The single largest problem in the U.S.?

Liberals trying to blame the existence of business for the illegals. Cart way out in front of horse.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS


What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS



Sorry bud...third graders can connect the dots. No other ONE THING is directly tied to all the negative shit going on in this country right now. Sleep on’ll agree in the AM.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
The single largest problem in the U.S.?
Diversity/over population.

This combination is eventually going to lead to carnage on a scale the world has yet to witness. As technology moves forward, we as individuals have less need of large populations of low IQ labor to perform basic tasks. These tasks used to provide stable “careers” for millions. Now their services are becoming increasingly less necessary. Combine this with the corrupt politicians importing, and allowing even more unnecessary, and unwanted 3rd worlders into this country; and you have all the ingredients for a disaster.
The majority of these newcomers lack agency. Worse still is that for those who don’t, they lack the ability to make themselves useful. For the most part their presence simply isn’t required. Unless you happen to be a politician looking for votes. So many of the low IQ imports fall back on our welfare systems, and other social safety nets. And that’s where it will all come to a head.
It’s like the dumb guy with a bucket of fish, thinking it would be cute to feed a bear. He reaches in the bucket, throws the bear a fish; and is delighted to see the bear is responsive to this gesture. So he reaches into the bucket for another, and when he looks up; what do you know? Two bears! Wow! Now he throws two fish. Again, and again until, before he knows it; not only is he surrounded by bears whose appetite he has just whetted... He’s also now out of fish...
Things only get more exciting from there.
Partisan hacks who chose to lie, smear, distort, and manipulate to win elections, admvanve their agendas and attack their opposition. It stalls progress, wastes money, limits opportunity and divides America, which despite all your complaints is and has been doing pretty damn good.

That’s what politicians do...that’s what they’ve always would one gain votership if they didn’t “attack” the oppositions position on policy?
What would differentiate the candidates?
Some think they’re sly and “attack” discreetly with a soft tone and some “attack” aggressively with blatant intent. That’s just part of the deal...that’ll never change.
Look at you defending it! I’m not just talking about politicians, I’m also talking about constituents as well. You ask how to beat somebody without attacking them with lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division? That’s pretty easy, you beat them with better and smarter ideas. Attack ideas all you want but have an honest debate about it then shake hands and continue to work together as part of the same team. Businesses, sports teams, and organizations all over the world do it every day. It’s a shame our government can’t do better

“lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division”
Give us an example of this happening now?
Easy.... listen to anything Trump says... listen to anything Pelosi says... listen to anything Rush and Hannity say, listen to MSNBC for 10 minutes... it’s all right there

You’re one of those ‘middle men’...unsure of exactly where you stand, you’re always the voice of reason...just ask you. I’m thinking you believe that debate / argument and a difference of opinion equals lies, manipulation, hyperbole and division on the part of whoever doesn’t take your position on X matter. I bet I’m right....huh?
I’m pretty sure where I stand on most issues but I always have an open mind and seek to understand others opinions. Better understanding of opposing positions usually ends up strengthening your position one way or another.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
Rejection of God, Jesus and morality in general
Partisan hacks who chose to lie, smear, distort, and manipulate to win elections, admvanve their agendas and attack their opposition. It stalls progress, wastes money, limits opportunity and divides America, which despite all your complaints is and has been doing pretty damn good.

That’s what politicians do...that’s what they’ve always would one gain votership if they didn’t “attack” the oppositions position on policy?
What would differentiate the candidates?
Some think they’re sly and “attack” discreetly with a soft tone and some “attack” aggressively with blatant intent. That’s just part of the deal...that’ll never change.
I guess I can use your argument towards your OP point with Illegals so you can se how dumb it is...

people are always going to be seeking a better life and be attracted to a country with wealth and opportunities. They will always find ways to get here... Thats just part of the deal... that'll never change.

“people are always going to be seeking a better life and be attracted to a country with wealth and opportunities. They will always find ways to get here... Thats just part of the deal... that'll never change.”
How many wetbacks would we have here today if we had been aggressively defending our southern border for decades? What if we offered zero incentive to “seek a better life” in the U.S.?
Wow, interesting that with your issue there are a bunch of solutions that would help the problem but with mine it’s “awe shucks well that’s just how it is”

I think you’re confusing yourself bud....slow down and collect your thoughts.
Not confused just showing you how your response sounded. I share my thoughts per you OP and you reply with some BS saying that it’s just how it is and there’s nothing that can be done. When I apply that lazy argument to the issue you care about you’re full of ideas. Open your mind up a little bub, it will do you some good.
Good ideas...fuck the amnesty part. In this country we don’t reward criminals. That shit only happens in LibTardia
Only blind brainwashed racist dupes believe we can just throw out 11 million people who are important to our economy.

