Zone1 The sin that causes the most souls to be lost

There is no such thing as sin.
"Sins" are actions that may lead to your death.

For example:

Covet (fuck) thy neighbor's wife, he just may kill you.

Steal (covet) thy neighbor's new lawnmower, he just may kill you.

Be a faggot, you just may die from AIDS.

Murder someone, their close friends or family members just may kill you. cetera...

Sinful behavior has deadly consequences.
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"Sins" are actions that may lead to your death.

For example:

Covet (fuck) thy neighbor's wife, he just may kill you.

Steal (covet) thy neighbor's new lawnmower, he just may kill you.

Be a faggot, you just may die from AIDS.

Murder someone, their close friends or family members just may kill you. cetera...

Sinful behavior has deadly consequences.
The dims argue with logic like this

and all forms of logic. they hate objective truth.

I was illogical when I was very young also, but at some point, you'd think people would grow up. Case in point: Pelousi.. When is she ever going to grow up? I mean, surely she knows that murdering the unborn is a sin, condemned throughout the ages by the Church she claims to belong to. Even the post Vatican II church did not change the teaching on life being sacred.. Of course Vatican II didn't change anything anyway.. except appearances (it was a non-dogmatic council). But anyhow, I somewhat digress. Libtards remind me of the anti-Christian freaks who bullied their way into changing things (as much as they could) in the Church.. But anyhow..
Luther, the "father of protestantism" was guilty of this big time

He thought he could build a better Church than Jesus.. and we see the disastrous results.. 500 years after his death, the world is still waging wars all over the place, sexual immorality has taken hold and in the US an election was stolen..

all because no one thought God had rules anymore.. I guess He tossed them out the window and said to us here below

Do what you want! No problem. Listen to Luther who said you can commit adultery 20 times a day and still be saved! What would I have done had Luther not come along! He showed Me a much better way... Silly Me!

Dare we even mention how the CC treated anyone who questioned orthodoxy or who didn't like that the church was extorting massive amounts of money from everyone, telling them they could buy their loved ones out of purgatory?
Dare we even mention how the CC treated anyone who questioned orthodoxy or who didn't like that the church was extorting massive amounts of money from everyone, telling them they could buy their loved ones out of purgatory?
so no Church where there are any members at all is sin-free

big deal

who didn't know that?
"Sins" are actions that may lead to your death.

For example:

Covet (fuck) thy neighbor's wife, he just may kill you.

Steal (covet) thy neighbor's new lawnmower, he just may kill you.

Be a faggot, you just may die from AIDS.

Murder someone, their close friends or family members just may kill you. cetera...

Sinful behavior has deadly consequences.

There is no such thing as sin there are only behaviors that society has deemed acceptable or unacceptable.
all of what you have written here is in conformity with Catholic teaching (though novus ordo "Catholic" Churches cannot be trusted at all times to teach orthodox Christianity.. so I go to the Society of St Pius X Church whenever I can)

Anyhow.. this all reminds m e of an interesting little story from my life. Years ago I would argue with protestants about.. that "nothing man can do" thing.. how only Christ can save. In a way, I was correct because we have to work with Christ to get into Heaven and St Paul says we will undergo many hardships in order to do so.. But I didn't fully understand way back then how extremely difficult it is to give up ALL one's sins.. and so now i realize it truly is (at least virtually) impossible. One thing that helped me realize that is that I spent time in Christ's tangible Presence one time... for several hours straight and Jesus, despite me being a sinner, took me to the most awesome spiritual place I hve ever been to.. a place where He did not see my sins or my unworthiness, as I myself had always done.. I could write a book on how to beat up on yourself w/o mercy.. But Jesus is mercy itself. I was not in a state of mortal sin then but venial ones can bother you relentlessly also. However, in that moment, I did not.. could not.. even think of my worthlessness.. and so when I start to beat up on myself these days, I recall that moment in His Presence.. and i have to recall that moment or I cannot come out of my.. feeling of being such a big sinner
If everything taught in the Holy Bible conformed to Catholic Doctrine.........Jesus would have stated, "Upon this rock I will build a Universal Church that can substitute tradtion over the record inspired by the Spirit of Truth".

