The Selma March will never be over.....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
The Selma march will never be over. Not because it's still relelvant but becaue it is a cause celebre for the race hoodlums and skin pimps that is simply irresistible to them. Deep down inside I am sure that most of the honest thinking marchers realize that today's America is vastly different from the America of Martin Luther King's day. But there are many that refuse to let go. Some can be forgiven by virtue of old age and loss of mental capacity but some should never be forgiven for trying to resurrect the darkness of that sad period to use it as an exploitation lever to gain social and racial leverage.

Just as surely as a government subsidized industry has grown of housing, affirmative action and prison has most certainly grown around the idea of racial inequality. The various agencies that operate like corporations have Presidents, Ceo's and treasurers like any other money machine. The execs drive nice cars, live in big houses and sport six figure salaries whether on paper or off paper. It's an addiction. In short if racial inequality never existed " It would be necessary to invent it " and indeed they do.

The weak minded cry that " The March is not Over " is transparently just another piece of " Political Crack " for the ears of those so inclined to believe that their failures in life are not their own fault. What is most amusing is to see a Half/black man leading the march as the most successful individual in the United states in the past six years. How does one suppose that a man can be elected the chief executive of the most powerful nation on earth and at the same time insist that he is not successful? Obama is a master of the contrarian juxtapositions and his audience is adoring mass of ear tickled dummies who shelter themselves from a reality that is just too painful to accept. People like Sharpton, Obama, Jackson and Louis...provide a tent of refuge for those who are afraid to let go of their own twisted moral codes and free themselves into the world of acceptance that is now more prevalent than it has ever been.

As far as the quest to eliminate racism. I daresay that much of that effort could now be directed at the black community itself these days. Any real analysis of this issue will render the conclusion that it can never be completely rooted out. Not just for Blacks but for every race that identifies as such. It's a part of human nature. It's dark, it's ignorant, it's Immoral...but it's there.

Constructing a false paradigm by insisting that they must march until it is gone is an open lie to the minds of those who know what this particular trick is all about; Because it can never be gone....and so the March can never be done, complete. A perfect scam for perfect scamsters! Promulgating such a scam that has no goal, no finish line, no real hope of ever being a complete idea is of all things the most insidious and selfish of public betrayal.

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The Selma march will never be over. Not because it's still relelvant but becaue it is a cause celebre for the race hoodlums and skin pimps that is simply irresistible to them. Deep down inside I am sure that most of the honest thinking marchers realize that today's America is vastly different from the America of Martin Luther King's day. But there are many that refuse to let go. Some can be forgiven by virtue of old age and loss of mental capacity but some should never be forgiven for trying to resurrect the darkness of that sad period to use it as an exploitation lever to gain social and racial leverage.

Just as surely as a government subsidized industry has grown of housing, affirmative action and prison has most certainly grown around the idea of racial inequality. The various agencies that operate like corporations have Presidents, Ceo's and treasurers like any other money machine. The execs drive nice cars, live in big houses and sport six figure salaries whether on paper or off paper. It's an addiction. In short if racial inequality never existed " It would be necessary to invent it " and indeed they do.

The weak minded cry that " The March is not Over " is transparently just another piece of " Political Crack " for the ears of those so inclined to believe that their failures in life are not their own fault. What is most amusing is to see a Half/black man leading the march as the most successful individual in the United states in the past six years. How does one suppose that a man can be elected the chief executive of the most powerful nation on earth and at the same time insist that he is not successful? Obama is a master of the contrarian juxtapositions and his audience is adoring mass of ear tickled dummies who shelter themselves from a reality that is just too painful to accept. People like Sharpton, Obama, Jackson and Louis...provide a tent of refuge for those who are afraid to let go of their own twisted moral codes and free themselves into the world of acceptance that is now more prevalent than it has ever been.

As far as the quest to eliminate racism. I daresay that much of that effort could now be directed at the black community itself these days. Any real analysis of this issue will render the conclusion that it can never be completely rooted out. Not just for Blacks but for every race that identifies as such. It's a part of human nature. It's dark, it's ignorant, it's Immoral...but it's there.

Constructing a false paradigm by insisting that they must march until it is gone is an open lie to the minds of those who know what this particular trick is all about. Because it can never be gone....and so the March can never be done, complete. A perfect scam for perfect scamsters! Promulgating such a scam that has no goal, no finish line, no real hope of ever being a complete idea is of all things the most insidious and selfish of public betrayal.

