The simple truth of the marijuana issue

The Republican Party only bleevs in the Will of the People when it suits them.

The GOP is hostage to the 13 percent who are bigots.
George Burns made it to triple digits smoking and drinking. Per your scientific genius thinking there is no issue with tobacco or alcohol.

George Burns didn't inhale his cigars. He was also not a raving drunk alcohol addict. Small amounts of alcohol in reason do not cause cancer. Drinking every night year after year does.
Dufus thinks you have to inhale tobacco smoke to get cancer.
Smokeless Tobacco and Cancer

So then dufus says since other things cause cancer lets have everything that causes cancer on the grocery shelves.
The Republican Party only bleevs in the Will of the People when it suits them.

The GOP is hostage to the 13 percent who are bigots.
Pass the law then, dufus. Last I checked Pelosi was from pot loving Calif as well as both dufus Senators. Where is the bill to get it leagalized?

Oh yeah, no one wants to discuss the truth of pot.
no one wants to discuss the truth of pot.

Here's a truth about pot that you and yours hate....

This guy did bongs...

and those bongs harmed him so badly, he won these swimming...

This guy spent his life jumping cars and trucks on a motorcycle, so let's all do it!

No problem here, let's all do it!
The Republican Party only bleevs in the Will of the People when it suits them.

The GOP is hostage to the 13 percent who are bigots.
Pass the law then, dufus. Last I checked Pelosi was from pot loving Calif as well as both dufus Senators. Where is the bill to get it leagalized?

Oh yeah, no one wants to discuss the truth of pot.

No, they don't. I agree.

Adding yet another dangerous drug into the general populace just because some are already there is faulty reasoning. It is true that regulating and taxing the production and sale of 'dangerous drugs' is profitable - and I think that the ease with which pot can be homegrown plays at least a part in the delay of legalization...or has.

However - there will always be over users and misusers among us. The young will always find a way to taste forbidden fruit.

Therefore - If folks want to overindulge in alcohol, or pot, or cigarettes, or food, or have wild unprotected sex in their own homes, so be it. Keep the streets free of it, and don't ask those of us who don't 'overindulge' to pay your medical bills, buy your groceries or put a roof over your heads.

I'm tired of hearing the hypocritical argument that people should be 'free' to damage their minds and bodies at will - yet expect others to be 'unfree' when picking up the tab for others poor choices.

I'm tired of hearing the hypocritical argument that people should be 'free' to damage their minds and bodies at will -

You damage your mind every Sunday going to church and believing a whole bunch of obvious BULLSHIT.
I stopped smoking cigarettes but continued to smoke marijuana. Interestingly enough, my breathing went back up,

Marijuana through a bong or water pipe does absolutely no damage assuming you don't hit it 50 times a day. It increases lung capacity, and Michael Phelps is living proof.

Pot as PED Performance Enhancing Drug?


It is a PLANT, a PEP!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know, not only is it that I mainly smoke out of a water pipe, but there is also the amount I would smoke when you compared cigarettes vs. marijuana. When I smoked cigarettes, I would go through a pack a day (20 cigarettes). When I smoke marijuana, I only go through 2 to 3 bowls a day, 4 or 5 if I'm smoking a lot that day. And, a joint will fill approx. 4 bowls on my waterpipe, so essentially I'm only smoking 1/2 to 1 joint a day.

And, because of the design of the water pipe, you don't have to smoke the whole bowl in 1 sitting. I can take a hit or two, walk away, and then come back a while later and take another rip or two.

And the best part about the water pipe other than the way it filters all the crap out of your smoke is that there is no smoke that hits the air other than what comes out of your lungs. I built one for my cousin a while back, and her mom said that she was grateful that I did, because her room and her mom's house no longer smells like marijuana.
Bongs removed the two worst things in smoke = heat and large particles that stick to your lungs.

Bong smoke does not stick to lungs because all big sticky particles end up in the water.

Bongs are healthy.
Bongs removed the two worst things in smoke = heat and large particles that stick to your lungs.

Bong smoke does not stick to lungs because all big sticky particles end up in the water.

Bongs are healthy.

You know, one of the reasons I designed the waterpipe that I did was because all the other ones that I've had were TOO FREAKING HARD TO CLEAN!!!! So, I worked on a few designs and now have one that filters through 3/4 gal. of water, no smoke hits the air from the pipe, and it is also part hookah, because I have 2 hoses coming off of it (to me, smoking is a social thing).

When the water turns green, I know it's getting close to time to wash, and when the water turns brown, it's time to clean. You also see lots of resin and tar sticking to the glass on the inside, and where the hoses attach to the bong, that is the main place where the resin collects, because it has to go through 2 90 deg. bends to get to the mouthpiece.

Whenever I clean it, I usually end up pulling out 1/2 gram of black tar.

Best part? Only takes me 5 min. to clean using Dawn dishwashing liquid and a blue scotch scrub pad. If I have to clean the hoses too? Another 5 min, ram rodding an alcohol pad through the hoses.

