is committed. The people with serious mental conditions are already on the do not sell list. They can't legally buy a gun like that kid in Sandy Hook tried to.
No, we think you don't disarm an entire country because of a few crazy people. Nor do we judge people before a crime is committed. The people with serious mental conditions are already on the do not sell list. They can't legally buy a gun like that kid in Sandy Hook tried to.

Well, that's the problem, isn't it/ He just got one from his mother, who was just as crazy.

They don't have these problems.

The majority of us don't own guns. We don't need them.
No, we think you don't disarm an entire country because of a few crazy people. Nor do we judge people before a crime is committed. The people with serious mental conditions are already on the do not sell list. They can't legally buy a gun like that kid in Sandy Hook tried to.

Well, that's the problem, isn't it/ He just got one from his mother, who was just as crazy.

They don't have these problems.

The majority of us don't own guns. We don't need them.
We are not every other country which is why millions of people would rather leave theirs to live here

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