Zone1 The sin that causes the most souls to be lost

From a worldly persective, coveting is a virtue, not a sin

The world is full of Marxists coveting what others have so they can redistribute to enrich themselves.
good point RE marxism

what a loser system that is.. Why can't people remember one simple number:

100 million

killed by communism
envy of what?

do they envy Rs for being more intelligent?

And for being healthier.

And for being more mature.

And for being better looking.

And for being more mentally stable.

etc, etc, etc.....

Democrats are extremely envious pathetic assholes.
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And for being healthier.

And for being more mature.

And for being better looking.

And for being more mentally stable.

etc, etc, etc.....

Democrats are extremely envious pathetic assholes.

succinctly put.

I don't know about that better looking thing (I'm no spring chicken)

But this occurs to me: If they envy people all those things and I know they do.. Why don't they just try harder to be all those things.. instead of just tearing down the envied ones?

But I already know the answer:

The answer is: your last sentence.. pathetic a&*^%$#s
The best way to get yourself to love others is through prayer and self-denial. Some people are more naturally comported to love people. Others like me have to work at it. This forum is actually a near occasion of the sin of being uncharitable.
can't argue w/ that.

I've already confessed being guilty of being uncharitable at times (not that I had to confess.. people can just read my posts and see..)

And I have prayed about not being so snarky in the future.. not sure how I am doing.. I mean, if liberals don't make you "lose your religion" what does?
Canonized saints say that most people lose their souls over sexual immorality than any other sin. That makes sense. The Bible says something about how sin is bad but the one who commits sexual immorality sins against his very body. Actually, I think all sins or most do that but the point is, it is worse with sexual immorality.

2nd to that, the saints say is Lack of Charity

It figures the novus ordo Church never even mentions this as being a mortal sin, to speak of. I did go to a pretty good NO Church some months ago that had one of those fliers nearby the confessional telling us how such and such sin violates this or that Commandment and I seem to recall something about not caring for the less fortunate or whatever.. but it's a vague memory..

I have found novus ordo priests to be rude, self-centered, apathetic about helping the unfortunate --and some have even yelled at me in the confessional (over something so petty, it was totally ridiculous)..

"You will know them by their fruits" Jesus said......

You're right. Much better to follow atheist regimes that have murdered tens of millions.

Lashon Hara is considered an unpardonable sin.
Canonized saints say that most people lose their souls over sexual immorality than any other sin. That makes sense. The Bible says something about how sin is bad but the one who commits sexual immorality sins against his very body. Actually, I think all sins or most do that but the point is, it is worse with sexual immorality.

2nd to that, the saints say is Lack of Charity

It figures the novus ordo Church never even mentions this as being a mortal sin, to speak of. I did go to a pretty good NO Church some months ago that had one of those fliers nearby the confessional telling us how such and such sin violates this or that Commandment and I seem to recall something about not caring for the less fortunate or whatever.. but it's a vague memory..

I have found novus ordo priests to be rude, self-centered, apathetic about helping the unfortunate --and some have even yelled at me in the confessional (over something so petty, it was totally ridiculous)..

"You will know them by their fruits" Jesus said......
The sin that causes all souls to be lost is the sin that remains unrepentant........its called having a reprobate mentality, refusing to accept God's revelations as to what constitutes morality, continuing not to turn from what is known sin. There is no excuse as God has... though, "His divine power granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to glory and execllence." -- 2 Peter 1:3

"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar; and his word is not in us." -- 1 John 1:8-10

Salvation is granted to the one that finishes this race called life in a righteous manner, this is accomplished by worshiping in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24). Has anyone ever been rewarded for running only a portion of a race? Even the Apostle speaks of being "disqualified" during the race, confirming that Salvation is the Sabbath of Christianity....and our rest comes after the race is run......all though life we must race to the finish, with fear of being disqualified.(1 Cor. 9:24-27)

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10) Wisdom comes from failure.....when one falls, he gets up WISER with the knowledge of what caused him/her to fall.

That's the thing about Christianity. There is nothing we as man can do that can qualify us for salvation.........Jesus provided a method of doing what the old law could not provide.....eternal salvation and fellowship with the Father, He did this by BECOMING SIN HIMSELF even though he was spotless and sinfree, He became the ultimate blood sacrifice. "He made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us; that we might become the rightousness of God in Him." -- 2 Cor. 5:21
I understand the "unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit" is Unforgiveness which causes a vicious cycle of refusing God's forgiveness grace and ability to redeem through Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. This unforgiveness prevents wrongs from being addressed and corrected as forgiveness allows God's love and truth in that sets us free.
I understand the "unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit" is Unforgiveness which causes a vicious cycle of refusing God's forgiveness grace and ability to redeem through Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice. This unforgiveness prevents wrongs from being addressed and corrected as forgiveness allows God's love and truth in that sets us free.
This happens when you allow yourself to have a "reprobate" mind. A good example of such a sin is when one comprehends/understands with premeditation that their actions are sinful.......and make a decision to do that which they know conflicts directly with the Holy Spirit of can lie to yourself but you can't lie to God. That which remains unrepentant.......cannot be forgiven, its a sin that leadeth unto death.

Acts 5:3-4. "But Peter said, "Ananias, Why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of your land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it that you contrived this in your heart? You have not lied to man, but to God."

John writes of a sin.........not leading to death, and a sin leading to death (1 John 5:16-17). According to James a sin that leads to eternal death is a sin that is fulfilled completely (James 1:15) Such a sin is a sin that a person continues in, does not admit to ever engaging in such a sin to any person, and never repents of that then becomes unforgiveable, that which is not confessed and reprented becomes a death sentence for the spirit.

