The San Francisco BOS Declares The NRA a "Domestic Terrorist Group"

Well, that's the thing. He was a nut who was encouraged by Trump's rhetoric, and was able to get a gun very easily because Trump does the bidding of the NRA. So, yeah, the fact that Trump enabled him is kind of a big deal.

Trump didn't make anything easier when it comes to guns. The only thing he did in that regard is make bump stocks illegal which won't do any good because we only had one murder with a person that used the stupid thing.

If you're going to blame Trump for that murder, then who are you going to blame for the shooter at the Republican baseball practice? How about the Gifford's shooting? The El Paso guy was more a leftist than a righty. And the shooter over here in Dayton? A devout Liz Warren supporter.

The difference is that we on the right are honest about these situations. You on the left politicize them any chance you get. The bodies are barely cold before you MSM starts making unfounded associations.

Or we've just learned that if you passively sit around and let the fascists take over, you end up in a concentration camp. I'm sorry the GOP decided to embrace fascism, but it has.

Just like you embraced Communism? After all, the US Communist party endorsed your last three presidential candidates and couldn't say enough about Bernie Sanders. Hell, he even spent his honeymoon in the USSR.
Trump didn't make anything easier when it comes to guns. The only thing he did in that regard is make bump stocks illegal which won't do any good because we only had one murder with a person that used the stupid thing.

Actually, we had 54 murders with the one guy who used them... but that's not the point.

Trump does the bidding of the NRA, and guys like this are the direct result. We'd have had an assault weapons ban if Hillary were in charge.

If you're going to blame Trump for that murder, then who are you going to blame for the shooter at the Republican baseball practice? How about the Gifford's shooting? The El Paso guy was more a leftist than a righty. And the shooter over here in Dayton? A devout Liz Warren supporter.

Except the guy in Dayton wasn't political. He didn't target people for their political beliefs. (Oddly, 6 of the 9 people he killed were black, but one was his sister, so who knows what was going on there.) The Gifford Shooting? You mean after Sarah Palin put a target on her?

But I have a simple enough solution. Make it hard for ALL THE NUTS to get guns.. then we don't have to worry about their motiviations.

Just like you embraced Communism? After all, the US Communist party endorsed your last three presidential candidates and couldn't say enough about Bernie Sanders. Hell, he even spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

Oh, noes, you mean he spent his honeymoon in a country with a lot of history?

When I was in college, the president of the Young Republicans went to the USSR with his girlfriend. He did nothing but rave about it when he got back.
Two guys walking down a street, grainy photos? Really? "No Video of an Assault".

Why would he remove the noose? It's evidence.

Evidence of what? Anybody could put a noose around their own neck like he did. The police used that picture to try and identify the guys.

Nope. We already know what happened. The British Empire banned Slavery in 1830 for the whole Empire. They also banned the slave trade in 1804.

Which had nothing to do with us.

No, they want to come here because their countries are poor because we've exploited them for decades. Kind of like the Europeans are dealing with all the people they exploited.

Check your privilege, white people.

Ah yes, spoken by a true member of Blame America First crowd. You master Obama taught you well.

Again, buddy. Canada is a democracy. Australia is a Democracy. The UK is a Democracy... We'd have been just fine without the founding slave rapists... Maybe better. Our record on things like the Native Americans or minorities are much worse than theirs.

They don't have many minorities in those countries. The smart governments like in Poland keep them out so they don't have the problem the rest of Europe is experiencing. Hell, in France, even the police are scared to go into certain areas.
Evidence of what? Anybody could put a noose around their own neck like he did. The police used that picture to try and identify the guys.

Tried and failed... but never mind.

Which had nothing to do with us.

Exactly. We had already broken away at that point.

Ah yes, spoken by a true member of Blame America First crowd. You master Obama taught you well.

Reality, we cause 90% of our own problems in the world. It's like we never fucking learn.

They don't have many minorities in those countries. The smart governments like in Poland keep them out so they don't have the problem the rest of Europe is experiencing. Hell, in France, even the police are scared to go into certain areas.

No-go zones are a myth, buddy. The French have NOWHERE near the crime levels we have.

The reason Poland doesn't have minorities is Poland is about one step above a third world country itself. I hear Trump is going to build a wall to keep them from flying into O'Hare.
Actually, we had 54 murders with the one guy who used them... but that's not the point.

Trump does the bidding of the NRA, and guys like this are the direct result. We'd have had an assault weapons ban if Hillary were in charge.

We might have, but the guy who bought the guns ILLEGALLY would have just used a handgun instead. As for bump stocks, you can make them at home or use other devices to do the same thing. Much like your idea for an assault weapons ban that didn't work the last time it was tried, it solved nothing.

