The shooter doesn’t fit in the lefts narrative box so basic information is being withheld

I appreciate that from the poster most defensive of the right to shoot school children.
Don't worry - you still have my vote for "Most irrelevant poster of 2023 - special needs division"
Just like the Manifesto basic information is being withheld from the public in the Texas mall shooting.

If the shooter in either situation was white/right leaning the information would be released before the bodies were collected.

Why do we tolerate this dishonesty from our government and media?

I love this. If they release the information quickly some nut on the Right swears the guy was a plant for the FBI or whomever in his little CT fevered mind. If they investigate for more than ten minutes then they are suppressing information damaging to whoever in his CT fevered mind.
He murdered white moron.........they have shown the photos of the people he murdered, and anti-gun fascists have been pleasuring themselves to those photos since they were posted.....and the victims were white clod....
We dont know the motive. All we know is he was a right wing nut.
The shooting took place in Texas. Texas is about as red a state as you can get.
Texas law enforcement controls the information release. I noticed yesterday that they waited a few hours before they released the number of dead.
Seriously, do you people just sit around and wait to shout "a darkie did it!!!!"??
We wait for the facts, something you propaganda parrots should try once in a while.
Don't worry - you still have my vote for "Most irrelevant poster of 2023 - special needs division"
It's of special merit coming from the staunchest defender of the Allen shooter's right to shoot school children. I appreciate it, thanks.

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