The single largest problem in the U.S.?

What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
Political's the opiate of the assess...up is down, right is left, good is bad...just ask most lefties: which should be handed out for free "PLASTIC STRAWS" or "HYPODERMIC NEEDLES" and you'll see what I mean.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
Political's the opiate of the assess...up is down, right is left, good is bad...just ask most lefties: which should be handed out for free "PLASTIC STRAWS" or "HYPODERMIC NEEDLES" and you'll see what I mean.
Yeah, don't worry about animals or people, just lie about Democrats... Based on garbage propaganda.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

!. Abortion on demand
2. Open Borders and Influx of Illegals
4. Leftarded Indoctrination Via Hollyweird and the Public Schools
5. Recreational Druggie Mentality
6. Entitlement Mentality
7. Political Correctness

Pretty much in that order.
Those who judge others

Folks raised by real parents were taught to “judge” people at a very young age.
You were never told to choose your friends wisely? You do realize that meant that you should “judge” your potential friends...right?
As intellectual beings with the ability to reason we are designed to profile and “judge”’s what we do...all of us. You “judged” your spouse.
If you’re not “judging” people you probably have daddy issues and a very low standard for other very obvious reasons.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

The mainstream media is the one thing that IS the catalyst.
Proof? What is the objective of the MSM? To present NEWS that has readers to see advertising that pays their salaries.
But the objective has been corrupted by the true bias of the MSM especially the reporting of news that presents America,Americans, businesses as bad.
So instead of presenting fair and balanced news that is BAD, the MSM presents BAD news that is biased.
For example. I've used this dozens of times here.
The MSM presents the image of Trump as being "anti-immigrant". As a result all people that support Trump are "anti-immigrant". So the MSM presents the world that
Americans are "anti-immigrant".
And this is the bias in the MSM's presentation.
Trump married an immigrant. A legal immigrant.
90 + million Americans are either "legal" immigrants or have as I do "Legal" immigrants as relatives.
But the biased MSM leaving off the adjective "Illegal" with statements like the below examples they are BIASING the NEWS and consequently damaging America, Americans like me and the majority of Americans who ARE NOT "anti-immigrants".
67,800 headlines stating "Trump's anti-immigrant stance","...condemn Trump's anti-immigrant",.."Stamp Trump's Anti-immigrant"...

This biased reporting by the MSM is one of the MAJOR contributors to this recent study that less than 6% of the general public have confidence in the MSM!
Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, finds the American media's popularity way down with that of Washington politicians.
With 2,014 adults surveyed, only 6% expressed “a lot of confidence” in the press.
Only 6% Trust Media, But It Should Be Less | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

With this LACK of confidence, is it any wonder that the majority of Americans consider what the MSM publishes as not what Americans believe.
This is why these forums are so valuable in that instead of getting these biased headlines, those people that still have some open minds are able to get accurate points of view...
not biased by MSM's interest.

Screen Shot 2018-09-04 at 10.04.20 AM.png
Yeah, don't worry about animals or people, just lie about Democrats... Based on garbage propaganda.
This is exactly the point I was making...anyone not indoctrinated into PC thinking would have easily answered the question with "plastic straws", it could not be more obvious [not to mention saner] but PC prevents you from even allowing yourself to go there and instead all kinds of brainwashing defense mechanisms kick in that require lame attacks on the question/questioner in the hopes of moving away from the otherwise easy to answer question.
One rough one is maggot pajama boys being give a voice via the internet
1. My Social Security payment could be bigger.

2. Medicare should pay for all my medical expenses without the need for a supplement plan.

3. Weed should be legal everywhere and readily available.

The rest I could give a shit less about.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

Dumbfucks like you having a voice.
In the good ole days, you and yours were relegated to secret meetings in the woods.

Now they have media outlets.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

Dumbfucks like you having a voice.
In the good ole days, you and yours were relegated to secret meetings in the woods.

Now they have media outlets.

Jake, you just need to find your balls. Stop letting the truth cause you to piss your pants.
Yeah, don't worry about animals or people, just lie about Democrats... Based on garbage propaganda.
This is exactly the point I was making...anyone not indoctrinated into PC thinking would have easily answered the question with "plastic straws", it could not be more obvious [not to mention saner] but PC prevents you from even allowing yourself to go there and instead all kinds of brainwashing defense mechanisms kick in that require lame attacks on the question/questioner in the hopes of moving away from the otherwise easy to answer question.
Yes I know you are brainwashed and don't know anything factual about global warming and the incredible plastic pollution of the oceans, super duper.
Yeah, don't worry about animals or people, just lie about Democrats... Based on garbage propaganda.
This is exactly the point I was making...anyone not indoctrinated into PC thinking would have easily answered the question with "plastic straws", it could not be more obvious [not to mention saner] but PC prevents you from even allowing yourself to go there and instead all kinds of brainwashing defense mechanisms kick in that require lame attacks on the question/questioner in the hopes of moving away from the otherwise easy to answer question.
Yes I know you are brainwashed and don't know anything factual about global warming and the incredible plastic pollution of the oceans, super duper.
Or Hillary, the foundation, what Democrats want, or what's going on in the world at all, just BS hate phony scandal garbage propaganda... Only your pathetic media disagrees with all the respected media in the world and our our wonderful Justice system. That's what is the worst thing going on in the United States duh...
Yes I know you are brainwashed and don't know anything factual about global warming and the incredible plastic pollution of the oceans, super duper.
like I said, just ask any lefty if they would rather have plastic straws or hypodermic needles handed out for free and the answer will leave no doubt why PC is the greatest danger to America.
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Or Hillary, the foundation, what Democrats want, or what's going on in the world at all, just BS hate phony scandal garbage propaganda... Only your pathetic media disagrees with all the respected media in the world and our our wonderful Justice system. That's what is the worst thing going on in the United States duh...
are you having a seizure? should I call someone?
Or Hillary, the foundation, what Democrats want, or what's going on in the world at all, just BS hate phony scandal garbage propaganda... Only your pathetic media disagrees with all the respected media in the world and our our wonderful Justice system. That's what is the worst thing going on in the United States duh...
are you having a seizure? should I call someone?
Any actual argument, conspiracy Nut Job? Like all GOP voters now...
Yes I know you are brainwashed and don't know anything factual about global warming and the incredible plastic pollution of the oceans, super duper.
like I said, just ask any lefty if they would rather have plastic straws or hypodermic needles handed out for free and the answer will leave no doubt why PC is the greatest danger to America.
So what is the right answer to your ridiculous question, super duper? How many dead animals or addicts would be enough for you?

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