Catholics have missed the "mark" as far as Christian Doctrine goes..........when the RCC substitutes tradition over that which is written. Tradition has no source to calibrate truth.........tradition depends upon the mind of man, not the direct teachings of the Holy Spirit, tradition can evolve over the years as demonstrated with the RCC. Truth never evolves, truth as IT IS WRITTEN is the standard that calibrates righteous doctrine, not papal tradition by decree, or there would be no "Blasphemous" Papal decree such as that which declares a man (the Pope) INFALLIBLE

And no Jesus is not mercy itself............Jesus became Sin, not mercy. There is no "mercy" for those who engage in lawlessness with a reprobatge mentality. As Jesus stated, "Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your Name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness." -- Matthew 7:22-23

We are made righteous by the sacrifice of Jesus in taking upon Himself the Sin of the World, we are not made righteous by mercy........there was a price paid for mankind's sin. The price has been paid, its up to each person to accept the conditions attacked to that price, for a Testament (will) to be legal there are conditions stated within that will that must be meet. The primary condition is that one must worship IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH......its truth that sets one free.

The first truth is to accept that all men miss the mark (Sin) and man can do nothing to make himself worthy of forgivness (1 John 1:8-10), its not MERCY that cleanses us of sin, its the Blood of Christ that cleanses us.
Man must accept the truth that Jesus (God incarnate) became Sin in order to pay the price for our sin with His blood. (2 Cor. 5:21)
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..........God would have no man be lost and would have all men be saved by COMING TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH. (2 Tim. 2:4-6)

The Catholic's dilemma? If truth is not subject to "calibration"....testing by any standard, but dependent upon man made can one ever.........KNOW THE TRUTH when it changes from generation to generation by Papal decree (who is a man regardless of what is claimed)? If man can present truth for himself.......has not our Lord's sacrifice been in vain?
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You don't want to talk about how the CC treated people who dared to question the orthodoxy?
Anything about the Catholic Church is totally distorted or a huge lie.. Jesus said His followers would be hated and boy, are they hated! Nothing is more hated in the world than the CC

so no.. people can research these kinds of things themselves.. They obviously don't listen to someone like me.. you know, someone who already has researched this kind of thing.. so they can go do it themselves
If everything taught in the Holy Bible conformed to Catholic Doctrine.........Jesus would have stated, "Upon this rock I will build a Universal Church that can substitute tradtion over the record inspired by the Spirit of Truth".

Catholics have missed the "mark" as far as Christian Doctrine goes..........
no, Protestants have but I am not going to argue

I don't believe in wasting time.

Sin is the false dichotomy. Do what a god says or die

THAT is the false dichotomy
God's laws are nothing but common sense. And humans are known for not having much of that so we needed Moses et al, then Jesus and His Church

But I guess some are all-wise and do not need that..
Anything about the Catholic Church is totally distorted or a huge lie.. Jesus said His followers would be hated and boy, are they hated! Nothing is more hated in the world than the CC

so no.. people can research these kinds of things themselves.. They obviously don't listen to someone like me.. you know, someone who already has researched this kind of thing.. so they can go do it themselves
Okay, I'll start. The CC in the Dark Ages declared anyone who questioned the orthodoxy to be heretics and tortured them, beat them, drowned them, flayed them, burned them at the stake, beheaded them, and manifested all sorts of evil on them. The CC was entirely corrupt, and that's why the leaders of the Reformation rebelled. I know you have a particular animus toward Martin Luther, but there were a lot more of them than just him.
God's laws are nothing but common sense. And humans are known for not having much of that so we needed Moses et al, then Jesus and His Church

But I guess some are all-wise and do not need that..
There are no divine laws. The 10 Commandments were mostly plagiarism of already codified laws

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