The Scam of ‘CV19 Is Not Over’

Trump and his cohorts are obviously in on this together:

Caught red-handed.

"Red", no pun intended.
Here we go again.

So Trump should be demanding that mayors and governors open up today. He should be a leader. He's not afraid to say anything ELSE.

But he won't, and the Trumpsters won't see a peep about that, because they don't have the balls to do so.
So the President overrides the internal operations office States?
Nope. He just says something. He acts like a leader.

I was specific, and you blatantly misrepresented what I said.

You just illustrated my point.
You asked why the President isn’t ordering States to do something. I said it’s not within his power.
Actually he can tell states to do things, especially in an emergency.
The projections, based on government modeling pulled together by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently.
Are those projections IF the social distancing and testing measures proposed as a reopening plan by the administration are followed? Or if all precautions are dropped. Do you know?

And if social distancing measures have slowed it so far, why would reopening with continued social distancing/masks/etc. make it so much worse?

I'm not arguing. I'm just curious?
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


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The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.
/——-/ NY Gov Andy Boy Cuomo has just delayed opening up Long Island “for the foreseeable future.” So much for the “definite May 15 deadline.”
who promised a “definite May 15 deadline”?
/——/ Andy Boy, when he blew up the May 1 deadline.
/——-/ Cuomo extends New York lockdown until May 15
There are a few problems and it is really looking as though we may very well repeat the disaster of the Spanish flu, where the second and third wave made the first wave look like a common cold.

However as a result of the China treachery, we (the whole world) are north of the rock and south of the hard place. The economic apocalypse is inevitable, and the lockdown is unsustainable and yet we risk overwhelming our medical institutions if we don't sustain this social distancing.

This is not a hoax. The media and their obvious agenda is just another part of this that we need to sift through. Combine all of that with corrupted institutions (all of them are corrupt) and we are in the middle of a perfect storm. Where the corrupt clearly see their opportunity as they do with every disaster, to push along the agenda of establishing a new world order and controlling the masses. Generally impossible with a population with a voice and political leaders entirely dependant on swaths of mindless voters.

Anyway, I wish we could collectively be responsible. Meaning, if there was a world wide lockdown for 3 weeks, we could've, would've and should've stopped this thing.

Unfortunately we are unwilling and so this disjointed social distancing is too inconsistent. While it has been effective enough to prevent the mass overwhelming of the medical system, our inability to grasp history and reality of this pandemic is creating the distinct possibility that the horror of the Spanish flu will be repeated.
The timing is amazing. As America is trying to re-open a leaked report saying there will now be 3000 deaths a day, Fear factor ramping up. It is as if they don;t want America to win, I think they would rather have us surrender to China
Patience, soon we will have death results from states where lockdowns and mitigations have been modified and relaxed and we will be able to change the debate to purely and totally what are "Acceptable Casualties".
You DO realize that hospitals have set up step down units as ICU's because their ICU is above capacity?
You DO realize how amazingly stupid it would be to hospitalize an elective patient or non critical patient within feet of CV patients and staff that are constantly exposed??


Hospitals have always had Step Down units for patients that get moved out of ICU's because they are starting to get better. Further, hospitals have always had infectious and non-infectious patients under the same roof. CV isn't new, but patients with the flu, aids, or any one of numerous ailments have always been isolated. One of my sister in laws got a fancy "bone marrow" transplant for her cancer. She had to spend 3 weeks in an isolation ward of the hospital because of her fragile immune system, esp. right after the procedure.
Another person who has no idea what they are talking about.
It isn't that CV is infectious... it is the NUMBER of them AND the severity of all who are hospitalized.
Both of my kids are RT's
Where my daughter works has 11 floors, 6 ICU units with 9 pods each. So a total of 54 ICU units.
2-3 weeks ago 4 out of the 6 pod units were ALL CV patients. 3 of the 11 floors were ALL CV patients.
What is it about this people don't understand??
There has never-ever-ever-ever been a Flu season that reached even close to these numbers of critical patients all at once. Never. .... Not. Even. Close.
As the ICU pods filled up, they had to convert step downs to more ICU beds because their ICU were completely taken over. Nurses that have worked there for decades never seen that happen before.
If we had not done the social distancing and restrictions, hospitals would have went well beyond their ability to treat. And people, like Italy, would have been dying at home with no place to get treatment.
You DO realize that hospitals have set up step down units as ICU's because their ICU is above capacity?
You DO realize how amazingly stupid it would be to hospitalize an elective patient or non critical patient within feet of CV patients and staff that are constantly exposed??