Except the guy in Dayton wasn't political. He didn't target people for their political beliefs. (Oddly, 6 of the 9 people he killed were black, but one was his sister, so who knows what was going on there.) The Gifford Shooting? You mean after Sarah Palin put a target on her?

But I have a simple enough solution. Make it hard for ALL THE NUTS to get guns.. then we don't have to worry about their motiviations.

Yes, the Thought Police that you embellish so much. Well sorry, but in a free country, we don't take away rights based on hunches. To the chagrin of leftists like you, you have to break a law in order to get locked up or penalized. I know you on the left would love to lock up anybody that disagrees with you, and that's fine after we become a dictatorship that leftists only dream of. But at least for now, we are a country of law and order.

Edit: As for Gifford's, the shooter never even heard the name Sarah Palin. He was obsessed with Gifford's herself.

Oh, noes, you mean he spent his honeymoon in a country with a lot of history?

When I was in college, the president of the Young Republicans went to the USSR with his girlfriend. He did nothing but rave about it when he got back.

Every country has a lot of history. Many Americans honeymoon in Hawaii or perhaps Europe, because they find it beautiful and romantic, just like Sander's did with the USSR.

The guy is an admitted Socialist, and socialism is the last step to Communism.
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No-go zones are a myth, buddy. The French have NOWHERE near the crime levels we have.

The reason Poland doesn't have minorities is Poland is about one step above a third world country itself. I hear Trump is going to build a wall to keep them from flying into O'Hare.

Horseshit. My father spent two weeks in Poland, and he thought it was an absolutely beautiful country and very happy people. A friend of mine is the son of Polish immigrants. When his father came here, he got a job at GM. After he retired, he went back to Poland because he lived like a king between his pension and SS checks which were mailed to him.

When I was on a dart team, one of our opponents were a British immigrants team. I told them if I had to pick anyplace to visit outside of our country, I would go to England. They explained to me that England isn't what it used to be. That's why they came here.

Europe was great until they started letting outsiders invade their countries. Now it's a mess in many places. It's a shame leftists here never learn anything from other people's mistakes.
We might have, but the guy who bought the guns ILLEGALLY would have just used a handgun instead. As for bump stocks, you can make them at home or use other devices to do the same thing. Much like your idea for an assault weapons ban that didn't work the last time it was tried, it solved nothing.

Actually, violence did go down after the Assault Weapons ban. Mass shootings also declined.

Yes, the Thought Police that you embellish so much. Well sorry, but in a free country, we don't take away rights based on hunches. To the chagrin of leftists like you, you have to break a law in order to get locked up or penalized. I know you on the left would love to lock up anybody that disagrees with you, and that's fine after we become a dictatorship that leftists only dream of. But at least for now, we are a country of law and order.

Edit: As for Gifford's, the shooter never even heard the name Sarah Palin. He was obsessed with Gifford's herself.

Again, Palin put a target on her, and someone shot her. Pretty straightforward.

But to the point. No one is talking about locking people up. YOU JUST DON'T GET TO HAVE A GUN!

Every country has a lot of history. Many Americans honeymoon in Hawaii or perhaps Europe, because they find it beautiful and romantic, just like Sander's did with the USSR.

The guy is an admitted Socialist, and socialism is the last step to Communism.

Communism and Socialism still aren't the same thing.

frankly, I'm not for Sanders or Socialism, but man, you guys are probably making it inevitable.
Well, that's the thing. He was a nut who was encouraged by Trump's rhetoric, and was able to get a gun very easily because Trump does the bidding of the NRA. So, yeah, the fact that Trump enabled him is kind of a big deal.

Trump didn't make anything easier when it comes to guns. The only thing he did in that regard is make bump stocks illegal which won't do any good because we only had one murder with a person that used the stupid thing.

If you're going to blame Trump for that murder, then who are you going to blame for the shooter at the Republican baseball practice? How about the Gifford's shooting? The El Paso guy was more a leftist than a righty. And the shooter over here in Dayton? A devout Liz Warren supporter.

The difference is that we on the right are honest about these situations. You on the left politicize them any chance you get. The bodies are barely cold before you MSM starts making unfounded associations.

Or we've just learned that if you passively sit around and let the fascists take over, you end up in a concentration camp. I'm sorry the GOP decided to embrace fascism, but it has.

Just like you embraced Communism? After all, the US Communist party endorsed your last three presidential candidates and couldn't say enough about Bernie Sanders. Hell, he even spent his honeymoon in the USSR.
who's the communist?
Actually, violence did go down after the Assault Weapons ban. Mass shootings also declined.