Paul speaks of such people whom God has given up on..........casting them away because they with full knowledge of God's existence and authority gave themselves over to a reprobate mind, they in essence ignored all warnings and advise from the Holy Spirit of God that showed them that God existed by the things that He made/created, by ignorning that which is apparently clear and unambiguous, they have called God a liar for they do not respect God, might alone Fear Him. (Romans 1:28)

In Acts 5:3-4............Ananias basically called the Holy Spirit of God a liar.........that was an unforgivable sin because Ananias and his wife both became servant to their reprobate mind due to greed.

Jesus Himself gives another example of the "unforgivable sin", He called it "Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit of God" (Mathew 12:31-32, Mark 3:28-30). Jesus was speaking of the scribes and Pharisees when they accused Him of casting out demons by the power of Satan (Matt. 12:24), Jesus refuted their conclusions and stated He cast out demons by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit of God. They had accused Jesus of having an unclean spirit (Mark 3:30), thus they were saying that the Holy Spirit of God was unclean.......or a lying God, that is unforgivable sin because the one's that have called God a liar and do not fear His authority and power.....actually believe the lies they are promoting and will never change, because God has given up on ever changing their unholy attitudes. The very first step to etenral salvation begins with belief/faith.......without belief, no sin can be forgiven, one must have faith in the One that has taken our sin upon Himself......Christ Jesus. Void of this are doomed to die in your sins.
Luther, the "father of protestantism" was guilty of this big time

He thought he could build a better Church than Jesus.. and we see the disastrous results.. 500 years after his death, the world is still waging wars all over the place, sexual immorality has taken hold and in the US an election was stolen..

all because no one thought God had rules anymore.. I guess He tossed them out the window and said to us here below

Do what you want! No problem. Listen to Luther who said you can commit adultery 20 times a day and still be saved! What would I have done had Luther not come along! He showed Me a much better way... Silly Me!

Wasn't Mary Magdalene a prostitute?
There is one sin from which there is no forgiveness.... that is the sin of hypocracy!
Dear Billo_Really:
I forgive hypocrisy all the time, because most people run into contradictions at some point
and have to accept corrections, based on their own words/principles, which is usually mutual.

So if I can forgive something, God who is more unconditionally loving and forgiving because of
greater understanding of why things are happening, is able to forgive.

What we cannot change is when someone refuses, just doesn't agree or isn't ready to forgive.
Not even God can "FORCE" someone to forgive!
This requires free will, total voluntary openness to forgiveness.

In the meantime, unforgiveness means shutting this part off from change, from God and healing,
from correction and resolution, it stays stuck. So people stay stuck where they are when we don't forgive.

When we agree to let God in by asking help with forgiveness, then anything can be addressed, resolved and healed.

So the one unforgiveable sin against the Holy Spirit is the sin of Unforgiveness
since it blocks God's love and truth from overcoming and resolving any other transgression.
The sin that causes all souls to be lost is the sin that remains unrepentant........its called having a reprobate mentality, refusing to accept God's revelations as to what constitutes morality, continuing not to turn from what is known sin. There is no excuse as God has... though, "His divine power granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to glory and execllence." -- 2 Peter 1:3

"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar; and his word is not in us." -- 1 John 1:8-10

Salvation is granted to the one that finishes this race called life in a righteous manner, this is accomplished by worshiping in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24). Has anyone ever been rewarded for running only a portion of a race? Even the Apostle speaks of being "disqualified" during the race, confirming that Salvation is the Sabbath of Christianity....and our rest comes after the race is run......all though life we must race to the finish, with fear of being disqualified.(1 Cor. 9:24-27)

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10) Wisdom comes from failure.....when one falls, he gets up WISER with the knowledge of what caused him/her to fall.

That's the thing about Christianity. There is nothing we as man can do that can qualify us for salvation.........Jesus provided a method of doing what the old law could not provide.....eternal salvation and fellowship with the Father, He did this by BECOMING SIN HIMSELF even though he was spotless and sinfree, He became the ultimate blood sacrifice. "He made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us; that we might become the rightousness of God in Him." -- 2 Cor. 5:21
all of what you have written here is in conformity with Catholic teaching (though novus ordo "Catholic" Churches cannot be trusted at all times to teach orthodox Christianity.. so I go to the Society of St Pius X Church whenever I can)

Anyhow.. this all reminds m e of an interesting little story from my life. Years ago I would argue with protestants about.. that "nothing man can do" thing.. how only Christ can save. In a way, I was correct because we have to work with Christ to get into Heaven and St Paul says we will undergo many hardships in order to do so.. But I didn't fully understand way back then how extremely difficult it is to give up ALL one's sins.. and so now i realize it truly is (at least virtually) impossible. One thing that helped me realize that is that I spent time in Christ's tangible Presence one time... for several hours straight and Jesus, despite me being a sinner, took me to the most awesome spiritual place I hve ever been to.. a place where He did not see my sins or my unworthiness, as I myself had always done.. I could write a book on how to beat up on yourself w/o mercy.. But Jesus is mercy itself. I was not in a state of mortal sin then but venial ones can bother you relentlessly also. However, in that moment, I did not.. could not.. even think of my worthlessness.. and so when I start to beat up on myself these days, I recall that moment in His Presence.. and i have to recall that moment or I cannot come out of my.. feeling of being such a big sinner

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