The simple truth of the marijuana issue

Sessions does. Want to go over his pot quotes again? The KKK was OK until it started smoking pot = Jeff Sessions

Sessions worries me a little. I mean, he can't even get up in front of a group without constantly stuttering and stammering like he is totally unprepared to speak. Maybe he needs to get stoned.

Michael Phelps comes to mind as 100% proof you are FULL OF SHIT and anti-reefer PROPAGANDA....

Look Fool, rationalize your dope habit anyway you want, but it is a MEDICAL FACT that smoking stunts your lungs. The younger you are when you start, the more you smoked, the greater the effect. I don't know what age he started or how heavy his usage, but he obviously has superior genes. The question is, how much better might his lung capacity be had he not smoked at all? We can never know that. And he is still young. Wait till he is 50 and 60 years old; when you are young, your body is good at hiding and dealing with injuries and harm that come back to bite you and feel more as you get older.

Just checking, but are you saying unless something has zero health concerns then it should be illegal? You sure about that little government conservative?

Nothing has zero health concerns. Eat too much spinach or bananas and even they will have some sort of negative impact. Problem with refer is the heavy tars and resin. Far worse than those in cigarettes. Not only are they a carcinogen but they are hard to remove. Take some of that black crud from your pipe and smear it on your clothes then go try to wash it out. Go ahead, keep washing. The stuff is nasty, the cilia of the lungs cannot float it out/ So if you are going to do pot, if you can wait until your body is done developing the better, and if you can take breaks occasionally, a few days or weeks every few months to let the lungs recover and the blood levels to clear the better. Start getting a chronic cough------ stop smoking till it goes away. Take a few months off once a year would be great. Also, eating it (on pizza, etc.,) is a great alternative to smoking it. Uses more but it is a greater, longer lasting organic high.

So, long story short on your post is that pot should be legal.
About the only holdouts are the right wing social conservatives. Pretty much everyone else is moving towards legalization of marijuana.

In 2009 the Dems had the WH and both houses of Congress.

Why didn't the Dems legalize?

Dems do what the ATTORNEY LOBBY tells them to do... and freedom and self determination are four letter words to Dems.

YOU NEED BIG GOVERNMENT FOR EVERYTHING is the summary of the Dem Party.
Bigger fish to fry. Had to do something about the 2nd Great Republican Depression. Then there was health care, winding down the Bush wars, saving the US auto industry, and fighting all the repug obstruction for everything else. All Obama was able to do was to direct the Justice department not to make marijuana enforcement a high priority. Seems reasonable not to have the government spending billions of dollars fucking up people's lives just because they want to grow or consume a harmless plant. Of course, now the "small government" repugs want to turn that around again. Assholes.

Repug calls for small government only seem to be in regards to regulations restraining business from freely polluting, colluding, price fixing, lying in advertising, putting out faulty or dangerous products, etc. Oh, and government small enough to fit in a woman's uterus. They certainly aren't calling for individual freedoms except for psychos to have guns, the right to work for a pittance, and the right to choose between having healthcare and eating.
Sessions does. Want to go over his pot quotes again? The KKK was OK until it started smoking pot = Jeff Sessions

Sessions worries me a little. I mean, he can't even get up in front of a group without constantly stuttering and stammering like he is totally unprepared to speak. Maybe he needs to get stoned.

Michael Phelps comes to mind as 100% proof you are FULL OF SHIT and anti-reefer PROPAGANDA....

Look Fool, rationalize your dope habit anyway you want, but it is a MEDICAL FACT that smoking stunts your lungs. The younger you are when you start, the more you smoked, the greater the effect. I don't know what age he started or how heavy his usage, but he obviously has superior genes. The question is, how much better might his lung capacity be had he not smoked at all? We can never know that. And he is still young. Wait till he is 50 and 60 years old; when you are young, your body is good at hiding and dealing with injuries and harm that come back to bite you and feel more as you get older.

Just checking, but are you saying unless something has zero health concerns then it should be illegal? You sure about that little government conservative?

Nothing has zero health concerns. Eat too much spinach or bananas and even they will have some sort of negative impact. Problem with refer is the heavy tars and resin. Far worse than those in cigarettes. Not only are they a carcinogen but they are hard to remove. Take some of that black crud from your pipe and smear it on your clothes then go try to wash it out. Go ahead, keep washing. The stuff is nasty, the cilia of the lungs cannot float it out/ So if you are going to do pot, if you can wait until your body is done developing the better, and if you can take breaks occasionally, a few days or weeks every few months to let the lungs recover and the blood levels to clear the better. Start getting a chronic cough------ stop smoking till it goes away. Take a few months off once a year would be great. Also, eating it (on pizza, etc.,) is a great alternative to smoking it. Uses more but it is a greater, longer lasting organic high.

So, long story short on your post is that pot should be legal.

ABSOLUTELY. But with caveats. How can anyone rationalize legal alcohol while making pot a crime? I've seen mean drunks and drunk fools who drive and wreck, killing themself and others. I haven't heard of too many people stoned on grass who decided to go out and rob a bank, beat their wife, start a fight or pass out at the wheel.
The state will get rich and taxes will go down?? WTF, sure the state will get rich but that's about least in California.

