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The Second Amendment Is Not Negotiable

Oh, I can assure you it will eventually be ON the table. And you radical never-give-an-inch unyielding gun nuts will hasten that day.
I can guarantee you that it will never be on the table. You extremists can cry all you want. It is already a lost cause for the left.

America will never be disarmed.

Under the Second Amendment the government has every right to limit the kind of weopons in the hands of the public.

Another atrocity like Sandy Hook, and you idiots are going to see house to house searchs for the war weopons and severe criminal penelties for possessing such weopons.

Enough is enough. Either you become part of the solution, or you are road kill as the rest of the Citizens of this nation go right over the top of you in seeking solutions to this problem.
Do you do drugs? Because when I read "Shall not be infringed", it means they have no authority to do so.. Get a clue.
That what Southerners said about Slavery too. In the Dred Scott decision (7-2) the Court held that Congress had no authority to prohibit slavery in federal territories because slaves are personal property and the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution protects property owners against deprivation of their property without due process of law.

How did that work out?
The worst analogy I have ever seen.

You realize that you are trying to equate a living human to an inanimate object?

How pathetic.

Outing the Gun Owners and the Left's New Savagery

By Robert Spencer


The American Left, which thoroughly dominates the mainstream media, no longer believes, if it ever did, in the concept of reasonable and respectable people disagreeing in good faith on core issues; it increasingly demonstrates that it believes all opposition to its own outlook and policies must never be tolerated, but only eradicated. Its opposition is never to be engaged on the level of ideas, but only ridiculed and held up as evil. The Left has done nothing but demonize its opposition for years. Organizations like Media Matters routinely repeat remarks made by conservative politicians and commentators as if they were obviously risible and/or morally offensive, without ever bothering to explain why or to offer a substantive refutation of any kind. They and others like them never debate or discuss issues, but only deal with their opposition with endless games of "gotcha" and searches for "gaffes."

After the Left has played such games for so long, this new level of savagery was perhaps inevitable. For the Westchester Journal News, owners of legal guns are evil, and thus have no rights they are bound to respect. For the Left in general, their opponents are evil, and so can and should even be put in physical danger if that is what is needed in order to bring about its silence and submission.


Read more: Articles: Outing the Gun Owners and the Left's New Savagery
The endangering of innocent people and children through the pursuit of their agenda. It is disgusting.
The opinion that Americans do not have a right to own firearms, and the assertion that the Constitution does not protect the right of individuals to own firearms, is absolutely false — and also incorrect in the context of law.

Gun control doesn't not remove the right to bear arms any more than libel, slander, perjury, or obscenity laws remove the right to free speech. You've got a right to be stupid and you're clearly exercising it without impediment from government so you've got nothing to gripe about.

And don't give me any of that strict constructionist crap - if you strictly read the 2nd amendment it would provide you zero rights to any guns at all and only the right to own the arms of bears.
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It is off the table. Completely off the table.

Bullshit. If momentum builds, the 2nd Amendment will be amended.

Can't wait for the day.
Clearly clueless.

It is off the table. It will take a Constitutional Amendment to remove it.

Good fucking luck with that.

I guess when I said if momentum builds, the 2nd Amendment will be amended, you didn't realize I meant Constitutionally you dumb jackass. How else could an Amendment be amended?
Bullshit. If momentum builds, the 2nd Amendment will be amended.

Can't wait for the day.
Clearly clueless.

It is off the table. It will take a Constitutional Amendment to remove it.

Good fucking luck with that.

I guess when I said if momentum builds, the 2nd Amendment will be amended, you didn't realize I meant Constitutionally you dumb jackass. How else could an Amendment be amended?
Look moron. Take a good and honest look about you in America today and then try with a straight face to sell the notion that you can get a Constitutional Amendment for ANYTHING to pass, let alone an Amendment to ban guns on over 100 Million gun owners.

You go do that and I'll go live My life.....good luck.

The Second Amendment is OFF the table.
Clearly clueless.

It is off the table. It will take a Constitutional Amendment to remove it.

Good fucking luck with that.

I guess when I said if momentum builds, the 2nd Amendment will be amended, you didn't realize I meant Constitutionally you dumb jackass. How else could an Amendment be amended?
Look moron. Take a good and honest look about you in America today and then try with a straight face to sell the notion that you can get a Constitutional Amendment for ANYTHING to pass, let alone an Amendment to ban guns on over 100 Million gun owners.

You go do that and I'll go live My life.....good luck.

The Second Amendment is OFF the table.

I know a lot of gun owners.

NOne of them have assault rifles.
Clearly clueless.

It is off the table. It will take a Constitutional Amendment to remove it.

Good fucking luck with that.

I guess when I said if momentum builds, the 2nd Amendment will be amended, you didn't realize I meant Constitutionally you dumb jackass. How else could an Amendment be amended?
Look moron. Take a good and honest look about you in America today and then try with a straight face to sell the notion that you can get a Constitutional Amendment for ANYTHING to pass, let alone an Amendment to ban guns on over 100 Million gun owners.

