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The Second Amendment Is Not Negotiable


Second Amendment is inviolable



Finally — and most importantly — the sole purpose of the Second Amendment is to allow citizens to hold weapons necessary to defend themselves against their government, to form militias and fight to preserve their constitutional rights should the elected government encroach on them. The men who crafted our founding documents had spent most of their lives under the authority of a king. In school they had learned of the English civil war and in America they had lived through the Revolutionary War. They knew about runaway governments that trampled people’s rights and freedoms, and they believed that every citizen had a right to defend against attempts at despotism. We should take that right very seriously and defend it vigorously. History can turn on the number of rounds in a magazine.

Read more: Second Amendment is inviolable - Washington Times
No, it isn't - because it will most definitely eventually be changed. If the founding fathers could see the world we live in, they would be dumbfounded that it hasn't already been changed.

In other words, you wipe your ass on the Constitution.

Thanks for admitting it.
Blacks should embrace NRA gun proposal

by Star Parker
December 31, 2012

Blacks, of all people, should know that taking arms from the law-abiding many puts too much power in the hands of a perhaps ill-intending few.


It's so predictable that today's discussion on gun control is similar to the noise we hear from liberals every time there is a mass shooting. What is new this time is that the NRA, under the direction of Wayne LaPierre, David Keene and Asa Hutchinson, has put forth a concrete plan that most American parents should appreciate will keep children safer at school.

Why is it that liberals find it sensible to expand the reach of government each time a crisis arises, yet solutions that protect our freedoms and our ability to control our own lives they invariably find irrational?

Consider even the question of cost, which has been one point of contention regarding the NRA's proposal to provide armed security for our schools. Does anyone believe there are not significant enforcement costs in expanding our gun control laws?

The first parents that I believe should rally behind the NRA's proposal are those who have been forced for generations to send their children to dangerous urban schools with no recourse or protection -- low income, minority parents.


Cole quotes Frederick Douglass, "the self educated runaway slave, turned abolitionist newspaper editor and orator," who said citizenship requires three boxes: "the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box."

Blacks should put politics aside and heed the wisdom of Douglass, Marcus Cole's father, and my grandfather, and fight to protect freedom for which we have fought.

Blacks should embrace NRA gun proposal
The Second Amendment Is Not Negotiable

December 17, 2012
By Ron Resnick

Cries for more “gun control” have flooded opinion and editorial pages in the wake of the school shooting in Connecticut. The opinion that Americans do not have a right to own firearms, and the assertion that the Constitution does not protect the right of individuals to own firearms, is absolutely false — and also incorrect in the context of law.

In 2008, the United States Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), held that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm for private use within the home in federal enclaves. In 2010, in McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. __ (2010), the Supreme Court held that the right of an individual to keep and bear arms protected by the Second Amendment is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and applies to the states. That American citizens have a right to own firearms is conclusive and irrefutable.


We must resist the temptation to abrogate the rights of many due to the illegal actions of a very few.

The Second Amendment Is Not Negotiable

That is all good and well, but obviously there is an upper limit to what arms are permissible. If all of Obama's recommendations were put in place, would it save enough lives to be worth the trouble and expense? That's a question worth asking, as well as examining each proposal separately. But what goes without saying is that even if each one was somehow enacted into law, there would still be copious amounts of fire-power available to responsible gun owners.

Obama Withdraws Radical Judicial Activist Nominee

March 27, 2013
By Matthew Vadum

President Obama suffered a major political defeat last week when he was forced to withdraw the nomination of a radical New York lawyer to an important federal appeals court. More than a mere political win for Republicans, the withdrawal is an important victory against the Left’s gun control agenda and has prevented an anti-Second Amendment jurist from getting closer to the Supreme Court.

With the chattering classes now opining nonstop about two same sex marriage-related cases pending in the U.S. Supreme Court, you may not have heard that the president nixed the nomination of Caitlin J. Halligan to the critical District of Columbia Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals. The circuit court hears many cases dealing with the reach of the federal government and is viewed by some as a stepping-stone to an appointment to the Supreme Court.

Conservatives viewed the twice-filibustered Halligan as radical largely because of her open hostility to gun rights.


By preventing Halligan from ascending to the D.C. Circuit Court, Democrats have been deprived of an activist judge through whom they would impose their anti-Second Amendment agenda on an increasingly unsympathetic American public.