How does a state get rich selling an oversurplus of pot to itself? I've heard people are giving it away in CA. Oh, you mean exporting it to other states in the Union for sale that haven't "legalized" it, so the prices are high. So California is a cartel then.

And you wonder why Sessions is stepping in.
depends; cigarettes sales still happen and not everyone wants to grow their own tobacco.

How much commercial tobacco is grown in CA? Needs a lot of water I've heard. So does pot. If CA succeeds in getting the other states in the Union on board to lobby Congress to take pot off of Schedule 1 so they can "make a killing" off of it (while it then can be grown in every state in the Union), mass production will instantly shift to water rich states...and CA will have lobbied itself into a mere consumer position. Smart. Same with CO and all the other rogue states that decided to take pot off of Schedule 1 without the other states having a say so.

These states lobbying to get rich off of pot are actually lobbying it for exports to states where it isn't legal. Because that's the only way they can make money from a plant everyone could grow in their back yard if it was legal where it's sold. These states so lobbying are actually cartels.
Silly, cannabis will grow just about anywhere. It is called "weed" for a reason!
We need a couple guys as AG who were at least kinda losers in High School. Sessions is a 71 year old former Eagle Scout, Army captain, and lawyer. Fuckin' Leave It To Beaver motherfuckers are never going to let us smoke weed. :D
If you don’t like the law change it, don’t blame the guy whose job it is to enforce it. The law is wrong not the guy who took an oath to enforce the laws of the USA. You think old people are against pot laws? I’m 72. I never tried pot until last year when I had trouble sleeping. I have 2 marijuana cookies a couple hours before bedtime and sleep all night. It’s wonderful, but even though it is legal in oregon it is still against federal law until we get Congress to change it. Obama didn’t do the country any favors just ignoring laws when he could have used his bully pulpit to change them. Trump takes a different approach, enforce unpopular laws and Congress will change them, if congress is willing to get off it’s ass and do something. Don’t blame Trump for laws he has taken an oath to enforce, blame Congress for not listening to their constituents and changing unfair laws.
All Obama was able to do was to direct the Justice department not to make marijuana enforcement a high priority.

Nice try.

Bigot Obama, noticing that most of the legalizers and medicinal folks were white and libertarian, couldn't resist the opportunity to lie and pack Federal prisons with WHITES...

Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot

Back when he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue," he vowed, promising an end to the Bush administration's high-profile raids on providers of medical pot, which is legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia.

But over the past year, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a multiagency crackdown on medical cannabis that goes far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. The feds are busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws, vowing to seize the property of anyone who dares to even rent to legal pot dispensaries, and threatening to imprison state employees responsible for regulating medical marijuana. With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush's record for medical-marijuana busts. "There's no question that Obama's the worst president on medical marijuana," says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. "He's gone from first to worst."

Obama and Holder lied to whites and then packed 'em in prison for being white and not being for BIG GOVERNMENT in every aspect of life...

Holder's DOJ was by far the most racially bigoted DOJ in modern history.

Will Sessions reverse that?


Sessions is getting rich letting folks off....
80 percent of Americans want illegals to be given a path to legal status. And yet we haven't done it

Another robust lie.

W and O promised amnesty and didn't do much else but grant it....
I stopped smoking cigarettes but continued to smoke marijuana. Interestingly enough, my breathing went back up,

Marijuana through a bong or water pipe does absolutely no damage assuming you don't hit it 50 times a day. It increases lung capacity, and Michael Phelps is living proof.

Pot as PED Performance Enhancing Drug?


It is a PLANT, a PEP!!!!!!!!!!!!
80 percent of Americans want illegals to be given a path to legal status. And yet we haven't done it

Another robust lie.
You wish.

Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants

Americans open to legal status, citizenship for illegal immigrants: Poll
Most Americans think the U.S. government should deport illegal immigrants living in the country who have been convicted of other crimes, but also say the government should develop plans to allow some to gain legal status or U.S. citizenship, according to a poll released Friday.

And 90 percent said they would support a bill allowing a path to U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants who have been in the country for a number of years, hold a job, speak English, and are willing to pay back taxes.


65+14 = 79%

Poll Roundup: Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship - America's Voice




Legal status or citizenship is 59 + 19 = 78 percent.

"Deport them" = 18 percent. They are on the losing side, big time.

Poll Roundup Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship

June-July 2013

  • 88% of Americans support allowing immigrants to become citizens
  • 83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens
Plenty more evidence in the link.

On immigration, Republicans favor path to legal status, but differ over citizenship


What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

The Republican response:

no not at all.....i was talking about pot not politics.....

Legalization is politics.
if you read what i said i was talking about jones and was commenting on what HE said....

Right, I'm commenting on what you said. See how that works?
no you were not.....i never mentioned republicans voting on anything,you did..i never said anything about legalizing pot,you did.......i was talking about jones,so until you talk about what i said about jones,not the republicans,you were not talking about what i said....see how that works?.......

