The SCotUS has cleared the way for Legalized Polygamy.

As a religious arrangement, Polygamist marriage is workable. As a legal framework? Not so much.

Marriage is a joining of two individuals into a couple, able to make legal and medical decisions for one another. Who makes decisions in a polygamist marriage?

In most cultures, it's the Head of Household or the man.

In many cases, these were both one in the same.

That's culturally. I'm asking in the legal framework of US marriage laws.

There is no legal framework in US marriage laws for same sex marriage either. That hasn't really stopped anyone has it?
As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.
Polygamy should be legal. What right does any institution have to say how many people you can marry and who you can marry?
If I offered you $100 million to smooch another man, you wouldn't do it?

It's not about smooching or even fucking. Could "whoever" fall in love, honor and cherish in mind and body, someone of the same sex?

Being gay is no more only about sex than being heterosexual is.

your saying a social status defined solely based on whom you have sex with has absolutely nothing to do with sex?

love has nothing to do with the conversation. Most people have no clue what real love is.

Sex is not required for legal marriage...just ask married folks. ( especially those with kids)
I can't "choose" to be sexually attracted to a man.

I'm not bi-sexual.

Anyone who thinks one can "choose" to be sexually attracted to a man or a woman, has just admitted that THEY are bi-sexual.

No. you're just an animal who has no ability to make any choices whatsoever.
I'm bi-sexual.

What's your point?

The right-wing whiners in this thread seem to believe that ALL human beings are bi-sexual, and we can simply choose to become attracted to the same sex.

I didn't like boys when I was 8 years old. Now I love boys... er, men rather. Along the way, I developed a taste for women...

Is this not a choice?
In most cultures, it's the Head of Household or the man.

In many cases, these were both one in the same.

That's culturally. I'm asking in the legal framework of US marriage laws.

There is no legal framework in US marriage laws for same sex marriage either. That hasn't really stopped anyone has it?

Of course there is. It's called legal marriage. That's like saying there's no legal framework for same sex drivers licenses. They're just licenses.
There is only one kind of person in this world who can CHOOSE to be sexually attracted to men or women.

They are called bi-sexual.
Polygamy is a choice.

Being Gay isn't.

someday, Conservatives will understand this.

Bodey says she did not become gay until after she took her oath of service in the Navy, so did she choose to be gay?

Simply not true at you are well aware. I very clearly stated on several occasions that I did not any any gay sexual relations until after I had been in the Navy. And that is the question that was anyone who has served during that time period knows.

We have gone over this before. Is there a reason why you purposely misrepresent?
As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.

Not only polygamy, but beastiality and pedophilia as well. In reality, all perversions will be legalized. Not only legalized, but forced into public acceptance.

What's with this obsession you have with having sex with children and animals?
Polygamy is a choice.

Being Gay isn't.

someday, Conservatives will understand this.

Bodey says she did not become gay until after she took her oath of service in the Navy, so did she choose to be gay?

Simply not true at you are well aware. I very clearly stated on several occasions that I did not any any gay sexual relations until after I had been in the Navy. And that is the question that was anyone who has served during that time period knows.

We have gone over this before. Is there a reason why you purposely misrepresent?

Ditto here.
The claim made for legalizing gay marriage was that what consenting adults chose to love each other is no business of anyone else and they should have the right to legalize it. SAME EXACT argument for multiple marriages. By the way Polygamy refers to one husband many wives, I believe the door is open for plural marriages by the very argument that seems to have won it for gays.

polygamy could also be one woman with many husbands.

hell it can be all the same sex now----me and my buddies all wanna get hitched.

Congratulations! :clap2:

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