“Important to our economy”
The group is a net loss to Americans...are we in the business of losing these days?
Then we'll need a $15 minimum wage to get Americans to do those jobs LOL
You’d be shocked at the jobs people are willing to do, when the alternative is watching your children starve to death.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS



Sorry bud...third graders can connect the dots. No other ONE THING is directly tied to all the negative shit going on in this country right now. Sleep on’ll agree in the AM.

I got dots for you:


Illegal Mexicans did that to us?
That’s what politicians do...that’s what they’ve always would one gain votership if they didn’t “attack” the oppositions position on policy?
What would differentiate the candidates?
Some think they’re sly and “attack” discreetly with a soft tone and some “attack” aggressively with blatant intent. That’s just part of the deal...that’ll never change.
Look at you defending it! I’m not just talking about politicians, I’m also talking about constituents as well. You ask how to beat somebody without attacking them with lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division? That’s pretty easy, you beat them with better and smarter ideas. Attack ideas all you want but have an honest debate about it then shake hands and continue to work together as part of the same team. Businesses, sports teams, and organizations all over the world do it every day. It’s a shame our government can’t do better

“lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division”
Give us an example of this happening now?
Easy.... listen to anything Trump says... listen to anything Pelosi says... listen to anything Rush and Hannity say, listen to MSNBC for 10 minutes... it’s all right there

You’re one of those ‘middle men’...unsure of exactly where you stand, you’re always the voice of reason...just ask you. I’m thinking you believe that debate / argument and a difference of opinion equals lies, manipulation, hyperbole and division on the part of whoever doesn’t take your position on X matter. I bet I’m right....huh?
I’m pretty sure where I stand on most issues but I always have an open mind and seek to understand others opinions. Better understanding of opposing positions usually ends up strengthening your position one way or another.

That’s sounds great and looks good on paper...the truth is though; there are way too many twisted things going on in the warped minds of LefTards these days....Good, decent, sane people don’t want to understand that shit nor do they want to waste time trying to reason with the unreasonable.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS



Sorry bud...third graders can connect the dots. No other ONE THING is directly tied to all the negative shit going on in this country right now. Sleep on’ll agree in the AM.

I got dots for you:


Illegal Mexicans did that to us?
You bragging?
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

Radical, revolutionary, atheistic, Leftist ideology born from Enlightenment Era philosophers; as distilled and tinctured, and repackaged and tempered by Marx, Engels, Hegel, Moore and others; and, as applied to revolutionary radical Left governments by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others; and as re-modernized, re-adapted, made mainstream academicism and as disseminated by members of the Frankfurt School, French Postmodernist philosophers, and in America, injected into social sciences and humanities departments syllabi; embraced by radical feminism, identity politicians and judiciary, and as derived and adapted and politicized and applied to active American politics by Democrat politicians.

Revolutionary atheistic radical American Leftism is far more lethal than any conventional, biological, chemical or nuclear weapon in human history. For it appeals to the irresistible nature of the young mind to rebel against ancient and parental authority and tradition, and purports to offer the ultimate youthful escape out from under all symbols of tradition, authority, personal responsibility, moral truths, and even God. Revolutionary atheistic radical American Leftism promises the young mind it can know more; be more wiser than its parents and all other authority figures, and even offers anti-intellectual tools to refute fact, truth, history and reality. It is a self-justifying, self-aggrandizing ideological religion, which puts the desires and pleasures of self above all other things; foremost, the adherent's family, nation and God. And, if not stopped; if not crushed out of American politics, academia and culture, will destroy our great nation from within.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

Radical, revolutionary, atheistic, Leftist ideology born from Enlightenment Era philosophers; as distilled and tinctured, and repackaged and tempered by Marx, Engels, Hegel, Moore and others; and, as applied to revolutionary radical Left governments by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others; and as re-modernized, re-adapted, made mainstream academicism and as disseminated by members of the Frankfurt School, French Postmodernist philosophers, and in America, injected into social sciences and humanities departments syllabi; embraced by radical feminism, identity politicians and judiciary, and as derived and adapted and politicized and applied to active American politics by Democrat politicians.

Revolutionary atheistic radical American Leftism is far more lethal than any conventional, biological, chemical or nuclear weapon in human history. For it appeals to the irresistible nature of the young mind to rebel against ancient and parental authority and tradition, and purports to offer the ultimate youthful escape out from under all symbols of tradition, authority, personal responsibility, moral truths, and even God. Revolutionary atheistic radical American Leftism promises the young mind it can know more; be more wiser than its parents and all other authority figures, and even offers anti-intellectual tools to refute fact, truth, history and reality. It is a self-justifying, self-aggrandizing ideological religion, which puts the desires and pleasures of self above all other things; foremost, the adherent's family, nation and God. And, if not stopped; if not crushed out of American politics, academia and culture, will destroy our great nation from within.

