The shadow of the lV Reich


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014
The construction of the European Union has been designed and built based on the belief that the member countries should cede sovereignty in increasing shares of the Community institutions (as if sovereignty was spacchettabile ) . The apotheosis of the logic of the transfer of sovereignty was when some EU countries have found themselves involved in the hurricane crisis . In the countries most exposed to the assaults of speculative finance (Greece, Italy ) has witnessed the establishment of liberal faith technicians with proven safe and mingling with the technostructures and European financial institutions with the most discussed because of their behavior on the casual market , such as Goldman Sachs.Il process of transfer of sovereignty was not compensated in any way by the establishment of representative democratic institutions of the peoples of the EU at Community level.

In fact it is the European parliament the center of power but the Commission and the ECB appear as the real decision-making centers . Centers tied to any elective bond . The Union is not playing politics with the leg , but the leg of the integration of markets and the markets . Surrogate this fact with the use of the rhetoric of the coveted United States of Europe does not solve the problem.Now , as it may seem paradoxical to invoke a further transfer of sovereignty (as if we did not have enough hands are tied ) to make up for the shortcomings of the political process unit would only lead to a further risk to tighten the straitjacket neoliberal and prevent that at the level of nation-states ( the natural areas of the exercise of sovereignty and participation ) can be implemented , under the pressure of popular the measures are able to cope with the crisis .

We would be in front of the nth twist autoritaria.E ' should be noted that the treaties that have forged the Union they were born during the unfortunate period of the Washington Consensus , when three quarters of the political spectrum they wove lavish praise from the failed neo-liberal beliefs and virtuous utopia of the ability of markets to self-regulate , causing benefits to the community. Therefore treaties , at least since Maastricht , pose serious limitations all'esplicarsi of expansionary policies based on a strong public intervention in the economy and dogmatically enhance the independence of central banks and governments.

That is, they tend to avoid the application of those policies that could lead us out of the crisis. For example, contrast the idea that the national central banks and the European Central Bank can play the role of lender of last resort. This leaves the States at the mercy of the markets, because they are forced to borrow to finance , with great profit of private finance and the Powers more accustomed to this game usurer . Or behind the screen of antitrust policies and autorities may seek to obstruct a public industrial policy . On a more general treaties are regarded as superior to the domestic laws of the member states that are required to comply with European legislation . It 'clear that the conflict is created between our Constitution , inspired by the ideas and intentions socially advanced , liberal and reactionary character of the European treaties . Currently attempting to entry the constraint of a balanced budget in the Constitution aims to introduce a foreign body in the national pact that aims to sabotage the social policy (as well as the very logic of investment in the macroeconomic sphere ) 1 by opening the welfare penetration even most pervasive of private capital and the commodification of servizi.Secondo some analysts , there are sparse in the treated articles , contested allow for derogation from the more obtusely draconian and member countries may use the right of veto if they consider that their vital interests are in game.

But the fact remains that this concrete process of building the European Union in recent decades has represented and still represents a reactionary ram are taken by storm by which all the casemates that the labor movement had patiently built after World War II and then to improve their of life and the same level of European civilization. Today you can see that the European social model was not so magnified a natural fact that he was standing alone and that even the pace of this process of integration has been the instrument and the alibi with which the European oligarchies have wounded death . So much of what passed off to their respective peoples in relation to the construction of the United States of Europe what we are seeing is a sabbath bloody around a totem on which are projected by many hopes destined to go in the face of solidarity between frantumi.Alla European peoples, which should be the cement for the construction of any unitary process , we are witnessing the explosion of tensions and selfishness of any kind within a logic of destructive competition between the member countries based on the race to the bottom in wages and conditions of life. - the tale of the little pigs and the wolf tedescoUna the reality of the many stories that are being served up on a daily basis is that of the " pigs" ( pIGS ) who have been living beyond their means and have done too smart with the rules established at European endangering not only themselves but also the EU and calling virtuous countries , such as Germany , in a heroic rescue.

