The SCotUS has cleared the way for Legalized Polygamy.

As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.

Not only polygamy, but beastiality and pedophilia as well. In reality, all perversions will be legalized. Not only legalized, but forced into public acceptance.

What's with this obsession you have with having sex with children and animals?

That's none of your business. It's his sexual preference.
As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.

Not only polygamy, but beastiality and pedophilia as well. In reality, all perversions will be legalized. Not only legalized, but forced into public acceptance.

What's with this obsession you have with having sex with children and animals?

It always concerns me...those who, by their posts, seem to show a lack of understanding about adult consent.
Really?? short sighted,if its a right for 2 guys or girls,then its just as much a right for 2 girls and a guy too marry,just because there would be more names on court documents doesn't change anything.

The lid is off,its that simple.

That is a very simplistic point of view.

Tell you what, answer this question and I'll reconsider.

What legitimate concerns does society address by banning gay marriage and what legitimate concerns does society address by banning polygamy?

They are both slow erosions of the basic glue that holds societies together. As has been proved over and over again. Normalization of same sex relationships has never been successful, but has been a symptom of terminal social disease in every culture that adopted it.

And, of course, you have the evidence to back that up.

The Roman Republic, followed by the Roman Empire, which lasted for what, nine centuries, accepted homosexuality from Day One, and even some of the early emperors were flaming homos.

Your turn.
Not only polygamy, but beastiality and pedophilia as well. In reality, all perversions will be legalized. Not only legalized, but forced into public acceptance.

What's with this obsession you have with having sex with children and animals?

It always concerns me...those who, by their posts, seem to show a lack of understanding about adult consent.

AS we have CLEARLY seen--the law can be changed
As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.

Let us know when a SOLID legal reason can be presented for polygamy. Ok?


how about the the ruling handed down yesterday??

Would you mind citing the part of the decision which says polygamy is now legal?

All of these experts around here making all these claims about their personal obsessions with polygamy, and incest, and bestiality, and pedophilia. You would think at least ONE of you could cite the relevant section in the decision which shoves us down this slippery slope logical fallacy!
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AS we have CLEARLY seen--the law can be changed

Adult consent can be changed? Do tell.

SCOTUS is amazing----who would have thought this 100 years ago ?

I know! Interracial marriage, integrated schools, black voter registration, blacks riding at the front of the bus, Miranda rights, a zillion free speech decisions, Heller v DC, Hamdi v Rumsfeld.

The list of freedoms and rights protected by the Supreme Court in the past 100 years is amazing.
More importantly, you can't emotionally choose to desire a man.

Humans can choose essentially anything.

Then tell us about the day you decided not to be gay.

False dichotemy. There there are more than two choices.

You can choose to be hetro.
You can choose to be bisexual
You can choose to be homosexual.
You can choose to be anti-sexual
You can choose not to make a choice.

Most people choose not to make a choice. Because of that their natural insticts they are hetro.
As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.

Let us know when a SOLID legal reason can be presented for polygamy. Ok?

Let us know when a SOLID legal reason for why its ok for parents to determiine a 18 month old child is transgendered.

Having problems staying on the topic?
As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.

What about divorce? DOMA protected marriage, now that is has been set aside traditional marriage is threatened, soon marriages all over the nation will break up and men will marry men, women will marry women, dogs will marry cats and we will all be damned.

Once the first domino fell the rest are sure to follow. Damn those activist liberal justices, Damn them!!!

Do not laugh...this was the argument put forth by the CWA.. Concerned Women of America organization several years ago.

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