Strange how Obama, who's white mother and Kenyan father had less than nothing to do with the civil rights struggle in the 60s, felt he had skin in the game. He didn't really learn about it till he went to college on the mainland. He lived in Hawaii and Indonesia, not in Alabama. While Obama was learning to love the call to prayer in Jakarta, American blacks were being firehosed by Democrats for wanting their civil rights.
The negro race world-wide is failing in every positive aspect of human activity.
This is the result of an entire race, generally speaking, having IQ's averaging about 15 points lower than those of other races specifically the Caucasian race.
This statement is not 'racist' it's a proven scientific fact.
'All men were created equal' is foolish talk.
Look at those attending computer science classes in the nation's Universities. Look at those who are predominantly playing professional football and basketball.
Just because some wish that 'everyone deserves a trophy' does not make it so. Life has never been 'fair' for humans......ever. The strongest mentally/physically survived. Period.
The pace at which the world's population is accelerating visa vi science/technology etc is now so fast it's all the average person can do to keep up. It also means some or being left behind.
It's called Social Darwinism and it's a fact for all life forms.......including humans.
The Selma march will never be over. Not because it's still relelvant but becaue it is a cause celebre for the race hoodlums and skin pimps that is simply irresistible to them. Deep down inside I am sure that most of the honest thinking marchers realize that today's America is vastly different from the America of Martin Luther King's day. But there are many that refuse to let go. Some can be forgiven by virtue of old age and loss of mental capacity but some should never be forgiven for trying to resurrect the darkness of that sad period to use it as an exploitation lever to gain social and racial leverage.

Just as surely as a government subsidized industry has grown of housing, affirmative action and prison has most certainly grown around the idea of racial inequality. The various agencies that operate like corporations have Presidents, Ceo's and treasurers like any other money machine. The execs drive nice cars, live in big houses and sport six figure salaries whether on paper or off paper. It's an addiction. In short if racial inequality never existed " It would be necessary to invent it " and indeed they do.

The weak minded cry that " The March is not Over " is transparently just another piece of " Political Crack " for the ears of those so inclined to believe that their failures in life are not their own fault. What is most amusing is to see a Half/black man leading the march as the most successful individual in the United states in the past six years. How does one suppose that a man can be elected the chief executive of the most powerful nation on earth and at the same time insist that he is not successful? Obama is a master of the contrarian juxtapositions and his audience is adoring mass of ear tickled dummies who shelter themselves from a reality that is just too painful to accept. People like Sharpton, Obama, Jackson and Louis...provide a tent of refuge for those who are afraid to let go of their own twisted moral codes and free themselves into the world of acceptance that is now more prevalent than it has ever been.

As far as the quest to eliminate racism. I daresay that much of that effort could now be directed at the black community itself these days. Any real analysis of this issue will render the conclusion that it can never be completely rooted out. Not just for Blacks but for every race that identifies as such. It's a part of human nature. It's dark, it's ignorant, it's Immoral...but it's there.

Constructing a false paradigm by insisting that they must march until it is gone is an open lie to the minds of those who know what this particular trick is all about. Because it can never be gone....and so the March can never be done, complete. A perfect scam for perfect scamsters! Promulgating such a scam that has no goal, no finish line, no real hope of ever being a complete idea is of all things the most insidious and selfish of public betrayal.

Strange how Obama, who's white mother and Kenyan father had less than nothing to do with the civil rights struggle in the 60s, felt he had skin in the game. He didn't really learn about it till he went to college on the mainland. He lived in Hawaii and Indonesia, not in Alabama. While Obama was learning to love the call to prayer in Jakarta, American blacks were being firehosed by Democrats for wanting their civil rights.
Who was standing in the school doorway attempting to stop negroes from entering?
That's right. George Wallace.
The Selma march will never be over. Not because it's still relelvant but becaue it is a cause celebre for the race hoodlums and skin pimps that is simply irresistible to them. Deep down inside I am sure that most of the honest thinking marchers realize that today's America is vastly different from the America of Martin Luther King's day. But there are many that refuse to let go. Some can be forgiven by virtue of old age and loss of mental capacity but some should never be forgiven for trying to resurrect the darkness of that sad period to use it as an exploitation lever to gain social and racial leverage.

Just as surely as a government subsidized industry has grown of housing, affirmative action and prison has most certainly grown around the idea of racial inequality. The various agencies that operate like corporations have Presidents, Ceo's and treasurers like any other money machine. The execs drive nice cars, live in big houses and sport six figure salaries whether on paper or off paper. It's an addiction. In short if racial inequality never existed " It would be necessary to invent it " and indeed they do.

The weak minded cry that " The March is not Over " is transparently just another piece of " Political Crack " for the ears of those so inclined to believe that their failures in life are not their own fault. What is most amusing is to see a Half/black man leading the march as the most successful individual in the United states in the past six years. How does one suppose that a man can be elected the chief executive of the most powerful nation on earth and at the same time insist that he is not successful? Obama is a master of the contrarian juxtapositions and his audience is adoring mass of ear tickled dummies who shelter themselves from a reality that is just too painful to accept. People like Sharpton, Obama, Jackson and Louis...provide a tent of refuge for those who are afraid to let go of their own twisted moral codes and free themselves into the world of acceptance that is now more prevalent than it has ever been.