The reality is quite different. In this story there are virtuous and vicious but only interests . And those who derive profit from Germany greasing the " pigs " and their debt is by far the most full-bodied . The peripheral and semi-peripheral countries of the eurozone should not be too proud of availability dell'algida and difficult , but still " bountiful " , Germany to provide funds and loans because , in general, will fatten the pigs to eat them. Metaphors aside those who have debt problems and is increasingly felt by the interest rates on the debt that has accumulated should avoid more debt just to get on with life . ( As it happens to Greece, where austerity policies depress demand , and increase the percentage of debt in relation to GDP as the economy collapses , preventing out of the crisis and aggravandola . But in Greece the only thing that you have saved are banks , which are exposed to the German credit institutions .) from the beginning it was known that there were disparities between the countries that have adopted the single currency . Not surprisingly, the project was criticized by many economists prominent in difficult times. As regards more specifically Italy Italian competitiveness against Germany was given , among other things , the ability to devalue its currency in order to facilitate the reduction of imports ( also from Germany ) and to increase exports (including to Germany) .

The fixed exchange rate and the euro have taken these weapons to Italy and have encouraged investment of German capital in peripheral and semi-peripheral countries of the eurozone . To capital goods are followed , while the Italian industry was weakened by the policy of privatization and deregulation in these 20 years. Italy has historically been a country suffering from lack of capital control and after his belated political unification was only natural that an important impetus to the development was the intervention of the state in the economy with necessary functions for protection and guidance. This intervention has been characterized in different ways according to the different phases experienced by the country, but that's another story . For the purposes of this paper we want to emphasize that it was thanks to public intervention in strategic sectors that it was possible to transform Italy into a modern industrial power has ensured that , despite everything, greater prosperity and greater social promotion for its citizens.

The abandonment of this policy has crippled the competitiveness of the country and has demonstrated the absolute frailty of many of the "great" Italian entrepreneurs than their European competitors as well as the inadequacy of the relevant part of the firms to stay on the field without a vigorous battleship public to their spalle.Il flow of capital and goods of the German center towards its European partners has made it increasingly dramatic exposure of their balance of payments against Germany . From which recognized the weakness of their position. Hence their vulnerability to international financial speculation . Hence the difference in the interest rate paid by these countries with respect to Germania.La Germany clearly has its responsibilities in this matter . He speculated on the systematically lower structural competitiveness of the PIGS ingolosendoli and hanging them on loans while they flooded its industry by exploiting the common market and the exchange parity . Even today Germany gains from the situation , that one may say that the dour German politicians and their media circus is no accident that one of the conditions for Greece to unlock additional loan commitment has been to Athens yet to buy German products ( including expensive and unnecessary for Greece , weapon systems ) .

Germany has conducted a systematic massacre game that peripheral and semi-peripheral countries of the eurozone could not hold up. Has implemented a brutal policy of wage deflation that has dried up the possibility of the internal market to absorb products from the South , triggering a race to the bottom in wages in Europe. He could have done it in the absolute lack of a common frame of harmonization of labor policies and fiscal policies among eurozone countries . Limit fat in the future Italian government should seriously ask themselves the task of putting rimedio.Il price that the German people pay is a significant proportion of the working poor , the working poor , held together thanks to a surrogate welfare because it can be argued that Germany , in the face of this social butchery , beats European rivals economically transforming them into their markets, in their semi- commercial . A classic imperialism. - The EU as a large aggregate space of the IV Reich course, despite our political, Italy can not compete with Germany in the race to the bottom in wages. Lose anyway. Instead of getting dictate your homework by Merkel should start serious negotiations in the EU in order to radically revise the Treaties , to reach a harmonization of tax policies and get to sign a standard wage for the protection of labor policies that would force Germany and reflate wages and to take really charges proportional to the benefits that has now got the stuffing PIGS debt to soffocarli.La policy of the united Germany has shown in recent years an element of stability and growth for the integration but a problem that becomes more acute .

