The Shocking Secret Behind ObamaCare Enrollment Numbers


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Barack Obama wants you to know he enrolled 7.5 million Americans through ObamaCare’s health insurance Exchanges. What he doesn’t want you to know is how.

Federal courts may soon rule that President Obama induced the majority of those enrollees to enroll by offering them taxpayer dollars he has no legal authority to spend.

If the courts put a stop to that unauthorized spending, a majority of Exchange enrollees would suddenly face the full cost of ObamaCare coverage, and enrollments would plummet.

The eligibility rules for the PPACA’s Exchange subsidies specify nine times, without deviation, that recipients must enroll “through an Exchange established by the State.” House Democrats even complained about this part of the Senate-passed PPACA before they themselves approved it, so they knew exactly what they were sending to the president’s desk.

Confounding supporters’ expectations, 34 states declined to establish Exchanges. Under the plain terms of federal law, subsidies are therefore available in the 16 Exchanges established by states, and not available in the 34 Exchanges established by the federal government.

In January of this year, the Obama administration began spending billions of dollars of unauthorized subsidies to induce Americans to enroll in the 34 Exchanges established by the federal government. The president is literally forcing taxpayers, without any legal authorization, to subsidize two out of every three Exchange enrollments.

The shocking secret behind ObamaCare enrollment numbers | Fox News
The numbers themselves are likely fake. This administration has no problem making things up to make themselves look better.
Barack Obama wants you to know he enrolled 7.5 million Americans through ObamaCare’s health insurance Exchanges. What he doesn’t want you to know is how.

Federal courts may soon rule that President Obama induced the majority of those enrollees to enroll by offering them taxpayer dollars he has no legal authority to spend.

If the courts put a stop to that unauthorized spending, a majority of Exchange enrollees would suddenly face the full cost of ObamaCare coverage, and enrollments would plummet.

The eligibility rules for the PPACA’s Exchange subsidies specify nine times, without deviation, that recipients must enroll “through an Exchange established by the State.” House Democrats even complained about this part of the Senate-passed PPACA before they themselves approved it, so they knew exactly what they were sending to the president’s desk.

Confounding supporters’ expectations, 34 states declined to establish Exchanges. Under the plain terms of federal law, subsidies are therefore available in the 16 Exchanges established by states, and not available in the 34 Exchanges established by the federal government.

In January of this year, the Obama administration began spending billions of dollars of unauthorized subsidies to induce Americans to enroll in the 34 Exchanges established by the federal government. The president is literally forcing taxpayers, without any legal authorization, to subsidize two out of every three Exchange enrollments.

The shocking secret behind ObamaCare enrollment numbers | Fox News

The original ACA required all states to particpate and create health insurance exchanges. Thus the language about subsidies in relation to those state exchanges.

Since the Supreme Court ruled that states can opt out of ObamaCare, that language obviously has to be changed, if it hasn't already been in separate legislation.

Sorry, but this isn't a "shocking secret" except to rubes who have no clue.

Most of the states which opted out of ObamaCare are red states. Splooging with glee in your pants that all those people in those states could get fucked out of their subsidies is not exactly good political strategy. The fact those same states have prevented their citizens from getting into the expanded Medicaid program is going to be used against the politicians who blocked them.
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Here is the essence of the message being conveyed by the GOP today:

"Hi. We Republicans blocked our great state from having to submit to ObamaCare. What this means to you, dear uninsured citizen, is that you will have to get your insurance through the federal exchange.

As you know, the federal exchange is all kinds of fucked up, and we could not be happpier you are therefore finding it difficult to get insured. What's more, we are now moving to prevent you from getting that subsidy for your insurance, too.

We know you thought you were finally going to get health insurance for the first time in your pathetic life, but we are doing everything we can to stop you!"
The numbers themselves are likely fake. This administration has no problem making things up to make themselves look better.

They can say what they want with impunity. Most of the press does nothing when they lie repeatedly. Imagine if Jay Carney were Reagan's spokesdork, what Sam Donaldson would have done.

