The Shove Heard Round the World

Americans will have to look to Great Britain and France for world leadership for the rest of this administration's term in office.
yeah, jake, that just might be the stupidest post you've ever made. Those two losing countries lead something? What happened in WWI and II?
You are so foolish as well as illiterate.

WWI: GB and FR lost many more KIA and WIA and MIA than the US. Did you know that?

WWII: GB once again had more casualties than the US. Did you know that?

Trump has demonstrated no mental or emotional stability necessary for a world leader and has created no consistent foreign policy.

Yes, America has abdicated the leadership of the West.
who was following who?
Are you aware that GB and FR fought the Germans for almost three years before the Americans entered WWI?

Are you aware that GB and FR went to war with the Germans more than two years before Pearl Harbor?

Are you aware in WWII that GB under Winston Churchill stood alone against Hitler and the Germans and Italians for a year before the Russians entered the war and year and a half before the Americans entered the war?

Did you go to home school?
Americans will have to look to Great Britain and France for world leadership for the rest of this administration's term in office.
yeah, jake, that just might be the stupidest post you've ever made. Those two losing countries lead something? What happened in WWI and II?
You are so foolish as well as illiterate.

WWI: GB and FR lost many more KIA and WIA and MIA than the US. Did you know that?

WWII: GB once again had more casualties than the US. Did you know that?

Trump has demonstrated no mental or emotional stability necessary for a world leader and has created no consistent foreign policy.

Yes, America has abdicated the leadership of the West.
who was following who?
Are you aware that GB and FR fought the Germans for almost three years before the Americans entered WWI?

Are you aware that GB and FR went to war with the Germans more than two years before Pearl Harbor?

Are you aware in WWII that GB under Winston Churchill stood alone against Hitler and the Germans and Italians for a year before the Russians entered the war and year and a half before the Americans entered the war?

Did you go to home school?
yep and why they asked us to get in, and it ended because of us. Again, they had very bad leadership. They couldn't even beat settlers in the US. Her majesty's army ain't really that great against an actual opponent. And now they have conflict within. because they suck at leadership skills.
Americans will have to look to Great Britain and France for world leadership for the rest of this administration's term in office.
yeah, jake, that just might be the stupidest post you've ever made. Those two losing countries lead something? What happened in WWI and II?
You are so foolish as well as illiterate.

WWI: GB and FR lost many more KIA and WIA and MIA than the US. Did you know that?

WWII: GB once again had more casualties than the US. Did you know that?

Trump has demonstrated no mental or emotional stability necessary for a world leader and has created no consistent foreign policy.

Yes, America has abdicated the leadership of the West.
who was following who?
Are you aware that GB and FR fought the Germans for almost three years before the Americans entered WWI?

Are you aware that GB and FR went to war with the Germans more than two years before Pearl Harbor?

Are you aware in WWII that GB under Winston Churchill stood alone against Hitler and the Germans and Italians for a year before the Russians entered the war and year and a half before the Americans entered the war?

Did you go to home school?
yep and why they asked us to get in, and it ended because of us. Again, they had very bad leadership. They couldn't even beat settlers in the US. Her majesty's army ain't really that great against an actual opponent. And now they have conflict within. because they suck at leadership skills.
You are illiterate indeed. The Russians and British would have eventually beat the Germans if the Americans acted cowardly.

If they suck because of a lack of leadership skills, American is the sucking vacuum of the whole world under Trump.
yeah, jake, that just might be the stupidest post you've ever made. Those two losing countries lead something? What happened in WWI and II?
You are so foolish as well as illiterate.

WWI: GB and FR lost many more KIA and WIA and MIA than the US. Did you know that?

WWII: GB once again had more casualties than the US. Did you know that?

Trump has demonstrated no mental or emotional stability necessary for a world leader and has created no consistent foreign policy.

Yes, America has abdicated the leadership of the West.
who was following who?
Are you aware that GB and FR fought the Germans for almost three years before the Americans entered WWI?

Are you aware that GB and FR went to war with the Germans more than two years before Pearl Harbor?

Are you aware in WWII that GB under Winston Churchill stood alone against Hitler and the Germans and Italians for a year before the Russians entered the war and year and a half before the Americans entered the war?

