The SCotUS has cleared the way for Legalized Polygamy.

Why the heck shouldn't he be concerned with what others do in society? As a member of the same society it's quite logical to be concerned with what others are doing in society because their actions have reprocussions past themselves. No man is an island. No man stands alone.

The issue at hand is how much should the government intervene in the lives of people and how much should we try to influence others through persuasion alone.

Unless of course, you are a heartless bastard who doesn't at all care about their fellow human being. But why would anyone want to voluntarily be that kind of person?
There is a difference between two men loving each other and a porn store next to a school.

You evidently have never been in the city. Let alone 8th avenue. There is an entire row of porn shops on that one street and several schools around the area.

What exactly is the difference, you don't like it? Property rights are absolute. Individual rights are absolute. Gay rights, or any other rights, are not. Everyone has individual rights. You don't obtain special rights simply for being a particular race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Then why did the federal government bestow special rights on heterosexuals? The federal government showers lots and lots and lots of gifts on married heteros.

It sure does look to me like we heteros obtained all kinds of special rights simply for being straight.
Why the heck shouldn't he be concerned with what others do in society? As a member of the same society it's quite logical to be concerned with what others are doing in society because their actions have reprocussions past themselves. No man is an island. No man stands alone.

The issue at hand is how much should the government intervene in the lives of people and how much should we try to influence others through persuasion alone.

Unless of course, you are a heartless bastard who doesn't at all care about their fellow human being. But why would anyone want to voluntarily be that kind of person?
There is a difference between two men loving each other and a porn store next to a school.

You evidently have never been in the city. Let alone 8th avenue. There is an entire row of porn shops on that one street and several schools around the area.

What exactly is the difference, you don't like it? Property rights are absolute. Individual rights are absolute. Gay rights, or any other rights, are not. Everyone has individual rights. You don't obtain special rights simply for being a particular race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

which city? How close are they?

Property rights are not absolute. thats funny.

Special rights? What special rights are you talking about? No please do tell, this will be amusing given what scotus was faced with today.
As I have predicted in the past, I will now say that the ruling this morning to legalize Gay Marriages as a "Right" will now be used to erode the reasons used to keep Polygamy illegal.

do you need a tissue or something? How about as a grown adult you stop worrying about what other consenting adults do in their private homes.

Oh thats right, unless its your stupid gun, you dont give a shit about private lives.

I'm not the one against multiple partnered marriages.

In fact I am celebrating the fact that the SCotUS has opened the door to legalizing them.
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There is a difference between two men loving each other and a porn store next to a school.
Again how about we strip you of your right to preach the bible on the corner, but hey you can preach all you want about Islam. You still can stand on the corner all you want, nobody has taken your rights away.

waits for it

The two aren't comparable. No one is outlawing same sex relationships. People are free to enter into whatever societal contract they want. The question is should the government recognize the relationship as marriage and have the power to regulate it.

And there is no societal benefit for doing either.

More apt analogy would be is if you were trying to use the government to force people to accept Progressivism as a religion despite it not being a religion but a political idealogy.

Oh and you can preach Christianity without the Bible.
There is a difference between two men loving each other and a porn store next to a school.

You evidently have never been in the city. Let alone 8th avenue. There is an entire row of porn shops on that one street and several schools around the area.

What exactly is the difference, you don't like it? Property rights are absolute. Individual rights are absolute. Gay rights, or any other rights, are not. Everyone has individual rights. You don't obtain special rights simply for being a particular race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Then why did the federal government bestow special rights on heterosexuals? The federal government showers lots and lots and lots of gifts on married heteros.

It sure does look to me like we heteros obtained all kinds of special rights simply for being straight.

Not really. The tax laws which are in the books allows couples to be exempt from statues and other tax laws which only applied to single applicants. By doing this, the tax code is unintentionally designed so heterosexual can avoid these taxes, but not homosexuals.