You go do that and I'll go live My life.....good luck.

The Second Amendment is OFF the table.

Guess again blowhard.

Enough pissed off people can change anything.
I guess when I said if momentum builds, the 2nd Amendment will be amended, you didn't realize I meant Constitutionally you dumb jackass. How else could an Amendment be amended?
Look moron. Take a good and honest look about you in America today and then try with a straight face to sell the notion that you can get a Constitutional Amendment for ANYTHING to pass, let alone an Amendment to ban guns on over 100 Million gun owners.

You go do that and I'll go live My life.....good luck.

The Second Amendment is OFF the table.

Guess again blowhard.

Enough pissed off people can change anything.
Rage and fear cannot be sustained indefinitely.

Delusion must be a new class they teach in grade school.
The second amendment cannot be "amended". As part of the bill of rights it does not provide for the right to keep and bear arms it simply tells the government that it is one of our "God given" or "natural" rights. It is reinforced by the ninth and fourteenth amendments. It is reinforced by nearly every state constitution in the USA. Any attempt to seriously restrict or remove the second amendment would start a civil war that would not stop until the government complied or was removed.
Over two million guns in the hands of unknown people all over the USA. The military is ill equipped to fight a guerrila war on its own soil against that many people. We outnumber the military and they are trained to fight in groups. One or two hidden individuals could take out the communications and person in charge and completely disable the entire group. Once confused they ae easily disarmed and more weapons, communications equipment and hardware are available to the resistance. The war would be fought at a distance and in terrain that hunters are used to. The military has to identify a target the civilian doesn't have to - the target identifies itself. If you are already paranoid then you really distrust everyone if it gets that far.
I just hope that the government comes to and it never goes that far. I am too old to be running through the woods.

Doing the Research the NY Times Won’t Do

January 10, 2013
By Ann Coulter

In Sunday’s New York Times, Elisabeth Rosenthal claimed, as the title of her article put it, “More Guns = More Killing.” She based this on evidence that would never be permitted in any other context at the Times: (1) anecdotal observations; and (2) bald assertions of an activist, blandly repeated with absolutely no independent fact-checking by the Times.

There is an academic, peer-reviewed, long-term study of the effect of various public policies on public, multiple shootings in all 50 states over a 20-year period performed by renowned economists at the University of Chicago and Yale, William Landes and John Lott. It concluded that the only policy to reduce the incidence of, and casualties from, mass shootings are concealed-carry laws. The Times will never mention this study.


Doing the Research the NY Times Won’t Do
Why We Have Guns

By Anthony J.Ciani

You never miss something until it's gone. The anti-gun advocates are varied in their purposes, but are uniform in their message: there is no reason to own a gun, or guns with certain attributes. When Mayor Bloomberg says, "we just don't need assault weapons out there", he is implying that there is no reason to have a weapon suitable for warfare. When Governor Cuomo says, "no one hunts with an assault rifle" and "no one needs ten bullets to kill a deer", he is implying that the only reason to own a gun is to hunt deer, and therefore the only types of guns people should have are the ones just suitable for hunting. The rest of the anti-gun advocates are perfectly happy to point out that no one in America needs to hunt to survive, implying that there is no reason to have a gun at all. Meanwhile, the gun rights advocates tiptoe around the primary reason for the existence of guns, and arms in general: to kill. Especially, to fight with and kill people, which is the exact reason laid out in the Second Amendment.


Read more: Articles: Why We Have Guns
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NRA Publishes List of Gun Control Advocates

By Erin Haust
Jan 09, 2013

Unions, celebrities, advocacy groups, writers and newspapers all made the list.

After the Journal News published the names and addresses of more than 33,000 legal handgun permit holders, making families, homes and neighborhoods vulnerable to theft and assault, the National Rifle Association decided to hit back. If the intent of the newspaper was to shame those with gun permits living in their community, the NRA has upped the game by publishing the names of gun control advocates all over the country. Many of the names on the list are companies, organizations and individuals that are guarded by armed security.

Here’s the list.

... :clap2:

NRA Publishes List of Gun Control Advocates

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That what Southerners said about Slavery too. In the Dred Scott decision (7-2) the Court held that Congress had no authority to prohibit slavery in federal territories because slaves are personal property and the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution protects property owners against deprivation of their property without due process of law.

How did that work out?

It worked out through a very bloody civil war and the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

I seriously doubt that the American people would allow the Second Amendment to be repealed.
That what Southerners said about Slavery too. In the Dred Scott decision (7-2) the Court held that Congress had no authority to prohibit slavery in federal territories because slaves are personal property and the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution protects property owners against deprivation of their property without due process of law.

How did that work out?

It worked out through a very bloody civil war and the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

I seriously doubt that the American people would allow the Second Amendment to be repealed.

The Second Amendment will not be amended until/unless there is alot more blood in the streets. IMO.

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