The SCOTUS Rules For Travel Ban

Soooo....where do we go from here?
Precedent has been set...haha

I s'pose we descend deeper and deeper into fascism.

Protecting US citizens by any means necessary can never be considered fascist.
An America without Muslims is a safer
Just like an America without illegal Mexicans is a safer agree?

You mean Hondurans and Salvadorans. They are not on the travel ban.

Nope...I meant what I said....Mexico, Central and South Americans all one and the same...lowiQ, immoral subhumans.
Trust me...they’re next. This is the beauty of judicial precedent. Stay tuned.

I bet there are no more bans. The ban was sold to the American people as a bandage to give the Admin time to fix the problems. To put in more bans is to admit they did not do what they said they would...Trump would never admit to such a thing

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Maybe, maybe not.
Either way, the precedent now becomes such that when the Commander In Chief believes people from X country are a threat to the wellbeing of Americans he can call for a ban of travel from said country.
Guess who he thinks are a threat to American’s....YEP, Mexicans, Central and South Americans.
About damned time.

We sure don't need any more of the death cult in the US. We already have all those non vetted Syrian's that Obama forced States to take.

We sure don't need any more.

Good people continue to WIN with a real leader at the helm. Weird how that works huh?

I agree and I knew the SC would approve of what Trump is doing.

To bad other Judges aren't interested in what the Constitution allows.

SCOTUS did not approve of what Trump is doing, that is not their job. They merely agreed he had the authority to do it.

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Actually 4 judges did disapprove of what Trump is doing. That, or those 4 judges don't understand the law.

Those four lunatics are KGB Agents.

They're just not aware that the USSR fell and communism doesn't work.

"The Supreme Court upholding the Muslim Travel Ban is a direct consequence of Congressional Republicans unethically and illegally refusing to hold a confirmation hearing on Judge Merrick Garland. We need to vote them all out in November." - Crazy Bernie
'Muslim' travel ban? Really? You mean Muslims can't come to this country? Is that what you're saying? :rolleyes-41:
------------------------------- some wish that were true but i think that the Travel Ban is more selective than just saying that muslims can't come to the USA Meister .
I was really expecting to see a lot more libtard butthurt...

All we got is goofy gayturd posting his first rational response. I suppose that's good enough.


If you are going to have a cute little nickname for me, at least have the self esteem to come up with an original one and not one you stole from another person on the forum.

You make a terrible 3rd grader.
What's scary is that the decision was 5-4. 4 of the justices believe it's okay to strip the president of his constitutional powers based on things he said during his campaign but later walked back.
I wonder why they're calling it a muslim ban when those islamic strongholds of NK and Venezuela are on the list.

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