The Seven Deadly Sins, The Ten Commandments and trump

We all know that the republicans/conservatives/far right are devout christians. trump claims to be a christian.

Yet, if you look at the seven deadly sins and the Ten Commandments you see that trump has violated almost everyone of them. He has violated all of the seven deadly sins and with the exception of the fifth commandment, he has violated all the rest.

Which makes me sad to see so many christians support him.

You all do know he has never read the bible and rarely goes to church don't you? I have never heard him tell people what christian faith he is. Is he catholic? Lutheran? Methodist? Baptist? He has never said. He has never said what church he has attended most of his life.

I don't want to read replies about any other politician in some ways to excuse trump and those christians who support him. This is about trump. No other politician. I won't read or reply to posts that don't stick to the subject of this thread.

Easy because the Christians are mainly just like him. Haven't you ever heard "Jesus took your sins upon himself" or He found Christ, or we have to forgive them for they do not know what they do.

Then you have the ones that hold their nose when they vote for the tramp. I guess they can't believe it as well.

Once again, you're proving no one is as judgmental as a leftist
and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. I'm ready to be judged, are you?

Judge not lest thee be judged.

I don't have your problem. While I may personally dislike leftists, I have no interest in doing God's work for him and judging people. I root for us all to get to heaven. You're like the deep Christian bigots who I dislike the most at churches. You speak for God. Just ask you

I do not go to Church, anymore. You know what turned me off from you Christians, you Christians.

You know nothing about what I believe.

Judging people is just easy for you, isn't it?

What do you suppose my views are? This should be comical
We all know that the republicans/conservatives/far right are devout christians. trump claims to be a christian.

Yet, if you look at the seven deadly sins and the Ten Commandments you see that trump has violated almost everyone of them. He has violated all of the seven deadly sins and with the exception of the fifth commandment, he has violated all the rest.

Which makes me sad to see so many christians support him.

You all do know he has never read the bible and rarely goes to church don't you? I have never heard him tell people what christian faith he is. Is he catholic? Lutheran? Methodist? Baptist? He has never said. He has never said what church he has attended most of his life.

I don't want to read replies about any other politician in some ways to excuse trump and those christians who support him. This is about trump. No other politician. I won't read or reply to posts that don't stick to the subject of this thread.

Easy because the Christians are mainly just like him. Haven't you ever heard "Jesus took your sins upon himself" or He found Christ, or we have to forgive them for they do not know what they do.

Then you have the ones that hold their nose when they vote for the tramp. I guess they can't believe it as well.
If you're going to copy and paste, link the source.
We all know that the republicans/conservatives/far right are devout christians. trump claims to be a christian.

Yet, if you look at the seven deadly sins and the Ten Commandments you see that trump has violated almost everyone of them. He has violated all of the seven deadly sins and with the exception of the fifth commandment, he has violated all the rest.

Which makes me sad to see so many christians support him.

You all do know he has never read the bible and rarely goes to church don't you? I have never heard him tell people what christian faith he is. Is he catholic? Lutheran? Methodist? Baptist? He has never said. He has never said what church he has attended most of his life.

I don't want to read replies about any other politician in some ways to excuse trump and those christians who support him. This is about trump. No other politician. I won't read or reply to posts that don't stick to the subject of this thread.

Easy because the Christians are mainly just like him. Haven't you ever heard "Jesus took your sins upon himself" or He found Christ, or we have to forgive them for they do not know what they do.

Then you have the ones that hold their nose when they vote for the tramp. I guess they can't believe it as well.

I used to be a christian. I haven't been one since the late 70s.

I was a very devout christian at one time. Unfortunately what I experienced in the christian church turned me away from the religion.

All I see from the trump followers is total hypocrisy.
Everybody judges!! Just not the Christians , they are soooo perfect!

There's a dramatic difference between judging and criticizing.

You crossed the line to judging when you decided it's up to you what a Christian is and what they have to believe to be one
Most Christians are just as bad as he is, yet somehow they deny it.
We all know that the republicans/conservatives/far right are devout christians. trump claims to be a christian.

Yet, if you look at the seven deadly sins and the Ten Commandments you see that trump has violated almost everyone of them. He has violated all of the seven deadly sins and with the exception of the fifth commandment, he has violated all the rest.

Which makes me sad to see so many christians support him.

You all do know he has never read the bible and rarely goes to church don't you? I have never heard him tell people what christian faith he is. Is he catholic? Lutheran? Methodist? Baptist? He has never said. He has never said what church he has attended most of his life.