Violence was going down before the ban and continued to decline after it was not renewed. It had nothing to do with it. "That's why they let it expire. Violent crime didn't turn around until the Ferguson Effect kicked in.

Again, Palin put a target on her, and someone shot her. Pretty straightforward.

But to the point. No one is talking about locking people up. YOU JUST DON'T GET TO HAVE A GUN!

And that's penalizing people based on what laws you think they might break.

If the guy never heard of Palin, what difference does it make what commercials she came out with? It's irrelevant because obviously he never seen them before.

Communism and Socialism still aren't the same thing.

frankly, I'm not for Sanders or Socialism, but man, you guys are probably making it inevitable.

I didn't say they were the same thing. I said Socialism is the last step to Communism.

Your party went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat Socialism (whatever the hell that's supposed to be) and now socialism. You don't see a pattern here?
We might have, but the guy who bought the guns ILLEGALLY would have just used a handgun instead. As for bump stocks, you can make them at home or use other devices to do the same thing. Much like your idea for an assault weapons ban that didn't work the last time it was tried, it solved nothing.

The Las vegas shooter could have bought a hand gun, but he wouldn't have been able to kill 54 people and injure hundreds of others.

That's the point.

Violence was going down before the ban and continued to decline after it was not renewed. It had nothing to do with it. "That's why they let it expire. Violent crime didn't turn around until the Ferguson Effect kicked in.

No, they let it expire because George W. Stupid was the NRA's BITCH. After that, we started having all these mass shootings.

And that's penalizing people based on what laws you think they might break.

If the guy never heard of Palin, what difference does it make what commercials she came out with? It's irrelevant because obviously he never seen them before.

Obviously, you don't understand the concept of cultural drift. He didn't have to hear of Palin to realize she was the source of the target artwork. Just like Trump doesn't get that his memes come from white supremacist websites.

But let's look at your first statement. I want a howitzer that fires chemical weapons shells. While anyone who would want such a thing is absolutely up to no good, but man, you shouldn't limit people on what they MIGHT do. Just like those folks who want to bring a box cutter on an airplane. Why would we ban that. We should wait until after they slit the throats of the flight crew before taking action.

You schmuck.

I didn't say they were the same thing. I said Socialism is the last step to Communism.

Your party went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat Socialism (whatever the hell that's supposed to be) and now socialism. You don't see a pattern here?

I see the exact opposite. The Democratic Party of today is probably more conservative than the party of FDR and LBJ, when it used to stick up for working folks and stick it to the rich. Even Bernie isn't going to take us back to FDR level government management of the economy or taxation on the rich.
U.S. and Afghan Forces Killed More Civilians Than Taliban Did, Report Finds
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And that's just current events

How about historically?

During prohibition the US government killed thousands of people with unlabeled wood alcohol products

How about the Japanese concentration, I mean internment camps?

How many Japanese civilians were slaughtered by our use or nuclear weapons?

How many Native Americans were killed ?

Now compare all those to how many people the NRA has killed, which by the way is ZERO and then tell me who the terrorists really are.
The Las vegas shooter could have bought a hand gun, but he wouldn't have been able to kill 54 people and injure hundreds of others.

That's the point.

The bump stock caused his guns to jam. They overheated because they were not designed for rapid fire. He could have done just as much or even more damage with a rifle without the bump stock.

No, they let it expire because George W. Stupid was the NRA's BITCH. After that, we started having all these mass shootings.

Mass shootings give us the least amount of shooting deaths in the US. Most of the shooting deaths are gang related or domestic.


Obviously, you don't understand the concept of cultural drift. He didn't have to hear of Palin to realize she was the source of the target artwork. Just like Trump doesn't get that his memes come from white supremacist websites.

But let's look at your first statement. I want a howitzer that fires chemical weapons shells. While anyone who would want such a thing is absolutely up to no good, but man, you shouldn't limit people on what they MIGHT do. Just like those folks who want to bring a box cutter on an airplane. Why would we ban that. We should wait until after they slit the throats of the flight crew before taking action.

You schmuck.

Palin had nothing to do with it. Even the NYT had to write a retraction after the investigation was revealed. The problem is the MSM lies to you sheep, and you take that ball and run with it even after it's proven a lie. The brainwashing on you leftists is down right frightening. Some of your fellow commies are still in this forum saying that Trump won because of Russia. Don't any of you leftists understand the term Power of Suggestion?

