"The Slut Walk" - Where Women Try To Be Enticing and Repulsive At The Same Time

The more women show the less shocking it becomes, which in the end will make it harder and harder for men to become aroused.

My avi perfect example. It's hardly shocking anymore is it? But I bet it was when i first put it up.

But for women, we are so much more complex, sexually, that it takes a much wider assortment of random things to excite us, therefore, we will always have better sex.

It used to be easy to get an avie banned. Not anymore.
I know it is consensual if she willingly participates. Words are not necessary and permission is never asked. I know that she wants it when she touches my gentiles through my clothes, or starts to undo my clothes or if she takes off her clothes and becomes affectionate.. For me, those are green lights. Of course it is always possible that the light will change to yellow or red. Any decent driver obeys the signals.

One of my girlfriends used to sit on my lap and start to kiss me when she wanted it. Different girls give you different signals. Sometimes a certain look is the signal. Usually words are never used unless dirty talk is the signal.


//be back later

I get it this guy never asks.

Do any guys ask verbally? Do any women ask verbally? Or do girls and guys give each other non-verbal signals? What has your experience been?

Only once in my life has a woman taken off her clothes, spread her legs and said "F**K ME". Every other time, non verbal signals were used.
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//be back later

I get it this guy never asks.

Do any guys ask verbally? Do any women ask verbally? Or do girls and guys give each other non-verbal signals? What has your experience been?

Only once in my life has a woman taken off her clothes, spread her legs and said "F**K ME". Every other time, non verbal signals were used.

Yes, most people talk to each other before sex and indicate consent.
One more thing...rapes in 2010 were at their lowest levels in the U.S. since 1984.

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2010

IN fact, rapes have decreased overall by around 21% since 1990, and have been on a steadlily declining trend since 1991, in spite of the fact that the U.S. population has grown by 24% since the mid 1980s. So, in essence, proportionally speaking, rape is much more rare in 2012 than it was in 1984.

I think it's hard to make the argument that ANYONE is condoning that particular crime or downplaying it. Most police departments now have partnerships with local emergency rooms and rape crisis centers and have set up specialized units to investigate sex crimes. The investigation and prosecution of this crime is now more effective and professional (and sensitive to victims) than it's ever been.

That's a good thing...so, I'm not sure what the need is to pretend that women are being villified as sluts and blamed for being raped.

I don't believe that mentality is common anymore.
One more thing...rapes in 2010 were at their lowest levels in the U.S. since 1984.

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2010

IN fact, rapes have decreased overall by around 21% since 1990, and have been on a steadlily declining trend since 1991, in spite of the fact that the U.S. population has grown by 24% since the mid 1980s. So, in essence, proportionally speaking, rape is much more rare in 2012 than it was in 1984.

I think it's hard to make the argument that ANYONE is condoning that particular crime or downplaying it. Most police departments now have partnerships with local emergency rooms and rape crisis centers and have set up specialized units to investigate sex crimes. The investigation and prosecution of this crime is now more effective and professional (and sensitive to victims) than it's ever been.

That's a good thing...so, I'm not sure what the need is to pretend that women are being villified as sluts and blamed for being raped.

I don't believe that mentality is common anymore.

It is good that more rapists are in prison. Prison is the best deterrent. Reporting the crime and testifying in court helps to put criminals in prison. Keep it up.
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Sexual Assault Statistics

More 75% of college students who experience unwanted intercourse are under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the incident.

Sixty percent of college women who have acquired sexually transmitted diseases (including AIDS) were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse.

Between 15 and 30 percent of college women have been the victim of acquaintance rape at some point in their lives.

Two-thirds of rape victims between the ages of 18 and 29 know their attacker and over 60 percent of rapes occur in residences.

Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol
Sexual Assault Statistics

More 75% of college students who experience unwanted intercourse are under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the incident.

Sixty percent of college women who have acquired sexually transmitted diseases (including AIDS) were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse.

Between 15 and 30 percent of college women have been the victim of acquaintance rape at some point in their lives.

Two-thirds of rape victims between the ages of 18 and 29 know their attacker and over 60 percent of rapes occur in residences.

Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol

Skye, I am sorry to hear that college age women show such poor judgment. Perhaps classes about precautionary measures that women can take would help reduce unwanted sex, sexual assault and STDs on college campuses.
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Sexual Assault Statistics

More 75% of college students who experience unwanted intercourse are under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the incident.

Sixty percent of college women who have acquired sexually transmitted diseases (including AIDS) were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse.

Between 15 and 30 percent of college women have been the victim of acquaintance rape at some point in their lives.

Two-thirds of rape victims between the ages of 18 and 29 know their attacker and over 60 percent of rapes occur in residences.

Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol

Skye, I am sorry to hear that college age women show such poor judgment. Perhaps classes about precautionary measures that women can take would help reduce unwanted sex, sexual assault and STDs on college campuses.

College age men need as much rape prevention education as women do, or more.
Please explain what that means. I looked it up in the Urban Dictionary but there is no listing for "Jewish between their legs".

I just saw SOMEBODY talking about the touching of his gentiles. http://www.usmessageboard.com/5276711-post253.html

I still don't understand. What does "jewish between the legs" mean?

Do you know the difference between the Jews and the Gentiles?

Do you know the difference between Gentiles and genitals?
i suggest you read between his lines....

he flat says when a woman says no...she doesn't mean no.

What did I say, syrenn? Let me say it again, no means no.
You got in trouble with post #13.

Does yes mean no if she has been drinking? How many drinks?

Does a women ever say flat out yes?

Aren't most "yes" signals non verbal?

Decent men know the difference.

Only rapists take advantage of vulnerable women.
Sexual Assault Statistics

More 75% of college students who experience unwanted intercourse are under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the incident.

Sixty percent of college women who have acquired sexually transmitted diseases (including AIDS) were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse.

Between 15 and 30 percent of college women have been the victim of acquaintance rape at some point in their lives.

Two-thirds of rape victims between the ages of 18 and 29 know their attacker and over 60 percent of rapes occur in residences.

Date Rape Drugs and Alcohol

Skye, I am sorry to hear that college age women show such poor judgment. Perhaps classes about precautionary measures that women can take would help reduce unwanted sex, sexual assault and STDs on college campuses.

College age men need as much rape prevention education as women do, or more.

That comment does not make sense. College men have a very slight risk of being raped. According to your comment, it is the women who are at risk, thus the women need to exercise precautions.
Skye, I am sorry to hear that college age women show such poor judgment. Perhaps classes about precautionary measures that women can take would help reduce unwanted sex, sexual assault and STDs on college campuses.

College age men need as much rape prevention education as women do, or more.

That comment does not make sense. College men have a very slight risk of being raped. According to your comment, it is the women who are at risk, thus the women need to exercise precautions.

College age men are at high risk of being date rapists. Especially, if they're in your lineage. •57% of rapes happen on dates •55% of gang rapes on college campuses are committed by fraternities, 40% by sports teams, and 5% by others.

•First-year students in college tend to believe more rape myths than seniors. •8% of men admit committing acts that meet the legal definition of rape or attempted rape. Of these men who committed rape, 84% said that what they did was definitely not rape.

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