The Senate is designed undemocratic and will break America


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
works better than crap in Russia, Somalia, Uganda,[ AFRICA ] the Mid East, etc etc move to Somalia then if the US is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
If you don't like it, you scumbag Democrats can go ahead and try to secede again.

Attacking the USA didn't work out very well for you last time. And you will get whooped 100 times worse if you try it again today.
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
works better than crap in Russia, Somalia, Uganda,[ AFRICA ] the Mid East, etc etc move to Somalia then if the US is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Intellectually insufficient response. Your posting privileges have been suspended for the next 215 years. If you don’t like it move to Africa.
The senate was created the way it was expressly to protect the interests of the rich from the rabble. A direct analog of the British house of lords. Until McConnell came along they kept that on the downlow but now it's right in our faces: the senate's purpose is to make democracy ineffective.
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
it's been around how long??? and NOW that it's R, it's unfair!!!!!!!!!!!

YES--you are still whining like a child
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
50% of Americans pay no taxes, so why the fuck should they be represented?
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
it's been around how long??? and NOW that it's R, it's unfair!!!!!!!!!!!

YES--you are still whining like a child
It was unfair from the get go but was sacrificed for compromise... like 3/5ths representation for slaves which was fixed. Time to fix this bitch!
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
50% of Americans pay no taxes, so why the fuck should they be represented?
Everyone pays taxes. You are talking about specifically income taxes from people who have no income - children, old retired people etc. Guess what? You’re not paying every US tax that doesn’t apply to you either. There is an excise tax on arrows... buy any recently?
Last edited:
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
50% of Americans pay no taxes, so why the fuck should they be represented?
Disenfranchising the working poor and denying them real representation is one of the central aims of fascism.
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy

Spending bills (federal tax dollars of those who actually pay federal income tax) originate in the House of Representatives. The House membership is representative of population... California has 53 - Utah has 4. Hence the push by some states to count people here illegally.

Using your logic - should only those who pay income tax get to vote?

The Senate is fine despite Harry Reid's 8 years of finagling with the rules.
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
it's been around how long??? and NOW that it's R, it's unfair!!!!!!!!!!!

YES--you are still whining like a child
It was unfair from the get go but was sacrificed for compromise... like 3/5ths representation for slaves which was fixed. Time to fix this bitch!
They (republicans) are still suppressing the vote.
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy
works better than crap in Russia, Somalia, Uganda,[ AFRICA ] the Mid East, etc etc move to Somalia then if the US is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Intellectually insufficient response. Your posting privileges have been suspended for the next 215 years. If you don’t like it move to Africa.

Your OP is intellectually deficient. Didn't keep you from posting it though, did it.
By 2040 70% of Americans will live in 15 states - first article below. Do the math. 70% of Americans will be represented by 30% of the Senators. Taxation without representation cannot stand and 40% of Americans will not be represented. It will make ripe for a revolution.... Constitution designers screwed up slavery, screwed up representation of women, and screwed up equal representation. In fact state senates can’t be made up that way... it’s illegal.

How can we make the senate more fair in the long term? Should we? The last article says it’s impossible.

Here is a link to a story on population growth from a few years back

Here’s an article that says it’s impossible to amend essentially this immoral Piece of the constitution.
Revamping the Senate Is a Fantasy

Spending bills (federal tax dollars of those who actually pay federal income tax) originate in the House of Representatives. The House membership is representative of population... California has 53 - Utah has 4. Hence the push by some states to count people here illegally.

Using your logic - should only those who pay income tax get to vote?

The Senate is fine despite Harry Reid's 8 years of finagling with the rules.
I never claimed tax payers only should vote. There are non tax payers under represented by the senate as well. So I don’t think that logic holds.

Congress is nearly representative. Not perfect because of 435 cap. No issues there. But 2 for 40M Californians and 2 for 0.5M Wyoming citizens is bunk.
Your OP is intellectually deficient. Didn't keep you from posting it though, did it.
Wow. Sterling logic there. Once you Velcro your shoes on this morning and get the blood flowing, try again.

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