As far as the quest to eliminate racism. I daresay that much of that effort could now be directed at the black community itself these days. Any real analysis of this issue will render the conclusion that it can never be completely rooted out. Not just for Blacks but for every race that identifies as such. It's a part of human nature. It's dark, it's ignorant, it's Immoral...but it's there.

Constructing a false paradigm by insisting that they must march until it is gone is an open lie to the minds of those who know what this particular trick is all about. Because it can never be gone....and so the March can never be done, complete. A perfect scam for perfect scamsters! Promulgating such a scam that has no goal, no finish line, no real hope of ever being a complete idea is of all things the most insidious and selfish of public betrayal.

Strange how Obama, who's white mother and Kenyan father had less than nothing to do with the civil rights struggle in the 60s, felt he had skin in the game. He didn't really learn about it till he went to college on the mainland. He lived in Hawaii and Indonesia, not in Alabama. While Obama was learning to love the call to prayer in Jakarta, American blacks were being firehosed by Democrats for wanting their civil rights.
Who was standing in the school doorway attempting to stop negroes from entering?
That's right. George Wallace.

This 10 yr old girl has more smarts than you could ever hope to. Those that are the most bombastic usually are lacking themselves.

Maths prodigy Esther Okade 10 enrols in university
By the way, her 6 yr old brother is a prodigy as well.

The negro race world-wide is failing in every positive aspect of human activity.
This is the result of an entire race, generally speaking, having IQ's averaging about 15 points lower than those of other races specifically the Caucasian race.
This statement is not 'racist' it's a proven scientific fact.
'All men were created equal' is foolish talk.
Look at those attending computer science classes in the nation's Universities. Look at those who are predominantly playing professional football and basketball.
Just because some wish that 'everyone deserves a trophy' does not make it so. Life has never been 'fair' for humans......ever. The strongest mentally/physically survived. Period.
The pace at which the world's population is accelerating visa vi science/technology etc is now so fast it's all the average person can do to keep up. It also means some or being left behind.
It's called Social Darwinism and it's a fact for all life forms.......including humans.
Well, I agree with the OP to this extent, anyway...

That the Black race-baiters and race-card players like Jackson and Sharpton - and whoever succeeds them as they die-off - will keep beating this dead horse for decades to come...

What the hell... it pisses-off Whitey and keeps Black folk in the spotlight, long after they've been overtaken as a demographic by Hispanics...
This 10 yr old girl has more smarts than you could ever hope to. Those that are the most bombastic usually are lacking themselves.

Maths prodigy Esther Okade 10 enrols in university
By the way, her 6 yr old brother is a prodigy as well.

The negro race world-wide is failing in every positive aspect of human activity.
This is the result of an entire race, generally speaking, having IQ's averaging about 15 points lower than those of other races specifically the Caucasian race.
This statement is not 'racist' it's a proven scientific fact.
'All men were created equal' is foolish talk.
Look at those attending computer science classes in the nation's Universities. Look at those who are predominantly playing professional football and basketball.
Just because some wish that 'everyone deserves a trophy' does not make it so. Life has never been 'fair' for humans......ever. The strongest mentally/physically survived. Period.
The pace at which the world's population is accelerating visa vi science/technology etc is now so fast it's all the average person can do to keep up. It also means some or being left behind.
It's called Social Darwinism and it's a fact for all life forms.......including humans.

Oh dear I am afraid you are a bit confused......this young woman is not an American not a descendent of slaves....and is obviously no kind of victim. Instead of being held back she is being propelled forward by a white society. Hmmm ..... now that's what I call the real world.

Selma is an important part of our history.......why should it be "over"?
The Selma march will never be over. Not because it's still relelvant but becaue it is a cause celebre for the race hoodlums and skin pimps that is simply irresistible to them. Deep down inside I am sure that most of the honest thinking marchers realize that today's America is vastly different from the America of Martin Luther King's day. But there are many that refuse to let go. Some can be forgiven by virtue of old age and loss of mental capacity but some should never be forgiven for trying to resurrect the darkness of that sad period to use it as an exploitation lever to gain social and racial leverage.

Just as surely as a government subsidized industry has grown of housing, affirmative action and prison has most certainly grown around the idea of racial inequality. The various agencies that operate like corporations have Presidents, Ceo's and treasurers like any other money machine. The execs drive nice cars, live in big houses and sport six figure salaries whether on paper or off paper. It's an addiction. In short if racial inequality never existed " It would be necessary to invent it " and indeed they do.