I don't want to read replies about any other politician in some ways to excuse trump and those christians who support him. This is about trump. No other politician. I won't read or reply to posts that don't stick to the subject of this thread.

Easy because the Christians are mainly just like him. Haven't you ever heard "Jesus took your sins upon himself" or He found Christ, or we have to forgive them for they do not know what they do.

Then you have the ones that hold their nose when they vote for the tramp. I guess they can't believe it as well.

Once again, you're proving no one is as judgmental as a leftist
and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. I'm ready to be judged, are you?

Judge not lest thee be judged.

I don't have your problem. While I may personally dislike leftists, I have no interest in doing God's work for him and judging people. I root for us all to get to heaven. You're like the deep Christian bigots who I dislike the most at churches. You speak for God. Just ask you

Oh yet you judge, don't you , all the time you are judging, yet you don't admit it. You lie.

I find it funny that the so called christian you replied to judges people.

None of them have actually read the bible.

They would know that their god told them to never judge anyone. That is the job of their god.
Everybody judges!! Just not the Christians , they are soooo perfect!

There's a dramatic difference between judging and criticizing.

You crossed the line to judging when you decided it's up to you what a Christian is and what they have to believe to be one

Read further.
You frickin Christian make me ill. You are so high and almighty when you want to be, self serving idiots

Don't blame me. Your bitch is with Matthew...:eusa_angel:

Read all of Matthew 7, then get back to me. Its no good to take a few verses out of content.
Read all of Matthew 7, then get back to me. Its no good to take a few verses out of content

Allow me...
Here's Luke: Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Here's John: And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.
Here's Isaiah: And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear.
And on and on... It a theme throughout the Bible. Warning is not Judging. It's warning.

That you determined your walk with God based on the actions of man is regrettable. Some Christians weren't Jesus enough and didn't meet your requirements for being what you consider Christian, so you judge them all. Even though the Bible tell us that we all fall short. (read it and get back to me)

I fear you have really let yourself down, based on the very thing you were told not to do. What a pity.
So, I'll leave you with another warning from God by way of Matt:
Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things.
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We all know that the republicans/conservatives/far right are devout christians. trump claims to be a christian.

Yet, if you look at the seven deadly sins and the Ten Commandments you see that trump has violated almost everyone of them. He has violated all of the seven deadly sins and with the exception of the fifth commandment, he has violated all the rest.

Which makes me sad to see so many christians support him.

You all do know he has never read the bible and rarely goes to church don't you? I have never heard him tell people what christian faith he is. Is he catholic? Lutheran? Methodist? Baptist? He has never said. He has never said what church he has attended most of his life.

I don't want to read replies about any other politician in some ways to excuse trump and those christians who support him. This is about trump. No other politician. I won't read or reply to posts that don't stick to the subject of this thread.

It illustrates the ability of humans to be able to rationalize and justify almost anything, no matter how wrong or reprehensible – whether it’s believing in a ‘god’ that doesn’t exist or that Trump is fit to be president.
You frickin Christian make me ill. You are so high and almighty when you want to be, self serving idiots

Don't blame me. Your bitch is with Matthew...:eusa_angel:

5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

6 “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
apparently you do not like this verse!
Read all of Matthew 7, then get back to me. Its no good to take a few verses out of content

Allow me...
Here's Luke: Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Here's John: And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.
Here's Isaiah: And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear.
And on and on... It a theme throughout the Bible. Warning is not Judging. It's warning.

That you determined your walk with God based on the actions of man is regrettable. Some Christians weren't Jesus enough and didn't meet your requirements for being what you consider Christian, so you judge them all. Even though the Bible tell us that we all fall short. (read it and get back to me)

I fear you have really let yourself down, based on the very thing you were told not to do. What a pity.
So, I'll leave you with another warning from God by way of Matt:
Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things.

So it seems you didn't like the rest of Matthew 7.
We all know that the republicans/conservatives/far right are devout christians. trump claims to be a christian.

Yet, if you look at the seven deadly sins and the Ten Commandments you see that trump has violated almost everyone of them. He has violated all of the seven deadly sins and with the exception of the fifth commandment, he has violated all the rest.

Which makes me sad to see so many christians support him.

You all do know he has never read the bible and rarely goes to church don't you? I have never heard him tell people what christian faith he is. Is he catholic? Lutheran? Methodist? Baptist? He has never said. He has never said what church he has attended most of his life.

I don't want to read replies about any other politician in some ways to excuse trump and those christians who support him. This is about trump. No other politician. I won't read or reply to posts that don't stick to the subject of this thread.

