The shooter doesn’t fit in the lefts narrative box so basic information is being withheld

So by your definition, we can assume you don't care about any of the kids who have been murdered in school shootings unless you can prove you actually went to their family members and helped, right?
I'm not the one virtue signaling about guns and caring.

Derp! guys.......don't even take a nano second before you obey the democrats and spew their talking points.....

He is hispanic......he can't be a White Supremacist.........

If he had socialist crap in his room, he was obviously researching the people he wanted to murder......white dumb ass..........
He is an American citizen, right wind nut ,who was dismissed from the Army and has been posting INCEL messages and crazy shit online in white supremacy message boards. Why are you so tied up in who his parents are and labels? Dude was a fucking nut job radicalized by people like you and this website which passes overtly fake news to scare the stupid. He was stupid.
Well, this thread didn't age well. The shooter was a US citizen who served in the military briefly and looks like he purchased his weapons legally.
Whoops. There's goes that alt-right narrative. No gays or trannies to blame this one on.

Just someone who never should have been able to own guns.
You say, with irrelevance, and the benefit of hindsight.
He was not a prohibited person.
As such, no amount of "checking" will prevent him from legally buying a gun.
The quote you fixated off didnt say anything other than should never been able to own guns.. based on what he did with them do you agree with that? I do.

See below.
With regard to the shooter, Is the answer to any of these question s "yes"?
If so, then he is a prohibited person. If not, he's not.
If yu are not a prohibited person, you can legally buy a gun.

View attachment 783488
Umm....choices h and i seem to cover this.

I'm still not sure what point you're trying to make here.

He shouldn't have been allowed near firearms.

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