The School Lunches Malia And Sasha Eat Vs. The Crap Michelle Obama Has Foisted On America

What's so bad about this?

When my son was in high school he'd eat about 4-6 of those plates for lunch. Starting defensive back.

1%milk? Ick.

I was the starting free safety for my high school team.

Hard to believe I know, but I loved contact.

I played for 11 years on the line both ways. Starting left guard and right tackle on the D-line. My knees and hands are shot now but I loved the hell out of it.
What's so bad about this?

When my son was in high school he'd eat about 4-6 of those plates for lunch. Starting defensive back.

1%milk? Ick.

I was the starting free safety for my high school team.

Hard to believe I know, but I loved contact.

Corner Back here... same... loved the contact.

I used to coach my son Matt and a bunch of the other boys on his team back in the pop warner days, we had some undefeated teams. They called themselves the bruise brothers, he was also a free safety on this HS team.

This one game a couple years back Matt's a senior, last home game, and his team was loosing by two touch downs, it was the beginning of the 4th quarter, I yelled down from the stands "hey..... Matt.." loud enough for the all the parents on the other side of the field to all look up... Matt looks up and I give him and the other boys I coached "the signal." This was the signal that I had taught them means it is time to put the other team "down"... "hard..." They knew that signal from the "days." The six that I had coached on this team all showed me back the fist bump... the signal back that they were on it,... it's TX. We start the defense chant pounding the stands.

The other team did not make another first down. Not one. The fourth quarter was all ours. They were pounding the other team like nothing you've ever seen. Matt was in on the next 12 tackles in a row, on the only three series the other team had the ball for. On the last hit with the game tied and the other team on our 25 with 3min left, he hit fullback at full sprint. Matt hit him with a LOUD SMACK, an impact that lifted the full back into the air, he drove the running back backwards a good five yards, picking him up off his feet and pile driving him into the turf.. his best friend recovered the fumble at about the 15.. the crowd went ballistic..

They ran it in with no time left on the clock. It was a great game.
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What's so bad about this?

When my son was in high school he'd eat about 4-6 of those plates for lunch. Starting defensive back.

1%milk? Ick.

I was the starting free safety for my high school team.

Hard to believe I know, but I loved contact.

I played for 11 years on the line both ways. Starting left guard and right tackle on the D-line. My knees and hands are shot now but I loved the hell out of it.

I played WR as well, but only because we didn't have enough players .My first love was and is defense,I loved hitting the fuck out of some guy stupid enough to try to make a catch around me.
What's so bad about this?

When my son was in high school he'd eat about 4-6 of those plates for lunch. Starting defensive back.

1%milk? Ick.

I was the starting free safety for my high school team.

Hard to believe I know, but I loved contact.

I played for 11 years on the line both ways. Starting left guard and right tackle on the D-line. My knees and hands are shot now but I loved the hell out of it.

I played WR as well, but only because we didn't have enough players .My first love was and is defense,I loved hitting the fuck out of some guy stupid enough to try to make a catch around me.
You'd like fullback too :) Why run around people when you can run over them.
What's so bad about this?

When my son was in high school he'd eat about 4-6 of those plates for lunch. Starting defensive back.

1%milk? Ick.

I was the starting free safety for my high school team.

Hard to believe I know, but I loved contact.

I played for 11 years on the line both ways. Starting left guard and right tackle on the D-line. My knees and hands are shot now but I loved the hell out of it.

I played WR as well, but only because we didn't have enough players .My first love was and is defense,I loved hitting the fuck out of some guy stupid enough to try to make a catch around me.

I preferred defense as well. I pulled often on the line so I had much bigger pancakes on O then D.

My dream was to always score a touchdown from a stripped fumble when they were backed up. There was no way I was ever running it back so it had to be deep in their zone. I was a load then. lol. I came very close once but my best friend landed on the ball next to me after we sacked the QB.
I was a tight end. :)
Ha! I bet you weren't a long snapper as well. lol

Don't let Howey lie to you, he hasn't been a "tight end" since the 8th grade. :D

First game of my senior year I returned an interception 103 yards for a TD. Highlight of another wise pretty ordinary HS fb career.