Obama Withdraws Radical Judicial Activist Nominee
A minor change in a document.
A change or addition to a legal or statutory document.
correction - improvement - emendation - rectification

A change?
Does that mean it wasn't there in the first place?
Wow - that means it could change again.

The gun loons suggest this is fixed, immovable, set in stone but, fact is, it's an amendment, a change and changes can be reversed.
A minor change in a document.
A change or addition to a legal or statutory document.
correction - improvement - emendation - rectification

A change?
Does that mean it wasn't there in the first place?
Wow - that means it could change again.

The gun loons suggest this is fixed, immovable, set in stone but, fact is, it's an amendment, a change and changes can be reversed.

Constitutional amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z-LNjN-yjo]MINCED FISH?!?!?! - YouTube[/ame]


"No more MINCED FISH!"​
A minor change in a document.
A change or addition to a legal or statutory document.
correction - improvement - emendation - rectification

A change?
Does that mean it wasn't there in the first place?
Wow - that means it could change again.

The gun loons suggest this is fixed, immovable, set in stone but, fact is, it's an amendment, a change and changes can be reversed.

Constitutional amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z-LNjN-yjo]MINCED FISH?!?!?! - YouTube[/ame]


"No more MINCED FISH!"​

What total nut job gave those kids guns to play with?
This shows my point perfectly - if the owner is that stupid, they're unfit to own the guns.
A minor change in a document.
A change or addition to a legal or statutory document.
correction - improvement - emendation - rectification

A change?
Does that mean it wasn't there in the first place?
Wow - that means it could change again.

The gun loons suggest this is fixed, immovable, set in stone but, fact is, it's an amendment, a change and changes can be reversed.

Constitutional amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z-LNjN-yjo]MINCED FISH?!?!?! - YouTube[/ame]


"No more MINCED FISH!"​

What total nut job gave those kids guns to play with?
This shows my point perfectly - if the owner is that stupid, they're unfit to own the guns.

go ahead and offer change through an amendment

that is your only course

as for the three kids in the picture

all three are demonstrating more safety with a firearm

then the one actor in the bloomberg anti gun clip

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l3V01JvW5wU]Responsible - YouTube[/ame]
Army veteran banned from daughter’s school after posting picture of weapons permit, report says

Published November 05, 2013 / FoxNews.com


An Army veteran living in Georgia says she wants an apology from her daughter's former school after being banned from the building for posting a photo of her concealed weapons permit to her Facebook page, WRDW.com reports.

Tanya Mount says she was approached by a police officer from the Richmond County Board of Education at McBean Elementary School and was warned that she was about to get a criminal trespass warning.

The officer told her that the principal at the school was “scared” of her and did not want her on the school property, she told the station.

"He asks: 'Were you in the Army?,"' she said. "I said, yes. He's like, 'Do you have a concealed weapons permit?' I said yes," she told the station.

A phone call from FoxNews.com to Richmond County Board of Education was not immediately returned. WJBF.com asked Janina Dallas, the school's principal, if the "no trespass order" was issued over the post, and Dallas responded: "Yes, it was."


Army veteran banned from daughter?s school after posting picture of weapons permit, report says | Fox News
Oh, I can assure you it will eventually be ON the table. And you radical never-give-an-inch unyielding gun nuts will hasten that day.
I can guarantee you that it will never be on the table. You extremists can cry all you want. It is already a lost cause for the left.

America will never be disarmed.

We certainly won't see it in our lifetimes, but never ever say never. I can almost guarantee that at some point in this country's future, guns will be willingly turned in by most Americans as laws are put into place to remove them from society. Hunters will be permitted to pick up their guns for hunting purposes at the appropriate times. But like I said, we won't see this in our lifetime, not by a long shot.
Times Puts ‘Guns & Ammo’ Magazine in Crosshairs

January 14, 2014 by David Paulin


Guns & Ammo magazine has fallen into the liberal cross-hairs of The New York Times – the target of a bogus scandal the Gray Lady dished up as part of its anti-gun crusade.