Hospitals have always had Step Down units for patients that get moved out of ICU's because they are starting to get better. Further, hospitals have always had infectious and non-infectious patients under the same roof. CV isn't new, but patients with the flu, aids, or any one of numerous ailments have always been isolated. One of my sister in laws got a fancy "bone marrow" transplant for her cancer. She had to spend 3 weeks in an isolation ward of the hospital because of her fragile immune system, esp. right after the procedure.
Step down units aren’t ubiquitous. HIV patients aren’t kept in isolation but influenza are. However, the number of isolated patients is currently far higher than typical and as a result we are making ad hoc isolation wards.
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.
/——-/ NY Gov Andy Boy Cuomo has just delayed opening up Long Island “for the foreseeable future.” So much for the “definite May 15 deadline.”
who promised a “definite May 15 deadline”?
/——/ Andy Boy, when he blew up the May 1 deadline.
/——-/ Cuomo extends New York lockdown until May 15
thx for disproving your statement, which was prima facie risible.

"Cuomo gave no confirmation that he would even lift the lockdown order on May 15 or on how long it would take to scale up getting 100 percent of the workforce out of their homes. He also said the plan was reliant on continued antibody testing, but did not clarify which test out of the many on the market he plans to use or how effective it is. "
The timing is amazing. As America is trying to re-open a leaked report saying there will now be 3000 deaths a day, Fear factor ramping up. It is as if they don;t want America to win, I think they would rather have us surrender to China
How dare people attempt to warn us of the consequences of our governments actions. We should all just live in the blissful ignorance of government lies and propaganda.

Because if we don’t, China wins.

Oh irony
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.
/——-/ NY Gov Andy Boy Cuomo has just delayed opening up Long Island “for the foreseeable future.” So much for the “definite May 15 deadline.”
who promised a “definite May 15 deadline”?
/——/ Andy Boy, when he blew up the May 1 deadline.
/——-/ Cuomo extends New York lockdown until May 15
thx for disproving your statement, which was prima facie risible.

"Cuomo gave no confirmation that he would even lift the lockdown order on May 15 or on how long it would take to scale up getting 100 percent of the workforce out of their homes. He also said the plan was reliant on continued antibody testing, but did not clarify which test out of the many on the market he plans to use or how effective it is. "

And that's the whole problem with the Liberal "Plan". They have no plan at all. No real time frame to return America to the pre-covid reality, no goals, just pure uncertainty. Nothing is worse for the economy than Uncertainty. Lenders and investors have no idea when to expect to be repaid or see a return. Even if a doofus like Fredo were to say "we will reopen the economy next January" or some other far off date, it would give some indication to the people. As is and where is, its just a perpetual limbo, total poison to those making plans.
Patience, soon we will have death results from states where lockdowns and mitigations have been modified and relaxed and we will be able to change the debate to purely and totally what are "Acceptable Casualties".
We shall see in about 3 weeks, any deaths attributed to the wuhan flu and opening too soon is pure BS
The projections, based on government modeling pulled together by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently.
Are those projections IF the social distancing and testing measures proposed as a reopening plan by the administration are followed? Or if all precautions are dropped. Do you know?

And if social distancing measures have slowed it so far, why would reopening with continued social distancing/masks/etc. make it so much worse?