They have no fear of the press. Nothing is scarier than that.
Here is the essence of the message being conveyed by the GOP today:

"Hi. We Republicans blocked our great state from having to submit to ObamaCare. What this means to you, dear uninsured citizen, is that you will have to get your insurance through the federal exchange.

As you know, the federal exchange is all kinds of fucked up, and we could not be happpier you are therefore finding it difficult to get insured. What's more, we are now moving to prevent you from getting that subsidy for your insurance, too.

We know you thought you were finally going to get health insurance for the first time in your pathetic life, but we are doing everything we can to stop you!"

Here is the essence of the message being conveyed by the DNC today:

Obamacare...? nothing here to talk about anymore....time to 'move on'.....
Here is the essence of the message being conveyed by the GOP today:

"Hi. We Republicans blocked our great state from having to submit to ObamaCare. What this means to you, dear uninsured citizen, is that you will have to get your insurance through the federal exchange.

As you know, the federal exchange is all kinds of fucked up, and we could not be happpier you are therefore finding it difficult to get insured. What's more, we are now moving to prevent you from getting that subsidy for your insurance, too.

We know you thought you were finally going to get health insurance for the first time in your pathetic life, but we are doing everything we can to stop you!"

How about you start by saying...

1. We are sorry Obama kicked you off your existing plan.

2. Isn't is strange how #1 took place when they say health care is a right ?

3. We don't believe health care is a right.

4. We don't think you should go without basic insurance....

5. We've just been to stupid and lazy to figure out how to help make it happen.

6. So people who are even more stupid (and seemingly even more lazy) are here to give you the equivalent of a cholonoscopy.
Here is the essence of the message being conveyed by the GOP today:

"Hi. We Republicans blocked our great state from having to submit to ObamaCare. What this means to you, dear uninsured citizen, is that you will have to get your insurance through the federal exchange.

As you know, the federal exchange is all kinds of fucked up, and we could not be happpier you are therefore finding it difficult to get insured. What's more, we are now moving to prevent you from getting that subsidy for your insurance, too.

We know you thought you were finally going to get health insurance for the first time in your pathetic life, but we are doing everything we can to stop you!"

Here is the essence of the message being conveyed by the DNC today:

Obamacare...? nothing here to talk about anymore....time to 'move on'.....

The DNC will be harping the enrollment numbers all the way through the 2016 election, while hiding the massive costs.
The fact those same states have prevented their citizens from getting into the expanded Medicaid program is going to be used against the politicians who blocked them. states....and this will be used against them ?

Don't think so.

How did you come up with that idea ?
The fact those same states have prevented their citizens from getting into the expanded Medicaid program is going to be used against the politicians who blocked them. states....and this will be used against them ?

Don't think so.

How did you come up with that idea ?

Demcrats are going to go after Republican incumbents with a vengeance.

The issue ads practically write themselves. Democratic candidates, and the SuperPACS and JFCs who support them, will run ads reminding everyone how the Republicans blocked the Medicaid expansion in their state, thus preventing voting citizens of their states from getting insured.

They will also run ads reminding everyone how the Republicans failed to build a state health insurance exchange, thus doing everything they could to stop people from getting insured.

How can you NOT see this coming?
The numbers themselves are likely fake. This administration has no problem making things up to make themselves look better.

When the government lies to us it's called politics. When we lie to the government it's called a felony.

You can kid yourselves all you like, and deny reality, but every person who gets health insurance for the first time in their lives, or for the first time in years, is going to remember it was the GOP who tried to stop it from happening.

So go ahead and shout, "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU". You are only fooling yourselves, to your own detriment.
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You can kid yourselves all you like, and deny reality, but every person who gets health insurance for the first time in their lives, or for the first time in years, is going to remember it was the GOP who tried to stop it from happening.

And they'll never forget their first experience with Obamacare after they see the deductible they have to cover before they get any benefits. Not only made poor by the premium; made bankrupt by the deductible.
The GOP had its fun in the sun. A few people lost their insurance and we got to say Obama's pants were on fire. A web site had some glitches and we all got to giggle and point.