Did you go to home school?
yep and why they asked us to get in, and it ended because of us. Again, they had very bad leadership. They couldn't even beat settlers in the US. Her majesty's army ain't really that great against an actual opponent. And now they have conflict within. because they suck at leadership skills.
You are illiterate indeed. The Russians and British would have eventually beat the Germans if the Americans acted cowardly.

If they suck because of a lack of leadership skills, American is the sucking vacuum of the whole world under Trump.
dude the russians were getting tanked. their people were being decimated by the germans.
You are so foolish as well as illiterate.

WWI: GB and FR lost many more KIA and WIA and MIA than the US. Did you know that?

WWII: GB once again had more casualties than the US. Did you know that?

Trump has demonstrated no mental or emotional stability necessary for a world leader and has created no consistent foreign policy.

Yes, America has abdicated the leadership of the West.
who was following who?
Are you aware that GB and FR fought the Germans for almost three years before the Americans entered WWI?

Are you aware that GB and FR went to war with the Germans more than two years before Pearl Harbor?

Are you aware in WWII that GB under Winston Churchill stood alone against Hitler and the Germans and Italians for a year before the Russians entered the war and year and a half before the Americans entered the war?

Did you go to home school?
yep and why they asked us to get in, and it ended because of us. Again, they had very bad leadership. They couldn't even beat settlers in the US. Her majesty's army ain't really that great against an actual opponent. And now they have conflict within. because they suck at leadership skills.
You are illiterate indeed. The Russians and British would have eventually beat the Germans if the Americans acted cowardly.

If they suck because of a lack of leadership skills, American is the sucking vacuum of the whole world under Trump.
dude the russians were getting tanked. their people were being decimated by the germans.
They took terrible casualities, yes. One of seven Russians were killed or wounded or injured during the war. They would have simply retreated behind the Ural mountains, regrouped, and came back.

Germany would have had to develop and use the atomic bomb to win.
Americans will have to look to Great Britain and France for world leadership for the rest of this administration's term in office.
yeah, jake, that just might be the stupidest post you've ever made. Those two losing countries lead something? What happened in WWI and II?
You are so foolish as well as illiterate.

WWI: GB and FR lost many more KIA and WIA and MIA than the US. Did you know that?

WWII: GB once again had more casualties than the US. Did you know that?

Trump has demonstrated no mental or emotional stability necessary for a world leader and has created no consistent foreign policy.

Yes, America has abdicated the leadership of the West.
who was following who?
Are you aware that GB and FR fought the Germans for almost three years before the Americans entered WWI?

Are you aware that GB and FR went to war with the Germans more than two years before Pearl Harbor?

Are you aware in WWII that GB under Winston Churchill stood alone against Hitler and the Germans and Italians for a year before the Russians entered the war and year and a half before the Americans entered the war?

Did you go to home school?

I would also like to add that Canada was in both wars from the beginning and also suffered great lossses.

My three older brothers took part in WWII, my father fought in WWI. My oldest brother was wounded on Juno Beach on D-Day. My middle brother was in the Navy doing convoy escorts across the Atlantic.
Not to climb in here, but rather on the way out note that the Ruskies turned the tide at Stalingrad w/o mush western help. It's possible there would have been separate peaces with the UK and Russia, but the Germans had an indeginous nuk program, which the soviets did not. The book Freedomland is fiction, but not without some points.

But that's not really here or there. The US got into WWI partially on nationalism and "morality," but the elites knew our interests would not be served if Germany won, as we'd see them in Mexico and latin America, and if the W.Powers won ... they'd carve up the colonial world without regard to our interests.... or the interest of liberal democracy and self-determination (two of Reagan's themes).

The alt-R eschews America as a world military power, but history doesn't bear out the wisdom of that. I don't know why Trump axed the one for all language from his speech. But Pence Congress and Mattis are doing all they can to back stroke from it.

The Germany that came out of the cold war has little in common with the Kaiser or Hitler, but an united Germany did not fair too well against the Soviets. Modern Germany has little in common militarily with it's past, and the rest of W. Europe WANTS it that way. But all that has nothing to do with how much they spend on defense. And the US actually SAVES money basing troops in Germany. They pay us.

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