The shooter doesn’t fit in the lefts narrative box so basic information is being withheld

Under federal law, he can. That's why he was able to legally buy them.
Your opinion doesn't matter.
Dont you think mentally unstable people who are going to kill lots of people should be barred from having guns?
Given the nmbers, it apparently isn't for mass shootings.
Did he shoot any black or brown people?
Im not convinced it was racial nor have I seen anyone suggest it was. Probably hated women or something. Who knows at this point?
Umm....choices h and i seem to cover this.
I haven't seen anything that supports this.
Neither have you.
- He had a medical discharge
- No court adjudicated him mentally inform
- Ne was not involuntarily committed
So... Not a prohibited person.
He shouldn't have been allowed near firearms.
Federal law says he can
Your opinion doesn't matter.
He is an American citizen, right wind nut ,who was dismissed from the Army and has been posting INCEL messages and crazy shit online in white supremacy message boards. Why are you so tied up in who his parents are and labels? Dude was a fucking nut job radicalized by people like you and this website which passes overtly fake news to scare the stupid. He was stupid.

He murdered white moron.........they have shown the photos of the people he murdered, and anti-gun fascists have been pleasuring themselves to those photos since they were posted.....and the victims were white clod....
Don't worry - you still have my vote for "Most irrelevant poster of 2023 - special needs division"
I appreciate that from the poster most defensive of the right to shoot school children.

I mean, you've done a sterling job of defending the Allen shooter's rights.


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