Another awesome post...for the record, I copy and paste nearly everything you write. Thanks for taking the time.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

Radical leftists who have taken over the Dem party and the idiots who buy into their lies are the biggest problem with this country. They want illegal aliens for the votes. They are easy on criminals. They helped ruined healthcare and are trying to enact single payer, which would make it worse. They are the worst for tax payers. Pelosi just admitted that if Dems gain control, we can kiss our tax cuts goodbye. Dems are experts at dividing people into groups, then pitting the groups against each other. Divide and conquer. The left would celebrate if the economy crashed. They need to completely destroy us so they can have an easier time ushering in socialism.

The useful idiots are totally ignorant of how socialism has failed in every other country, including many that they once held up as shining examples of what they want the U.S. to be like.

Every single thing the Dems are doing now is aimed at destroying capitalist America and turning us into a socialist/communist hellhole with a one world government. They don't even lie anymore. I hope the entire party implodes. No wonder more people are becoming independents. People continue to exit the Dem party in droves.

What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

Radical, revolutionary, atheistic, Leftist ideology born from Enlightenment Era philosophers; as distilled and tinctured, and repackaged and tempered by Marx, Engels, Hegel, Moore and others; and, as applied to revolutionary radical Left governments by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others; and as re-modernized, re-adapted, made mainstream academicism and as disseminated by members of the Frankfurt School, French Postmodernist philosophers, and in America, injected into social sciences and humanities departments syllabi; embraced by radical feminism, identity politicians and judiciary, and as derived and adapted and politicized and applied to active American politics by Democrat politicians.

Revolutionary atheistic radical American Leftism is far more lethal than any conventional, biological, chemical or nuclear weapon in human history. For it appeals to the irresistible nature of the young mind to rebel against ancient and parental authority and tradition, and purports to offer the ultimate youthful escape out from under all symbols of tradition, authority, personal responsibility, moral truths, and even God. Revolutionary atheistic radical American Leftism promises the young mind it can know more; be more wiser than its parents and all other authority figures, and even offers anti-intellectual tools to refute fact, truth, history and reality. It is a self-justifying, self-aggrandizing ideological religion, which puts the desires and pleasures of self above all other things; foremost, the adherent's family, nation and God. And, if not stopped; if not crushed out of American politics, academia and culture, will destroy our great nation from within.
Indeed it certainly has taken on the the role of a religion for these dupes. A cult more specifically. They’ve replaced the church with the university, where they have the kids undivided attention, and are free of parental interference. Social media has replaced the cult compound. In this media they can form echo chambers that not only hammer home their ideals, they can also eliminate divergent thought. It also grants them one of the many “promises” their false ideology promises. Freedom of consequence. Here they can say anything, about anyone. With a catch... It has to be approved by group think, and met with approval by the group itself. Failure to adhere to this doctrine can lead to very serious “correction” by the peer group. The similarites between the two are nearly infinite, because the two are one, and the same.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

Radical, revolutionary, atheistic, Leftist ideology born from Enlightenment Era philosophers; as distilled and tinctured, and repackaged and tempered by Marx, Engels, Hegel, Moore and others; and, as applied to revolutionary radical Left governments by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others; and as re-modernized, re-adapted, made mainstream academicism and as disseminated by members of the Frankfurt School, French Postmodernist philosophers, and in America, injected into social sciences and humanities departments syllabi; embraced by radical feminism, identity politicians and judiciary, and as derived and adapted and politicized and applied to active American politics by Democrat politicians.

Revolutionary atheistic radical American Leftism is far more lethal than any conventional, biological, chemical or nuclear weapon in human history. For it appeals to the irresistible nature of the young mind to rebel against ancient and parental authority and tradition, and purports to offer the ultimate youthful escape out from under all symbols of tradition, authority, personal responsibility, moral truths, and even God. Revolutionary atheistic radical American Leftism promises the young mind it can know more; be more wiser than its parents and all other authority figures, and even offers anti-intellectual tools to refute fact, truth, history and reality. It is a self-justifying, self-aggrandizing ideological religion, which puts the desires and pleasures of self above all other things; foremost, the adherent's family, nation and God. And, if not stopped; if not crushed out of American politics, academia and culture, will destroy our great nation from within.
Indeed it certainly has taken on the the role of a religion for these dupes. A cult more specifically. They’ve replaced the church with the university, where they have the kids undivided attention, and are free of parental interference. Social media has replaced the cult compound. In this media they can form echo chambers that not only hammer home their ideals, they can also eliminate divergent thought. It also grants them one of the many “promises” their false ideology promises. Freedom of consequence. Here they can say anything, about anyone. With a catch... It has to be approved by group think, and met with approval by the group itself. Failure to adhere to this doctrine can lead to very serious “correction” by the peer group. The partakes between the two are nearly infinite, because the two are one, and the same.