Probably one of the best things I've ever invented in my life. And, it's made out of brass and glass for the main part, and the hoses are food grade plastic. Interestingly enough, plastic has a strong affinity for cannabis resin. After a couple of months of use, the hoses turn a nice coffee brown, but when they get too dark, I simply go to the hardware store and buy more.
Yeah, the old white Neocon dudes who run the Republican Party, are woefully out of touch with the issue. I'll take a Marijuana user over a drunk every time. There's no rational justification for arresting and throwing Marijuana users in cages. Just decriminalize and move on. The Republicans are gonna lose bigtime on this issue down the road. They really should consider defending individual freedom & liberty instead.
Yeah, the old white Neocon dudes who run the Republican Party, are woefully out of touch with the issue. I'll take a Marijuana user over a drunk every time. There's no rational justification for arresting and throwing Marijuana users in cages. Just decriminalize and move on. The Republicans are gonna lose bigtime on this issue down the road. They really should consider defending individual freedom & liberty instead.
so are the old democrats for pot?....if so were are they in congress?...
Yeah, the old white Neocon dudes who run the Republican Party, are woefully out of touch with the issue. I'll take a Marijuana user over a drunk every time. There's no rational justification for arresting and throwing Marijuana users in cages. Just decriminalize and move on. The Republicans are gonna lose bigtime on this issue down the road. They really should consider defending individual freedom & liberty instead.

Same here. I used to work as night manager at a biker bar here in Amarillo called "Boondocks", and one of the things was that (even though illegal), they didn't mind if people smoked in the parking lot out back. Worked there for a bit over 4 years and I noticed something.

Some people would come there to listen to the bands, have some chow, and only smoked marijuana. Those were the BEST customers to have, because they were cheerful and friendly all the time, as well as were the best tippers.

Some people would come and would smoke marijuana and drink a beer or two. Those people didn't tip as well, but they still did, and for the most part were pretty mellow customers.

Some people would come and drink only beer, and those customers were okay, but on occasion would get a bit too rowdy and have to be calmed down.

And lastly, because it was a beer only bar, state law allowed private bottles to be brought in. Those were the people I would watch the closest, because that is where the majority of the problems seemed to come from.

Yeah.......................give me a mellow pot smoker over an obnoxious drunk any day of the week.
Yeah, the old white Neocon dudes who run the Republican Party, are woefully out of touch with the issue. I'll take a Marijuana user over a drunk every time. There's no rational justification for arresting and throwing Marijuana users in cages. Just decriminalize and move on. The Republicans are gonna lose bigtime on this issue down the road. They really should consider defending individual freedom & liberty instead.

Same here. I used to work as night manager at a biker bar here in Amarillo called "Boondocks", and one of the things was that (even though illegal), they didn't mind if people smoked in the parking lot out back. Worked there for a bit over 4 years and I noticed something.

Some people would come there to listen to the bands, have some chow, and only smoked marijuana. Those were the BEST customers to have, because they were cheerful and friendly all the time, as well as were the best tippers.

Some people would come and would smoke marijuana and drink a beer or two. Those people didn't tip as well, but they still did, and for the most part were pretty mellow customers.

Some people would come and drink only beer, and those customers were okay, but on occasion would get a bit too rowdy and have to be calmed down.

And lastly, because it was a beer only bar, state law allowed private bottles to be brought in. Those were the people I would watch the closest, because that is where the majority of the problems seemed to come from.

Yeah.......................give me a mellow pot smoker over an obnoxious drunk any day of the week.

It's irrational puritan religious zealots who made Marijuana Prohibition law. No Citizen should be arrested and thrown in a cage for using it. That's just barbaric. The old white Neocon Republican dudes are way out of touch on this. I expect Democrats to make significant gains on this issue.
Yeah, the old white Neocon dudes who run the Republican Party, are woefully out of touch with the issue. I'll take a Marijuana user over a drunk every time. There's no rational justification for arresting and throwing Marijuana users in cages. Just decriminalize and move on. The Republicans are gonna lose bigtime on this issue down the road. They really should consider defending individual freedom & liberty instead.

Same here. I used to work as night manager at a biker bar here in Amarillo called "Boondocks", and one of the things was that (even though illegal), they didn't mind if people smoked in the parking lot out back. Worked there for a bit over 4 years and I noticed something.

Some people would come there to listen to the bands, have some chow, and only smoked marijuana. Those were the BEST customers to have, because they were cheerful and friendly all the time, as well as were the best tippers.

Some people would come and would smoke marijuana and drink a beer or two. Those people didn't tip as well, but they still did, and for the most part were pretty mellow customers.

Some people would come and drink only beer, and those customers were okay, but on occasion would get a bit too rowdy and have to be calmed down.

And lastly, because it was a beer only bar, state law allowed private bottles to be brought in. Those were the people I would watch the closest, because that is where the majority of the problems seemed to come from.

Yeah.......................give me a mellow pot smoker over an obnoxious drunk any day of the week.

It's irrational puritan religious zealots who made Marijuana Prohibition law. No Citizen should be arrested and thrown in a cage for using it. That's just barbaric. The old white Neocon Republican dudes are way out of touch on this. I expect Democrats to make significant gains on this issue.

You know, if you have the chance, I recommend checking out a documentary called "Grass" that is narrated by Woody Allen. It goes through the complete history of marijuana in this country. And, the reason it was made illegal in the first place was because of a racist named Anslinger who hated brown and black people.

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