You said 'many righties smoke pot" and therefore I replied with they vote against their own best interests. Is this confusing to you?
yea it is.....because im sure the ones who want pot legalized voted for it if they had a chance how were they voting against their own interests?....
62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

That is the true number, 17%.

Legalization is politics.
if you read what i said i was talking about jones and was commenting on what HE said....

Right, I'm commenting on what you said. See how that works?
no you were not.....i never mentioned republicans voting on anything,you did..i never said anything about legalizing pot,you did.......i was talking about jones,so until you talk about what i said about jones,not the republicans,you were not talking about what i said....see how that works?.......

You said 'many righties smoke pot" and therefore I replied with they vote against their own best interests. Is this confusing to you?
yea it is.....because im sure the ones who want pot legalized voted for it if they had a chance how were they voting against their own interests?....

They are voting for politicians who aren't interested in legalizing pot and in the case of Trump, his own attorney general is notoriously anti-pot. So, yeah, if you voted for Trump and smoke pot, you didn't do yourself any favors.
Only old folks who still believe "Reefer Madness" want it illegal. They are dying off, and every election cycle the poll numbers for legalizing go up 2 points, and now stand in the low 60% level of support.

How can a "democracy" not enact that which 60% of the people support?

A: when the Congress is too beholden to those making money off reefer prohibition - the LAWYERS

Making reefer legal does the following....

1. it stops a CASH FLOW OUT OF THE COUNTRY to some of the worst criminal gangs on the planet
2. it stops the crimes associated with dealing contraband, as it did when Chicago crime dropped off a cliff when Prohibition was repealed
3. it is a net PLUS $300 billion per year to the US Treasury, at a time when the US now has a $20 trillion deficit
4. it allows farmers to grow crops here that are useful for a variety of products, as hemp use is diverse and profitable
5. it employs more Americans who pay more in taxes

Keeping reefer illegal

1. keeps money flowing to criminal gangs and LAWYERS
2. appeases the worst sub human parrots to ever exist, those who actually believe "Reefer Madness" like Jeff Sessions
Pot smoke causes cancer.
So says the State of California.

Marijuana Smoke

Chemical Status
Currently listed
Chemical Listing Details
Listed as causing:
Date of Listing:
Basis for Listing:

Marijuana Smoke
So, yeah, if you voted for Trump and smoke pot, you didn't do yourself any favors.

Yeah, we should have voted for another Dem and gotten what we got from the last Dem... a big fat LIE and a backstab....

Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot

Back when he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue," he vowed, promising an end to the Bush administration's high-profile raids on providers of medical pot, which is legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia.

But over the past year, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a multiagency crackdown on medical cannabis that goes far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. The feds are busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws, vowing to seize the property of anyone who dares to even rent to legal pot dispensaries, and threatening to imprison state employees responsible for regulating medical marijuana. With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush's record for medical-marijuana busts. "There's no question that Obama's the worst president on medical marijuana," says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. "He's gone from first to worst."
Pot smoke causes cancer

Alcohol and cancer are highly correlated.

When Mick Jagger dies of cancer, let me know. Right now, after a life of pot smoking, Mick is a picture of health at his age....

making fools of all the liars spreading fear trying to keep attorneys and international drug cartels rich, and America poor....
if you read what i said i was talking about jones and was commenting on what HE said....

Right, I'm commenting on what you said. See how that works?
no you were not.....i never mentioned republicans voting on anything,you did..i never said anything about legalizing pot,you did.......i was talking about jones,so until you talk about what i said about jones,not the republicans,you were not talking about what i said....see how that works?.......

You said 'many righties smoke pot" and therefore I replied with they vote against their own best interests. Is this confusing to you?
yea it is.....because im sure the ones who want pot legalized voted for it if they had a chance how were they voting against their own interests?....

They are voting for politicians who aren't interested in legalizing pot and in the case of Trump, his own attorney general is notoriously anti-pot. So, yeah, if you voted for Trump and smoke pot, you didn't do yourself any favors.
in my state you voted on a did not matter what the politicians try again...
Pot smoke causes cancer

Alcohol and cancer are highly correlated.

When Mick Jagger dies of cancer, let me know. Right now, after a life of pot smoking, Mick is a picture of health at his age....

making fools of all the liars spreading fear trying to keep attorneys and international drug cartels rich, and America poor....
Pot smoke causes cancer

Alcohol and cancer are highly correlated.

When Mick Jagger dies of cancer, let me know. Right now, after a life of pot smoking, Mick is a picture of health at his age....

making fools of all the liars spreading fear trying to keep attorneys and international drug cartels rich, and America poor....
George Burns made it to triple digits smoking and drinking. Per your scientific genius thinking there is no issue with tobacco or alcohol.
62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

That is the true number, 17%.

Add dumbshit. 62 + 17 = 79.

Citizenship + legal resident.
George Burns made it to triple digits smoking and drinking. Per your scientific genius thinking there is no issue with tobacco or alcohol.

George Burns didn't inhale his cigars. He was also not a raving drunk alcohol addict. Small amounts of alcohol in reason do not cause cancer. Drinking every night year after year does.

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