The Scam of ‘CV19 Is Not Over’

Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.
It won’t stop until this:

Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.
/——-/ NY Gov Andy Boy Cuomo has just delayed opening up Long Island “for the foreseeable future.” So much for the “definite May 15 deadline.”
who promised a “definite May 15 deadline”?
/——/ Andy Boy, when he blew up the May 1 deadline.
/——-/ Cuomo extends New York lockdown until May 15
thx for disproving your statement, which was prima facie risible.

"Cuomo gave no confirmation that he would even lift the lockdown order on May 15 or on how long it would take to scale up getting 100 percent of the workforce out of their homes. He also said the plan was reliant on continued antibody testing, but did not clarify which test out of the many on the market he plans to use or how effective it is. "

And that's the whole problem with the Liberal "Plan". They have no plan at all. No real time frame to return America to the pre-covid reality, no goals, just pure uncertainty. Nothing is worse for the economy than Uncertainty. Lenders and investors have no idea when to expect to be repaid or see a return. Even if a doofus like Fredo were to say "we will reopen the economy next January" or some other far off date, it would give some indication to the people. As is and where is, its just a perpetual limbo, total poison to those making plans.
there is a plan. it involves keeping people alive and fighting the spread of the virus. depending on the way this fight is going, adjustments can be made to social distancing rules.
bavaria thinks it has the virus under control, and will step by step open up the state again. since today public playgrounds are open again.

this is not complicated, you little bitch.

It sounds pretty complicated to me. If I'm an investor/lender, my first question to the borrower is this- "When am I going to get my fucking money back" and the libs don't have an answer.
if there was a world wide lockdown for 3 weeks, we could've, would've and should've stopped this thing.
If there is anything to learn from this, I think this is key. If every country in the world had acted in unison to stop this thing, to truly cooperate and take a no holds barred approach across the board, it might have made a huge difference.

The US only needs to look at its numbers to realize that 50 different plans of action in a country as open and free as ours did not work. I should be advocating for the "regional" approach, since I live in a rural area that has only had two cases, both recovered. But PEOPLE TRAVEL. Without locking down travel in and out of a region with a cluster of cases, there is no way to stop it. Three weeks would have been seriously hard. But I'm afraid this is going to end up being seriously harder.
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Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.
/——-/ NY Gov Andy Boy Cuomo has just delayed opening up Long Island “for the foreseeable future.” So much for the “definite May 15 deadline.”
who promised a “definite May 15 deadline”?
/——/ Andy Boy, when he blew up the May 1 deadline.
/——-/ Cuomo extends New York lockdown until May 15
thx for disproving your statement, which was prima facie risible.

"Cuomo gave no confirmation that he would even lift the lockdown order on May 15 or on how long it would take to scale up getting 100 percent of the workforce out of their homes. He also said the plan was reliant on continued antibody testing, but did not clarify which test out of the many on the market he plans to use or how effective it is. "

And that's the whole problem with the Liberal "Plan". They have no plan at all. No real time frame to return America to the pre-covid reality, no goals, just pure uncertainty. Nothing is worse for the economy than Uncertainty. Lenders and investors have no idea when to expect to be repaid or see a return. Even if a doofus like Fredo were to say "we will reopen the economy next January" or some other far off date, it would give some indication to the people. As is and where is, its just a perpetual limbo, total poison to those making plans.
there is a plan. it involves keeping people alive and fighting the spread of the virus. depending on the way this fight is going, adjustments can be made to social distancing rules.
bavaria thinks it has the virus under control, and will step by step open up the state again. since today public playgrounds are open again.

this is not complicated, you little bitch.

It sounds pretty complicated to me. If I'm an investor/lender, my first question to the borrower is this- "When am I going to get my fucking money back" and the libs don't have an answer.
da libs, da libs. they don't have an answer! evil libs! maybe it is time to realize that this is a pandemic with a new virus, where data needs to be collected prior to making stupid decisions. if you make stupid decisions, shit gets worse. as you can see in your ridiculous country.
The timing is amazing. As America is trying to re-open a leaked report saying there will now be 3000 deaths a day, Fear factor ramping up. It is as if they don;t want America to win, I think they would rather have us surrender to China
How dare people attempt to warn us of the consequences of our governments actions. We should all just live in the blissful ignorance of government lies and propaganda.