“Banished for Questioning the Gospel of Guns.” So read the front-page headline calculated to shock the naïve and gullible. The article’s shocking revelation: Guns & Ammo has chummy relationships with advertisers and panders to its readers. That, of course, is how things work at all those specialty magazines that are chock-full of ads. Yet as the newspaper that helped elect Barack Obama sees things, there’s a nefarious conspiracy going on involving Guns & Ammo parent company InterMedia Outdoors and malevolent gun manufacturers — all of whom supposedly abhor free speech and will go to appalling lengths to advance an absolutist pro-gun agenda.

What sent The Times into its hand-waving frenzy was Guns & Ammo’s recent firing of long-time columnist Dick Metcalf, who had outraged advertisers and readers with a column titled “Let’s Talk Limits.” It argued that Second Amendment rights were not absolute. “The fact is, all constitutional rights are regulated, always have been, and need to be,” Metcalf wrote. “Freedom of speech is regulated. You cannot falsely and deliberately shout, “Fire!” in a crowded theater.”


Yet as The Times sees things, the shake-up at Guns & Ammo suggests dark forces are thwarting reasonable discussions at gun magazines about Second Amendment issues and, more specifically, that Metcalf’s departure “sheds light on the close-knit world of gun journalism, where editors and reporters say there is little room for nuance in the debate over gun laws. Moderate voices that might broaden the discussion from within are silenced.” But wait a minute: Couldn’t you say something similar about the dearth of people with conservative political opinions in The Times’ newsroom? How many of its reporters and editors are Republicans? Inquiring minds want to know.


None of this is to suggest, to be sure, that magazines like Guns & Ammo write dishonest product reviews; but those reviews will definitely not read quite the same way as they would if done by gun magazines with a no-advertising policy; and nor would Guns & Ammo and other well-managed publications do anything to antagonize readers. By the same token, The Times would be a far different newspaper, and perhaps a more profitable one, if it wasn’t an echo chamber for liberal reporters and editors.

That the agenda-driven Times singles out and vilifies Guns & Ammo for doing what other specialty magazine do is no surprise. Perhaps the Gray Lady’s editors need to ponder their own biases — and to recall a truism from A. J. Liebling, the legendary writer at The New Yorker who observed: “Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.”

Times Puts ?Guns & Ammo? Magazine in Crosshairs | FrontPage Magazine

Court Rules: California Must Allow Citizens To Carry Firearms In Public

The right to bear arms includes the right to carry.

2.13.2014 |Yehuda Remer


Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain who was in the majority opinion said that:

“"The right to bear arms includes the right to carry an operable firearm outside the home for the lawful purpose of self-defense."

The decision would require the government to issue permits to anyone who would like to carry a handgun for self-defense.

Court Rules: California Must Allow Citizens To Carry Firearms In Public | Truth Revolt

Court Deals Another Blow To California Anti-Gun Supporters

would have voted to uphold the current “good cause” requirement, but agreed with the majority in this case because Peruta is now controlling

A federal court has ruled in favor of the right of Californians to carry concealed handguns for self defense in the case of Richards v. Prieto.

The case challenged Yolo County Sheriff Ed Prieto’s use of "good cause" policy, a structure that grants government huge discretion, for granting CCW permits to citizens.

In a statement from the Founder and Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation, Alan M. Gottlieb said that:


Court Deals Another Blow To California Anti-Gun Supporters | Truth Revolt
Nobody is threatening to take away the 2nd Amendment. The most radical suggestion on the Left is to increase the percentage of background checks by removing the "Gun Show Loophole". The second most radical suggestion is to revisit the ban on automatic weapons.

The only thing Obama has done on gun law is to sign a law making it legal to take a gun on Amtrak.

By suggesting that the Left wants to get rid of the 2nd Amendment you are doing something perfected by communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, namely lying to achieve your political goals.

Obama won't end up passing anything as radical as the Brady Bill, which was endorsed wholeheartedly by Ronald Reagan.
Why I'm for the Brady Bill - NYTimes.com
Perhaps you should actually READ what the left is saying.

The 2nd Amendment will not be negotiated. If anything, existing gun laws need to be repealed and taken off the table as well.

Laws, restrictions, and regulations on firearms have been a part of this Nation since the first firearms were brought to this land.

The 2nd amendment did not erase those existing[at the time] laws or did it end states and the new Federal government from inacting new laws, restrictions, or regulations.

To believe that there was ever a time in our Nation's history without gun laws is a fantasy; just as fantastic to believe that all laws, regulations, and restrictions will be recinded in total.
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