Well, unless you count the FR WR I made quit FB for good when I knocked him the fuck out in a game. LOL
Remember folks, it is them then there is us. Michelle just won't let us eat bread or cake.

Obama Kids Lunches Vs. Public School Food The Daily Caller

For Tuesday, Dec. 9, the scrumptious, bountiful lunch menu for both the middle school and the upper school at Sidwell Friends is:

Potato Sausage Soup; Firecracker Slaw; California Chef’s Salad; All Natural Jamaican Jerk Chicken Wings; Sweet Potato Black Bean Bake; Sautéed Local Greens; Gemelli Alfredo; Sliced Pineapple

Holy shit dude! Why don't you make your own kids their own lunches then. If you don't like it brown paper bag it! Or get them a care bear lunch box. Nothing is stoping parents to make their own kids lunches.....well lazy parents quit bitching and raise your kids!
Obama's kids get the good stuff for lunch....
Everyone else ...
Not so much!

So send your kids to a private school you whiny little Occupy bitch

While I pay for your kid to go to a government school? Go fuck yourself, you self-centred asshole.

LOL, who said my kids go to public school?

You mean you don't have faith in the government schools?
Obama's kids get the good stuff for lunch....
Everyone else ...
Not so much!

So send your kids to a private school you whiny little Occupy bitch

While I pay for your kid to go to a government school? Go fuck yourself, you self-centred asshole.

LOL, who said my kids go to public school?

You mean you don't have faith in the government schools?

I have faith in myself, and my family; and that's about it. Certainly I have very little faith in anything to do with the government.
Remember folks, it is them then there is us. Michelle just won't let us eat bread or cake.

Obama Kids Lunches Vs. Public School Food The Daily Caller

For Tuesday, Dec. 9, the scrumptious, bountiful lunch menu for both the middle school and the upper school at Sidwell Friends is:

Potato Sausage Soup; Firecracker Slaw; California Chef’s Salad; All Natural Jamaican Jerk Chicken Wings; Sweet Potato Black Bean Bake; Sautéed Local Greens; Gemelli Alfredo; Sliced Pineapple

Holy shit dude! Why don't you make your own kids their own lunches then. If you don't like it brown paper bag it! Or get them a care bear lunch box. Nothing is stoping parents to make their own kids lunches.....well lazy parents quit bitching and raise your kids!

oh pipe down, that is taxpayers monies going to the school lunch program. We have EVERY RIGHT to discuss this. Go make your own brown bag lunch's. You better go read the RULES on family since you are a Newbie
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Remember folks, it is them then there is us. Michelle just won't let us eat bread or cake.

Obama Kids Lunches Vs. Public School Food The Daily Caller

For Tuesday, Dec. 9, the scrumptious, bountiful lunch menu for both the middle school and the upper school at Sidwell Friends is:

Potato Sausage Soup; Firecracker Slaw; California Chef’s Salad; All Natural Jamaican Jerk Chicken Wings; Sweet Potato Black Bean Bake; Sautéed Local Greens; Gemelli Alfredo; Sliced Pineapple

Holy shit dude! Why don't you make your own kids their own lunches then. If you don't like it brown paper bag it! Or get them a care bear lunch box. Nothing is stoping parents to make their own kids lunches.....well lazy parents quit bitching and raise your kids!

oh pipe down, that is taxpayers monies going to the school lunch program. We have EVERY RIGHT to discuss this. Go make your own brown bag lunch's. You better go read the RULES on family since you are a Newbie

Wow school lunches are free now? Well shit has changed in five years for my kids then. You still have to pay for school lunches unless your parents do not make enough...but seriously if you cannot care for your kids.....stop having them. It does not cost very much to make your kids lunch. You can cut back on expenses that you do not need to make sure your kid gets fed. I could cook you food for every day lunches for 25 bucks at the grocery store for the week for your kids. Obamas kids go to private school which is different. If you do not have the time for your kids to make sure they are fed....sorry but your a weak and lazy parent.
Obama's kids get the good stuff for lunch....
Everyone else ...
Not so much!

They're paying 36,000 a year tuition, each, for, among other things, that lunch.

Shall we raise your school taxes enough so that all American kids in public school can get the equivalent of a 36,000/year private school education?

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