Because if we don’t, China wins.

Oh irony
Just until November.

The timing is amazing. As America is trying to re-open a leaked report saying there will now be 3000 deaths a day, Fear factor ramping up. It is as if they don;t want America to win, I think they would rather have us surrender to China
How dare people attempt to warn us of the consequences of our governments actions. We should all just live in the blissful ignorance of government lies and propaganda.

Because if we don’t, China wins.

Oh irony
Maybe if they were not caught in so many lies they might be more believable
Pathetic. A liar in chief following trumpoholic brainwashed cultist whining about other people lying.
The timing is amazing. As America is trying to re-open a leaked report saying there will now be 3000 deaths a day, Fear factor ramping up. It is as if they don;t want America to win, I think they would rather have us surrender to China
How dare people attempt to warn us of the consequences of our governments actions. We should all just live in the blissful ignorance of government lies and propaganda.

Because if we don’t, China wins.

Oh irony
Just until November.

We wouldn’t have so many leaks if the people in government were actually free to tell us the truth.
The timing is amazing. As America is trying to re-open a leaked report saying there will now be 3000 deaths a day, Fear factor ramping up. It is as if they don;t want America to win, I think they would rather have us surrender to China
How dare people attempt to warn us of the consequences of our governments actions. We should all just live in the blissful ignorance of government lies and propaganda.

Because if we don’t, China wins.

Oh irony
Just until November.


In November, the votes will be cast, and there will no longer be a need to continue the Lock Down. It really doesn't matter if there is a vaccine or not, or how many are dying at that point in time. Figures can be manipulated to make it seem fine. The new dear leader, presumably Sleepy Joe, has to be made to look like a success.
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.

You are even dumber than you seem. The curve is now flattened in New York. You have the whole rest of the country where it hasn't even hit yet. Your case numbers are still rising, your death count is still rising. You haven't "flattened the curve at all" because THERE IS NO CURVE TO FLATTEN. THERE IS JUST A LINE GOING STRAIGHT UP.

The estimate of dead Americans has now risen, because of the failure to stop transmissions and deaths. And you can't stop transmissions and deaths when you're not testing.
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.

You are even dumber than you seem. The curve is now flattened in New York. You have the whole rest of the country where it hasn't even hit yet. Your case numbers are still rising, your death count is still rising. You haven't "flattened the curve at all" because THERE IS NO CURVE TO FLATTEN. THERE IS JUST A LINE GOING STRAIGHT UP.

The estimate of dead Americans has now risen, because of the failure to stop transmissions and deaths. And you can't stop transmissions and deaths when you're not testing.

Actually COVID has hit ALL fifty states, not just New York.

Its just that the people here in Mercer County don't pack into subways to exchange germs and most importantly, we wash our hands after using the can, so it really hasn't hit the area as bad.
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.

You are even dumber than you seem. The curve is now flattened in New York. You have the whole rest of the country where it hasn't even hit yet. Your case numbers are still rising, your death count is still rising. You haven't "flattened the curve at all" because THERE IS NO CURVE TO FLATTEN. THERE IS JUST A LINE GOING STRAIGHT UP.

The estimate of dead Americans has now risen, because of the failure to stop transmissions and deaths. And you can't stop transmissions and deaths when you're not testing.
the line is the part of the curve that needs to be flattened. :26:
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.

You are even dumber than you seem. The curve is now flattened in New York. You have the whole rest of the country where it hasn't even hit yet. Your case numbers are still rising, your death count is still rising. You haven't "flattened the curve at all" because THERE IS NO CURVE TO FLATTEN. THERE IS JUST A LINE GOING STRAIGHT UP.

The estimate of dead Americans has now risen, because of the failure to stop transmissions and deaths. And you can't stop transmissions and deaths when you're not testing.

If the COVID virus hasn't even hit here yet and there is no curve, why have we been subjected to Draconian quarantine policies for 2 months already? Shouldn't that have waited?
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.
It's a hoax that will wash over us
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.
/——-/ NY Gov Andy Boy Cuomo has just delayed opening up Long Island “for the foreseeable future.” So much for the “definite May 15 deadline.”
who promised a “definite May 15 deadline”?
/——/ Andy Boy, when he blew up the May 1 deadline.
/——-/ Cuomo extends New York lockdown until May 15
thx for disproving your statement, which was prima facie risible.