The orientation of German policy is increasingly on a collision course with the spirit of building a community , and for the umpteenth time in history , it seems to aspire to transform Europe into a large aggregate monopolized by big business Teutonic . This time not by the spiked helmets or Panzerdivisionen but thanks to the Bundesbank . Even France loses the comparison with Germany in almost all fields ( the shares of world trade to the relationship between scientific research and GDP) with the exception of aerospace . In 2010 the IMF for the German GDP has exceeded 28% of the French 4 In relation to Italy , the trend of our trade with Germany is alarming. In 2011 our country in many areas resulted in passive technologically peak ( cars, electronics, chemicals ), and even nell'alimentare5 . Germany has undoubtedly played a more forward-looking and ambitious than its competitors European capitalists . It has , for example, runs a relocation that affected only the low value-added stages of production , safeguarding the specialized technical personnel rather than chasing the mirage of competitiveness detached from investment in technological innovation. It has taken a policy of imperialist revival ; redeveloping the manufacturing sector , requiring the point of view of the Bundesbank in the European Union well before the birth of the euro , by carrying out an aggressive commercial policy mercantilista.Tale capacity must not obscure the view.

These results were achieved on the backs of German workers and community partners , now treated as " pigs." It should be noted that the adoption of the " Agenda 2010 " extended the insecurity, affected the bargaining power of unions and multiplied working poor. The Agenda 2010 was the strategic option of the German Social-Democracy in the age Schroeder. Like all European social democracies also the SPD has flattened on neoliberalism and paid this anti-people policy to the split of its left wing , led by Lafontaine , has given rise to Linke ( with the heirs of the SED in the GDR ) . Who feeds expectations about the effects of a possible , though it 's unlikely , Social Democratic victory in the upcoming German elections take into account that the SPD has decided to nominate a member of the right wing of the party , former finance minister in the first government of Merkel Grosse Koalition.L ' look more rapacious policy taken by Germany is perhaps evidenced by the transformation of Deutsche Bank investment bank attracted to speculative operations , particularly at ease in the world of free movement of capital . In Frankfurt prospect wants to become a small Wall Street competing with the AngloAmerica on its own ground , but holding fast to the rod on the importance of the manufacturing industry . Having said that the propensity of the great German capital to risk in speculative activities is growing and looking beyond Europe to colonize. The euro was used in view to prepare a competitive international trading currency with the dollar and in the meantime to facilitate the Germanization of Europe transforming the peripheral and semi-peripheral countries in their markets before shopping and cheap resources (human and materials ) then . - Towards a suicide annunciatoNon there are better solutions in the neutral sense of the term. In such a system the forces that occupy the center for those who are trying to impose on the outskirts measures that turn to their advantage. It should have coscienza.E ' obvious that the current austerity policies make the game of Germany and of the process of centralization of capital in German driving . Following them the " Pigs" go straight to mattatoio.Ma what will happen when the depression of their market will significantly reduce the flow of imports of the South German product ? Undergoing the reflected wave of its policies Berlin will change their mind and come down to more merciful ? And 'what hope for many in Europe , also on the left (from Bersani SYRIZA ) .

The idea is that Germany can not continue to pull the rope and sooner or later will have to deal with , which is threatened by his own greed . Personally I'm not at all sure that it will end well . Germany is already preparing the second round . The share of German exports addressed within the eurozone is already in slight decline compared to an increase to the emerging countries . In the third quarter of 2012, German exports to countries outside Europe have grown to 44.4 % (in one year have increased by almost 10 percentage points ), while those addressed within the EU have undergone a flessione.Il process will not be short, but after desertified Europe Germany will point higher placing of a low-cost labor , us. After forcing indebted countries to sell shares of sovereignty increasingly important to become satellites in exchange for more loans, which are further debt, you get the point where the centralization of capital around Germany will be tried and tested to make cheap shopping production facilities and infrastructure in such a semi PIGS.Saremo U.S. policy and a semi- German trade . Are then put into account the damage caused by the poison of mutual distrust that is instilled irresponsibly by the media and politicians of various countries in relation to other EU partners . A poison that seems destined to leave trains and for which it will not be easy to find an antidote.

Article Spartacus A. Puttini

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