Everything in the tax code can target a particular person specifically, depending on status. These are not to be confused with rights. It's more of a testament of how convoluted and destructive the tax code is, why it needs to be thrown out and replaced.
the Roman Empire lasted about 675 years and fell apart due to the same shit the United States of America is going thru now.., decadency and a ruler who is fiddling our once great nation into total ruination, our nation is burning figuratively and literally :up:
You evidently have never been in the city. Let alone 8th avenue. There is an entire row of porn shops on that one street and several schools around the area.

What exactly is the difference, you don't like it? Property rights are absolute. Individual rights are absolute. Gay rights, or any other rights, are not. Everyone has individual rights. You don't obtain special rights simply for being a particular race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Then why did the federal government bestow special rights on heterosexuals? The federal government showers lots and lots and lots of gifts on married heteros.

It sure does look to me like we heteros obtained all kinds of special rights simply for being straight.

Not really. The tax laws which are in the books allows couples to be exempt from statues and other tax laws which only applied to single applicants. By doing this, the tax code is unintentionally designed so heterosexual can avoid these taxes, but not homosexuals.

Everything in the tax code can target a particular person specifically, depending on status. These are not to be confused with rights. It's more of a testament of how convoluted and destructive the tax code is, why it needs to be thrown out and replaced.

There are far more cash and prizes than tax breaks. There are Social Security survivor benefits. There is access to a spouse's federal employee health insurance. Many, many benefits bestowed on people who have the right sexual orientation.

Special treatment.

I don't think you truly understand what rights are. The right to equal treatment under the law, for example.
No one chooses to be sexually attracted to anyone. You just are.

You don't give yourself enough credit.

As humans we are free to make our own choices about everything we do. We just can't choose the consequences of those actions.

The idea of someone choosing to be sexually attracted to the same sex is as stupid as claiming people choose to like broccoli, and is completely unsupported by evidence.

It is an ipse dixit fallacy, and does not become true through repetition.

Funny. I was about to say that about your argument. Simply because it's repeated again and again, doesn't make it true.

And by the way, you are wrong about choosing to like broccoli or any other food. There are tons of foods that a person might not like the first time that after a while of giving it a chance they start liking.

I for example, was a very picky eater. I hated the taste of broccoli. Over time I was willing to give it a chance and enjoy it now.

Repeatedly telling yourself you can't do something doesn't mean you can't. It just becomes a self fulfilling prophecy because you choose to lie to yourself about your ability.
There is a difference between two men loving each other and a porn store next to a school.
Again how about we strip you of your right to preach the bible on the corner, but hey you can preach all you want about Islam. You still can stand on the corner all you want, nobody has taken your rights away.

waits for it

The two aren't comparable. No one is outlawing same sex relationships. People are free to enter into whatever societal contract they want. The question is should the government recognize the relationship as marriage and have the power to regulate it.

And there is no societal benefit for doing either.

More apt analogy would be is if you were trying to use the government to force people to accept Progressivism as a religion despite it not being a religion but a political idealogy.

Oh and you can preach Christianity without the Bible.

there it is...thank you.

Progress has been made with freeing the slaves, Letting women vote, the civil rights act in the 60's, and people like you where left behind and ignored. Society moved on just fine.

You are the dodo. Enjoy what time you have left.
There is a difference between two men loving each other and a porn store next to a school.

You evidently have never been in the city. Let alone 8th avenue. There is an entire row of porn shops on that one street and several schools around the area.

What exactly is the difference, you don't like it? Property rights are absolute. Individual rights are absolute. Gay rights, or any other rights, are not. Everyone has individual rights. You don't obtain special rights simply for being a particular race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

which city? How close are they?

The city that is in my location, and how about right around the corner from the school's location. If you go two blocks south from where the porn shop is, there is actually a gentleman's club too.

Property rights are not absolute. thats funny.

Really, so your property can be confiscated without just cause, compensation and due process of law?

Special rights? What special rights are you talking about? No please do tell, this will be amusing given what scotus was faced with today.