"Cuomo gave no confirmation that he would even lift the lockdown order on May 15 or on how long it would take to scale up getting 100 percent of the workforce out of their homes. He also said the plan was reliant on continued antibody testing, but did not clarify which test out of the many on the market he plans to use or how effective it is. "
/----/ Here is the timeline I was looking for on my iPhone. When I got home, I found it on my PC.
March 18
Cuomo ordered all nonessential businesses to decrease in-office workforces by 50% as confirmed cases climbed to 2,382.
He also reiterated that New York would not follow other states by implementing "shelter in place" measures.

March 20

Cuomo announced all non-essential businesses across the state would have to close under his "New York State on PAUSE" order.

AND here it is:
March 29

Cuomo ordered all nonessential workers to stay home for an additional two weeks through April 15.
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.
/——-/ NY Gov Andy Boy Cuomo has just delayed opening up Long Island “for the foreseeable future.” So much for the “definite May 15 deadline.”
who promised a “definite May 15 deadline”?
/——/ Andy Boy, when he blew up the May 1 deadline.
/——-/ Cuomo extends New York lockdown until May 15
thx for disproving your statement, which was prima facie risible.

"Cuomo gave no confirmation that he would even lift the lockdown order on May 15 or on how long it would take to scale up getting 100 percent of the workforce out of their homes. He also said the plan was reliant on continued antibody testing, but did not clarify which test out of the many on the market he plans to use or how effective it is. "
/----/ Here is the timeline I was looking for on my iPhone. When I got home, I found it on my PC.
March 18
Cuomo ordered all nonessential businesses to decrease in-office workforces by 50% as confirmed cases climbed to 2,382.
He also reiterated that New York would not follow other states by implementing "shelter in place" measures.

March 20

Cuomo announced all non-essential businesses across the state would have to close under his "New York State on PAUSE" order.

AND here it is:
March 29

Cuomo ordered all nonessential workers to stay home for an additional two weeks through April 15.
you queefed about a definitive end of the lockdown promised to be on may 15, when of course no such definitive end was ever talked about. it was always communicated that it will have to reassessed and extended depending on the data.
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.
/——-/ NY Gov Andy Boy Cuomo has just delayed opening up Long Island “for the foreseeable future.” So much for the “definite May 15 deadline.”
who promised a “definite May 15 deadline”?
/——/ Andy Boy, when he blew up the May 1 deadline.
/——-/ Cuomo extends New York lockdown until May 15
thx for disproving your statement, which was prima facie risible.

"Cuomo gave no confirmation that he would even lift the lockdown order on May 15 or on how long it would take to scale up getting 100 percent of the workforce out of their homes. He also said the plan was reliant on continued antibody testing, but did not clarify which test out of the many on the market he plans to use or how effective it is. "
/----/ Here is the timeline I was looking for on my iPhone. When I got home, I found it on my PC.
March 18
Cuomo ordered all nonessential businesses to decrease in-office workforces by 50% as confirmed cases climbed to 2,382.
He also reiterated that New York would not follow other states by implementing "shelter in place" measures.

March 20

Cuomo announced all non-essential businesses across the state would have to close under his "New York State on PAUSE" order.

AND here it is:
March 29

Cuomo ordered all nonessential workers to stay home for an additional two weeks through April 15.
you queefed about a definitive end of the lockdown promised to be on may 15, when of course no such definitive end was ever talked about. it was always communicated that it will have to reassessed and extended depending on the data.
/----/ You can't seem to process simple declarative statements. Andy Boy keeps moving the goalposts. "Cuomo said he is taking a measured, data-driven approach to the reopening, and holding off on a wide range of items including many businesses and schools. Other states are moving more rapidly, opening salons, tattoo stores and restaurants. " Long Island is not ready to reopen its economy as the coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc, and is behind even New York City in meeting key criteria, according to a list of state goalposts issued Monday by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo. " - Newsday today.
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.

The intent is to flatten America.

This is lib utopia. Sitting on your ass forever, collecting trinkets from a fictional treasury at this point, not working, food shortages, businesses failing, bankruptcies, authoritarian tin pot dictators telling the populace what they cant do. Libs are ecstatic right now.

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