Allow me humbly add a second "Winner" rating to your post and Clementine's. Thanks.
Look at you defending it! I’m not just talking about politicians, I’m also talking about constituents as well. You ask how to beat somebody without attacking them with lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division? That’s pretty easy, you beat them with better and smarter ideas. Attack ideas all you want but have an honest debate about it then shake hands and continue to work together as part of the same team. Businesses, sports teams, and organizations all over the world do it every day. It’s a shame our government can’t do better

“lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division”
Give us an example of this happening now?
Easy.... listen to anything Trump says... listen to anything Pelosi says... listen to anything Rush and Hannity say, listen to MSNBC for 10 minutes... it’s all right there

You’re one of those ‘middle men’...unsure of exactly where you stand, you’re always the voice of reason...just ask you. I’m thinking you believe that debate / argument and a difference of opinion equals lies, manipulation, hyperbole and division on the part of whoever doesn’t take your position on X matter. I bet I’m right....huh?
I’m pretty sure where I stand on most issues but I always have an open mind and seek to understand others opinions. Better understanding of opposing positions usually ends up strengthening your position one way or another.

That’s sounds great and looks good on paper...the truth is though; there are way too many twisted things going on in the warped minds of LefTards these days....Good, decent, sane people don’t want to understand that shit nor do they want to waste time trying to reason with the unreasonable.
Yeah look in the mirror man
That’s what politicians do...that’s what they’ve always would one gain votership if they didn’t “attack” the oppositions position on policy?
What would differentiate the candidates?
Some think they’re sly and “attack” discreetly with a soft tone and some “attack” aggressively with blatant intent. That’s just part of the deal...that’ll never change.
Look at you defending it! I’m not just talking about politicians, I’m also talking about constituents as well. You ask how to beat somebody without attacking them with lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division? That’s pretty easy, you beat them with better and smarter ideas. Attack ideas all you want but have an honest debate about it then shake hands and continue to work together as part of the same team. Businesses, sports teams, and organizations all over the world do it every day. It’s a shame our government can’t do better

“lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division”
Give us an example of this happening now?
Easy.... listen to anything Trump says... listen to anything Pelosi says... listen to anything Rush and Hannity say, listen to MSNBC for 10 minutes... it’s all right there

You’re one of those ‘middle men’...unsure of exactly where you stand, you’re always the voice of reason...just ask you. I’m thinking you believe that debate / argument and a difference of opinion equals lies, manipulation, hyperbole and division on the part of whoever doesn’t take your position on X matter. I bet I’m right....huh?
I’m pretty sure where I stand on most issues but I always have an open mind and seek to understand others opinions. Better understanding of opposing positions usually ends up strengthening your position one way or another.
Actually the crap is all on the GOP side... You name it. Like all the posts on this page.
Last edited:
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

Radical, revolutionary, atheistic, Leftist ideology born from Enlightenment Era philosophers; as distilled and tinctured, and repackaged and tempered by Marx, Engels, Hegel, Moore and others; and, as applied to revolutionary radical Left governments by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others; and as re-modernized, re-adapted, made mainstream academicism and as disseminated by members of the Frankfurt School, French Postmodernist philosophers, and in America, injected into social sciences and humanities departments syllabi; embraced by radical feminism, identity politicians and judiciary, and as derived and adapted and politicized and applied to active American politics by Democrat politicians.

Revolutionary atheistic radical American Leftism is far more lethal than any conventional, biological, chemical or nuclear weapon in human history. For it appeals to the irresistible nature of the young mind to rebel against ancient and parental authority and tradition, and purports to offer the ultimate youthful escape out from under all symbols of tradition, authority, personal responsibility, moral truths, and even God. Revolutionary atheistic radical American Leftism promises the young mind it can know more; be more wiser than its parents and all other authority figures, and even offers anti-intellectual tools to refute fact, truth, history and reality. It is a self-justifying, self-aggrandizing ideological religion, which puts the desires and pleasures of self above all other things; foremost, the adherent's family, nation and God. And, if not stopped; if not crushed out of American politics, academia and culture, will destroy our great nation from within.
Indeed it certainly has taken on the the role of a religion for these dupes. A cult more specifically. They’ve replaced the church with the university, where they have the kids undivided attention, and are free of parental interference. Social media has replaced the cult compound. In this media they can form echo chambers that not only hammer home their ideals, they can also eliminate divergent thought. It also grants them one of the many “promises” their false ideology promises. Freedom of consequence. Here they can say anything, about anyone. With a catch... It has to be approved by group think, and met with approval by the group itself. Failure to adhere to this doctrine can lead to very serious “correction” by the peer group. The similarites between the two are nearly infinite, because the two are one, and the same.
It's a conspiracy!! LOL

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