I see the exact opposite. The Democratic Party of today is probably more conservative than the party of FDR and LBJ, when it used to stick up for working folks and stick it to the rich. Even Bernie isn't going to take us back to FDR level government management of the economy or taxation on the rich.

Then I would have to say you don't know a thing about politics.

Palin had nothing to do with it. Even the NYT had to write a retraction after the investigation was revealed. The problem is the MSM lies to you sheep, and you take that ball and run with it even after it's proven a lie. The brainwashing on you leftists is down right frightening. Some of your fellow commies are still in this forum saying that Trump won because of Russia. Don't any of you leftists understand the term Power of Suggestion?

No issue at all. Palin targetted this woman and this nut shot her.

Trump told the other nut that Mexicans were evil, he shot a bunch of them.

You just better hope that no one starts sayign white trash truck drivers are evil, or you'd be in trouble.
And anyone who disagrees with you = extreme which means you can only see in binary terms making you extreme.

Extreme people are not a fan of fact, just being extreme.

Okay, guy, here's a little quiz to tell if you are a gun nut or not.

1) You think you need your guns to shoot government employees when they enforce policies you don't like.
2) You think you need military grade firepower.
3) You fantasize at night about shooting "Criminals".
Too bad for Joey that the El Paso shooter put in his own words that this had NOTHING to do with Trump. Oh, and he also supported the vast majority of the leftist agenda. Funny how you can't seem to remember that. As far as your obvious anti-police bias goes, try this. I have friends who are policemen. If they even DRAW their gun, it's pages upon pages of paperwork. Never mind if you actually have to fire the gun. No cop is going out looking to shoot anybody.

Um, one more time, dummy. He didn't go out and shoot litterers... he went out and shot Mexicans.

I have friends who are cops, too. And most of them are great guys doing a wonderful job.

And then you have guys like Wilson, like Van Dyke, like Loehmann, etc. They are usually guys with a whole shady record of bad conduct that the police departments covered up, or had been fired by other police departments and picked up by the one where they got their starring moments.

The ironic thing is that the good cops feel a need to protect the bad apples, even though the bad apples make their jobs a lot harder.

Leftists politicize everything including tragedies. If a guy is a nut, what difference does it make which party or politics he prefers?

Well, that's the thing. He was a nut who was encouraged by Trump's rhetoric, and was able to get a gun very easily because Trump does the bidding of the NRA. So, yeah, the fact that Trump enabled him is kind of a big deal.

After all, nobody promotes hatred or violence like the left does. They go to our rallies and town halls to start trouble. They attack people for wearing a certain kind of hat. Their leaders tell their constituents to harass Republicans wherever they find them; seek them out and tell them they're not welcomed. They protest and even threaten violence if a conservative gets to speak at a college.

Or we've just learned that if you passively sit around and let the fascists take over, you end up in a concentration camp. I'm sorry the GOP decided to embrace fascism, but it has.

Once again dummy, learn to read. The El Paso shooter wrote in HIS OWN WORDS that this has ZERO to do with Trump. Doesn't matter who he shot, it has nothing to do with Trump or Republicans no matter how much you whine. So maybe you should stop doubling down on your idiocy on these matters. Trump did not enable anybody you weak minded fool. The hatred coming from the LEFT is responsible for almost ALL the violence in this country. Your pathetic attempts to blame white Republicans for all these issues is laughable. Kind of like you.........
Palin had nothing to do with it. Even the NYT had to write a retraction after the investigation was revealed. The problem is the MSM lies to you sheep, and you take that ball and run with it even after it's proven a lie. The brainwashing on you leftists is down right frightening. Some of your fellow commies are still in this forum saying that Trump won because of Russia. Don't any of you leftists understand the term Power of Suggestion?

No issue at all. Palin targetted this woman and this nut shot her.

Trump told the other nut that Mexicans were evil, he shot a bunch of them.

You just better hope that no one starts sayign white trash truck drivers are evil, or you'd be in trouble.

Too bad for you the guy who shot Giffords was a DEMOCRAT who never heard of Palin and thus would not have heard anything she said. And again you show your complete ignorance of the El Paso shooter being a leftist who stated himself Trump had nothing to do with this. Like a good little lemming, your thick skull refuses to accept truth.
Too bad for you the guy who shot Giffords was a DEMOCRAT who never heard of Palin and thus would not have heard anything she said. And again you show your complete ignorance of the El Paso shooter being a leftist who stated himself Trump had nothing to do with this. Like a good little lemming, your thick skull refuses to accept truth.

Okay, guy, I know it's your thing now to brand any "Shooter" a Democrat... without much evidence or cause.

Palin put a target on Gifford... and some nut shot her.

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