Particular rights (privileges and opportunities) given to those solely based on the merit of race, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation
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You don't give yourself enough credit.

As humans we are free to make our own choices about everything we do. We just can't choose the consequences of those actions.

The idea of someone choosing to be sexually attracted to the same sex is as stupid as claiming people choose to like broccoli, and is completely unsupported by evidence.

It is an ipse dixit fallacy, and does not become true through repetition.

Funny. I was about to say that about your argument. Simply because it's repeated again and again, doesn't make it true.

I am asking for evidence, not making a claim.

So any time you want to provide it for yours, feel free. Show us being gay is a choice.

And by the way, you are wrong about choosing to like broccoli or any other food. There are tons of foods that a person might not like the first time that after a while of giving it a chance they start liking.

I for example, was a very picky eater. I hated the taste of broccoli. Over time I was willing to give it a chance and enjoy it now.

Repeatedly telling yourself you can't do something doesn't mean you can't. It just becomes a self fulfilling prophecy because you choose to lie to yourself about your ability.

So you are able to tell us about how you make choices. Tell us about the day you chose not to be gay.
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You evidently have never been in the city. Let alone 8th avenue. There is an entire row of porn shops on that one street and several schools around the area.

What exactly is the difference, you don't like it? Property rights are absolute. Individual rights are absolute. Gay rights, or any other rights, are not. Everyone has individual rights. You don't obtain special rights simply for being a particular race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

which city? How close are they?

The city that is in my location, and how about right around the corner from the school's location. If you go two blocks south from where the porn shop is, there is actually a gentleman's club too.

Property rights are not absolute. thats funny.

Really, so your property can be confiscated without just cause, compensation and due process of law?

Special rights? What special rights are you talking about? No please do tell, this will be amusing given what scotus was faced with today.

Particular rights (privileges and opportunities) given to those solely based on the merit of race, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation

again site where they can be next to a school. I bet there is a distance they must be from said schools.

sadly it can be.

Great! so you agree hetros getting married and gays no is illegal! I knew you would agree.
Then why did the federal government bestow special rights on heterosexuals? The federal government showers lots and lots and lots of gifts on married heteros.

It sure does look to me like we heteros obtained all kinds of special rights simply for being straight.

Not really. The tax laws which are in the books allows couples to be exempt from statues and other tax laws which only applied to single applicants. By doing this, the tax code is unintentionally designed so heterosexual can avoid these taxes, but not homosexuals.

Everything in the tax code can target a particular person specifically, depending on status. These are not to be confused with rights. It's more of a testament of how convoluted and destructive the tax code is, why it needs to be thrown out and replaced.

There are far more cash and prizes than tax breaks. There are Social Security survivor benefits. There is access to a spouse's federal employee health insurance. Many, many benefits bestowed on people who have the right sexual orientation.

Those are not to be confused with rights. By making these problems about federal benefits, it is no longer a states rights issue, but a federal issue. The Federal Government already should not be in the business of marriage.

Special treatment.

I don't think you truly understand what rights are. The right to equal treatment under the law, for example.

Everyone is treated equally under the law. You do not gain special treatment based on who you are.
Then why did the federal government bestow special rights on heterosexuals? The federal government showers lots and lots and lots of gifts on married heteros.

It sure does look to me like we heteros obtained all kinds of special rights simply for being straight.

we should be getting the Federal government out of lives, not getting them in the lives of others more.
which city? How close are they?

The city that is in my location, and how about right around the corner from the school's location. If you go two blocks south from where the porn shop is, there is actually a gentleman's club too.

Really, so your property can be confiscated without just cause, compensation and due process of law?

Special rights? What special rights are you talking about? No please do tell, this will be amusing given what scotus was faced with today.

Particular rights (privileges and opportunities) given to those solely based on the merit of race, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation

again site where they can be next to a school. I bet there is a distance they must be from said schools.

sadly it can be.