I'm not arguing. I'm just curious?
i do not know more than was stated in the linked article.


"The institute wrote that the revisions reflected “rising mobility in most U.S. states as well as the easing of social distancing measures expected in 31 states by May 11, indicating that growing contacts among people will promote transmission of the coronavirus.”
Of course there’s still cases. THAT WAS THE GOAL OF SHUTTING DOWN THE ECONOMY!


View attachment 332202

The concern was too many cases occurring simultaneously above the capacity of the healthcare world to handle it. So spread it out so resources could handle the load. The area in the red and blue are IDENTICAL. Translation: SAME GRAND TOTAL OF CASES.

To say the shutdown must continue because we are still having cases is moving the goalposts. And after that they’ll be moved again and again.
/——-/ NY Gov Andy Boy Cuomo has just delayed opening up Long Island “for the foreseeable future.” So much for the “definite May 15 deadline.”
who promised a “definite May 15 deadline”?
/——/ Andy Boy, when he blew up the May 1 deadline.
/——-/ Cuomo extends New York lockdown until May 15
thx for disproving your statement, which was prima facie risible.

"Cuomo gave no confirmation that he would even lift the lockdown order on May 15 or on how long it would take to scale up getting 100 percent of the workforce out of their homes. He also said the plan was reliant on continued antibody testing, but did not clarify which test out of the many on the market he plans to use or how effective it is. "

And that's the whole problem with the Liberal "Plan". They have no plan at all. No real time frame to return America to the pre-covid reality, no goals, just pure uncertainty. Nothing is worse for the economy than Uncertainty. Lenders and investors have no idea when to expect to be repaid or see a return. Even if a doofus like Fredo were to say "we will reopen the economy next January" or some other far off date, it would give some indication to the people. As is and where is, its just a perpetual limbo, total poison to those making plans.
there is a plan. it involves keeping people alive and fighting the spread of the virus. depending on the way this fight is going, adjustments can be made to social distancing rules.
bavaria thinks it has the virus under control, and will step by step open up the state again. since today public playgrounds are open again.

this is not complicated, you little bitch.
If you want a higher death count because you don’t like Trump, you should really consider what kind of person you are.
Patience, soon we will have death results from states where lockdowns and mitigations have been modified and relaxed and we will be able to change the debate to purely and totally what are "Acceptable Casualties".
We shall see in about 3 weeks, any deaths attributed to the wuhan flu and opening too soon is pure BS
Cowardly denial and surrender.
You DO realize that hospitals have set up step down units as ICU's because their ICU is above capacity?
You DO realize how amazingly stupid it would be to hospitalize an elective patient or non critical patient within feet of CV patients and staff that are constantly exposed??


Hospitals have always had Step Down units for patients that get moved out of ICU's because they are starting to get better. Further, hospitals have always had infectious and non-infectious patients under the same roof. CV isn't new, but patients with the flu, aids, or any one of numerous ailments have always been isolated. One of my sister in laws got a fancy "bone marrow" transplant for her cancer. She had to spend 3 weeks in an isolation ward of the hospital because of her fragile immune system, esp. right after the procedure.
Step down units aren’t ubiquitous. HIV patients aren’t kept in isolation but influenza are. However, the number of isolated patients is currently far higher than typical and as a result we are making ad hoc isolation wards.
Precisely my point.
And what about this does people not understand?
The hospital could be 1/2 empty and overrun at the same time either due to a limit on equipment, or rooms with proper equipment hookups etc. or the right kind of trained staff.
The timing is amazing. As America is trying to re-open a leaked report saying there will now be 3000 deaths a day, Fear factor ramping up. It is as if they don;t want America to win, I think they would rather have us surrender to China
How dare people attempt to warn us of the consequences of our governments actions. We should all just live in the blissful ignorance of government lies and propaganda.

Because if we don’t, China wins.

Oh irony
Maybe if they were not caught in so many lies they might be more believable

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