But those days are gone now. The web site is working, and MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people are signing up. Now the GOP is making pathetic attempts to deny this. "How many have paid their first premium?" Now they are even saying, "Oh yeah? Well, how many paid their SECOND monthly premium?" Classic goalpost moving, and it is transparent in its desperation.

I heard something funny on the radio this morning. Obama compared this GOP floundering to the five stages of grief! EXACTLY what I have been saying for months.

Some of you are still in denial. Others are angry.

The bargaining will start any day now.
The Shocking Secret Behind ObamaCare Enrollment Numbers That ACA, exchanges, Medicaid, and young adult enrollments are far better than expected by any one, certainly the far reactionary right.
You can kid yourselves all you like, and deny reality, but every person who gets health insurance for the first time in their lives, or for the first time in years, is going to remember it was the GOP who tried to stop it from happening.

And they'll never forget their first experience with Obamacare after they see the deductible they have to cover before they get any benefits. Not only made poor by the premium; made bankrupt by the deductible.

Some will see their insurance go up, just as it has been going up faster than inflation for decades.


Many will get a subsidy, making their insurance more than affordable. Many will find their insurance is cheaper than it has been in many years.

As for the deductible, what do you think the deductible is when you have NO insurance, fool? 'Tis far, far, far better to have insurance with a high deductibe than NO INSURANCE AT ALL.

Wake up!
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Barack Obama wants you to know he enrolled 7.5 million Americans through ObamaCare’s health insurance Exchanges. What he doesn’t want you to know is how.

Federal courts may soon rule that President Obama induced the majority of those enrollees to enroll by offering them taxpayer dollars he has no legal authority to spend.

If the courts put a stop to that unauthorized spending, a majority of Exchange enrollees would suddenly face the full cost of ObamaCare coverage, and enrollments would plummet.

The eligibility rules for the PPACA’s Exchange subsidies specify nine times, without deviation, that recipients must enroll “through an Exchange established by the State.” House Democrats even complained about this part of the Senate-passed PPACA before they themselves approved it, so they knew exactly what they were sending to the president’s desk.

Confounding supporters’ expectations, 34 states declined to establish Exchanges. Under the plain terms of federal law, subsidies are therefore available in the 16 Exchanges established by states, and not available in the 34 Exchanges established by the federal government.

In January of this year, the Obama administration began spending billions of dollars of unauthorized subsidies to induce Americans to enroll in the 34 Exchanges established by the federal government. The president is literally forcing taxpayers, without any legal authorization, to subsidize two out of every three Exchange enrollments.

The shocking secret behind ObamaCare enrollment numbers | Fox News

The original ACA required all states to particpate and create health insurance exchanges. Thus the language about subsidies in relation to those state exchanges.

Since the Supreme Court ruled that states can opt out of ObamaCare, that language obviously has to be changed, if it hasn't already been in separate legislation.

Sorry, but this isn't a "shocking secret" except to rubes who have no clue.

Most of the states which opted out of ObamaCare are red states. Splooging with glee in your pants that all those people in those states could get fucked out of their subsidies is not exactly good political strategy. The fact those same states have prevented their citizens from getting into the expanded Medicaid program is going to be used against the politicians who blocked them.

When it comes to subsidies, who's really getting screwed?

We all are.....

It's a bribe to get people to buy his lousy insurance. It increases the debt and it will eventually have to be phased out.

So do me an favor and STFU moron.
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The Shocking Secret Behind ObamaCare Enrollment Numbers That ACA, exchanges, Medicaid, and young adult enrollments are far better than expected by any one, certainly the far reactionary right.

But not up to the rosy predictions you and your fellow Marx-O-Crats were touting.

Actually, the enrollment numbers have now exceeded all earlier rosy predictions.

When it comes to subsidies, who's really getting screwed?

We all are.....

It's a bribe to get people to buy his lousy insurance. It increases the debt.

So do me an favor and STFU moron.

I have pointed out the massive costs of ObamaCare many times. Even in post 8 of this very topic. Dipshit.

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