The shooter doesn’t fit in the lefts narrative box so basic information is being withheld

It's of special merit coming from the staunchest defender of the Allen shooter's right to shoot school children. I appreciate it, thanks.
Don't worry - you still have my vote for "Most irrelevant poster of 2023 - special needs division"
Just like the Manifesto basic information is being withheld from the public in the Texas mall shooting.

If the shooter in either situation was white/right leaning the information would be released before the bodies were collected.

Why do we tolerate this dishonesty from our government and media?

We don’t. The useful idiots do.
It's of special merit coming from the staunchest defender of the Allen shooter's right to shoot school children. I appreciate it, thanks.

The Allen shooter was a hispanic who murdered white people...
Now you're getting it, the right of the people isn't illegal.

Shall not be infringed
Until enough people get tired of the carnage and vote out the politicians who keep the system in place.
Turn enough of those states....and you might have enough for a Constitutional convention.
Until enough people get tired of the carnage and vote out the politicians who keep the system in place.
Turn enough of those states....and you might have enough for a Constitutional convention.

You don't have a prayer.

Every shooting you loons regurgitate the same worn out crap
He should not have been allowed to legally purchase firearms...period.
Your opinion does not matter.
The law does.
And they law says he was legally able to own a firearm.
That's about the only relevant observation here whether you like it or not.
Don't worry - you still have my vote for "Most irrelevant poster of 2023 - special needs division"
The Allen shooter thanks, posthumously, your efforts defending his legal rights to shoot school children. You've certainly put in the best effort of all the posters.
The Allen shooter thanks, posthumously, your efforts defending his legal rights to shoot school children. You've certainly put in the best effort of all the posters.
Don't worry - you still have my vote for "Most irrelevant poster of 2023 - special needs division"
The moment the news proclaimed a Hispanic shooter is a white supremacist I stopped listening. You should have
He was a right wing nut regardless of which branch. Military guy, gun nut, incel postings, covered in RW patches. He likely did this to get back at some woman telling him he was gross.

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