The weak minded cry that " The March is not Over " is transparently just another piece of " Political Crack " for the ears of those so inclined to believe that their failures in life are not their own fault. What is most amusing is to see a Half/black man leading the march as the most successful individual in the United states in the past six years. How does one suppose that a man can be elected the chief executive of the most powerful nation on earth and at the same time insist that he is not successful? Obama is a master of the contrarian juxtapositions and his audience is adoring mass of ear tickled dummies who shelter themselves from a reality that is just too painful to accept. People like Sharpton, Obama, Jackson and Louis...provide a tent of refuge for those who are afraid to let go of their own twisted moral codes and free themselves into the world of acceptance that is now more prevalent than it has ever been.

As far as the quest to eliminate racism. I daresay that much of that effort could now be directed at the black community itself these days. Any real analysis of this issue will render the conclusion that it can never be completely rooted out. Not just for Blacks but for every race that identifies as such. It's a part of human nature. It's dark, it's ignorant, it's Immoral...but it's there.

Constructing a false paradigm by insisting that they must march until it is gone is an open lie to the minds of those who know what this particular trick is all about. Because it can never be gone....and so the March can never be done, complete. A perfect scam for perfect scamsters! Promulgating such a scam that has no goal, no finish line, no real hope of ever being a complete idea is of all things the most insidious and selfish of public betrayal.

Strange how Obama, who's white mother and Kenyan father had less than nothing to do with the civil rights struggle in the 60s, felt he had skin in the game. He didn't really learn about it till he went to college on the mainland. He lived in Hawaii and Indonesia, not in Alabama. While Obama was learning to love the call to prayer in Jakarta, American blacks were being firehosed by Democrats for wanting their civil rights.

All Americans and especially black Americans have "skin in the game" in what happened in Selma
I was responding to dannyboys continual rant of lower iq. Nothing about the thread topic.

I have always spoken out there are those that find it profitable, as well as politically advantageous to hold what Blacks down they can, and I find it atrocious.
This 10 yr old girl has more smarts than you could ever hope to. Those that are the most bombastic usually are lacking themselves.

Maths prodigy Esther Okade 10 enrols in university
By the way, her 6 yr old brother is a prodigy as well.

The negro race world-wide is failing in every positive aspect of human activity.
This is the result of an entire race, generally speaking, having IQ's averaging about 15 points lower than those of other races specifically the Caucasian race.
This statement is not 'racist' it's a proven scientific fact.
'All men were created equal' is foolish talk.
Look at those attending computer science classes in the nation's Universities. Look at those who are predominantly playing professional football and basketball.
Just because some wish that 'everyone deserves a trophy' does not make it so. Life has never been 'fair' for humans......ever. The strongest mentally/physically survived. Period.
The pace at which the world's population is accelerating visa vi science/technology etc is now so fast it's all the average person can do to keep up. It also means some or being left behind.
It's called Social Darwinism and it's a fact for all life forms.......including humans.

Oh dear I am afraid you are a bit confused......this young woman is not an American not a descendent of slaves....and is obviously no kind of victim. Instead of being held back she is being propelled forward by a white society. Hmmm ..... now that's what I call the real world.

I was responding to dannyboys continual rant of lower iq. Nothing about the thread topic.

I have always spoken out there are those that find it profitable, as well as politically advantageous to hold what Blacks down they can, and I find it atrocious.
This 10 yr old girl has more smarts than you could ever hope to. Those that are the most bombastic usually are lacking themselves.

Maths prodigy Esther Okade 10 enrols in university
By the way, her 6 yr old brother is a prodigy as well.

The negro race world-wide is failing in every positive aspect of human activity.
This is the result of an entire race, generally speaking, having IQ's averaging about 15 points lower than those of other races specifically the Caucasian race.
This statement is not 'racist' it's a proven scientific fact.
'All men were created equal' is foolish talk.
Look at those attending computer science classes in the nation's Universities. Look at those who are predominantly playing professional football and basketball.
Just because some wish that 'everyone deserves a trophy' does not make it so. Life has never been 'fair' for humans......ever. The strongest mentally/physically survived. Period.
The pace at which the world's population is accelerating visa vi science/technology etc is now so fast it's all the average person can do to keep up. It also means some or being left behind.
It's called Social Darwinism and it's a fact for all life forms.......including humans.

Oh dear I am afraid you are a bit confused......this young woman is not an American not a descendent of slaves....and is obviously no kind of victim. Instead of being held back she is being propelled forward by a white society. Hmmm ..... now that's what I call the real world.


Opps sorry.....I still get confused about the posting order here.


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