Easy because the Christians are mainly just like him. Haven't you ever heard "Jesus took your sins upon himself" or He found Christ, or we have to forgive them for they do not know what they do.

Then you have the ones that hold their nose when they vote for the tramp. I guess they can't believe it as well.
If you're going to copy and paste, link the source.

I don't have to, its all just my opinion. If you don't know the bible, you best read it.
I challenge everyone to name a Presidential candidate they voted for who meet everyone of the moral and ethical standards you hold dear. If people are being honest and can not emphasis the word honest enough they won't be able to.
I challenge everyone to name a Presidential candidate they voted for who meet everyone of the moral and ethical standards you hold dear. If people are being honest and can not emphasis the word honest enough they won't be able to.


Tramp is the worst.
I challenge everyone to name a Presidential candidate they voted for who meet everyone of the moral and ethical standards you hold dear. If people are being honest and can not emphasis the word honest enough they won't be able to.


Tramp is the worst.
I see the word honest was lost on you. Interesting how blind partisans never want to hold themselves to the same standard they set for others and this applies to both the right and left.
I challenge everyone to name a Presidential candidate they voted for who meet everyone of the moral and ethical standards you hold dear. If people are being honest and can not emphasis the word honest enough they won't be able to.


Tramp is the worst.
I see the word honest was lost on you. Interesting how blind partisans never want to hold themselves to the same standard they set for others and this applies to both the right and left.
no the word honest was not lost on me.
We all know that the republicans/conservatives/far right are devout christians. trump claims to be a christian.

Yet, if you look at the seven deadly sins and the Ten Commandments you see that trump has violated almost everyone of them. He has violated all of the seven deadly sins and with the exception of the fifth commandment, he has violated all the rest.

Which makes me sad to see so many christians support him.

You all do know he has never read the bible and rarely goes to church don't you? I have never heard him tell people what christian faith he is. Is he catholic? Lutheran? Methodist? Baptist? He has never said. He has never said what church he has attended most of his life.

You would do well to concern yourself with your own shortcomings instead of judging someone else's.

Matthew 7:1-29 “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye...

Unless you are without sin, be careful about casting stones at someone else.
As far as I know Dana7360 isn't running for president.
We all know that the republicans/conservatives/far right are devout christians. trump claims to be a christian.

Yet, if you look at the seven deadly sins and the Ten Commandments you see that trump has violated almost everyone of them. He has violated all of the seven deadly sins and with the exception of the fifth commandment, he has violated all the rest.

Which makes me sad to see so many christians support him.

You all do know he has never read the bible and rarely goes to church don't you? I have never heard him tell people what christian faith he is. Is he catholic? Lutheran? Methodist? Baptist? He has never said. He has never said what church he has attended most of his life.

I don't want to read replies about any other politician in some ways to excuse trump and those christians who support him. This is about trump. No other politician. I won't read or reply to posts that don't stick to the subject of this thread.

"I don't understand why people support person X! Why do they do that?"

Followed by....

"I don't want to hear any of the logical reasons why they support person X!"

So let me make sure I understand this.... You want to know the answer to a question, but you don't want to hear the answer to the question, or you are going to not read or reply to the answer to your question?

"I want an answer, but only an answer I approve of, or I won't reply to it".

Then don't ask questions if you don't want the answer.
We all know that the republicans/conservatives/far right are devout christians. trump claims to be a christian.

Yet, if you look at the seven deadly sins and the Ten Commandments you see that trump has violated almost everyone of them. He has violated all of the seven deadly sins and with the exception of the fifth commandment, he has violated all the rest.

Which makes me sad to see so many christians support him.

You all do know he has never read the bible and rarely goes to church don't you? I have never heard him tell people what christian faith he is. Is he catholic? Lutheran? Methodist? Baptist? He has never said. He has never said what church he has attended most of his life.

I don't want to read replies about any other politician in some ways to excuse trump and those christians who support him. This is about trump. No other politician. I won't read or reply to posts that don't stick to the subject of this thread.

He is against killing babies, and doesn't help the Russians or chinese agianst this, the democrat party is behind on those...

Also, he isn't sending in democrat party terrorist groups, antifa and black lives matter to burn, loot and murder American particular, black American citizens...... another one for pro-Trump.....

Trump believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and wants America to be a great country....he isn't bitching about every flaw and claiming that is all the country is made of.......unlike the democrat party that is using issues from 200 years ago as justification to burn, loot, beat and murder American citizens today........

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