There is no law which states it cannot be next to a school or particular distance. And right around the is pretty close enough, I'd say.

Great! so you agree hetros getting married and gays no is illegal! I knew you would agree.

I made no such claim or agreement. Address what I am saying. Not what you would like me to say.
Not really. The tax laws which are in the books allows couples to be exempt from statues and other tax laws which only applied to single applicants. By doing this, the tax code is unintentionally designed so heterosexual can avoid these taxes, but not homosexuals.

Everything in the tax code can target a particular person specifically, depending on status. These are not to be confused with rights. It's more of a testament of how convoluted and destructive the tax code is, why it needs to be thrown out and replaced.

There are far more cash and prizes than tax breaks. There are Social Security survivor benefits. There is access to a spouse's federal employee health insurance. Many, many benefits bestowed on people who have the right sexual orientation.

Those are not to be confused with rights. By making these problems about federal benefits, it is no longer a states rights issue, but a federal issue. The Federal Government already should not be in the business of marriage.

What the hell do you think all the gay bashing topics are about? They are about DOMA which was overturned today!


I don't know where you are, but out here in reality, the federal government IS in the business of marriage, and straight people have been glad to have them in their business as long as they were being given special treatment. For many, many decades now, they were pleased with the Feds being all up in their marriage.

Now others are being given EQUAL treatment under the law, as is their RIGHT. And this really pisses off the bigots. Thus, this topic.
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there it is...thank you.

Progress has been made with freeing the slaves, Letting women vote, the civil rights act in the 60's, and people like you where left behind and ignored. Society moved on just fine.

You are the dodo. Enjoy what time you have left.

It's not my fault you can't make good arguments.

Freeing the slaves, letting women vote, and the Civil rights movement of 60s were all the result of Christian activists. There is a Spiritual aspect to those movements that you lack.

See those movements improved society. This one doesn't.

There is a new civil rights movement starting. You have already shown yoursef to be hostile to it. I hope you change your mind at some point.
The idea of someone choosing to be sexually attracted to the same sex is as stupid as claiming people choose to like broccoli, and is completely unsupported by evidence.

It is an ipse dixit fallacy, and does not become true through repetition.

Funny. I was about to say that about your argument. Simply because it's repeated again and again, doesn't make it true.

I am asking for evidence, not making a claim.

So any time you want to provide it for yours, feel free. Show us being gay is a choice.

Actually no. You made a statement. You didn't ask anything. You made a claim. Supported it with an argument that I have already taken apart.

The mere fact that any homosexual has a biological child through normal sexual activity is evidence that it's a choice. Simply being human gives you the ability to make choices governing your life. We are not mere animals.
there it is...thank you.

Progress has been made with freeing the slaves, Letting women vote, the civil rights act in the 60's, and people like you where left behind and ignored. Society moved on just fine.

You are the dodo. Enjoy what time you have left.

It's not my fault you can't make good arguments.

Freeing the slaves, letting women vote, and the Civil rights movement of 60s were all the result of Christian activists. There is a Spiritual aspect to those movements that you lack.

See those movements improved society. This one doesn't.

There is a new civil rights movement starting. You have already shown yoursef to be hostile to it. I hope you change your mind at some point.
lol there is no movement. Thats all talk, and those things where because of Christians? Bah dont be so pathetic.

my arguments are just fine, you are on the wrong side of history....again....Good luck Dodo.
There is a difference between two men loving each other and a porn store next to a school.
Again how about we strip you of your right to preach the bible on the corner, but hey you can preach all you want about Islam. You still can stand on the corner all you want, nobody has taken your rights away.

waits for it

The two aren't comparable. No one is outlawing same sex relationships. People are free to enter into whatever societal contract they want. The question is should the government recognize the relationship as marriage and have the power to regulate it.

And there is no societal benefit for doing either.

I had no idea you had to prove a social benefit before you were given rights where you live!

Wow. I thought you lived in America.

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