The SCotUS has cleared the way for Legalized Polygamy.

polygamy is a choice.

being Gay isn't a choice.

The claim made for legalizing gay marriage was that what consenting adults chose to love each other is no business of anyone else and they should have the right to legalize it. SAME EXACT argument for multiple marriages. By the way Polygamy refers to one husband many wives, I believe the door is open for plural marriages by the very argument that seems to have won it for gays.

polygamy could also be one woman with many husbands.

That's not called polygamy.
speak for yourself.

I can't choose to be sexually attracted to men.

Maybe YOU can, but I can't.

Other than your personal taste, what -- prey tell -- is actually stopping you from being sexually attracted to men?

What, pray tell, is stopping you from liking spinach, or whatever vegetable you don't like?

Aside from personal taste, particular allergens may stop one from choosing the foods he or she likes.

Unless one is actually allergic to an opposing gender, I don't see how the same concept applies.
And why is this a concern of yours what others care to do with consenting adults.

As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.
Other than your personal taste, what -- prey tell -- is actually stopping you from being sexually attracted to men?

I'm heterosexual and not bi-sexiual or homosexual.

that's what's keeping me from getting a hard on by looking at men.
As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.

STFU. I hate it when homophobes insist that gay marriage will mean that you have to allow polygamy, or people to marry children, or pets.
Stop the scare tactics, its getting old.
As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.

STFU. I hate it when homophobes insist that gay marriage will mean that you have to allow polygamy, or people to marry children, or pets.
Stop the scare tactics, its getting old.

You hate logical arguments?

How is it a scare tactic? how are polygamists scary?
As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.

I don't see that happening for several reasons. The legal contract of marriage has become a legal way to sort though many issues. Polygamy could create chaos in terms of probate and healthcare decisions. I also don't see insurance companies or taxing governments extending marriage benefits to an infinite number of people.

A dogmatic child may try to argue that "they have no grounds left to deny it."

But an adult can pretty easily draw distinctions based on the legitimate concerns of society.
Since when did democrats worry about chaos?
What about the anti-gay hate, and just plain loudmouth hate of all kinds, so often expressed by repressed bisexual and gay RWers? How many women think they're gay because of it?

OP-Polygamy, pedophilia, and bestiality are all illegal for good reason in liberal, civilized societies- why are RWers so prone to them? Seriously, it's Arab, aborigine, and LDS rwers who do it- it's not liberals. They're gay, bi, or straight, not repressed.
As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.

STFU. I hate it when homophobes insist that gay marriage will mean that you have to allow polygamy, or people to marry children, or pets.
Stop the scare tactics, its getting old.

Hm, a gay marriage supporter close-minded to other points of view.

Who would have thought...
What about the anti-gay hate, and just plain loudmouth hate of all kinds, so often expressed by repressed bisexual and gay RWers? How many women think they're gay because of it?

OP-Polygamy, pedophilia, and bestiality are all illegal for good reason in liberal, civilized societies- why are RWers so prone to them? Seriously, it's Arab, aborigine, and LDS rwers who do it- it's not liberals. They're gay, bi, or straight, not repressed.

Sodomy was illegal for the same reasons.
Whether they are successful immediately or not, polygamists and their allys will absolutely go to courts and site the caselaw being made now in their fight to have their marriages legally recognized.

Precedent for Roe v. Wade went back to a case regarding whether or not married couples could ask their family doctor for birth control options. Do you think that the Supreme Court that said married couples have the right to not get pregnant thought that their decision would be used as a way to argue that single women should be able to abort their unwanted babies? Of course not...thats the way precedent one intends their decisions to be used for all of the ways they are...thats why its so friggin' important.

I find it hysterical, however, how many gay marriage supporters are quick to offer the same excuses used against gay marriage (no societal benefit, insurance companies would take issue, it would cause problems for family law, etc.) to argue against recognizing marriages that THEY disagree with.

We've taken a large step towards legalizing/recognizing gay marriage nation-wide. We've stated as a nation that love is love. That marriage is not a religious institution, but rather a contract between two consenting adults (we've changed it from a consenting man and woman). Now that we've recognized all these changes...I think its amusing how many people here think that they can just STOP the changes because they got it to where THEY want it.

***Oh, and as a side-note...I really wish that people who support gay marriage but are afraid or unable to discuss polygamy would STOP equating it to bestiality and pedophilia. You just spent years arguing that consenting adults should have the right to love who they want and be in legally recognized marriages with the people they love. To turn around and say that if a person chooses to love two people instead of one should be lumped in with people who like to rape children and animals is disgusting and cruel and shows you to be no better than the people who equate homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia.***
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Whether they are successful immediately or not, polygamists and their allys will absolutely go to courts and site the caselaw being made now in their fight to have their marriages legally recognized.

Precedent for Roe v. Wade went back to a case regarding whether or not married couples could ask their family doctor for birth control options. Do you think that the Supreme Court that said married couples have the right to not get pregnant thought that their decision would be used as a way to argue that single women should be able to abort their unwanted babies? Of course not...thats the way precedent one intends their decisions to be used for all of the ways they are...thats why its so friggin' important.

I find it hysterical, however, how many gay marriage supporters are quick to offer the same excuses used against gay marriage (no societal benefit, insurance companies would take issue, it would cause problems for family law, etc.) to argue against recognizing marriages that THEY disagree with.

We've taken a large step towards legalizing/recognizing gay marriage nation-wide. We've stated as a nation that love is love. That marriage is not a religious institution, but rather a contract between two consenting adults (we've changed it from a consenting man and woman). Now that we've recognized all these changes...I think its amusing how many people here think that they can just STOP the changes because they got it to where THEY want it.

Which is the point of this thread. Why should the line be stopped at "same sex" marriage? those who advocated for it have eliminated all reasonable objection to plural marriagese.

Marriage is becoming meaningless as a legal term. We need to resanctify marriage, and that clearly cannot happen through the law. That's going to happen when we honor and respect the vows we have made with one another.

sorry bro, but choosing to become sexully attracted to the same sex isn't an option for straight people.

its only an option for bi-sexuals.

You profess that you are a heterosexual male. And you are saying that the reason why you aren't attracted to other men is because, you are heterosexual male. That's Circular Reasoning.

Probably would have been more clear if you would have explained what draws you towards women, but nope. It's just hardwired into your cranial without any rhyme or reason.
You profess that you are a heterosexual male. And you are saying that the reason why you aren't attracted to other men is because, you are heterosexual male....

yes, heterosexual people are attracted to adult humans of the opposite sex.

we can't choose to change that.

anyone who can "choose" to change that, isn't heterosexual.

they are bi-sexual.
You profess that you are a heterosexual male. And you are saying that the reason why you aren't attracted to other men is because, you are heterosexual male....

yes, heterosexual people are attracted to adult humans of the opposite sex.

we can't choose to change that.

anyone who can "choose" to change that, isn't heterosexual.

Okay, but why are you a heterosexual male as oppose to a homosexual male? Is it because you are a male and it is natural for you to be attracted to the opposite sex, or is it because you choose not to be attracted to other men?

they are bi-sexual.

What if one choose to switch from women to men? Does it make them bi-sexual or simply gay?
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